



Drama is a valuable classroom technique that encourages students to participate actively in learning process as they have to interact with each other based on a story line. The objective of this research was to analyze the process, the components of drama, and impression of the students toward implementing of drama in English classroom.

This research was a descriptive qualitative which focused on the process of implementing drama in the English classroom. It concerned with an instruction of drama technique that was implemented to create interesting activity in the classroom. The research used student’s performance, observation, audiovisual recording, transcription, transcription, and questionnaire in order to know how drama was implemented in SMPN 2 Marga East Lampung. The subject of the research was X.1.

The researcher found that drama could be implemented efficiently in English class by using for elements of drama and the three components of drama. There were four group, the second group got the highest score. The impression of the students after implementing drama, they enjoy and happy with the learning process. The researcher suggested that the teacher should be used drama as one creative technique to avoid students’ boredom in the classroom, because drama could develop creative thinking and enjoy activity in the classroom.




A Script

Submitted in a Partial Fulfillment of The Faculty of Teacher Training and Education


The Language and Arts Education Department of The Faculty of Teacher Training and Education




1. Examination Committee

Chairperson : Drs. Hery Yufrizal, M.A., Ph.D.

Examiner : Dra. Editha Gloria Simanjuntak

Secretary : Dra. Hartati Hasan, M.Hum.

2. The Dean of Teacher Training and Education Faculty

Dr. H. Bujang Rahman, M.Si. NIP 19600315 198503 1 003


EAST LAMPUNG Student’s Name : KARLINA Student’s Number : 0913042011

Department : Language and Arts Education Study Program : English Education

Faculty : Teacher Training and Education

APPROVED BY Advisor Committee

Advisor I Co-Advisor

Drs. Hery Yufrizal, M.A., Ph.D. Dra. Hartati Hasan, M.Hum.

NIP. 19600719 198511 1 001 NIP. 194909281976032 001

The Chairperson of

Language and Arts Education Department

Dr. Muhammad Fuad, M. Hum. NIP 19590722 198603 1 003



Karlina was born in Bandar Agung on January 01st, 1992. She is the oldest daughter in her family. She has younger sister, Pertiwi, and twin sister, Hana Zulaykha and Hany Zulaydha.

She had her study in primary school at SDN 2 Bandar Agung. Then, she continued to secondary school at SMPN 1 Bandar Sribhawono. After that, she continued her study to senior high school at SMAN 1 Bandar Sribhawono. The last, she is studying in S1 program in English Department of Unila. When she was studying, she joined Study Art Community (KSS FKIP Unila) as a declamatory of poet, director, and actor.

She had practiced program (PPL) at SMPN 2 Marga Tiga East Lampung on the beginning of July 2012.


This piece of paper is proudly dedicated to: ฀ My beloved Parents, Wagimin and Wijiati.

฀ My grandmother-Makwek and my grandfather-Pakwek.

฀ My beloved younger Sister, Pertiwi and my beloved youngest twin Sister Hana Zulaykha and Hany Zulaykha.

฀ My families in Malaysia, Jem, Kis, Semi, Win, Ryan, and Anto. ฀ My companion, Heriyanto, S.Pd.

฀ My gorgeous friends of English Department 09 and UKMF KSS of University of Lampung.

฀ My adviser in Theater Iswadi Pratama and Ce Imas Sobariah ฀ My beloved Almamater Unila.




APPROVED…… ..………..ii

ADMITTED BY………....iii





TABLE OF CONTENTS…….………..………...viii

TABLE OF TABLES…..………..………ix


I.INTRODUCTION A. Background of Problems. ... 1

B. Formulation of Problems ... 5

C. Objectives of the Research ... 5

D. Uses of the research... 6

1. Theoretical benefit………….………..6

2. Practical benefit………..………..6

E. Scope of the Research ... 7

F. Definition of Terms ... 7

II. LITERATURE REVIEW A. Teaching English subject. ... 8

B. Concept of drama. ... 10

a. External and internal Rhythm……….………11 b. Mime………..……12

c. Vocal and speech………13

C. Types of Drama Activity. ... 16

a. Warm-up Exercise.. ………17

b. Mime………..17

c. Role Play………....…18

d. creative Drama………..……….18

D. The Procedure of Implementing Creative Drama ... 19

E. The Applicability of the Procedure Implementing Creative Drama in English class….……….………21

a. Teacher……….…21

b. Students………22



A. Type of the Research ... 26

B. Subject of the Research ... 27

C. Data ... 27

D. Data Collecting Technique ………...……… …………...27

1. Students' Performance ………...………27

2. Observation………...28

3. Recording the Data ………...………...28

4. Transcription ………..………..… 28

5. Questioner ……… 29

E. Data Analysis …..………..……..………..…. 29

1. Taking the Students' Score………...………..29

2. Transcribing the Data ………...… 30 3. Analyzing the Data ………..………. 30 F. Research procedure……...……...……… 31

1. Planning ……..………...31

2. Application ……….………..… 31

IV. RESULT AND DISCUSSION A. The Implementation of use drama………..…32

B. Descriptive Qualitative Discussion………34

C. Product of the Research…..……..…………...………...….…………...36

D. Process of t..he Research………..……….….38

1. The Process of Drama and Components…………...……….43

2. The Students' Score………...………..………...……60 3. The Impression of Students……..………..61

E. The Finding of the Research………..……….65

V. CONCLUSSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS A. Conclusions……...………..………….………..67

B. Suggestions……….68




A.Background of the Problems

This chapter discussed about introduction of the research that would be used in this study, such as: background of the problems, formulation of the problems, objective of the problem, uses of the problems, scope of the problems and definition of terms.

Language is the most important of human communication and it cannot be separated from human’s daily life. One language to express his feeling, ideas, experiences and so forth. From the statement above, it could be said how important language is. Every human has an ability to learn language, both native and foreign language. The term native language refers to language that has been learned by human since first time he / she can produce the language. In other hand, the term foreign language has not been learned by those before. English becomes closer the first foreign language that is taught at kindergarten up to university level now days. The English teaching-process is aimed as having some goals; one of them is to enable the students to use language as means of communication.


It is necessary for the teachers to use various teaching methods and technique. The way the teacher delivers the material about English will affect the way the students learn the language. A dull teacher will produce a dull student. Hence, the creativity of the teacher is needed in order to avoid dullness in teaching-learning process. The teacher has a very important role coating a more attractive activity in the classroom in order to attract students’ attention in learning English.

Nowadays, in so much of the teaching learning process, the teacher sometimes fails to realize the importance of providing the students with direct experience. The teacher presents the students with only surface reality then wonders why the students forget the lesson easily. They also only give a kind of evaluation that measure whether or not the students have mastered the structural items of English, without considering whether or not the students have been able to use English as a means of communication.

The students will easily gain the lesson only when they are being involved in the actual experience and would probably satisfy them not only intellectually but also emotionally as well and possibly inspire in their feelings of empathy. They would be more likely to remember the meaning of the word as a result of the moment of direct experience. Hence, it necessary for the teacher provides such kind of activities that can attract students to be involved in the direct experience. English is difficulties that commonly make the students think that learning English is difficult and boring. The writer hoped that this script could help the students to like the English lesson first,


because if they had liked the lesson first, they can more easily to receive the material from the teacher.

Based on her experience during PPL in SMPN 2 Marga Tiga East Lampung, the students liked English class but they sometimes found it as a boring activity since the teacher used almost the same way in teaching English. For instance, the teacher asked the students to practice the dialogue about such kind of expression only and mostly the carried out of dialogue by herself. The teacher also only gave the task to make the kind of text and the students must tell in front of the class.

Futhermore, there was not much chance for the students to practice speaking or create other their skill. The teacher only paid attention to the clever students to practice as model, while poor students talk among themselves in Indonesian or just keep silent. In result, the students felt bored with the activities. It is the teacher’s duty to overcome this problem by providing some creative activities in the classroom.

Using drama and components of drama, they are external and internal rhythm, mime, and vocal speech, the researcher hoped students could be active, increase character building, creative, and enjoy the class. Drama is a form of action in which some aspect of human experience is portrayed: it is an exploration of experiences and situations through enactment. In Drama, students learn about themselves and others by creating characters and situations. Drama provides a powerful means of exploring the way people react and respond to different situations, issues and ideas. The aim of


Drama is to provide the students with experiences in which the intellect, the emotions, the imagination and the body are all involved and developed through expression, performance, observation and reflection.

Drama provides a particularly valuable means of increasing self confidence and social awareness. Students are involved physically as well as emotionally and intellectually: the students learn through doing. Drama is, moreover, a co-operative process through which students develop their ability to share and communicate.

Drama is one of the creative activities that can be done by the teachers. Wessel (1987: 41) found that using drama activities helped to bring written materials to life by infusing the lifeless print with feeling, imagination, and though for the learner, who became an active participant in the learning process. According to Constantin Stanislavski (1989) components of drama could influence in English lesson. Drama is about talking and acting. Drama could help the students easier to acquire English because by following drama class, students have able to deliver the dialogues clearly in order to convey the message and the plot of the story. Hence, they have to speak to each other, even for the students who have not ever spoken English before. By applying drama, the researcher also expected the students would be motivated and encouraged to speak since they were given chances to have a lot of practice in

enjoyable ways, so the title of this research is “Implementation of Drama in English


B.Formulation of the Problems

Reffering to the background of the problems above, the researcher would formulate the problems as follow:

1. How are the process of drama and components implemented in English class? 2. How is the scoring system of drama implemented in English class?

3. How are the students’ impressions toward the implementing of drama in English classroom?

C.Objectives of the Research

The objectives of this research are:

1. To find out the process of implementing drama and the components of drama in SMPN 2 Marga East Lampung.

2. To find out scoring of students’ drama performance in SMPN 2 Marga Tiga East


3. To find out the impression of the students after implementing drama in SMPN 2 Marga Tiga East Lampung.


D.Uses of the Research

The uses of this research hopefully could: 1. Theoretical Benefit

This research would help readers to understand the use of drama technique in teaching learning process. Besides that, readers would get more knowledge or information that drama was not only applied on stage like a performance but also it could be applied on teaching activities at school.

2. Practical benefit a. Teacher

This study might give contribution to develop of teaching English. This result of the study could be useful for additional information that could be applied by general English teacher in teaching and practicing drama. Besides, this research gave more emphasizes on giving new information of drama technique in teaching learning process in junior high school.

b. Students

This result could be used as the ruler and knowledge in practicing drama. They could learn the job description in drama and how to perform on the stage. The students and listeners also could understand the way it is.


c. Other researcher

This result would give the information and knowledge about the implementation of drama technique in learning process. The writer hoped that her finding could be used by the researchers to open further analysis of drama technique.

E. Scope of the Research

The research was conducted in the third year SMPN 2 Marga Tiga East Lampung. The materials were stories from Walt Disney. The considerations of choosing those stories were the plots of those stories are well known by the students. The dialogues in the stories had been simplified so they were easily to be memorized, short and well balanced in length.

F. Definition of the Terms

Along the definition above, the researcher formulated some that were useful in the research. The terms below would guide the reider and understanding the research. a. Drama is a story, which is supposed to be performed in front of the audience

(Harcourt: 1968: 349).

b. The components of drama are external and internal rhythm, mime, vocal and speech.

c. The elements of drama are exposition, complication, climax, falling action, and resolution.



This chapter discussed about the literature review that would be used in this study, such as: Teaching English Subject, Concept of Drama, Types of Drama Activities, the Procedure of Implementing Drama in English Class, the Applicability of Procedure, and Advantages and Disadvantages of Implementing of Drama in English Class.

A. Teaching English Subject

Technique or strategy can be the important aspect that needed in teaching English lesson. The teacher needs to provide the right technique to the students to get the effective teaching learning process. Teaching learning process must be so enjoyable that the students are fully involved in studying materials. Atikson (1997:73) states that an individual will be encourage to do a certain thing when he knows that the thing please him.

The teacher is required to choose technique that can stimulate the students to be active in English classroom. The students must be simultaneously exposed to any kinds of oral activities or tasks, allowing them to practice speaking. Therefore, the


teacher must be able to design the scenarios that can keep the students stimulated to practice the topic of discussion. We cannot only teach what will be spoken but also the situation what we deal with. The teacher teaches by carrying out the students in certain situation when the topic is being talked about. The topic must be familiar with the students so what the ideas have an oral command of the language need to describe the topic.

From the explanation above, the researcher assumed that in teaching, teacher should give situation and opportunity to students in order that they would see the real thing because any single utterance always reflect to the condition of speaker without being ashamed or afraid of communicating with order students to tell their ideas, experience or feeling. In this case the researcher proposed the teaching technique for by using drama.

B. Concept of Drama

Harcourt (1968:349) defines that a play or a drama is a story which supposed to be performed in the front of audience. All three aspects of drama: story, performance, and audience are essential elements. Actors must perform the story otherwise; we are simply in the realm of fiction, not drama. Finally, we as readers or play must have the sense of being part of an audience, part of group experiencing the play together and simultaneously, or else, one of the great aspect and effect of drama of lost.


Stephen (1986:63) adds that drama is meant to be seen and heard not read. Every time a student read a play, he needs to be seeing a performance of it in his mind. So feature of drama is designed for performance in front of it audience. Those statements are in line with Thornly and Roberts (1987:199) who describe that drama as any kind of work written to be performed on the stage. It can be inferred that drama needs to be performed or seen by audience.

Through drama, students were able to explore thoughts and feelings not so easily expressed verbally or in writing. Learning drama techniques helped students become better communicators. Through peer collaboration, they would gain increased confidence in their own creative ideas. Drama allowed students to create and entertain, and it permitted students to work together to share ideas, solve problems, and create meaning.

Whitear’s approach (1998) in this regard is not only about words, structure and

pronunciation, but also feeling, motivations, and meanings that are valuable benefits for bringing drama to the language learner. Drama techniques and activities function to develop communication skill-through fluency, pronunciation, co-operative learning, confidence-building and intercultural awareness-might be added to the above-mentioned elements.

In addition, Wessel (1987:7) says that drama is doing and drama is being. Drama is such normal thing. It is something that we all engage in daily when faced with difficult situations. So, it could be inferred that drama was that drama something


usually happen in our daily life where we act as normally as we do every day. It was also as a technique of communicative language teaching because it emphasized that the role of drama that all students should participate in it.

Davis, (1977:757) explains that the plot of drama has five parts: exposition, complication, climax, falling action, and Denouement.

a. Exposition is the presentation of background materials – events which occurred before the drama begins and which are relevant to an understanding of what happens in the play.

b. Complication is the sequence of events which complicate the original situation. c. Climax, in which the fate of the major character is firmly established.

d. Falling action ensues as the major character in a tragedy gradually loses control, or in comedy gradually gains control of the situation.

e. Resolution is the final outcome of the plot complications.

According to Stanislavski (1989), the components of drama, they are: a. External and internal rhythm

External and internal rhythm external rhythm in drama has different meaning with the meaning rhythm itself. Rhythm in phonetic has a meaning that rhythm involves some noticeable even happening at the regular interval of time and detectable in the regular occurrence of stressed syllables, but external and internal rhythm in drama has two parts. The first is tempo can also be expressed as very slow, slow, fast, and very fast which leaves the speed of play up to the artist. The actor plays drama, they should


manage their tempo. The second part is rhythm can be defined as the patterned, recurring alternations of contrasting elements of sound or speech. In this part rhythm is melodious, tragedy, or comedy characters, so the actor must know, what the type science that they must act. From, the science to science, it is so different. The duty of the actor must know about it. Internal rhythm more explains about the emotion of the actors in play. They will explore sad, angry, happy, or feeling love in play. Emotion is very important to explore their imagination in play. By the imagination, the actor can know what they do to act. External and internal are including the students’ act the quality of characterization, movement, and ensemble playing.

b. Mime

Mime is a communication with an audience which relies mainly on the actor's gestures, movements and facial expressions.

 Gesture covers the use of our arms (and sometimes legs) to communicate ideas to the audience.

 Movement, the meaning as follows:

a. where we move to on and around the stage - upstage, downstage, avoiding masking another actor, etc

b. how we move to help with characterization - slowly, painfully, lightly, etc c. how we move in relation to other characters - threateningly, fearfully, in a


 Expression is act of expressing or the process to explain ( to seeing or explain the aim, concept, or opinion, etc) or something which looking the feeling of some to make sure the character in play.

c. Voice and Speech

Naturally are the first components of the actors’ physiological instruments to be considered. Voice and speech are aimed at acquainting the actor with a variety of means to achieve and enhance these skills. The basic elements of voice (breathing, phonation, and resonance) and of speech (articulation, pronunciation, and phrasing) as well as their final combination are all separate areas of the integrated instruction a good vocal will provide.

1. Articulation is the shaping of vocal sound into recognizable phonemes, or language sounds of which are easily distinguishable in the English language of speech to aim at improving the actors’ capacity to articulate these sounds distinctly, naturally, and unaffectedly, that is without slumming, ambiguous noise, or self conscious maneuvering of the lip and tongue. A lazy tongue and slovenly speaking habits inhibit articulation, and must be overcome with persistent and discipline attention.

The researcher would observe the students’ articulation in their performance. The students could or could not to articulate these sounds distinctly, naturally, and unaffectedly, that was without slumming, ambiguous noise, or self conscious


maneuvering of the lip and tongue. The students could articulate without slumming means that the students could speak clearly and distinctly, and carefully. Then ambiguous noise was open to two or more interpretations; or of uncertain nature or significance; or (often) intended to mislead, having more than one possible meaning, having no intrinsic or objective meaning; not organized in conventional patterns, especially in how to produce the words.

2. Pronunciation in drama is a way for students’ to produce clearer language when they speak in play in front of the class. It deals with the phonological process that refers to the component of a grammar made up of the elements and principles that determine how sounds vary and pattern in a language. There are two essential of good pronunciation. They are sounds and intonation. The sounds of the language are important. They have differentiated words. Intonation is produced by the sequence of pitch of the voice. The proposed of intonation are;

a. Intonation enables us to express emotions and attitudes as we speak, and this adds a special kind of meaning to spoken language.

b. Intonation helps to produce the effect of prominence on syllables that need to be perceived as stresses, and particular the placing of tonic stress on a particular syllables mark out the word to which it belongs as the most important in the tone- unit.

c. The listener is able to recognize the grammar and syntactic structure of what is being said by using the information contained in the information.


Pronunciation is a way for students’ to produce clearer language when they speak. It deals with the phonological process that refers to the component of a grammar made up of the elements and principles that determine how sounds vary and pattern in a language.

The researcher observed the students clear and unclear in pronouncing the words according to the script, because it meant that the actors must produce or pronounce the words with full expression what the script wanted.

3. Phrasing makes words meaningful and gives them sound patterns that are both rhythmic and logical. The great classical actors are masters of nuance in phrasing, capable of subtly varying their pitch, intensity, and rate of speech seemingly without effort from one syllable to the next. They rarely phrase consciously, rather they apparently develop their phrasing through of experience with classical works and sustained awareness of the value of spontaneity, naturalness, and a commitment to the dramatized situation.

For example:

Stepmother: Cinderella: “It means that I can go too” Prurella and Barbetta : “Ha ha ha aha ha ha……”

Stepmother : “Very well Cinderella can go after you finish all your works” Narrator : “They keep Cinderella busy all day long. Then it’s time to leave”


The bold words mean that the actor (stepmother) must make the words “finish all” more meaningful and gives it sound patterns are both rhythmic and logical.

The benefits of drama to speaking development were extensively acknowledged. According to Hamilton and McLead (1993), drama is beneficial especially to creative thinking development. According to Dougill (1987) and Taylor (2000), drama techniques can satisfy primary needs of language learning in that they can create motivation, enhance confidence, and provide context in learning a language. It is also great fun.

In short, using drama technique in teaching English class was more beneficial than using other techniques. As state above, drama was a way to deliver the information state in the story in the form of dialogues that had to be spoken. In this case, the students who were taught through drama were encouraged to speak in order to deliver the information in the story. Applying drama in teaching English was not only to give a chance for the students to produce utterance while they are performing the story, but also to give a meaningful context and productive process of learning.

C. Types of Drama Activities

Doghill in Helmy (1996:7) divides drama activities into four groups: warm-up exercise, mime, role play (including improvisation and simulation), and drama.


a. Warm-up exercise

Warm-up exercise, which consists of basic vocabulary in the form of games, should be introduced right from the very first meeting. Silver in Helmy (1996:8) gives a

good example. He calls it a “get-acquainted activity”. First, the students are asks to

form two concentric circles with the inner circles facing the ones in other circle. Each student makes an introductory remark to person in the front of him (e.g.” My name is Hery and I am in Lampung. What is your name and where are you from?”, after that their teacher gives signal to students in the inner circle while moving one step to the left to find a new partner while the ones in the outer circle do not move. Each student will introduce himself and the previous partner he talked to before (“My name is Hery I am from Lampung. She is Karin and she is from Bandung, What is your name and where are you from?”

b. Mime

Mime should follow the warm-up exercise soon after learners have been taught further structure and vocabulary. Mime is non-verbal, but even thought it does not involve language; gives pleasure to children while giving them a chance to practice the basic acting. An example to consider a group of student is asking to pantomime a party situation. In it they will act out having terrible dinner and as the consequence they will have to perform many kinds of illness due to the bad food (e.g. a students may get stomachache, another gets a headache, etc). The rest of the class is expected to guess what their classmates are miming.


c. Role play (including improvisation and simulation)

Role play is one of the methods of bringing the outside world into the classroom. Wit it a learner can be pretend to be a different person any imaginable situation anywhere he wishes to be. Students are also improvising by making up words of their own. Improvisation and simulation are usually given after the student’s enthusiasms has been growing and improving. At this point, the children should be familiar enough with language needed on order for them to the part in improvisation and simulation of role play. In this situation children needed to be given freedom to experiment with words and sounds.

d. Creative Drama

The researcher chased this type to the play in the class. This type was very suitable for junior high school, especially for Cinderella script. Wan See Sam (1990) defines creative drama as it is used in the language classroom not on the stage and the participants in these activities are thus learners not actors. Creative drama is quite different from role play because it does not only show imitated action (role) performed (play) by participants, but it has a certain plot which involves human conflict. A role play does not have a plot; it means that creative drama has an exposition, complication, climax, falling action, and denouement while role play only need a dialogue improvisation from the beginning until the end. Since creative drama has two types, drama with script and without script, the writer chooses to apply drama without script. The reason of playing creative drama without script is to know students’ comprehensibility that representative by memorizing the text. The materials


given are stories from Walt Disney recording materials; that is Cinderella. The consideration of choosing those stories are the plots of those stories is well known by the students. The dialogues have been simplified so it is easily memorized, short and well balanced in length.

D. The Procedure of Implementing Creative Drama in English Class

In this research, the researcher made a procedure of teaching through creative drama as follows:


a. Teacher greated the students.

b. Teacher checked the students’ attandence list.

c. Teacher gave question relate to the focus of the lesson that would be learnt. In this case, students were asked about their experience during learning English lesson so far. Whether or not they had difficulties in learning and what reasons cause the difficulties.

d. Teacher introduced about drama was a technique which would be applied in the class. Teacher explained what they would have to do during the lesson.

While Activity

a. Teacher divided the class into group of four. b. Teacher distributed the script of drama.


c. Teacher handed over the script then explain the background of the play and gave students a chance to ask question.

d. Teacher explained the five elements involved in drama; they were exposition, rising action/complication, climax, falling action, and resolution.

e. Teacher explained the three components involved in drama; they were external and internal rhythm, mime (movement, expression, gesture, and voice and speech, they are articulation, pronunciation, and phrasing.

f. Teacher gave time for students to reading and comprehension the script about ten to 30 minutes.

g. Teacher gave example to the students how to pronunce the words in the text. h. Determined who as whom then train them to dialogue and ask them to memorize


i. Teacher asked the students start the perform by trowing the dice to determine who would get the first turn.

j. Teacher asked the groups to practice the play in front of class.While the students performed their plays, the teacher observed the production of the words including pronunciation of the students by recording their performance using video.

k. Teacher also observed of components of drama, external and internal rhythm, mime, and speech they were articulation, pronunciation in drama, and phrasing. l. Teacher asked another group to note the mistakes (pronunciation and


Post Activity

a. Teacher commented on students’ performance especially in pronunciation and fluency, articulation, and phrasing.

b. Teacher asked the students about their difficulties during learning process. c. Teacher discussed the ways to solve the difficulties together with students. d. Teacher closed the class with greeting.

E. The Applicability of the Procedure Implementing Creative Drama In English Class

a. Teacher

This study might give contribution to develop of teaching English. This result of the study could be useful for additional information that could be applied by general English teacher in teaching and practicing drama. Beside, this research gave more emphasizes on giving new information of drama technique in teaching learning process in junior high school.

In the procedure of implementing drama in the class the researcher was as teacher. She taught about drama. Then she explained about the meaning of drama, the elements of drama, and the components of drama. After that, she distributed the script and divided the members of groups. While distributing the script, she explained the background of the play and gave the students chance to ask the question. Some of students asked about the components of drama namely external and internal rhythm.


They still understand yet about it. They said that they knew about the components of drama (external and internal rhythm, mime, and vocal speech) for the first time. She explained the plot and asked the students to make the purpose and objective from each science (exposition, complication, climax, falling action, and resolution). Then, she asked them to read and memorized the scrip for ten to thirty minutes, but the class became very noisy when they have memorized the text. After they have memorized, they have performance.

The other of the students who performance yet, they must note the mistakes in pronunciation, improvisation, and memorizing the text. After all of students had performance, they researcher asked about their difficulties during learning process and discussed to solve the problems together. Their problems were about pronunciation and how to make the innovation in the performing. To solve these problems, the researcher asked them to check the dictionary how to spell them first before they memorized the texts, but this problem could be dispended because of the short time to memorize.

b. Students

In first meeting, group1 and 2 had performed the drama. The response of the students, they were looked ashamed. It caused we had the first meeting, so their confidence were not explored yet, but after explaining about drama, they were looked so friendly. The students had a good interaction with the explanation from the researcher. In the


second meeting, the students had looked interested with implementation of drama in their class. Group 3 and 4 had performance. They were looked active in the class.

The researcher used Davis in Literature Handbook (1977) for the elements of drama; they were exposition, complication, climax, falling action, and resolution. In fact, when the teacher applied this in the class, the students could understand the plot, science of the drama, and the message of the story. The message could deliver clearly for the audience or the listener.

For the components of drama (external and internal rhythm, mime, and vocal speech),

the researcher used Constatin Stanislavki’s in his book; An Actor prepare book

(1989). When applied in the class, the researcher found the students got confuse in the first time to understand about the external and internal rhythm, but while they performance the Cinderella drama, they could understand because they practiced directly on the front of the class.

F. The Advantages of Creative Drama

The first, according to Makita (Ulas: 2008), drama is a valuable classroom technique that encourages students to participate actively in learning process as they have to interact with each other based on a story line. The frame of the story line could be enhanced by understanding the plot. The plot could help the students to understand the story easily when they had already understood the story line; they would feel sure


to speak in order to deliver the message of the story. That was why drama could be used as a teaching technique used in this research. Drama would be useful in the process of acquiring English as a foreign language. By conducting drama, it made the students had a responsibility in delivering the message of the story.

The second advantages of creative drama or drama itself, from the components of drama (Stanislavki), it had influenced the character building, creative thinking, and more confidence in the classroom. The implementation of drama in English class could be used as one creative technique to avoid students’ boredom in the classroom, because drama could develop creative thinking and enjoy activity in the classroom.

The third, it could develop theamwork to communicate and share their idea. The last, the advantages of drama could create the students’ creativity in their learning process. The students did not only sit as passive learners because they could actively involve in the learning process and create the students to do the activities and motivate them to be braver on front of the class.

A. The Disadvantages of Creative Drama

The implementation of drama in English class had disadvantages. The first, some of the students couldn’t produce the dialogues fluently. The second, the students couldn’t tell some of words clearly. It was caused short in time when they memorized


drama texts, so they had not opened the dictionary and seen how to spell the word was good or not. The last disadvantages of drama were indiscipline and noisy. If one of the groups was performing the drama, and the teacher or researcher concentrates their perform, the audience or the students who performance yet were very noisy.



Research method described how to researcher collect and analyze the data in order to solve the problem. This chapter discusses about type of the research, subject of the research, data, data collecting technique, data analysis, and research procedure.

A.Type of the Research

In conducting this research, the researcher used descriptive qualitative research. Qualitative research has the natural setting as the direct source of data and the researcher is the key instrument. The data is collected in the form of words or pictures rather than numbers. The written results of the research contain quotation from the data to illustrate and substantiate the presentation. Qualitative researcher is concerned with the process rather than simply with outcomes or products. (Bodgan & Biklen, 1982: 27)

The statement above is supported by Fraenkel (1993:383) who states that in data collection, the researcher is continually observing people, events, and occurrences, often supplementing his or her observation with in-depth interviews of selected participants and the examination of various documents and records relevant to the


phenomenon of interest. The researcher used the descriptive of qualitative research because this research is intended to describe the process of implementing drama in English class.

B. Subject of the Research

The research was conducted at SMPN 2 Marga Tiga East Lampung. The subject was the third year of SMPN 2 Marga Tiga East Lamapung. There were four classes consisting IX 1 until IX 4. The class that had been chosen randomly through lottery was IX 1 which consists of 32 students.

C. Data

In this research the data was taken from primary data, they were classroom activities, classroom observation, students’ utterance, and students’ performance.

D. Data Collecting Technique

In this research, the researcher used instruments in collecting the data; they were students’ performance, observation, recording, transcription, and questionnaire.

1. Students’ Performance

The first instrument in getting the data was drama test. The writer took the score from the performance as according to schema of drama score sheet. From the student’s


performance, the writer analyzed the speech aspects also; they were articulation, pronunciation, and phrasing.

2. Observation

The researcher observed the learning process and drawing conclusion of in learning process using drama. The researcher used observation because she observed how drama as a technique was implemented in the process of learning in the class. Then, the researcher also observed whether or not the students have difficulties in pronunciation, and vocal speech, external and internal rhythm, and mime (gesture, movement, expression) in their performance during the process of learning using drama.

3. Recording the Data

The researcher recorded the students’ performance by using video in order to get the valid data from the students.

4. Transcription

After getting the recording, the researcher then transcribed the interaction that happen during the class. The recording was aimed to get more valid of the data so that the research would give the real data from the students activity.

5. Questionnaire

The questionnaire was given to the students in order to know students’ response, towards the teaching learning process. It was use to know student’s impressions and responses after practicing the play in front of the class.


E.Data Analysis

In this research, the researcher conducted descriptive qualitative research which describe the process through drama the third year of SMPN 2 Marga Tiga East Lampung. Hence, in this case the researcher did not need statistic data. In analyzing the data the researcher did the following steps:

1. Taking the Students’ Performance Score

While performing, the researcher took the score of their performance. The score sheet by Stanislavki:

Drama Score Sheet




SPEECH: Articulation, pronunciation, and phrasing. 30 MIME: Actor’s gesture and facial expression. 15

ACTING: Quality of characterization, Movement, ensemble playing.


INNOVATION: Effective, attentive and improvisation to drama




TOTAL Table 1


In this research, from the components of drama (external and internal rhythm, mime, and vocal speech), the researcher will also observe in speech aspect (articulation, pronunciation in drama, and phrasing).

No. Components of Speech in Drama


1. Articulation


Ambiguous noise 2. Pronunciation

Clear Unclear 3. Phrasing

Meaningful Not Meaningful Table 2

Source: (Stanislavski, 1989) 2. Transcribing the Data

After recording students’ performance, the researcher then transcribed what the students had told or done during learning speaking using drama in order to get the written from the data.

3. Analyzing the Data

The analysis of data needed creative and careful thinking. Data analysis was the process of data organization in order to achieve the necessity of a research. Having gotten the written from of the data, the researcher analyzing the data. In this step, the


researcher interpreted the written form of the recorded data. In this research, the components of drama that would be analyzing using drama in the process of teaching were external and internal rhythm, mime, and speech (articulation, pronunciation, and phrasing).

F. Research Procedure

In conducting the research, the researcher used the following procedures: 1. Planning

Before applying the procedures of the research, the researcher had some planning, they were: Determining the subject of the research, preparing the materials, making lesson plan and discussing the process of applying drama in the English classroom. 2. Application

In the application, drama technique was applied in English classroom. The writer taught the students. During the teaching learning process, the researcher also observed the students’ activities, and the last the researcher gave the students questionnaire to know their responses and impressions after practicing the play. The first and the second meeting were used to implement drama in the class; the third meeting was for questioning session.

The first, identifying the problems of the research. In the step, the writer had to able to see and formulated the problems that commonly appear in the process in the classroom. Then, determining a focus for the research. After identifying problems, determined were research will be emphasized. In the research, the writer took a score


as according the schema of score sheet of drama and analyzed the components of drama in speech aspect (articulation, pronunciation in drama, and phrasing) that would implement in the classroom. After that, determining where and from whom data would be collect. In this research, the researcher took the third year of SMPN 2 Marga Tiga East Lampung as a source of the data.

The researcher used IX 1 as a sample chosen randomly. Finding out any literature reviews that were able to support the theory relate the topic of the research. Then, determining what type of the research that would be conduct. In this research, the researcher conducted descriptive qualitative research. Determining what additional instrumentation might be used, beyond the researcher as the human instrument. Then, determining data collection that would be use in this research. Determining which data analysis procedures would be use in this research.

Determining the techniques that would be use to determining trustworthiness. After that, the research procedures that have already planned were applied. The last point that has been done the researcher in this research was reporting. Two steps were done in reporting: analyzing the data and making report on the findings.



Having conducted her research at the third year of SMPN 2 Marga Tiga East Lampung and analyzing the data, the researcher would like to state her conclusions and suggestions as follow:


After collecting the data from recording, the researcher concludes:

1. The process of drama was going well in English class. By using the elements of drama the message of the story was deliver well for the other students. From the components of drama, external and internal rhythm made them more confidence and creative. Mime made them knows how to make the word meaningful and enjoy with the learning process. Speech aspect made their articulation, pronunciation, and phrasing were increasing than before implanting drama in English class.

2. Almost the students got the high score. The scoring of drama, in the members of group one almost got highest scores in action aspect. In Group two, all of the members got highest score in mime aspect. The members of group three had


been still got low score in speech and action. The last group got good score in the fourth aspect, especially in innovation.

3. The response and the impression of students in the classroom were almost enjoying the performance. After studying about drama and performing drama, the students were braver to speak in the class. They feel happy in the class, because they didn’t feel strained again in the classroom.

B. Suggestions

The researcher would like to purpose some suggestions as follows:

1. English teachers are suggested to use drama technique in process of teaching in order to avoid students’ boredom, because the students become active and creative in English class. Drama technique gives chance the students to speak and expressing their idea.

2. Teacher should give more attention to students’ difficulties commonly appeared when the student speak. For instance, to improve students’ pronunciation, the teacher should give them good model of pronunciation and instruct the students to check into the dictionary first. To improve the students comprehension in understanding drama stated in the script and the teacher should also give they more practice how to act drama by using the plot of drama.


E.Data Analysis

In this research, the researcher conducted descriptive qualitative research which describe the process through drama the third year of SMPN 2 Marga Tiga East Lampung. Hence, in this case the researcher did not need statistic data. In analyzing the data the researcher did the following steps:

1. Taking the Students’ Performance Score

While performing, the researcher took the score of their performance. The score sheet by Stanislavki:

Drama Score Sheet



SPEECH: Articulation, pronunciation, and phrasing. 30 MIME: Actor’s gesture and facial expression. 15

ACTING: Quality of characterization, Movement, ensemble playing.


INNOVATION: Effective, attentive and improvisation to drama




TOTAL Table 1


In this research, from the components of drama (external and internal rhythm, mime, and vocal speech), the researcher will also observe in speech aspect (articulation, pronunciation in drama, and phrasing).

No. Components of Speech in Drama


1. Articulation


Ambiguous noise 2. Pronunciation

Clear Unclear 3. Phrasing

Meaningful Not Meaningful Table 2

Source: (Stanislavski, 1989) 2. Transcribing the Data

After recording students’ performance, the researcher then transcribed what the students had told or done during learning speaking using drama in order to get the written from the data.

3. Analyzing the Data

The analysis of data needed creative and careful thinking. Data analysis was the process of data organization in order to achieve the necessity of a research. Having gotten the written from of the data, the researcher analyzing the data. In this step, the


researcher interpreted the written form of the recorded data. In this research, the components of drama that would be analyzing using drama in the process of teaching were external and internal rhythm, mime, and speech (articulation, pronunciation, and phrasing).

F. Research Procedure

In conducting the research, the researcher used the following procedures: 1. Planning

Before applying the procedures of the research, the researcher had some planning, they were: Determining the subject of the research, preparing the materials, making lesson plan and discussing the process of applying drama in the English classroom. 2. Application

In the application, drama technique was applied in English classroom. The writer taught the students. During the teaching learning process, the researcher also observed the students’ activities, and the last the researcher gave the students questionnaire to know their responses and impressions after practicing the play. The first and the second meeting were used to implement drama in the class; the third meeting was for questioning session.

The first, identifying the problems of the research. In the step, the writer had to able to see and formulated the problems that commonly appear in the process in the classroom. Then, determining a focus for the research. After identifying problems, determined were research will be emphasized. In the research, the writer took a score


as according the schema of score sheet of drama and analyzed the components of drama in speech aspect (articulation, pronunciation in drama, and phrasing) that would implement in the classroom. After that, determining where and from whom data would be collect. In this research, the researcher took the third year of SMPN 2 Marga Tiga East Lampung as a source of the data.

The researcher used IX 1 as a sample chosen randomly. Finding out any literature reviews that were able to support the theory relate the topic of the research. Then, determining what type of the research that would be conduct. In this research, the researcher conducted descriptive qualitative research. Determining what additional instrumentation might be used, beyond the researcher as the human instrument. Then, determining data collection that would be use in this research. Determining which data analysis procedures would be use in this research.

Determining the techniques that would be use to determining trustworthiness. After that, the research procedures that have already planned were applied. The last point that has been done the researcher in this research was reporting. Two steps were done in reporting: analyzing the data and making report on the findings.



Having conducted her research at the third year of SMPN 2 Marga Tiga East Lampung and analyzing the data, the researcher would like to state her conclusions and suggestions as follow:


After collecting the data from recording, the researcher concludes:

1. The process of drama was going well in English class. By using the elements of drama the message of the story was deliver well for the other students. From the components of drama, external and internal rhythm made them more confidence and creative. Mime made them knows how to make the word meaningful and enjoy with the learning process. Speech aspect made their articulation, pronunciation, and phrasing were increasing than before implanting drama in English class.

2. Almost the students got the high score. The scoring of drama, in the members of group one almost got highest scores in action aspect. In Group two, all of the members got highest score in mime aspect. The members of group three had


been still got low score in speech and action. The last group got good score in the fourth aspect, especially in innovation.

3. The response and the impression of students in the classroom were almost enjoying the performance. After studying about drama and performing drama, the students were braver to speak in the class. They feel happy in the class, because they didn’t feel strained again in the classroom.

B. Suggestions

The researcher would like to purpose some suggestions as follows:

1. English teachers are suggested to use drama technique in process of teaching in order to avoid students’ boredom, because the students become active and creative in English class. Drama technique gives chance the students to speak and expressing their idea.

2. Teacher should give more attention to students’ difficulties commonly appeared when the student speak. For instance, to improve students’ pronunciation, the teacher should give them good model of pronunciation and instruct the students to check into the dictionary first. To improve the students comprehension in understanding drama stated in the script and the teacher should also give they more practice how to act drama by using the plot of drama.

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