Questionnaire Instruments and Data Gathering Technique

28 responsible with their answers. It took about 15-25 minutes for the students to fill in the questionnaire. The last step was interview. The researcher chose and interviewed nine students after got the questionnaire result. The researcher chose three students who had high scores, three students who had average scores, and three students who had low scores. Through the score difference, the researcher wanted to know the exact perception from them. The interview gathered information about both; the students’ perception and advantages or disadvantages on the use of songs in listening class. The researcher interviewed the students individually in Indonesian and in informal situation, like when they had a conversation with their friends so they felt comfortable in answering the questions. Each of the interviews took about 8-15 minutes.

E. Data Analysis Technique

First, the researcher analyzed the observation result. The observation was related to students’ behavior before listening, during listening, and after listening. If they had good or positive perception, they were highly motivated in learning. As a result, the students with positive perception will follow the learning process enthusiastically. On the other hand, if their perception was negative, they will fail in learning process. The observation helped the researcher to analyze students’ behavior toward the use of songs in listening class In the second step, the researcher analyzed the questionnaire. The researcher used Likert Scale in order to measure students’ perception. The range 29 of the response was from strongly disagree to strongly agree. The scoring indicates their degree of agreement and it can be classified as follows: 1 means strongly disagree, 2 means disagree, 3 means agree, and 4 means strongly agree. The researcher counted the scores of the questionnaire. The score could reflect the students’ perception Faisal, 1981:48. a. The scores 46-60 were categorized as ‘very positive’ perception. b. The scores 31-45 were categorized as ‘positive’ perception. c. The scores 16-30 were categorized as ‘negative’ perception. d. The scores 15 were categorized as ‘very negative’ perception. This categorization was only used to score the questionnaire. Based on the scoring result, the researcher chose nine students who had high scores, average scores and low scores to be interviewed. Third, the researcher analyzed the interview results. The result added the answer of the questionnaire. The information could support the data from the previous instruments. The researcher made summary and drew conclusion based on the data from the all of the instruments. The result was expected to give clear image of how students draw perception towards the use of songs in listening class. Moreover, the advantages and disadvantages of using songs could be revealed.

F. Research Procedure

There were some steps used in the research. First, the researcher selected the problems to be solved. After the problems found, the participants of the research were chosen. Next, the researcher asked permission letter from the 30 secretary of English Language Education Study Program of Sanata Dharma University to do the research. Then, the permission letter was given to the secretariat of SMP Pangudi Luhur 1 Kalibawang to conduct a research in the school. Afterwards, the researcher met the English teacher to arrange the appropriate schedule to conduct the research. Then, the researcher conducted the observation. After the observation, the questionnaires were distributed to the students. Next, the questionnaires were analyzed in order to choose the students who would be interviewed. The researcher then interviewed the chosen students to obtain more information. After the data from the observation, questionnaire, and interview were gathered, the researcher analyzed them all. The next step was interpreting the data and making conclusion based on the interpretation. The last step was reporting the result of the research.