7.4. Gatib marriage

The Gatib marriage is the most important thing in all of ceremony. This ceremony is presented in the girl’s house or in maybe in the mosque. There are equipments for presented the ceremony are: - Bu leukat glutinous rice - Tumpou - Ija peut hah - Seudeqah Ija peut hah and sedeqah are give to Teungku Meungaji lord master. In this ceremony is handled by Teungku lord master. The parent and family from the girl side and Geuchik gampong headman present in this ceremony. This ceremony usually presenting at date 2,6,12,16 or 22 day of Islamic month, it’s mean a good fortune. The young man who will be marriage come to the girl village who will his marry. He comes to that girl village with Geuchik headman, Teungku meunasah lord master. They bring some handcrafts, there are one basket of banana, coconut sugar and some snacks and one of cerana was contained with gold and money of dowry and wrapped by silk cloth. Ceremony of marriage is does by Qadli of marriage. Before does the ceremony of marriage, Qadli was got authority from the girl’s father. He accompanied by two witness. Universitas Sumatera Utara Before do the Ijab Qabul, Geuchik headman of the young man side, give the dowry to Geuchik from the girl side. And then Geuchik of the girl side, show the dowry to Teungku Meunasah lord master and two witness to justify that amount and weight of the dowry suitable with promised of engagement. And then the young man is pleased to sit cross-legged in the front of Qadli. The Qadli hold the young man’s hand, Qadli praying and pronounce Ijab Qabul according to Islamic law. The young man answered the Ijab Qabul which was pronounced by Qadli. If he cannot answered or not clearly answered the Ijab Qabul he should be repeat more and more until he can answered the Ijab Qabul clearly. In Aceh society, the young man and the girl just married are called linto baro bridegroom and dara baro bride. Although they was married, they not meet after they do the resam custom or in modern way is called as wedding ceremony. So, after Gatib marriage ceremony was done, the bridegroom and his group are going back to their home. And the bridegroom and the bride will meet again in wedding ceremony, they not yet to living together until wedding ceremony done.

7.5. Ranub Gaca betel of nail polish