2.2 Synopsis of Stephenie’s The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner

During a regular night hunt, she is out hunting in Seattle with three other newborns when she meets a friend, Diego, a high-ranked newborn; they gradually fall in love with each other through the night. Together, they discover that they are able to go out in the sunlight without being fried, and that wooden stakes dont kill them, contrary to what Riley Biers, who was made straw boss of the army, has told them about sunlight being deadly to vampires. Both Bree and Diego grow uneasy as they are unsure whether Riley is deliberately lying to them or simply ill informed; in fact hes lying. Bree and Diego doubt Rileys intentions and start to wonder whether they and the other newborns are simply meant to serve a certain purpose. Diego confronts Riley about their ability to survive in sunlight, and doesnt return, leaving Bree frightened and confused. Riley starts preparing the newborns for the battle with the Cullens, claiming that for four days a year it is safe for vampires to walk in sunlight. He tells Bree that he has sent Diego on a reconnaissance mission, and that they will shortly be reunited. Unbeknowst to her, Diego has actually been tortured to death by Victoria and Riley. The day of the battle, Fred, also known as Freaky Fred, a particularly gifted member with the power to create a repulsing shield around himself, tries to convince Bree to escape with him. He, like her and Diego, has suspected Riley and Victorias intentions to let the newborns die in battle, personally destroying any survivors, and suggests that they leave before the fight starts. Bree refuses, however, still mistakenly believing Diego to be alive and waiting for her. Fred then takes off on his own to explore the world. Upon reaching the battlefield, she discovers that the newborn army has been decimated by the combined efforts of the Cullen family. She also realizes that Diego is dead when she finds no trace of him; she then surrenders to Carlisle and Esme Cullen when they offer her asylum, and is taken to the field where the main fight took place and held captive. The rest of the Olympic coven arrived along with Bella Swan, just as the Volturi turn up. Bree struggles to resist Bellas scent, but manages. Jane tortures Bree for information about her creation and the newborn army; the Cullens offer to take her in. Jane disallows it and Felix executes Bree by tearing her apart and burning the pieces. Bree bravely faces her death and doesnt resist.


3.1 Intrinsic Elements

In analyzing a literary work, discussing the intrinsic elements within the literary work is a must. As asserted by Bressler in Literary Criticism 1994:38 a literary work can be examined on the text itself. An approach used to analyze a literary work on its meaning independent on its author intention, the emotional state, the values and beliefs of either its author or reader known as New Criticism. Character and characterization, theme, plot, setting, conflict, and figurative language are the intrinsic elements building a literary work Semi, 1988:35. Dealing with the importance of the intrinsic elements‘ discussing in a liteary work, it is important to support the study with the review of the character and characterization, conflict and setting as a part of intrinsic elements.

3.1.1 Character

According to http:www.oxforddictionaries.comdefinitionenglishcharacter , character are about the mental and moral qualities distinctive to an individual, the distinctive nature of something, and the novel author’s compassionate identification . This theory will be uses by the researcher to analyze the main character of the story. Character also divided into protagonist and antagonist. The researcher will uses protagonist as the main analysis. As written in http:www.oxforddictionaries.comdefinitionenglishprotagonist about protagonist, The basic sense of protagonist, as originally used in connection with ancient Greek drama, is ‗the main character in a play‘. Some traditionalists object to the looser use to refer to a number of characters rather than just the main one in a play, film, etc. Traditionalists also dislike the meaning ‗a supporter of a cause‘. Types of character

According to Perrine‘s statement, character belongs into two type, flat and round character. ―Flat characters are characterized by one or two trait; they can be summed up in a sentence. Round characters are complex and many side; they might require an essay for full analysis.‖

3.1.2 Conflicts

Characters in a literary work have a real problem as it happened in the real life and it‘ll lead them into a conflict. The definition of conflict in a true world has a negative perspective. Human being will always come into a conflict even though they are avoiding it. In a literary work, the conflict will attract the readers or the audiences. When it comes into the climax, the readers will be more curious. In literature, according to Madden, conflict is the struggle of opposing external or internal forces. Conflict is at the heart of every story. In fact, we don‘t have a story – at least not one most of us would want to hear or read. The impediments and complications of conflict keep us reading. The more important, challenging believable, and coherent the conflict is, the more we are engaged by the story and want to follow it to its conclusion.

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