Subjects of the Research Time and Place Technique of Collecting Data

34 Meanwhile, if the method that used is not successful, the researcher should re-plan new action continuously till the method that will be used really successful. Based on the model above, the cycle was started from the planning where the researcher had to decide and prepare the material and media for teaching learning process. After completing the preparation, the next stage was the implementation of the plan. While the researcher teaching, the observer monitored the teaching learning process by using the observation sheets and field notes. And the last stage in each cycle was reflection. The reflection was conducted after the action and observation finished. In this stage, the researcher and an observer discussed the aspect that relates to the research, for example students‟ responses. The result of reflection could be used to rearrange the second cycle and might be third cycle.

3.2 Subjects of the Research

This Classroom Action Research was conducted in SMP N 4 Cibeber- Lebak-Banten, Indonesia. The subjects of this research were students of eight B class. It had 40 students 20 females, and 20 males at the eight grade in the 20132014 academic year. The researcher chose that class because based on the English teacher in that school, it class got lowest score than another class. It was prooven by the result of the preliminary research of writing test. The most of the students got score under standar mastery minimum 75.0 and mean only 60.27. So, the researcher interest to conduct the research in eight B class as the subject of the research. 35

3.3 Time and Place

This research was conducted in SMP N 4 Cibeber-Lebak-Banten at Jl. Pasir Kuray Km.04 Cisungsang-Cibeber-Lebak-Banten. The time of the research was showed as below: Table 3.1 Schedule of the Research No Activity Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 Arranging research instruments 2 Arranging schedule and materials 3 Preparing for class and media 4 Pre Cycle Test 5 Whilst Cycle Cycle I Cycle II 6 Post Cycle 7 Analysis

3.4 Research Instruments

Arikunto 2002:136 stated that research instrument is tools or facilities used by researcher in collecting the data, hope the result of research is more accurate, complete, and systematic, so the process is easier. Based on that explanation, the researcher used research instrument in collecting data to support the research. 36 To get the data for the research, the researcher used observation and writing test. In observation, the researcher used observation sheet and field note as the instrument of the research. Meanwhile, in writing test the researcher used descriptive writing test.

3.4.1 Observation

Faisal 1990 cited in Sugiyono 2008 : 226 stated that observation can be clasified into participant observation, overt observation and covert observation, and unstructured observation. In this case, the researcher used overt observation and covert observation to get the data about students‟ writing ability in learning process. The researcher in collection the data state bluntly to the data source that the researcher will do research. So the subject of the research know from the beginning to the end of the research activity. But in a moment researcher is also not overtly or covertly in the observations, it is to avoid that the data sought is when the data is still a secret. Possibility if done frankly, the researchers will not be allowed to make observations. Faisal 1990 cited in Sugiyono 2008 : 226. The researcher used observation sheet and field notes to gather the data accurately. Observation Sheet

The observer observed the teaching and learning process when the researcher conducted the research. All comments would be given during the observation and some of the comments to be developed into reflection. There is students‟ observation sheet that is made by the researcher. And the function of students‟ observation sheet is to monitor students‟ activity in teaching learning 37 process. The researcher and observers also would give comments while students practice the task, their performance during the learning process. Table 3.2. Observation Sheet DayDate : ……………………….. Cycle : ………... Topic : ………………………... Meeting : ………… No Point of Observation Description of Observation

1. Teacher

Pre Teaching Whilst Teaching Post Teaching

2. Students

Students‟ Participation Asking Answering Responding Students‟ Interest Field Note

The field notes conducted during the teaching learning process by an observer. The observer wrote down all things that would happen in every meeting. The function of field notes is intended to remind all the activity in each meeting and cycle. 38 Table 3.3 Field Note Learning Process DayDate : ……………………….. Cycle : …………. Topic : ………………………... Meeting : …………. Time Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

3.4.2 Writing Test

Test is a series of questions or exercises and other tools used to measure skill, knowledge intelligence, ability or talent possessed by individuals or groups Arikunto, 2002 : 127. Test also intended t o know the students‟s improvement in learning process. In this research, the researcher used writing test to know the improvement students‟ writing ability before and after cycle ongoing process. Test consists of pre-test before the cycle, and post-test one after cycle I, post test two in cycle II and post test three in the post cycle to show the students‟ improvement.

3.5 Technique of Collecting Data

Data collecting technique in this research divided into two categories such as qualitative and quantitative technique. In qualitative technique, the researcher used observation, meanwhile in quantitative technique, the researcher used test to gather the data. 39

3.5.1 Observing

Through observation, the researcher learn about behavior and the meaning attached to those behavior Marshall, 1995 cited in Sugiyono 2008 : 226. The observer is expected to analyze the teaching and learning process from the first cycle to the next cycle. The research consist of two cycles even more. Each cycle consists of three stages, which are planning, actingobserving, and reflecting .

3.5.2 Testing

Test is a series of questions or exercises and other tools used to measure skill, knowledge intelligence, ability or talent possessed by individuals or groups Arikunto, 2002 : 127. The test is about descriptive text toward implementation mind mapping strategy MMS in improving student s‟ descriptive writing ability. The researcher used test as one of the more convenient methods of data collection. Because teachers commonly administer tests, it is convenient for them to analyze these data outside of the classroom. Testing is often a normal part of the teacher‟s job, and the use of this data-collection technique can be easily performed as long as it is appropriate for the given action research study. The researcher used pre-test and post-test. Pre-tes was implemented in the first meeting before the cycle ongoing process, meanwhile post-test was implemented after each cycle and all the cycles had been finished. Pre-test and post- test were conducted to show the students‟ writing improvement before and after teaching learning process. 40

3.6 Technique of Analysis Data