Theory of Defense Mechanism

c. The way the character speaks and the language he uses The way a character speaks and the expressions he or she uses may reflect his or her nature. For example, when one utters sophisticated words, undoubtedly he or she is an educated one. d. The interaction among characters “Not only does the language of the characters speaking alone characterize him, but his language when speaking to others also sheds a great impact on showing his personality” Reaske, 1966: 47. The way the character interacts with the other ones may also imply the nature he or she possesses.

3. Theory of Defense Mechanism

When facing the conflict, an individual might encounter unpleasant feelings, such as fear, disappointment, restlessness and high tension; these feelings can drag him or her into intense frustration. Psychoanalytically, these unpleasant feelings which are the result of conflict are called anxiety. Since being anxious is uncomfortable and disturbing, people tend to find a way to get rid of it. The way to cope with the anxiety as the response to the conflict is called defense mechanism Braun Linder, 1979: 410. As the basic nature of human beings, they defend themselves when the conflict seems offensive to them. For that reason, defense mechanisms are considered to be one of the fundamental elements of psychoanalytic theory. Moreover, John Janeway Conger proposes that unconscious thoughts, feelings or impulses that one cannot admit are several sources that possibly contribute in revealing one‟s defense mechanism Conger, 1977: 79. In fact, there are numerous types of defense mechanism. However, not all of them will be explained here. There are nine types of Freudian defense mechanisms Huffman Vernoy, 2000: 480. However, these traditional defenses cannot accommodate the defenses Alma unvoluntarily operates. Thus, it is necessary to combine those Freudian defenses with others‟ findings. Above all, only four defenses are reviewed here since Alma Winemiller does not manifest all of them. The compilation of the types of defense mechanism taken from various sources is elaborated below: 1. Reaction Formation Cirese defines reaction formation as “masking an undesirable thought or feeling by turning it into its opposite; overreacting in one direction to deny feelings in the opposite direction” 1985: 477. According to George Eman Vaillant‟s defense level, reaction formation is included into neurotic defense. Neurotic defense is common among adults. It is effective to handle short-term anxiety. However, when it is excessively used, it can be maladaptive too. The long-term use can cause problems in relationships, work and in enjoying life Thomas Ruth, 2015. 2. Displacement Displacement is a type of defense mechanism when one “substitutes a less threatening object for the original object of impulse” Huffman Vernoy, 2000: 480. In displacement, an individual is not able to express his anxiety to the true source that gives him or her unpleasant feeling since it is possibly would further threaten him or her. Hence, he or she finds a less threatening object as the replacement of the true source to express his or her anxiety. Based on Vaillant‟s defense level categorization, displacement is included into neurotic defense. Simillar to reaction formation, it is generally found in adults Thomas Ruth, 2015. 3. Somatization Somatization is done by “transferring negative feelings about others into negative tr aits in oneself” Wells, 2013. It is a kind of defense mechanism that is not invented by Freud. This defense is proposed by the modern expert. The negative traits can be in the form of a physical disturbance. According to Vaillant, somatization is included in the immature level of defense mechanism. This kind of defense mechanism is more commonly found in adolescence, so that it is called immature. Immature defense is mostly unacceptable by the society. Considering the adaptivity level, this level of defense is worse than the neurotic defense Thomas Ruth, 2015. The excessive use of immature defense leads to maladaptive defense that might harm both personal and professional life Wells: 2013. 4. Affiliation Affiliation is a way to cope with anxiety by turning to others for help or support. This defense mechanism involves other object as the gateway to deal with conflict. According to Defense Mechanism Rating Scale DMRS Fifth Edition, affiliation is considered as the high adaptive level defense Vaillant, 1992: 258. It means that this kind of defense mechanism is the most optimal way to handle the anxiety, 2015. In other words, affiliation can be equaled to mature defense in Vaillant‟s term. According to psychoanalytic theory, operating defense mechanisms while dealing with conflict is a common psychological phenomenon, and is even considered to be adaptive Cramer, 2009: 10. Nonetheless, the defense mechanisms can be developed into maladaptive as they are used excessively. The mature defense mechanisms can also be maladaptive if they are used intensely in long-term condition Ghostpool, 2005. Maladaptive defense mechanism might cause serious psychological problems Huffman Vernoy, 2000: 478. The psychological problems can be detected through several general symptoms, such as lack of food and sleep, noticeable behavioral changes, e.g. unexplained depression and sudden lack of concern about physical appearance MFerrington, 2011. In addition, the excessive defense mechanisms can be destructive when they result in actions that are out of alignment with an individual‟s values Ghostpool, 2005.

4. Theory of Persona and Shadow