The Students’ Perception on the Implication of Using Songs in Listening

54 English they absorb from the listening material. Through listening to the songs, the students obtained many advantages such as, their listening skill improved, they knew new vocabularies, their pronunciation increased, they did not feel bored or sleepy in the class, the students learn English enthusiastically and also the lesson became enjoyable and easier to learn. Although there were disadvantages, it was less than the advantages that they obtained. The students also suggested that there were many activities that could be added in learning using songs. The students’ suggestions were very beneficial to improve and to optimize the use of songs in listening class. 55


This chapter presents the conclusions which summarize the major findings discussed in the previous chapter and the researcher’s suggestions for the English teachers, students, and for the future researchers.

A. Conclusions

The objectives of this study were to find out students’ perception on the use of songs in listening class and to identify the advantages and disadvantages of using songs in listening class. Based on the discussion presented in the fourth chapter, the researcher would like to draw the following conclusions.

1. Students’ Perception on the Use of Songs in Listening Class

Based on the data gathered from the observation, questionnaire and interview, it could be concluded that the eighth grade students of SMP Pangudi Luhur 1 Kalibawang had positive perception toward the use of songs in listening class. Most of the students showed their positive behavior in the learning process which indicated that they were enthusiastic to learn English using songs. They liked listening classes using songs because listening through songs is easier to learn. They said that listening is quite easy because of the used of songs in the listening activity so it was easier for the students in learning it. As the result, the students did not get difficulty to master the listening skill. Listening through song also could arouse their motivation in learning English. The students’ became enthusiastic to pay more attention in the learning process and they also actively