7.1. Cah Ret introduction

If parent wants to find a girl for their son’s soulmate, they will discussing about the girl who become to their daughter in law. The candidate for become their daughter in law is selecting in their village or maybe from their family. After they selected the girl for their son, then they will tell their son about this. And if their son was agreed with the girl who was selected, they begin to do the propose. The first event which will be practicing is cah ret or cah rot. Who come to propose the girl is mother of the young man and accompanied by two another women. They come by informal way to the girl’s house. Maybe they come to see someone who is sick in the girl’s house or maybe in the girl’s house have garden of fruits, so they pretend comes to search some fruits. When mother of the young man entered to the girl’s home page, note how the state of the girl at that time. If at that chance she was found being brought the water from the wells or river, it is a good sign and try to get the girl until she want to married with the young man. But in other wise, if the girl was found sweeping up through to home page or being cursed, even though cursed the chicken it is a bad sign. After arrived in the house, mother of the young man is greeted by mother of the girl, and they talking each other inside the house. At that time the girl usually prepare and present the drink for the mother of the young man. After present drink for the guest, the girl back to the kitchen, and then mother of the young man ask mother Universitas Sumatera Utara of the girl : “ O ka rayeuk aneuk geutannyoe” oh, our girl was grow up, “peuna ureung keureuleng-keulreuleng ka? have anyone came to see her?. After discussing another thing, mother of the young man got description about the girl. A few days later, mother of the young man come back to the girl’s house with informal way and without bring anything. She discussions about the girl with mother of the girl. In this discussion, mother of the young man inserted the words : adak meu-ek jeut bungong lam rumoh nyo bah keu ulon tuan, bek jipot le gob laen may I propose your daughter, before someone else do that too. The meaning of that words are that the mother of the young man will come with her family to propose the girl.

7.2. Meminang meulakee by Seulangkee propose