The Analisys Of Gerund In L.J Smith’s The Vampire Diaries







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I am, MADIA PUTRI, declare that I am the sole author of this paper. Except where the reference is made in the text of this paper, this contains no material Published else where or extracted in whole or in part from a paper by which I have qualified for or awarded another degree.

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The tittle of this paper is “THE ANALYSIS OF GERUND IN L.J SMITH’S THE VAMPIRE DIARIES”. Based on the analysis, it is found the pattern of gerund, namely verb + ing, certain verb + gerund, preposition + gerund, verb + preposition + gerund, and also the function of gerund namely, as subject of sentences, as object of sentences, as gerund after preposition and as gerund after certain verb. The most dominant gerund is after preposition (29 times) which is equal to 56,9%, followed by gerund as object (6 times ) which is equal to 11,8%, followed by gerund as subject (5 times) which is equal to 9,8 %, followed by gerund after verb and preposition (5 times ) which is equal to 9,8%.



Kertas karya ini berjudul “THE ANALYSIS OF GERUNDS IN L.J SMITH’S THE VAMPIRE DIARIES”. Dari pembahasan ditemukan pola gerund yaitu verb + ing, certain verb + gerund, preposition + gerund, verb + preposition + gerund, dan juga ditemukan fungsi gerund yaitu, gerund sebagai subjek, gerund sebagai objek, gerund setelah preposisi, dan gerund setelah kata kerja tertentu. Gerund yang paling dominan adalah gerund setelah preposisi (29 kali) dengan 56,9%, lalu gerund sebagai objek (6 kali) dengan 11,8%, lalu gerund setelah kata kerja tertentu (6 kali) dengan 11,8%, lalu gerund sebagai subjek (5 kali) dengan 9,8%. Kemudian gerund setelah kata kerja dan preposisi (5 kali) dengan 9,8%.



First of all, the writer I would like to thank to Almighty God who blessing and guidance in writing this paper until the end. Although there are some problems in writing this paper, but He is always besides to help me. This paper is written to fulfill one of the requirements order to achieve the degree of Diploma III at Faculty of Culture Studies, University of Sumatera Utara.

I wish to deliver me deepest gratefulness to especially :

1) Drs. Umar Mono, M. Hum as my supervisor, for his great patience, advise, guidance, support, encouragement, and valuable time in completing the incorrect the paper.

2) As reader, for his grate patience to read and correct this paper.

3) Dr. Matiuz C. A Sembiring M.A as my Academc Consultant, also Head of English Diploma Study Program, for his great advise.

4) Dr. Syahron Lubis, M.A as the Dean of Faculty of Culture Studies, University of Sumatera Utara. To all of the lecturers at Faculty of Culture Studies that I can not mention one by one, all of you have part in finishing this paper.

5) The best gratitude and deepest appreciations to my beloved parents, Tito Suprapto and Yusrita Matondang for their advise, material support, time, and attention to accomplish my education, and also to my beloved sister : Vania Sahfitri, Vina Yulanda, Bella Ananda, thank you for the attention.


6) I would like to thank my bestfriend Nurul Raudhah, Melisa Putri, Juliana, Maya Hani Ismed, Hotriana and my friends in English Diploma III of 2009 class A and B

7) I would like to thank my beloved person Fadly Gunawan in my life, thanks for the support in finishing this paper, for the patience, time, advise, and togetherness.

I recognize that there are still some mistakes in accomplishing this paper due to my limited knowledge and horizon of English. Therefore, I wish to accept all the criticism and suggestion to impove and complete this paper.

Finally, I wish this paper be useful to all of the readers and all people who read this paper.

Medan, July 2012 The writer





ABSTRACT ... iii

ABSTRAK ... iv



1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of Study ... 1

1.2 Scope of the Study ... 2

1.3 Problem of the Study ... 2

1.4 Purpose of the Study ... 2

1.5 Significance of the Study ... 3

1.6 The Method of research ... 3

2. REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE 2.1 Definition of Gerund ... 4

2.2 Form of Gerunds ... 5

2.2.1 The Simple Gerund ... 5

2.2.2 The Gerund Phrase ... 11

2.3 Patterns of Gerund ... 12

2.4 The Function of Gerund ... 14

3. ANALYSIS 3.1 The Patterns of Gerund ... 18

3.2.1 The Function of Gerund ... 19

3.3 The Most Dominant Gerund ... 22

4. CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION 4.1 Conclusion ... 24

4.2 Suggestion ... 24




The tittle of this paper is “THE ANALYSIS OF GERUND IN L.J SMITH’S THE VAMPIRE DIARIES”. Based on the analysis, it is found the pattern of gerund, namely verb + ing, certain verb + gerund, preposition + gerund, verb + preposition + gerund, and also the function of gerund namely, as subject of sentences, as object of sentences, as gerund after preposition and as gerund after certain verb. The most dominant gerund is after preposition (29 times) which is equal to 56,9%, followed by gerund as object (6 times ) which is equal to 11,8%, followed by gerund as subject (5 times) which is equal to 9,8 %, followed by gerund after verb and preposition (5 times ) which is equal to 9,8%.



Kertas karya ini berjudul “THE ANALYSIS OF GERUNDS IN L.J SMITH’S THE VAMPIRE DIARIES”. Dari pembahasan ditemukan pola gerund yaitu verb + ing, certain verb + gerund, preposition + gerund, verb + preposition + gerund, dan juga ditemukan fungsi gerund yaitu, gerund sebagai subjek, gerund sebagai objek, gerund setelah preposisi, dan gerund setelah kata kerja tertentu. Gerund yang paling dominan adalah gerund setelah preposisi (29 kali) dengan 56,9%, lalu gerund sebagai objek (6 kali) dengan 11,8%, lalu gerund setelah kata kerja tertentu (6 kali) dengan 11,8%, lalu gerund sebagai subjek (5 kali) dengan 9,8%. Kemudian gerund setelah kata kerja dan preposisi (5 kali) dengan 9,8%.


1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the Study

Siahaan (2008) says, “Languange is a unique human inheritance that plays the very important role in human’s life, such as in thinking, communicating ideas, and negotiating with the others.” It constitutes a set of principles into which its usage its native speakers are subject. The language show similarities in their principles. The similarities refer to the set of the rules that every language possesses, while the differences deals with the deviation of every language in its rules in its chronological development that is influenced by the different regions, times, cultures, religions, politics, etc. The similarities of the language can be identified structurally in the level of their linguistic aspects, such as in the phonemes, morphemes, phrases, clauses, and sentences.

Stork (1982:9) says, “Language, however, is not a natural phenomenon; it is a creation of man’s social needs. Like all other living creatures we depend on the air, water and earth around us, and in the same way society depends upon language for its very existence.” Huddleston (2000:1) says, “The term ‘grammar’ is used in a number of different senses-the grammar of a language may be understood to be a full description of the form and meaning of the sentences of the language or else it may cover oly certain, variously delimited, parts of such a description.”

There are many languages in the world. One of them is English, as International language. English has a complicated structure or grammar. Grammar describe the kinds of words in a language and the ways the word are fitted


together into meaningful groups. In other, grammar is description of language. However, there are so many parts of grammar. One of them is gerund.

A Gerund is the form of a verb when it acts as a noun ; a Gerund (often known as an-ing word) is a noun formed from a verb by adding-ing. Gerund is also find in written. For example letter, poem, novel, magazine, newspaper, etc. The writer’s object is the gerund on novel, the vampire diaries. In this paper will be analyzed what the meaning of gerund, the patterns of gerund ad the function of gerund in the vampire diaries.

This paper discusses gerund in the Vampire Diaries because gerund is one of the grammatical cases. Which is difficult to study. Besides, in the novel there are many gerund used.

1.2 Problem of the Study

The problem of the study are formulated as follows : 1) How are the patterns of gerund in the Vampire Diaries ? 2) What are the function of gerund in the Vampire Diaries ?

3) Which patterns are the most dominant gerund used in the Vampire Diaries ? 1.3 Scope of the Study

The scope of study is the most dominant patterns, that is the patterns of gerund and function of gerund in the Vampire Diaries.

1.4 Purpose of the Study

1) to find out the patterns of gerund in the Vampire Diaries. 2) to find out the function of gerund in the Vampire Diaries.


1.5 Signification of the Study 1) to enrich knowledge about gerunds

2) to be used as refrences for the readers or students who are interested in analyzing of gerunds.

1.6 The Method of Study

In writing this paper, the library method of research is used. As the sources of data, the writer takes from the novel. Finally, the writer combines and tabulates the gerund based on their patterns in order to find out which patterns is used the most often in that novel.


2. REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE 2.1 Definition of Gerund

Harper (2006:234) states that a gerund is identical in form to the present participle (ending in –ing) and can behave as a verb within a clause (so that it may be modified by an adverb or have an object), but the clause as a whole (sometimes consisting of only one word, the gerund itself), acts as a noun within the larger sentences.

Martin (1986:502) states that gerund is that form of the verb which ends in-ing, and has the force of a noun and a verb, gerund has the same form as the present participle. However, it functions differently in the sentences, it is always can function in any noun position.

Example :

Playing football is my hobby.

Within the clause “Playing football”. The word “Playing” behaves as a ver; in particular the phrase “football” is the object that verb. But the whole clause “playing football” acts as a noun phrase within the sentences as a whole; it is the subject of the verb “is”. Gerund is a noun derived from the ver + ing. When observed, gerund has the same from with the present participle. When we use a verb in –ing form more like a verb or an adjective, it is usually present participle.


2.2 Forms of Gerund 2.2.1 The simple gerund 1) Subject of verb

The subject in gerund sentence usually located in the beginning of the sentences. Gerund is used as the subject of a sentences on its basis have the following characteristic:

1) Verb + ing

2) In front of the predicate 3) The subject of the sentences

4) It has the meaning of an object that is the subject of the sentences Example:

a) Running in the morning is good for health. b) Swimming is a good and cheap sport. c) Playing golf is an expensive sport.

d) Collecting stamps is one of my little sister’s hobbies. e) Smoking cigar is not good for health.

5) Object of verb

The gerund can be the object of a verb. The form of an object in a gerund phrase may depend on what precedes the gerund. Gerund is used as the object of a sentences has the following characteristics :


1) It is behind a predicate.

2) It functions as an object that describes the predicate of sentences. 3) It has the meaning of anoun which is the object of the sentences. Example:

a) My father likes hunting in the forest. b) My mother dislike keeping pet animals. c) We enjoy living in this city very much. d) My elder sister loves playing guitar.

Certain verbs in English are followed by verbals – either gerunds or infinitives – which are considered as the objects of these verbs. The gerund (-ing form) and the infinitive ( to + base form ) of verbs may be used as nouns, and therefore they sometimes function as the object of a verb. In idiomatic English, certain verbs are followed only by the gerund, certain verbs by the infinitive, and certain verbs by either the gerund or the infinitive. The following is a reference list of some common verbs. Here are verbs can followed by gerund.


1. admit 23. Forget** 45. Risk

The examples of verbs followed by gerunds object

2. advise 24. Imagine 46. Start*

3. allow 25. Hate* 47. Stop**

4. anticipate 26. Keep 48. Suggest

5. appreciate 27. Like* 49. Support

6. avoid 28. Love* 50. Tolerate

7. begin* 29. Mention 51. Try

8. can’t bear 30. Mind 52. Understand 9. can’t help 31. Miss

10.can’t stand 32. Neglect* 11.celebrate 33. Postpone 12.complete 34. practice 13.consider 35. Prefer* 14.delay 36. Prevent 15.deny 37. Prohibit 16.deserve 38. Quit 17.detest 39. Recall 18. discuss 40. Recommend 19. Dislike 41. Regret* 20.Enjoy 42. Remember** 21.Escape 43. Resent 22.Finish 44. Resist


1) May be followed by a gerund or an infinitive : *without a change in meaning/ ** with a change in meaning.

2) May be followed by an object : + and infinitive. (He advise us to go to college) /++ and a gerund. (She appreciates your helping.)

3) May be followed by a that-clause. Examples :

Subjunctive verb

a) He admitted stealing my little sister’s money b) He avoid answering ourteacher’s questions. c) The committee delayed making a decision. d) My father has stopped smoking.

e) Jack suggested going to the beach. f) He has finished typing the report.

g) He mentioned meeting the governer at the reception. 1) Object of a preposition

Any verb used as the object in a prepositional takes the form of a gerund. Most gerund after prepositions are subjects, especially those in adverbial prepositional.


a) I dream about having much money.’ b) I am tired of studying alone.

c) She is fond of eating pizza.


e) We will not be successful without working seriously every time. f) I am bored with swimming.

g) I am tired of waiting in the airport Object of a preposition consist of two parts : 1) Nominal function of prepositional gerund

Any verb used as the object in a prepositional phrase takes the form of a gerund. Most gerund phrases after prepositions are subjectless, especially those in adverbial prepositional phrases. Such gerund phrases function as prepositional objects of verb. A great many of the verbs listed under prepositional objects in the chapter on prepositions take such gerund objects.


a) He insisted on paying the entire bill for dinner.

b) She often dreams about having a lot of money to spend on luxuries.

The word “to” after the following verbs is a preposition rather than the sign of the infinitive and therefore requires a gerund after it: accustom oneself, allude, confess, confine oneself, dedicate oneself, limit oneself, look forward, object, plead guilty, reconcile oneself, resign oneself, resort, and revert.

a) He objected to their entering the factory without permission. b) We look forward to seeing you again.

2) Adjectival function of prepositional gerund


There are two main types :

a) Those prepositional gerund phrase that follow nouns from verbs or adjectives. Example:

a) His pretense of being rich didn’t fool anyone.

b) Their preparations for travelling abroad were very time-consuming. c) He spoke of the necessity of hiring more men.

b) Those prepotional gerund phrase appearing after nouns that are

nonderivational. Such as adjectival constructions are mostly adjective clause equivalents. These phrases are sometimes interpreted as appositives to the nouns that precede them.


a) The money for travelling around the country (=with which they could travel around the country) was soon used up.

b) This is not a good way of doing it (=in which you can do it)

c) The time for making excuses (=in which you can make excuses) is past. Other prepositions introducing gerund phrases after adjectives are : a) About

Example : Pat is angry about walking in the rain. b) For

Example : Sandy is famous for singing songs. c) At


d) Of

Example: Thet are afraid of losing the match. e) By

Example : I was annoyed by the dog’s barking all night. 2) Subjective Complement

Subjective Complement as a predicate noun. Example :

a) Nina’s hobby is cooking.

b) Deni’s favourite sport is fishing. 3) Appositive

The function of appositive is to give explaining about the information in the gerund sentences.

Example :

a) Her husband insists on one thing, her cleaning the house ever day. b) My hobby is swimming, it is not too expensive.

c) I do not like quarelling, a useless job. 2.2.2 The Gerund Phrase’

Agerund phrase is made up of a gerund and all words that can modify it. The words or phrase that can modify a gerund are an adjevtive, adverb, and a prepositional phrase, plus it can have a direct object.

Example :


The gerund phrase is providing students and is used as the predicate noun in the sentences. The gerund is providing and the direct object of that gerund is (inproviding whom?) students. The prepositional phrase with knowledge modifies providing and the prepositional phrase of basic math modifies

2) Frequently asking for funds may hinder receiving them. knowledge.

a) The first gerund phrase is frequently asking for funds.The gerund is asking. Frequently answer, when? , and thus is an adverb, modifying the gerund, asking. For funds is an adverb prepositional phrase answering the question, why, asking?

b) There is a second gerund phrase in this sentence. It is This entire phrase is the subject of the sentence.

receiving them. This whole phrase is the direct object in the sentence, answering the question, “may hinder what?” …receiving funds. Receiving is the gerund and funds is the direct object of the gerund. Receiving what?...funds

2.3The patterns of Gerund


1) Adjective + Preposition + Gerund

Some these words also used in gerund, they are: afraid of, interested in, clever at, crazy about, worried about, good at.

Examples :

a) He’s afraid of going by plane.

b) I am interested in visiting the museum. c) He is clever at skateboarding.


e) I’m worried about making mistakes. f) My brother good at singing.

1. Verb + Preposition + Gerund

Some these words used in this pola, they are: gave up, insisted on, thought of, objected to not, forward to, confessed to.

Examples :

a) He gave up smoking because of his doctor’s advice.

b) Jenny insisted on buying that cellphone instead of this one. c) Have you ever thought of studying abroad ?

d) My older sister objected to not being allowed to go out with her friends. e) I am looking forward to seeing you soon.

f) No one has confessed to stealing my money yet. 2. Noun + Preposition + Gerund

Some words used in this pola, they are: choice of, intention of, excuse for, method for, reason for.

Examples :

a) The teacher gave us a choice of taking another exam. b) I had no intention of hurting your feeling.

c) He always has an excuse for being late.

d) Have you found the best method for improving your English yet ? e) Your reason for getting bad grades is a big nonsense.

3. Preposition + Gerund


Examples :

a) Before going to bed, he turned off the lights.

b) She avoided him by walking on the opposite side of the road. c) We arrived in Madrid after driving all night.

d) He told the joke without laughing. e) Besides singing the song, she also dance. 4. Verb + Object + Preposition + Gerund

Some verb used in this pola, they are: stop for, thank for, forgive for, congratulate on.

Examples :

a) My father wants to stop for smoking. b) Susan need to forgive for blaming. c) My family thank for his helping

d) I said to my friend congratulate on wedding heald. 2.4The Function of Gerund

There are eight function of gerund in a sentence: 1) As a subject of sentences


a) Studying needs time and patience.

b) Reading English is easier than speaking it.

c) Having a lot of money is better than having a little.

d) Writing and speaking are two different aspects in a language. e) Dropping out of school has caused him hard to find a good job.


2) As the object of sentence Examples :

a) He is clever at teaching mathematics

b) My father likes reading foreign newspapers. c) I find working in the garden very relaxing. d) I can’t understand her losing the ring. 3) As a Complement

The function of gerund as a complement in a sentence be found when the v-ing as located after the auxiliary be (is, am, are, was, were).


a) One of her hobbies is collecting foreign stamps. b) My elder sister’s profession is teaching English.

c) My mother sister’s profession is singing at a night club.

d) That dog’s habits are chewing leather shoes and jumping on the sofa. e) My favorite activity during summer is sunbathing.

4) After a preposition

Preposition following with gerund are : after, before, to, about, without, at, on and with.


a) I will call you after arriving at the office. b) Please have a drink before leaving. c) I am looking forward to meeting you. d) Do you object to working late ?


e) Tara always dreams about going on holiday. f) He went without saying anything.

g) He’s very quick at adding figures.

h) She insisted on carrying her baby to the meeting. i) I completely agree with moving to the United States. 5) After certain verbs

Some verbs always following with gerund are: complete, discuss, hope, practice, dislike.


a) He finally completed writing his thesis. b) We have discussed opening a branch here. c) I keep hoping they will come.

d) They practise throwing the ball every morning. e) I dislike living in this city.

f) He can’t bear being laughed at. 6) After possessive adjective Examples:

a) His leaving will make them sad.

b) Your coming will make me happy

c) Our next meeting will be held early next week. d) My dancing is not good as yours.

e) Her singing is slow.



a) It’s no use begging like a beggar. b) It’s no good getting angry at once. c) There’s no getting around it. d) There’s no harm in trying.

8) Gerund to show short prohibition Examples:

a) No smoking ! b) No talking ! c) No spitting ! d) No passing !


3. ANALYSIS OF GERUNDS IN VAMPIRE DIARIES Based on the data collected and problem of study, it is find out there are some patterns of gerund namely, there are verb + ing, certain verb + gerund, preposition + gerund and verb + preposition + gerund.

3.1 The pattern of gerund

There are some patterns of gerund namely: 1) The pattern of gerund is verb + ing.

a) Fiddling with the zipper to Damon’s leather jacket, she smiled secretly and looked up at him through her lashes. (page 13)

b) Seeing her like this was worse torture than seeing her lying cold and dead. (page 22)

c) Running footsteps from the vicinity of the cafeteria told him that some

humans had heard the janitor’s cries at last. (page 39)

d) Following bonnie to where the ruined church stood with its belfry pointing like a finger to the stormy sky. (page 223)

e) Working the other hand free was much easier. (page 274) 2) The pattern of gerund is certain verb + gerund

a) Damon suggested feeding off the paramedics. (page 32)

b) Elena recognized it and stopped struggling with the hands that pulled her away. (page 8)

c) The final instant when it had stopped hurting. (page 55)

d) She stopped wringing out the cramps and look into the eyes of her friends. (page 96)


e) Alaric, who’d just finished arranging the furniture. (page 189)

f) She didn’t want to see what inside that tomb now any more than see had when Tyler had suggested opening it to vandalize it. (page 25)

3) The pattern of gerund is preposition + gerund

a) Elena watched them for several minutes without moving. (page 2) b) Elena sharled without letting go of the throat. (page 7)

c) There was a faint sound from the center of the clearing (page 12) d) He paused for a blinding smile before going on. (page 15)

e) It’s more than just the normal confusion after changing. (page 15) f) If anyone’s going to have the satisfacation of killing you. (page 16) 4) The pattern of gerund is verb + preposition + gerund

a) They were thinking of canceling it. (page 129)

b) You should think about protecting yourself. (page 199) c) He seemed to be searching her face. (page 264)

d) Stefan looked toward the opening of the crypt. (page 270) e) That’s what I use for getting around . (page 272)

Based on the data collected and problem of study, it is find out there are some function of gerund namely, there are gerund as subject, gerund as object, gerund after certain verb, and gerund after preposition.

3.2 The function of gerund

There are some functions of gerund namely:

1) The function of gerund is as subject of sentences. There are five sentences of gerund as object.


a) Fiddling with the zipper to Damon’s leather jacket, she smiled secretly and looked up at him through her lashes. ( page 13 )

b) Seeing her like this was worse torture than seeing her lying cold and dead. (page 22)

c) Running footsteps from the vicinity of the cafeteria told him that some s d) Following bonnie to where the ruined church stood with its belfry pointing

like a finger to the stormy sky. (page 223)

e) Working the other hand free was much easier. (page 274)

2) The function of gerund is as object of sentence. There are six sentences of gerund as object.

a) Elena stepped into the clearing. (page 1) b) He went on looking at Matt. (page 27) c) He seemed to be trying to shout. (page 29) d) She couldn’t stop watching. (page 62) e) He crossed running water. (page 272) f) I like watching. (page 274)

3) The function of gerund is a gerund after certain verb. There are six sentences of gerund after certain verb.

a) Damon suggested feeding off the paramedics. (page 32)

b) Elena recognized it and stopped struggling with the hands that pulled her away. (page 8)


d) She stopped wringing out the cramps and look into the eyes of her friends. (page 96)

e) Alaric, who’d just finished arranging the furniture. (page 189)

f) She didn’t want to see what inside that tomb now any more than see had when Tyler had suggested opening it to vandalize it. (page 225)

4) The function of gerund is as gerund after preposition. There are twenty nine sentences of gerund after preposition.

1) Elena watched them for several minutes without moving. (page 2) 2) Elena snarled without letting go of the throat. (page 7)

3) There was a faint sound from the center of the clearing (page 12) 4) He paused for a blinding smile before going on. (page 15)

5) It’s more than just the normal confusion after changing. (page 15) 6) If anyone’s going to have the satisfaction of killing you. (page 16)

7) He’d thought he was through with hurting, through with feeling anything. (page 21)

8) Stefan should just do what he’d planned to do after killing Damon. (page 22) 9) Mat stared at him a moment before answering. (page 25)

10)He’d come with the intention of using his powers to persuade matt. (page 25) 11)Without looking at him, she spoke softly. (page 44)

12)Without waiting for a response, her caught her arm. (page 47) 13) She felt afraid of making any kind of disturbance. (page 51) 14)She felt a gnawing paranoia about being out in the open. (page 58) 15)When she could see again, she looked up at the building. (page 59)


16)I only spoke to you in the first place because you were useful in finding out information about Stefan. (page 62)

17)Meredith would choose this way of geeting a message to her if he had. (page 64)

18)Stefan shook his head without looking away from the window. (page 72) 19)Elena caught sight of Alaric Saltzman at the edge of the parking lot. (page 75) 20)I admit freely to killing Tanner. (page 83)

21)He stopped me from killing you. (page 88)

22)Meredith heralded their arrival by muttering over and over. (page 98)

23)I know my dad thanked you yesterday for helping Doug the way you did. (page 127)

24)She and Elena looked at each other without speaking for a moment (page 144)

25)Your principal is dead set on keeping everything looking normal. (page 198) 26)We’re going to try to stop it from doing anything tomorrow night. (page 220) 27) The dance was in the last stages of breaking up. (page 249)

28)I stopped you from hearing her. (page 249) 3.3 The Most Dominant Gerund

The dominant gerunds can be seen through the percentage of their usage in the articles. To get the percentage applied the formula.

The formula : X = Y / N x 100%

X = The percentage of each kind of the gerund Y = The total number of each kind of gerund


N = The total of kind of gerund

The percentage of gerunds found in the vampire diaries can be seen through the following table.


No Gerund Number Percentage

1 As subject Five 9,8 %

2 As object Six 11,8 %

3 After certain verb Six 11,8 %

4 After preposition Twenty nine 56,9 %

5 After verb and preposition Five 9,8 %

Total Fifty one 100 %

The most dominant gerund in vampire diaries is gerund after preposition because there are twenty nine sentences using gerund after preposition which is equal to 56,9 %.



Based on the analysis above, It is concluded that are :

1) Gerund has some patterns in the sentences, such as: verb + ing, certain verb + gerund, preposition + gerund and verb + preposition + gerund.

2) Gerund has many functions in the sentences, such as: subject of verb. Object of verb, object of preposition.

3) The most dominant gerund in novel is gerund after preposition. There are twenty nine sentences using gerund after preposition which show 56,9 %. 4.2 Suggestions

It is suggested that students analyse other of the novel, such as tenses, conjunction, clausa and conditional sentences.



Azar, B. Schrampfer. 1941. Fundamentals of English Grammar. New Jersey: Englewood cliffs.

Huddlestone, Rodney. 2000. Introduction to the Grammar ofEnglish. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press.

Kardimin, Akhmad. 2003. English Grammar.Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar. Martin, H. & Wren, P.C. 1986. High School English Grammar & Composition.

New Delhi: Ram Nagar.

Martinet, Thomson. 1986. A Practical English Grammar. New York: Oxford University Press.

Siahaan, Sanggam. 2008. Issues in Linguistics. Yogyakarta: Graha Ilmu. Smith J.L. 1991. The Vampire Diaries. New York : Harper.

Stork, F.C. 1982. Learning about Lingistics:an introductory workbook. London: Hutchinson.

Suryabrata, Sumadi.2002. Metodologi Penelitian. Jakarta: Raja Grafindo Persada. Wardani, Igat et all. 1997. Metode Penelitian. Jakarta: Universitas Terbuka.




L.J Smith ( The initials stand for Lisa Jane ) is a author of a number best-selling books and series, and her writing has spawned two television series and been translated into over thirty five languages. She has written more than two dozen books for children and young adults. She lives in in the Bay Area of California, but is happiest in a little cabin near point Reyes National Park, which has lots of trees, lots of animals, lots of beaches to walk on, and lots of places to hike. Please visit her online a even sneak peeks of upcoming books. After taking a hiatus from writing for several years, L.J Smith announced in 2007 a new spin-off trilogy entitled The Vampire Diaries : The return, continuing the series, with Damon as the main protagonist. The first installment, The Return : Nighfall, was released on February 10, 2009. The return : Shadows souls was released on May 16, 2010. The final book of the series called the return : Midnight was released on March 15, 2011. The trilogy after The Return trilogy, The Hunters, will go back to featuring Stefan and Elena as the main protagonist and main characters and it will focus on Stefan and Elena et all, going to college. The three novels in The Hunters trilogy are called The Hunters : Phantom, The Hunbters : Phantom, The Hunters : Moonsong, and The Hunters : Eternity. Novels in The Hunters trilogy are called The Hunters : Phantom, The Hunters : Phantom, The Hunters : Moonsong, and The Hunters : Eternity.


L.J Smith signed a contract in 2010 to write another Vampire Diaries trilogy. The first book in the series was to be called The Hunters: Phantom, and was expected to be released in the summer of 2011. [1] The new books will focus on Elena and her friends in college, hunting supernatural series killer. On Smith’s November 20 blog post, she announced that barring poor sales of the upcoming trilogy, there will be another trilogy after that, bringing the series to a total of 13 novels. Smith stated in her blog on the 9th of February, 2011 that she was fired by Alloy Entertainment and that ‘Midnight ‘ is the last book in the series written fully by her. Alloy Entertainment will be hiring a ghostwriter to continue the series. [2] She will still be mentioned as the creator of the series on the covers of the new books, but she will have nothing to do with them. Smith has asked her fans not to boycott Harper. L.J Smith has also already given Alloy Entertainment her

manuscript for ‘The Hunters : Phantom’, although there are no guarantees that it will be released with be released with some of her writing.



Elena is now live for is not the same anymore. The world’s first popularity and warmth-giving has already evaporated. Although the insulation is thin, but Elena could never go back. He must be willing to lose everything. All he had ever had: family who loved her, loved her friends and the the people who adored him. However, fortunately love of Stefan has always followed. Stefan who was beside Elena continues to support and maintain it. The Fury is the story of the third series of Vampire Dioaries story, tell more about the figure of Elena. Beautiful high school girl who fought over by vampire brothers : Stefan and Damon.

Elena’s town suddenly became tense. Due to the many attacks that occur happen to school children and citizen Fell’s church. The accusation was addressed to Stefan. Stefan is nearly killed by a vigilante action by the citizens of Fell’s Church. On the other hand, Elena should be able to accept her new life. He must begin to adapt to a world he never imagined. Elena is in the eyeo of citizens of Fell’s Church realized, that something is stalking them. Something Iwant to make them die. They are difficult to penetrate. There are other forces that hold great resentment and anger at the three of them. Stefan and Doman who was hostile and who has long tried to kill each other, they are now allied and help each other. The investigation began. They found the names of suspicious people. Emerging name such as Robert Maxwell, Aunt Judit’s fiancé. There is also a substitute teacher Alaric Saltzman. That since his return to school so suddenly Elena anf full of mystery.


N = The total of kind of gerund

The percentage of gerunds found in the vampire diaries can be seen through the following table.


No Gerund Number Percentage

1 As subject Five 9,8 %

2 As object Six 11,8 %

3 After certain verb Six 11,8 %

4 After preposition Twenty nine 56,9 %

5 After verb and preposition Five 9,8 %

Total Fifty one 100 %

The most dominant gerund in vampire diaries is gerund after preposition because there are twenty nine sentences using gerund after preposition which is equal to 56,9 %.



Based on the analysis above, It is concluded that are :

1) Gerund has some patterns in the sentences, such as: verb + ing, certain verb + gerund, preposition + gerund and verb + preposition + gerund.

2) Gerund has many functions in the sentences, such as: subject of verb. Object of verb, object of preposition.

3) The most dominant gerund in novel is gerund after preposition. There are twenty nine sentences using gerund after preposition which show 56,9 %. 4.2 Suggestions

It is suggested that students analyse other of the novel, such as tenses, conjunction, clausa and conditional sentences.



Azar, B. Schrampfer. 1941. Fundamentals of English Grammar. New Jersey: Englewood cliffs.

Huddlestone, Rodney. 2000. Introduction to the Grammar ofEnglish. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press.

Kardimin, Akhmad. 2003. English Grammar.Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar. Martin, H. & Wren, P.C. 1986. High School English Grammar & Composition.

New Delhi: Ram Nagar.

Martinet, Thomson. 1986. A Practical English Grammar. New York: Oxford University Press.

Siahaan, Sanggam. 2008. Issues in Linguistics. Yogyakarta: Graha Ilmu. Smith J.L. 1991. The Vampire Diaries. New York : Harper.

Stork, F.C. 1982. Learning about Lingistics:an introductory workbook. London: Hutchinson.

Suryabrata, Sumadi.2002. Metodologi Penelitian. Jakarta: Raja Grafindo Persada. Wardani, Igat et all. 1997. Metode Penelitian. Jakarta: Universitas Terbuka.




L.J Smith ( The initials stand for Lisa Jane ) is a author of a number best-selling books and series, and her writing has spawned two television series and been translated into over thirty five languages. She has written more than two dozen books for children and young adults. She lives in in the Bay Area of California, but is happiest in a little cabin near point Reyes National Park, which has lots of trees, lots of animals, lots of beaches to walk on, and lots of places to hike. Please

visit her online a

even sneak peeks of upcoming books. After taking a hiatus from writing for several years, L.J Smith announced in 2007 a new spin-off trilogy entitled The Vampire Diaries : The return, continuing the series, with Damon as the main protagonist. The first installment, The Return : Nighfall, was released on February 10, 2009. The return : Shadows souls was released on May 16, 2010. The final book of the series called the return : Midnight was released on March 15, 2011. The trilogy after The Return trilogy, The Hunters, will go back to featuring Stefan and Elena as the main protagonist and main characters and it will focus on Stefan and Elena et all, going to college. The three novels in The Hunters trilogy are called The Hunters : Phantom, The Hunbters : Phantom, The Hunters : Moonsong, and The Hunters : Eternity. Novels in The Hunters trilogy are called The Hunters : Phantom, The Hunters : Phantom, The Hunters : Moonsong, and The Hunters : Eternity.


L.J Smith signed a contract in 2010 to write another Vampire Diaries trilogy. The first book in the series was to be called The Hunters: Phantom, and was expected to be released in the summer of 2011. [1] The new books will focus on Elena and her friends in college, hunting supernatural series killer. On Smith’s November 20 blog post, she announced that barring poor sales of the upcoming trilogy, there will be another trilogy after that, bringing the series to a total of 13 novels. Smith stated in her blog on the 9th of February, 2011 that she was fired by Alloy Entertainment and that ‘Midnight ‘ is the last book in the series written fully by her. Alloy Entertainment will be hiring a ghostwriter to continue the series. [2] She will still be mentioned as the creator of the series on the covers of the new books, but she will have nothing to do with them. Smith has asked her fans not to boycott Harper. L.J Smith has also already given Alloy Entertainment her

manuscript for ‘The Hunters : Phantom’, although there are no guarantees that it will be released with be released with some of her writing.



Elena is now live for is not the same anymore. The world’s first popularity and warmth-giving has already evaporated. Although the insulation is thin, but Elena could never go back. He must be willing to lose everything. All he had ever had: family who loved her, loved her friends and the the people who adored him. However, fortunately love of Stefan has always followed. Stefan who was beside Elena continues to support and maintain it. The Fury is the story of the third series of Vampire Dioaries story, tell more about the figure of Elena. Beautiful high school girl who fought over by vampire brothers : Stefan and Damon.

Elena’s town suddenly became tense. Due to the many attacks that occur happen to school children and citizen Fell’s church. The accusation was addressed to Stefan. Stefan is nearly killed by a vigilante action by the citizens of Fell’s Church. On the other hand, Elena should be able to accept her new life. He must begin to adapt to a world he never imagined. Elena is in the eyeo of citizens of Fell’s Church realized, that something is stalking them. Something Iwant to make them die. They are difficult to penetrate. There are other forces that hold great resentment and anger at the three of them. Stefan and Doman who was hostile and who has long tried to kill each other, they are now allied and help each other. The investigation began. They found the names of suspicious people. Emerging name such as Robert Maxwell, Aunt Judit’s fiancé. There is also a substitute teacher Alaric Saltzman. That since his return to school so suddenly Elena anf full of mystery.