Diagram Konteks DFD Perancangan Dan Pembangunan Sistem One Card Payment Dan Absen Elektronik Pada Satu Sistem Terintregrasi Menggunakan Teknologi Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Di SMKN 6 Garut

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Jurnal Ilmiah Komputer dan Informatika KOMPUTA 45 Edisi. .. Volume. .., Bulan 20.. ISSN : 2089-9033 DEVELOPMENT OF ONE CARD PAYMENT AND ELECTRIC ATTENDANCE ID ON ONE INTREGATION SYSTEM USING RFID TECHNOLOGY IN SMKN 6 GARUT Muhammad Reza Fahlevi 1 1 Teknik Informatika – Universitas Komputer Indonesia Jl. Dipatiukur 112-114 Bandung E-mail : mrplvicloud.com ABSTRACT Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan SMK Negeri 6 Garut is one of vocational school are located in between Garut and Bandung, West Java. Known as good quality school with A rated accreditation, has good facility. Many students applied to this school years by years and better services are required. Three problems has been found, first is Administrator finding hard to write and check every student payment due to many students about 919 students must be served one a time; Second problem is long queue likely to happened every month , because there are only one both opened to pay monthly payment; Third problem is there are still some student who cheated on their absence. A New system has been made to solve those three problems, with this system administrator can easier and faster to write and check all student payment, to make a less queue and to help teachers controlled and monitored every student attendant in class. Based on beta test, this new system is succeed to handle and solved all encountered problem. It can reduce queue, make student payment process easier and faster and help teacher to minimalize cheating process on student attendant. Key word : RFID student attendant, RFID monthly student payment.. . 1. INTRO Education is one manifestation of human culture to grow and follow the dynamics of the changing times. This needs to be done in a continuous and systematic as to adjust to the needs and development of science and technology and to meet the challenges of the future. The speed of change and the advancement of science and technology Science and Technology, which continues to be applied according to the development of the industry into the world of HR Human Resources are adaptive, resulting in the participation and guidance of the industry towards greater Vocational Secondary Education. A paradigm shift in society that education is to educate children according to age, according to the needs and meaningful. Seeing this reality, it is precisely in the Village Cijolang, District Limbangan, cross-provincial road Bandung - Tasikmalaya established a Vocational school named Vocational High School SMK Negeri 6 Garut. Increasing number of students who apply to this school, then the school does quality and quality should be improved. In the current system used by SMKN 6 Garut in the record and manage the students who do the manual way and there is no special application to record and manage all the data related to the payment of monthly school fees. Based on a brief interview with Endin Jumardin as employee administration, it can be concluded that the administrators have difficulty to log the students will perform a monthly fee because there is only one counter open and must serve all students who will make the payment. Not only the administration, researchers also conducted a short interview the student representative named Santika Dewi. The results of the interviews showed that the students had to queue length each month when making monthly payments. Arman A. Rusmana, S. Pd as vice principal of student section added there are also students who commit fraud when the attendance. The attendance at this school is still done by hand. Loss of archives and destruction of records or documents absenteeism was unavoidable due to human error. Then the application of Radio Frequency Identification RFID in SMKN 6 Garut in as appropriate solutions for a variety of weaknesses in the financial management of monthly dues and attendance this process. RFID stands for Radio Frequency Identification, RFID term used to describe the various technologies that use radio waves to automatically identify a person or an object [1] . RFID technology provides several significant advantages such as allowing users to perform self-service self service [2] , the time efficiency [2] [3] [4] and minimize queue [2] [5] .