The Result of Closed-Ended Questions

40 In addition, most of the students also did the given assignment seriously. As shown in the table 4.3, thirty five students or 64.81 and fourteen students or 25.92 responded it positively. Meanwhile, the rest of them or 9.26 students did not do it seriously. In the eighth statement, more than half of the students 55.55 did agree and 40.74 strongly agreed that they were asking to the teacher or friend whenever they found difficulties in learning English while 3.70 students disagreed about that. Most of the students were motivated to learn English using songs. It was proved by the data gathered from the questionnaires, as shown in table 4.3. Thirty three 61.11 out of fifty four students agreed that songs could motivate them to learn English. In addition, seventeen students 31.48 also strongly agreed about it. There were three students 5.55 disagree and one students 1.85 strongly disagree that songs could motivate them to learn English. More than half of the students were enthusiastic to learn English using songs in the next meeting. It could be seen that there were 61.11 students did agree and 33.33 students strongly agreed about that. Meanwhile, the rest of the students or 5.55 were not enthusiastic to learn English using songs in the next meeting. 3 The Students’ Perception on the Effect of Using Songs in Listening Class This part consists of five items. The purpose of this part is to find out the students’ perception on the effect of using songs in listening class. The following table shows the percentage result of this part. 41 Table 4.4 Percentage Result of Part C No . Statement SA A D SD Percentage 11. Saya memahami kosakata berbahasa Inggris lebih baik melalui lagu. I understand the vocabulary better through songs. 27.76 55.55 14.81 1.85 12. Kosakata saya bertambah. My vocabulary increased. 25.92 59.26 9.26 5.55 13. Saya dapat mengingat kata-kata berbahasa Inggris lebih baik melalui lagu. I could remember the vocabulary better through songs. 25.92 62.96 9.26 1.85 14. Saya dapat melafalkan kata-kata berbahasa Inggris dengan benar melalui lagu. I could pronounce English words correctly through songs. 24.07 57.41 18.52 15. Belajar listening lebih mudah dengan menggunakan lagu. Listening is easier through songs. 35.18 57.41 7.41 Most of the students had positive perception on the effect of using songs in listening class. Harmer 2001: 242 concludes that songs can change the atmosphere in classroom or prepare students for a new a new activity. Songs can also entertain and it can make a connection between the world of leisure and the world of learning. Thirty students 55.55 did agree and fifteen students 27.76 strongly agreed that they could understand the vocabulary better through songs. Meanwhile, eight students 14.81 disagreed and one student 1.85 strongly disagreed. 42 More than half of the participants agreed that their vocabulary increased after learning English through songs. It was proved by the data gathered in the questionnaire, as shown in the table 4.4. Thirty two out of fifty four students did agree that their vocabulary increased after learning English through songs. In addition, fourteen students or 25.92 were strongly agree about it. The rest of the students, five students 9.26 disagreed and three students 5.55 strongly disagreed that their vocabulary were increased. The students’ responses to the thirteenth statement that said, “I could remember the vocabulary better through songs” were positive. There were 25.92 who chose strongly agree, 62.96 students who chose agree, 9.26 students who chose disagree and 1.85 students who chose strongly disagree. From the percentages, it could be conclude that learning through songs made the students to remember the vocabulary better. In the fourteenth statement, the students’ also gave positive response. There were 57.41 students agreed and 24.07 students strongly agreed that they could pronounce English words correctly through songs. On the contrary, 18.52 students disagreed about it. Most of the students agreed that listening is easier through songs. From the percentages, it could be seen that 57.41 students agreed and 35.18 students strongly agreed that listening is easier through songs. Meanwhile, four students or 7.41 disagreed. 43

b. The Result of Open-Ended Questions

Another finding was drawn by the researcher from the open-ended questions. There were five questions in the open-ended questions part. The open- ended questions were made to obtain further information on the students’ perception on the use of songs in listening class. Furthermore, the open-ended questions were used to find the advantages and disadvantages of using songs in listening class. Based on the data obtained from the first questions, it can be concluded that majority of the students 92.59 like to learn English through songs. There were six reasons why the students liked to learn English through songs. The reasons were learning through songs could make them happy and enthusiastic to follow the learning activity 27.76, songs could also make the class more fun and cheerful 18.52. The other reasons were, the students would not get bored or sleepy when they listened to songs 18.52 therefore learning through songs could be a variation in class 5.55. Moreover, songs were understandable material as a result the students felt that learning through songs were easy 7.41. Most of the students 90,74 said that listening was the skill that was mostly improved by the songs. Another skill that was improved by songs was speaking. Meanwhile, writing and reading skills were inferred as the skills that were less improved by the songs. Based on the data obtained from the fourth questions, it can be seen that the students got five advantages from learning through songs. In addition to 44 sharpen the listening skills, listening through songs allowed students to get many new vocabularies furthermore the students knew how to pronounce some words correctly. Songs also could evoke students’ enthusiasm and motivated them to learn English. Moreover, the students felt that learning through songs was fun activity so they could follow the learning process easily and enthusiastically. Another advantage from learning through songs was that songs would never make the students get bored in learning. It was like what have been said by Orlova 2009 that while listening to a song, students begin to recognize the words and notice the pronunciation of native speakers. English songs also give relaxing atmosphere and motivating effect. On the other hand, the students felt that there were also two disadvantages of learning English through songs. The disadvantages were the lyrics of the song sometimes are unclear to be heard so the students felt difficult to understand it. The lyric were unclear because the volume was too low and the singer’s pronunciation were unclear too so the students could not hear the words. Furthermore, learning through songs could make the class noisy because some students were singing while listening. As the result many of them felt disturbed and they could not concentrate to listen to the songs.

3. Data Presentation of the Interview

From the result of the observation and the questionnaire above, it was said that students’ perception on the use of songs in listening class was positive. In order to obtain further information and to confirm the result from the previous instruments, the researcher conducted interview to nine students. The interview 45 was conducted on November 12 th , 2012. There were 13 questions which were used in the interview. The questions included three parts; they were students’ perception on motivation in learning English using songs, students’ perception on the use of songs in listening activity, and the students’ perception on the implication of using songs in listening class.

a. The Students’ Perception on Motivation in Learning English Using

Songs The first question was asked to gather the students’ opinion about listening class. From the response, it was proved that eight out of nine students liked the listening class. The students liked listening class because of many reasons. The two of them shared, Suka, karena kalo listening dengan musik itu dapat membantu saya agar lebih mudah dalam belajar. Interview, Student 3 I like it because listen to music could help me to learn easily. Interview, Student 3 Suka, sambil belajar dapat mendengarkan lagu pada waktu yang sama. Interview, Student 7 I like it because I can learn and listen to the songs at the same time. Interview, Student 7 From the interview, most of the students stated that listening skill is not difficult to be mastered. They said that listening is quite easy because of the used of songs in the listening activity so it was easier for the students in learning it. Gak susah, kalo gak pake lagu ya lumayan susah. Interview, Student 9 It is not difficult. It becomes difficult if the listening activity doesn’t use songs. Interview, Student 9 46 However some students said that listening is quite difficult to be mastered because listening is complex activity. Listening is not only activity that listens to something but also require more attention in order to get the meaning, like Nunan 2003:23 has described that listening is not only receptive skill. It also requires a person to receive and understand incoming information. Lumayan sulit, mungkin karena harus mengingat kata-katanya, jadi belajar mengingat juga. Interview, student 5 It is quite difficult because I have to remember the words so I also learn about it too. Interview, student 5 The students were more enthusiastic in learning English, when they were taught using songs. Listening to songs could make the students paid more attention to the learning activity. Iya, mungkin karena pake lagu trus jadi tertarik buat memperhatikan. Interview, Student 8 Yes, it was because of the songs so I interested to paid attention on it. Interview, Student 8 Even though the students became enthusiastic and paid attention to the lesson, a few of them were not active in answering teacher’s questions. Most of them were afraid to make mistake and they were not confident in answering the questions. Kurang aktif, karena kadang takut salah trus gak pede ngomongnya. Interview, Student 4 I’m not really active because sometimes I’m afraid to answer and I’m not confident to speak. Interview, Student 4 47 However, most of the students were active in answering teacher’s questions. Ya, sering menjawab, karena jadi semangat aja gitu buat jawabnya. Interview, Student 1 Yes, I often answer it. It is because I become enthusiastic to answer. Interview, Student 1 It can be concluded that, listening to songs not only make the students paid more attention to the lesson but also arouse the students’ enthusiasm to participate actively in listening activity. Gardner and Lambert 1972 state that motivation is very important because it can influence learners’ attitude toward the learning. If learners have positive attitudes, it means that they have high motivation in learning. From their answers above, it could be seen that the students had positive response. They liked listening class using songs because listening through songs is easy to learn. As a result, the students did not get difficulty to master the listening skill. Listening through song also could arouse their motivation in learning English. The students’ become enthusiastic to pay more attention in the learning process and they also actively involved in answering teacher’s questions.

b. Students’ Perception on the Use of Songs in Listening Activity

From the interview, all of the students stated that listening activity using songs made them enthusiastic to learn English. There were various reasons which already stated by them. For the example, Ya, soalnya gak bikin bosen, trus bisa buat variasi juga. Interview, Student 6