Definition of Reading The Nature of Reading

29 learners in task work provides better context for the activation of learning process than form focused activities and hence ultimately provides better opportunities for language learning to take place 2001: 223. In other book Richards and Renandya state that task also provides input to learners and opportunities for meaningful language use both of which are generally considered valuable in promoting language acquisition. 2002: 97. Based on the description above it means that task is very crucial to learners to learn foreign language. Task has the strength to encourage learners to learn the target language. Learners get an incentive to learn the target language. Based on the principle of task-based learning theory, the writer applies some tasks in her teacher learning process. The tasks given vary in accordance to the subject matters being discussed and the ability of the students.

3. The Nature of Reading

a. Definition of Reading

Reading is an active process to get information through written language. In other word it can be said that reading is an interactive process that goes on between the reader and the text, resulting in comprehension. The text presents letter, words, sentences, and paragraphs that encode meaning. The reader uses knowledge, skills, and strategies to determine what the meaning is. Urguhart states that reading involves processing language messages 1998: 15. Widdoson in Urguhart also states that reading is the process of getting linguistic information via print. Further he states that getting information is fairly one way process from writer or text to reader. 1998: 20. Further Urguhart states that reading is a process of receiving and 30 interpreting information encoded in language via the medium of print 1998: 22. Ruddle suggests four stages of word –analysis development: 1. the logographic stage, in which children use visual context or graphic features to read words reading “Mc Donalds” by looking at the logo, for example; 2. the traditional stage from logographic to beginning alphabetic, in which children begin to read words by shifting from visual context and specific letter associations to use of the alphabetic principle the initial sound d in dog is associated with the letter d; 3. the alphabetic stage, in which children rely on letter-sound or grapheme- phoneme relationship to read words dog is sounded out and blended using a phonological recoding process that accesses the child’s mental lexicon; and 4. the orthographic stage, in which children use alphabetic principle, predictable letter patterns, group with shared letter sequences and consistent pronunciations 9hat, fat, mat ,hate, fate, mate, for example, and analogy -ain in rain to read the new word train to read. 1994: 92 From the above statements, it can be concluded that reading is an activity which needs a process. It is impossible to read fluently without practice to read something everyday. When people want to get information from written message, they should make it as a habit for our daily activity. It is better for us to read every single word a day than never do these. Reading activity is an individual activity. Readers can interpret what they read. And it needs process to interpret the right message from written language. Actually studying all the subject matter is a process. Reader cannot understand the meaning from language written instantly. Pearson and Stephens in Ruddle states that reading is a complex, orchestrated, constructive process through which individuals make meaning 1994: x. It is stated by Urguhart in Reading a Second Language: P rocess, Product, and Practice that reading means dealing with languages messages in written or printed form 1998: 13. Further Urguhart considers reading as the language activity involving at same 31 time or another all the cognitive processing related to language performance. They consider that any valid account of reading process must consider such cognitive aspects as reading strategies, inferencing, memory, relating text to background knowledge as well as decoding, and obvious language aspects as syntax and lexical meaning. Nuttal states that there are some words that relate with the definition of reading, those are, understanding, interpreting, and meaning, sense, decoding, deciphering, identifying, articulating, speaking, and pronouncing 1989: 2. The definition of reading reflect the ideas that reading is the process of identifying written words, besides that in a great many classrooms, the reading lesson is used as an opportunity to teach pronunciations, encourage fluent and expressive speaking. Reading as interpreting means to a written text as a piece of communication. Reading is a part of daily life for those of us who live in literate communities that much of the time we hardly consider either the purpose or the processes involved. Reading is a fluent process of readers combining information from a text and their own background knowledge to build meaning. The goal of reading is comprehension Nunan, 2003: 68. Reading is the process of understanding written language. It begins with a flutter of patterns on the retina and ends when successful with a definite idea about the author’s intended message. Thus, reading is at once a “perceptual” and a “cognitive” process. It is a process that bridges and blurs these two traditional distinctions Rumelhart, 1994: 864. From the statement above it can be concluded that reading is a process of getting information and message from written language. In understanding the message from written language, the reader must have the background knowledge. Hence in the process of 32 reading, the reader must combine their background knowledge and the content of the text. Besides, they should combine their interference, memory and the strategy of reading. Urguhart sates any valid account of reading process must consider such cognitive aspects as reading strategies, inferencing, memory, relating text to background knowledge, or well as decoding and obvious language aspects as syntax and lexical knowledge 1998: 18. Comprehension is the goal of reading. It is also stated by Bartram and Parry that many students who read in a foreign language think that “reading” means “understanding andor translating every word”. It is not, good readers do not always try understanding every word, and especially the first time they read something 1989: 5. Reading for comprehension is the primary purpose for reading though this is sometimes overlooked when students are asked to read difficult text; raising student awareness of main ideas in a text and exploring the organization of a text are essential for good comprehension Richards, 2002: 277. From the statement above it can be said that reading is conscious activity which is done to find out the information. A good reader is not only translating or understanding every word but also understanding all about the texts by retelling it. The main idea of the texts should be understood by the reader. Further a good reader should be able to retell the specific idea of the texts. The writers of essay or story always give a message to the reader. It’s the reader’s task to understand the message which is written. If the readers only translate word by word in their writing, the message of the writing cannot be picked up by the readers . 33

b. Purpose of Reading

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