Program Planning Implementation of The Plan Reflection

International Conference on Environment and Health, 22-23 May 2013, Soegijapranata Catholic University, Indonesia 185 that reflect school and parents need based on the school curriculum. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION

a. Observation

Students of Science Education Class have done observation in primary of SDK Sengkan and SDK Kalasan to identify environmental prob lems, identify students and parents‟ understanding related to environmental care. In SDK Sengkan they recognized that the school has been trying to rise up and maintain environmental awareness of students through many activities that would be routine activities and habit of all school members. This included personal cleanness, such as hand wash before and after eating, wearing clean clothes, and hair tidy up; and environmental cleanness such as putting garbage in the right place, class room cleaning, and keeping clean the toilet after using it. This activities have been enhanced through “Clean Friday” i.e. a school mobilization that is carried out every 2 week, every school member has an obligation to reminisce each other about environmental cleanness. Nevertheless, many school members aware that the progress was too slow. Most of students still throw garbage anywhere, lack of self maintenance and lack of environmental awareness; front yard was relatively tidy and clean but backyard was dirty and untidy including unmanaged fish ponds. There were herbal and vegetable gardens but the plants seemed to be not so fresh due to lack of water, no one taking care of the gardens. Parents at home also noticed than their children were not so much care about plants and environmental cleanness. In SDK Kalasan they found that actually the school already got award of Sekolah Adiwiyata Mandiri in 2010. This indicated that the school had capabilities to maintain environmental programs for 3 years continuously. They saw many supporting facilities for student environmental awareness movement even though the results were not as good as expected. This could be seen that many students still threw garbage everywhere particularly plastic wastes, and used water too much. School back yard was not managed properly.

b. Program Planning

Based on the observations, students studied literatures to find concepts and framework for problem solving particularly for rising environmental awareness. Further, students compiled lesson learn material for environmental awareness education and then the results were elaborated in an Action Plan Proposal for primary schools. Six student groups that had been approved for SD Kanisius Sengkan and SD Kanisius Kalasan made six proposals. Student targets were level 3, 4 and 5. Action Plan of PGSD student groups must be completed with Teaching- Learning Activity Plan that indicated Competency Standard, Basic Competency, objectives, indicators, teaching-learning material, approach method, teaching-learning processes, and evaluation. This instrument was International Conference on Environment and Health, 22-23 May 2013, Soegijapranata Catholic University, Indonesia 186 needed so that they could do implementation of the plan academically and systematically.

c. Implementation of The Plan

The realization of proposed activities were carried out through the implementation of various teaching-learning model, even though it could not be executed directly due to Easter Break of the schools. Schedules had to be rearranged after Easter break, two weeks later. Because of this, most of activities started in the middle of April and finished at the end of May 2012. Final report of each group was due on 15 June 2012. Table 1 is outline of teaching-learning activities as implementations of the plans of each group of PGSD Students during service learning program.

d. Reflection

During the time of service learning program, student group members carried out reflection twice, namely after action plan submission and at the end of the program. It was found that in the beginning of the program, most of students still did not know what to do with the program. Service learning approach was something new for them, and they had never thought about it. Fortunately, they enjoyed the work and follow the processes. They have learned a lot in the case of communication, working together, arguing, and teaching learning experiences even though they faced difficulties sometime. In regard to the subject of science education for primary school, all students found that teaching-learning process through service learning activities was very useful. The program had enabled them to have real experiences in teaching-learning processes. They knew how to deal with many unique students and how to handle class that was not conducive for teaching learning process. They were aware that most of students enjoyed learning outside the class. One of student said: “ It was be yond my expectation that teaching- learning processes in class was very impressive and enjoyable. Besides I had to learn how to teach, there was something new, I had to manage the teaching time and class interest. Something that made me very happy was that primary school students show me as a real teacher, not just a teacher candidate. They asked me when PGSD student would have similar project for them again. This was a challenge for me and made me eager to be a teacher without hesitate. ”

f. Evaluation