The meaning of personal pronoun

SMP PGRI 1 Ciputat was in Objective pronoun which caused by intralingual transfer. Based on the previous researchers above, it is known that the most difficult material to be understood by the students’ is grammar. Thus, in this research, the researcher intends to analyze the kinds of personal pronouns and types of errors that the students make in using personal pronouns. 18


A. The Research Design

The method uses in this researchis qualitative method. As Bogdan and Biklen state that qualitative is descriptive that data collected take the form of words or pictures rather than a numbers. 1 So that the researcher presented the data collected in words rather than numbers. Furthermore, this research is designed in a case study and she only examine a single subject like Bogdan and Biklen state that a case study is a detailed examination of one setting or a single subject. 2 To get the data the researcher uses test. The test is done twice to know whether it is a mistake or an error. Finally, the errors that have been collected were analyzed to determine the types of errors by following Corder theory. Futhermore, to know the frequency of occurence of each error type the researcher used descriptive analysis technique percentage.

B. The Place and Time of the Study

1. Place of The Research

The researcher conducted this researchat the first grade of SMP Yayasan Miftahul Jannah YMJ which is located on Jalan Limun Nomor 27 Ciputat.

2. Time of The Research

She conducted the research at the schoolin November 2 nd –25 th 2013.

C. The Subject of the Study

The subjects in this research is seven VII grade students of SMP Yayasan Miftahul Jannah YMJ Ciputat. The researcher only took class VII which contains 43 students. 1 Robert C. Bogdan and Sari Knopp Biklen, Qualitative Research for Education an Introduction to Theories and Methods, Boston: Pearson, 2007, p. 5 2 Ibid., p. 59.

D. The Instrument of the Study

The researcher takes the instruments of this research are writing test for a students. The writing test divided into two parts. At the beginning, there are 10 questions about fill in the blank with the right answers, and at the second part is 15 questions about choose the right answer between two choices.

E. The Data and Source of Data

According to Oxford dictionary “data is information and source is place, person or thing that we get something from.” 3 So, the reasercher can stated that the source of data is the information that we got from research.

F. The Technique of Data Collecting

In this technique, the researcher gives a test to the students about personal pronouns and it has a purpose to know which the students more understand, it is subject or object pronoun. The stage of taxonomy bloom which is explained in the table below. Table 3.1 Specification of Test Items No. Standard of Competence Basic Competence Indicators Taxonomy Bloom Instrument Item 1. Reading Understanding Meaning in thesimple short functional written text and essay related to students’ immediate Understanding accurately, efficiently and grammatically explicit meaning in simple short functional written texts The students are expected to be able compare between Subject and Object Pronoun. Stage 2: Knowing C1 Circle on the right answer Ime am Indonesian. Section 2. number 1-15 3 Oxford Learner’s Pocket Dictionary New Edition, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005, pp. 109-413