Theoretical Framework REVIEW OF LITERATURE

C. Theoretical Framework

The first question stated in the problem formulation aims to find and examine the internal conflicts that Alma encounters. To answer this question, the researcher must have a good understanding in the theory of conflict. Before going further, it is fundamental to know the meaning of conflict. For that reason, the explanation of conflict by Kennedy and Gioia, Holman and Harmon, and Barranger is provided in the review of theories. Moreover, Stanton‟s two types of conflict —internal and external conflicts are also elaborated here. This theory enables the researcher to find and examine the internal conflict of the character Alma. Some additional information about the theory of conflict is also explained by Holman and Harmon, and Redman. The second question is formulated to identify the defense mechanisms manifested by Alma when she was dealing with her internal conflicts. Before going further in discussing defense mechanism, it is necessary to know what the relation between conflict and defense mechanism is and why it is important for people to operate with defense mechanism. The explanation about the significance along with the definition of defense mechanism i s taken from Braun and Linder‟s Psychology Today. Apart from that, the sources of defense mechanism are seen as an important element to be provided here. The sources are briefly mentioned by Conger in her book. It is known that there are several types of defense mechanism. To be able to identify which type of defense mechanism is manifested by Alma, the explanation about them should be provided as well. Originally, there are only nine kinds of defense mechanism proposed by Freud. However, these Freudian defenses cannot provide the complete types that Alma unconsciously uses . Thus, the explanation of defense mechanism‟s type provided here is the compilation of the Freudian and modern perspective taken from several sources either from book or the internet. Furthermore, the theory of excessive use of defense mechanism is also reviewed here since Alma is suspected to overuse defense mechanisms. The last question stated in the problem formulation asks about the contribution of Al ma‟s awareness of her overused defense mechanism in changing her characteristic. To be able to identify Alma‟s characteristic the theory of character and characterization is discussed in the review of related theories. The definition of character is taken from Merriam Webster’s Encyclopedia of Literature , while the definition of characterization is taken from Gill‟s Mastering English Literature. Two types of character seen from the character change, i.e. static and dynamic characters proposed by Holman Harmon are used as well. Lastly, Re aske‟s four devices of characterization are also reviewed here. In order to understand Alma‟s dualism, Jung‟s theory of persona and shadow taken from Sene jani‟s review paper is necessary to be elaborated here. 20


A. Object of the Study

Summer and Smoke 1948 is a play written by Tennessee William 1911- 1983 who is known as one of the greatest American playwrights. It is the fifth play that William created. Summer and Smoke was first published in New York by New Directions Publishers. The book contains 130 pages. The play is divided into two big parts, A Summer and A Winter —the seasons when the plot of the play takes place. It consists of a prologue and twelve scenes; each part contains six scenes; a prologue is added in the first part as well. The entire play is situated during the 1910s; it takes place in Glorious Hill, a fictitious small town located in Mississippi. The setting of the play is varied from the fountain, the rectory, the arbor and ends in the doctor‟s office. Summer and Smoke was first performed in New York at the Music Box Theatre on October 6, 1948. After several performances including Broadway, the play was adapted into a film with the same title in 1961. A famous actor and actress, such as the legendary American actress, Geraldine Page and the British veteran actor, Laurence Harvey were chosen to play the two leading roles, Alma Winemiller and John Buchanan. Because of her great acting in that film, Page won Golden Globes and Venice Film Festival awards for the best actress and was nominated for other awards in the following year.