A. Conclusion

In this research, the researcher conducted a classroom action research related to the attempt to improve the students’ capabilities in comprehending the English text type through Collaborative Learning. After the researcher did the action, he concluded that there was an improvement of the students’ capabilities and achievement. Therefore, the previous hypothesis which stated that the Collaborative Learning technique can improve the students’ capabilities in comprehending the English text type is right. In the attempt of improving the students’ capabilities in comprehending the English text type, the researcher faced some eases and obstacles. These eases and obstacles were formulated into the strength and weaknesses. In this research, the strengths of Collaborative Learning technique were: first, in Collaborative Learning, the students could motivate one another because they were responsible for the improvement of their groups. Second, the Collaborative Learning technique was possible to be implemented by the students to solve the difficulties without the teacher’s instruction and guidance. Besides their strengths, there were some weaknesses of this technique. First, there were few students who felt shy to ask and express their ideas when they found difficulties, and they had insufficient vocabularies that could influence them in expressing something in the discussion and could influence their capabilities in comprehending the English text types. Second, there were inactive students who did non academic things when the researcher did not close them. These weaknesses could be overcome by applying the Collaborative Learning technique which was supported by Counseling Learning. Apart from their strengths and weaknesses, it could be concluded that Collaborative Learning technique could improve the students’ capabilities in comprehending the English text types in MAN Sukoharjo in 20082009 academic year.

B. Implication