SPMB 2007 SPMB 2007 SPMB 2007 SPMB 2007 SPMB 2007 SPMB 2007 SPMB 2007


11. SPMB 2007

A. will feel B. had felt C. would feel D. feel E. felt

12. SPMB 2007

A. a motto B. an explanation C. a quotation D. an expression E. a proverb

13. SPMB 2007

A. disappear B. evaporate C. accumulate D. disseminate E. estimate

14. SPMB 2007

A. nerve B. nerveless C. nervous D. nervousness E. nervously

15. SPMB 2007

A. therefore B. moreover C. however D. In addition E. Despite

16. SPMB 2007

A. gave to B. might C. would D. could E. can

17. SPMB 2007

A. breathing B. breathable C. breathed D. breathe E. breaths TATA BAHASA Petunjuk : Soal nomor 18 sampai nomor 25 tidak berhubungan dengan bacaan. KUMPULAN SOAL UJIAN MASUK PERGURUAN TINGGI NEGERI Bidang Studi BAHASA INGGRIS 37 18. SPMB 2007 ‘How did your sister get a scholarship to study in Japan?’ ‘She got it after___ A writing competition.’ A. win B. winning C. won D. to win E. she won 19. SPMB 2007 As I found out that not all the workshop participants knew about today’s schedule, I got my secretary___ it right away. A. distributing B. distributed C. she distributes D. to distribute E. in distributing 20. SPMB 2007 As European artists began flocking to Bali in the 1930s, Western influences…..into Balinese art. A. were gradually introduce B. gradually introduce C. were gradually D. to be gradually introduced E. they were gradually introduced 21. SPMB 2007 ___ to life imprisonment, the murderer of this wife appealed to the Higher Court Justice. A. Sentencing B. He was sentenced C. To be sentenced D. Sentenced E. To be sentence 22. SPMB 2007 “Had there not been a black-out for more than thirty minutes yesterday, the performance of our play would have been a success.” From the above sentence, we may conclude that___. A. we received a big applause B. the lighting was just perfect C. we were very disappointed D. the play was too long E. we were very grateful 23. SPMB 2007 Tari was punished by the teacher only because she forgot to bring her book___. A. and she didn’t do her homework B. but she didn’t do her homework either C. but also for not doing her homework D. as well as she didn’t do her homework KUMPULAN SOAL UJIAN MASUK PERGURUAN TINGGI NEGERI Bidang Studi BAHASA INGGRIS 38 E. but also because she didn’t do her homework 24. “What about eating out? I don’t feel like cooking dinner.” “Ok. Just let me know____.” A. where do you want to go B. where you want to go C. whether you want to go D. how do you want to go E. why you want to go

25. SPMB 2007