



Agiska Prana Citra

Guideline of Educational Unite Level Curriculum (KTSP) which is applied for all school levels in Indonesia leads the students to have real life skills. This implies that teaching English stated in KTSP in particular is to enable the students to master the four language skill; listening, reading, speaking and writing. Speaking is one of the important skills that the students have to master. The ability to communicate is the primary goal of foreign language instruction that speaking is put ahead on the other skills.

This Classroom Action Research is conducted to find out how the implementation of Simon Says game can increase the s speaking ability and teaching learning process. This research lasted from 22 August until 7 September 2011. The subject of the research was the first year of SMPN 3 Pringsewu in the year 2011-2012.

The result of the research proves that the Simon Says game can increase the speaking ability. The indicator of the research are concerned on the learning product and learning process. The indicator of the learning process is 80% of the students active during the lesson while the learning product is 70% of the students pass the passing grade which is 60, and the teacher can get score 80 for teaching performance. In students, vocabulary score, 91.67% students passed the passing grade. In teaching learning process, 86.48% students wetre actively involved and the teacher got score 83 for teaching performance. Based on the data, the researcher concludes that the Simon Says game can increase students speaking ability and teaching learning process. Therefore, using Simon Says game as a technique in teaching speaking is recommended to be used by teachers to improve their students speaking ability.



Agiska Prana Citra

The objectives of this research were to find out whether Pattern Drills technique : 1. is applicable to increase the students’ speaking ability; 2. to improve the students’ participation during the teaching learning process; 3. to improve the quality of teachers’ teaching performance. The research was conducted at SMPN 3 Pringsewu to the students of second grade in academic year 2011/2012 which consisted of 37 students.

This classroom action research was conducted in two cycles. Each cycle consisted of planning, action, observation and interpretation, analysis and reflection. The researcher used indicators dealing with the learning product which covered the students’ score and learning process which covered the students’ participation during the teaching learning process and the teacher’s teaching performance. The result should that the students’ score reached 65, the score for teacher’s teaching performance should 80 and 80% for the students’ participation. To collect the data of the learning process and learning product, the writer used speaking test and observation as the instruments.

Based on the students’ test it can be seen in cycle I, only 13 students (48%) could get the score of ≥65. Meanwhile, after cycle 2 had been conducted, 26 students (96%) passed the KKM (Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal). For the learning process, the students activities improved, from the cycle I, 17 students (63%) do ≥80% and in cycle 2, 26 students (96%) do ≥80%. Meanwhile, for the teacher’s teaching performance, the teacher got score of 62 in cycle I, and then she got 89 in cycle 2. Referring to the result of the research above, it could be concluded that Simon says game was applicable to improve the students’ speaking ability, the students’ participation during the teaching learning process and teacher’s teaching


the gracious mercy and tremendous blessing that enable me to accomplish this Speaking Ability Through Simon Says Game at the Second Year of SMPN 3 Pringsewu

compulsory fulfillment of requirement for S1 degree of English department at Teacher Training and Education Faculty, Lampung University.

It is necessary to be known that this script would never have come into existence without any supports, encouragement, and assistance by several outstanding people and institutions. Therefore, the writer would like to address her respect and gratitude to:

1. Drs. Hery Yufrizal, M.A.,Ph.D. as the writ irst advisor for his

guidance, constructive correction, and comment in guiding this script into existence.

2. Drs. Dedy Supriyadi, M.Pd.

kindness, suggestions, guidance and help to improve this script be better. 3. Ujang Suparman, S.Pd, M.A.,Ph.D.

given her inputs, advices and guidance during completion the script. 4. All lectures of English Program, who have contributed their guidance and

knowledge for the writer.

5. Surtiyati, S.Pd. as the Headmaster of SMPN 3 Pringsewu for giving her permit to conduct the research.

6. Istiyana, A.Ma.,Pd. as the English teacher of SMPN 3 Pringsewu who has supported the research and all the students in VIII.3.

7. beloved parents (Suprahyugo, S.E and Suzzana and my sister and brother (Rizky Dewi Amalia and Fadhel Muhammad Firas). Thanks for giving never ending love, pray, trust, and support.

8. My beloved Rizky Raya Saputra, thank you for being the best gift that God has given to me. It is wonderful when I realize that we belong together.



cannot be mentioned one by one (thanks for everyting).

10. , Ni Ketut

Apriyani, and Nadia Natania for never ending help and support. Finally, the writer has a great belief that this script would give positive contribution to educational development, the reader and those who want to accomplish further research.

Bandar Lampung, 2012

The writer,



St : Agiska Prana Citra

: 0643042002

Department : Language and Arts Education Study Program : English Education

Faculty : Teacher Training and Education Faculty

APPROVED BY Advisory Committee

Advisor I Advisor II

Drs. Hery Yufrizal, M.A., Ph.D. Drs. Deddy Supriyadi, M.Pd.

NIP 19600719 198511 1 001 NIP 19580505 198502 1 001

The Head of Language and Arts Department

Drs. Imam Rejana, M.Si. NIP 19480421197803 1 004


1. Examination Committee

Chairperson : Dra. Hartati Hasan, M.Hum. ...

Examiner : Drs. Hery Yufrizal, M. A.,Ph.D. ...

Secretary : Drs. Huzairin, M.Pd. ...

2. The Dean of Teacher Training and Education Faculty

Dr. H. Bujang Rahman, M. Si. NIP 19600315 198503 1 003



A. Concept of Speaking Skill

According to Byrne (1984) speaking is oral communication. It is a two way process between speaker and listener and involves productive and receptive skills of understanding. Therefore, in the process of speaking there must be at least two people: one is a speaker who gives information and the other is listener who receives information.

Haris (1974:9) states that speaking is encoding process where people can communicate the ideas, thought and feeling orally. It means that we produce spoken message to someone. Spoken message is our ideas, thought and feeling that we want to share, influence, or interact to other people.So, here speaking situation involves a speaker who put a message with words or sentence that has content a listener. Welty (1976), states that speaking is the main skill in communication. Based on these ideas, it is understood that through speaking one can communicate or express what he wants in order to understand one another.

Rivers (1978:162) says through speaking someone can express his ideas, emotions, attentions, reaction, to other person and situation and influence other


person. Furthermore, someone can communicate or express what he wants from other and responds to the speaker. It means that in order to speak or to express

is understable to the listener.

Murcia ( 1978:91) says speaking is the primary element of language and it can be developed from the begining when someone was born, from the first contact with

birth, even though it only occurs for the first language.

Lado ( 1978 : 91 ) defines speaking as the ability to express situation or the ability to converse, or the ability to express a sequence of ideas fluently. It means that in the process of speaking there must be at least two people, one is the speaker and the other is the listener. Based on the ideas, speaking is very important in daily life activities, because we can react to other person and situation and express our ideas, thought and feeling through spoken language.

From the explanation above the researcher assumes that speaking is an ability to express idea, opinion, feeling and emotions to other by using words or sounds of articulation in order to inform, to persuate, and to entertain that can be learnt by using some teaching learning methodology.. The language is used to express oneself to be undestood by other. Speaking is a process of communication to express our idea among people in society to keep the relationship going well. Welty states that (1976:47) speaking is one of four basic skills of language and it has important role in daily life because it is the main skill in communication. Speaking must fulfill these following criteria, they are :


1. Pronunciation

Pronunciation refers to the ability to produce easily comprehensible articulation (Sakur:1987). There are 3 basic of the main range of the teaching technique which can be involved to assist pupils in learning pronunciation. The first is exhortation. Exhortation is the instructions to imitate and mimic, to make such a sound, without father explanation. For example the students say Like/ lek/ and then the researcher asks the students not /lek/ but / laik/. The second is speech training, it is the construction of special games and exercises which entail the use of word or sentence so as to practices particular sounds, sequences of sound, stress-patterns, rhythm, and intonation. The researcher asks the students to practice how to pronoun sentences. The third is practical phonetics which including description of the organ of speech, description of the articulation of sounds, description of stress, rhythm and intonation.

2. Grammar

The study of how words and their component parts combine to form sentences, structural relationships in language or in a language, sometimes including pronunciation, meaning, and linguistic history. Grammar is the set of logical and structural rules that govern the composition of sentences, phrases, and words in any given natural language. Grammar refers it is a kind of regularity of sound structure that nobody could learn language without grammar. (


Vocabulary means the appropriate diction which is used in communication (Syakur 1987). Vocabulary refers to the selection of words thata suitable with content (Harris 1974:68-69). Vocabulary is divided in to two part, close class and open class. Close class consist of preposition, pronoun, conjunction, e.g

And : I like dancing and singing

A : I eat a bowl of meatball

Your : What is your favorite food ?

My : My hobby is riding bicycle

But : I do not like meatball but i like noodle

Open class consist of noun, adjective, v erb, adverb, e.g


I : I love playing badminton

My : My hobby is reading story book



Play : Rudi is playing football with his brother

Go : Romi go to the fields to play football

Makes : Mother makes a cup of coffe for my father.


Good : Markus is a good singer

Bore : I always bore if i stay at home alone

4. Fluency

Fluency is the smoothness of flow with which sounds, syllables, words and

phrases are joined together when speaking

( Brumfit (1984) in Nation sees fluency as the maximal affective operation of the language system so far acquired by the students. Beside that it refers to the one who express a language quickly and easily without any difficulty.

5. Comprehension

Comprehension the study how well students understand a language, or that helps them to improve their understanding of it, in which they read a piece of writing or listen to someone speaking, and then answer question. Beside that, comprehension is the ability to understand completely and be familiar with a situation, facts, etc.


Type of Speaking

Brown (2002) classifies the type of oral language in two parts, monologue and dialogue.


1. Monologue

In monologue when one speaker uses spoken language for any length of time, as in speeches, lectures, readings, news broadcaster, and the hearer must process long stretches of speech without interruptions-the stream of speech will go on whether or not the hearer comprehends. Monologue are divided into two kinds: Planned usually manifest little redundancy and are therefore relatively difficult to comprehend.

Unplanned exhibit more redundancy, which makes for ease in comprehension, but the presence of more performance variables and other hesitations, can help or hinder comprehension.

2. Dialogue

Dialogues involve two or more speakers and can be exchanges that promote social relationship (interpersonal) and those for which the purpose is to convey propositional or factual information (transactional).

Brown also provides type of classroom speaking performance, they are:

1. Imitative

Practicing an intonation contour or try to pinpoint a certain vowel sound is an example of imitative speaking. The imitation is carried out not for the purpose of meaningful interaction, but for focusing on some particular element of language form.


Intensive speaking includes any speaking performance that is designed to practice some phonological or grammatical aspect of language. It is goes one-stopbeyond imitative speaking.

3. Responsive

A good deal of students speech in the classroom is responsive short replies to teacher or students-initiated questions or comments. These replies are usually sufficient and do not extend into dialogues. Such speech can be meaningfull and authentic.

4. Transactional (dialogue)

Transactional dialogue is carried out for the purpose of conveying or exchanging specific information or idea is an extended from of responsive language. Conversation, for example, that may have more negotiate nature to them than does responsive speech.

5. Interpersonal

Interpersonal dialogue carries out more for maintaining social relationship than for the transmition of facts and information. The conversation are little trickier for learners because they can involve some or all of the following factors: a casual register, colloquial language, emoyionally


Extensive monologue is extended monologues in the form of oral reports, summaries, or perhaps short speeches. In this, the register is more formal and deliberative. This monologue can be planned or impromptu.

B. Concept of Teaching Speaking

Teaching speaking means teaching how to use language for communication, for transferring ideas, thought or even feeling to other people. Rivers (1978:6) states that speaking is developed from the first context with the language. So, we hate to introduce speaking with the language that we learn, because by speaking we can transfer our idea or thought to other people.

Moreover, Jesperson in Marians (1978:23) says that the essence of language is human activity on the part of the individual to make himself understood by another. He then adds that language is an activity that permits people to communicate with each other. So, it is clear that communication through language is very important for the people. We cannot only teach what will be spoken but also the situation that we deal it. The teacher teachs speaking by carrying out students to certain situation when the topic has occured. For instance, the topic is

The topic here, must be familiar to the students, so that the ideas and their organization are clear and the learners have an oral command of the language need to describe the topic.

Therefore, if students do not learn how to speak or do not get any opportunity to speak in the language classroom they may soon lose their motivation and interest in learning. On the other hand, if the right activities are taugh in the right way,


speaking in class can be a lot of fun, raise general learner motivation and make the English language classroom a fun and dynamic place.

Teaching speaking is to teach English language learners to :

1. Produce the English speech sounds and sounds patterns

2. Use word and sentences stress, intonation patterns and the rhythm of the second language.

3. Select appropriate words and sentences according to the proper social setting, audience, situation and subject matter.

4. Organize their thoughts in a meaningful and logical sequence. 5. Use language as a means of expressing values and judgments.

6. Use the language quickly and confidently with few unnatural pauses, which are called as fluency. ( Nunnan, 2003 in Kayi, 2006)

suitable forms of communication. There are several ways of teaching speaking that we can use during teaching learning process. In order to teach second language learners how to speak in the best way possible, the teacher must use speaking activities that can be practiced and applied in the classroom. Short dialogue is one of them.

C. Aspect of Oral Ability

There are crucial component of this skill, among others are pronunciation,fluency and comprehensibilty. Kenworth (1987) defines that pronunciation is native speaker (competent user the language) to know how to stay a word-bthat is how to pronunce it. In line with the previous statement, Brown claims (1998) it is


important to note, that fluency should never encourage at the expense of clear unambiguous, direct communication. Much more spontanetity is present in

understanding of the conversation.

Hedge (2000) also claims that part of speaking the language competently is the ability to produce its sounds in ways that are intelligible to other speakers and he defines fluency as the ability to link units of speech together with facility and without strain or inappropriate slowness, or undue hesition. These aspects of speaking are important for the learners to master English communication.


Learning activities can be defined as what students do in order to learn in the teaching sessions, courses, and programs. Learning activities are underpinned by what we do as educators, and what we encourage or require students to do as learners, to support them in the achievement of learning outcomes. Douglas in

system: seeing, hearing, smelling, feeling, thinking, physical or motor activity. The learner must actively engage in the learning process.

Based on the descript

done by the students during the teaching learning process. By doing many activities they will gain the knowledge, comprehensions and aspect of behavior to develop their skill that may be meaningful for their social life. According Dierich in Hamalik (2001: 172) learning activities can be classified into 8 groups, they are as follows:


1. Visual activities

It refers to activities which cover the learning through seeing things. Example: reading, observing, demonstrating, looking at the picture, etc.

2. Oral activities

It refers to activities which cover the learning through presenting information according to concepts. Examples: expressing something, asking, discussing, and interrupting.

3. Listening activities

It refers to activities in which the students learn by listening to information delivered orally. Examples: listening to a conversation, a speech, radio, etc. 4. Writing activities

It refers to activities in which the students present information through written form. Examples: writing an essay, paper, summarizing, doing a test, filling out the questionnaires.

5. Drawing activities

It refers to activities in which the students expressing the information by drawing. Examples: drawing maps, graphics, charts, etc.

6. Motor activities

It refers to activities that cover detecting bodily positions, weight, or movements of the muscles, tendons, and joints. Examples: doing an experiment, dancing, farming, etc.


It refers to activities which cover the process of generating ideas that are imaginative and clever. Examples: responding, solving problems, analyzing, taking a decision, memorizing.

8. Emotional activities

It refers to activities which enable the students to convey the feeling. Examples: feeling happy, tired, nervous, etc.


behavior done by the teacher when she/he teaches the students.

Therefore, we understand that in CAR the performance of the teacher is closely

teaching theories and learning strategies, because students have their own characteristics and different interest. Besides, teacher must have good teaching

performance or teaching skills during teaching and learning process on Pre activity, while-activity, and post-activity :

1. Pre- activities

a. Doing an apperception. Doing apperception means teacher can correlate the previous material with the material that will be given to the students.

b. Informing the complete that will be achieved to the students 2. While- activities


a. Mastery of Learning Material

In these activities, teacher must be able to master the learning material which covers showing the mastery of learning material, correlating material with real life, achieving communicative competence, transfering and explaining the material clearly.

b. Learning Strategy

Besides learning material, teacher is also able to master learning strategies which involve doing teaching and learning process which is suitable with the competence, doing a teaching and learning process which is suitable with

build positive attitudes, doing a teaching and learning process which is suitable with time allocation, emphaizing on teaching the language skills integratedly.

c. Use of Learning Media

Teacher also must be able to use learning media, because media can

material easily. In using learning media, teacher must be able to show the skills in using learning media, producing an interesting message from media, and involving the students making and using the media.


of the students in teaching and learning process, give positive responses to -student and


student-student, show a conducive-interpersonal relationship, and grow

e. Doing an Evaluation

Evaluation is also the aspect that cover

after teacher explains the lesson, doing a final evaluation which is relevant to the competence so that the teacher knows whether the competence that will be achieved is accomplished or not.

3. Post- activities

These activities covers the aspects of reflection or making summary of the -up by giving direction or tasks as a remedy to the students.

aching learning process because according to Foster (1976:37), a teacher is a central force that shapes the behaviour of the individual child as well as those of children groups.

according to spesific oles that stem from the expectation of society, school, peers, colleagues, and the students themselves.

Foster (1976:3) adds that the qualified and competent teacher must have mastered the knowledge and skills neccesary for the performance of the psychological roles, a teacher must be :

1. A social model

In performing this role, the teacher must be aware that students in certain communities still expected the teacher to be a model for the social values. Thus


the teacher is expected through the use of percept and example, to inculcate those moral values, life style, and career goals that have high priority in the community.

2. An evaluator

The way the teacher performs this role can frequently determine how students view themselves. Because they are sensitive about all matters concerning success and failure, the way in which the teacher performs the evaluator role is often more critical than the evaluation itself.

3. A walking encyclopedia

It means a teacher must be able to provide any information needed by the students. In other word, a teacher must be knowledgeable.

4. A moderator

The school teacher portrays the moderator role on many occasion. Especially in this area of personal conflicts, the role must be played objectively.

5. An investigator

This role can be performed in a constructive way by an understanding teacher, or it can result in devastating trauma for students if it is performed in an insensitive manner.

6. An ombudsman

This role provides the support and the encouragement that many students need if they are to overcome difficulities in learning and personal matters. In performing this role, a teacher usually respond by listening to the needs of students in an understanding way.


7. A moral builder

This role is important in the daily instructional program, especially where cognitive learning tasks are concerned. A teacher should build the morale of her students when they feel inadequate, or experience an early failure.

8. A leader of the group

For a teacher, skills in group leadership in the area of classroom management and planning for instruction. At this point, group leadership is a critical role for the teacher to perform.

9. A subtitute parent

A teacher acts as a parent for many students. With very young children, the teacher frequently must assist the students with personal attire, as well as to perform a number of essentially psychomotor tasks.

10. A friend

A teacher must be able to make friends with the students but it is not neccesary to be too friendly with them because he will find it difficult to be objective with them.

Meanwhile, in instrucional roles a teacher must be able to perform the following roles:

1. A planner for learning and instruction 2. A facilitator of learning and instruction 3. An evaluator of learning and instruction.


Considering the important role of a teacher, the researcher intends to observed the

observational schedules and rating scales. In this action research, the researcher will use an observation sheet in which there are some aspects that will be scored,

post activity.

F. Concept of Game

A game is an activity with rules, goal and an element of fun. There are two kinds of game: competitive game, in which players or team race to be the first to reach the goal and cooperative game in which players or teams work together toward a common goal Hadfield (1986:4). Rodger ( 1981:1) states that the use of game can develop activities to make students forget that they are in class that is to relax the students by engaging them in stress-reducing tasks.

There are so many games which are used as the technique of teaching nowadays, especially in teaching English as a foreign language. A game is a kind of teaching aids that can be applied to the class. Game can develop activities to make the students forget that they are in the class and also make them relax to learn the subject. (Nation, 1990:19) who stated that it is an activity that will give fun to the students.

There statement point out two important functions of using games in teaching and learning process. First, games as a tool of teaching make teacher easier in presenting the materials. Second, by engaging the students in a game give them


game can make the teaching learning process runs more enjoyable and meaning full. A game makes learning fun so the students pay more attention because they are enjoy by themselves.

According to Naion (1990:24) the characteristinof a good game are : 1.

2. Game should motivate students to enlarge their vocabulary 3. The materials of the game should challenge for the students.

In order to make a good planning of teaching and learning, it is necessary for the teacher to know the advantages and disadvantages of game. Thus, the process of teaching and learning run smoothly and achieve the target of study.

The advantages are:

1. Students are able to learn how to solve problems in which they are involved

2. Students are satisfied when they find and sense new ideas and concepts are formulated.

3. Game can create a big interest through realistic participation, because this game involves the students directly

The disadvantages are:

1. Students are interested in the game, not in the subject matter the game represents.

2. The game is time consuming


G.Concept of Simon Says game

Simon Says is a game for three or more players where one player takes the role of 'Simon' and issues instructions, (usually physical actions such as 'jump in the air' or 'stick out your tongue') to the other players, which should only be followed if prefaced with the phrase 'Simon says', for example 'Simon says jump in the air'. Players are eliminated from the game by either following instructions that are not immediately preceded by the trigger phrase or by failing to follow an instruction which does include 'Simon says'. It is the ability to distinguish between valid and invalid commands, rather than physical ability, that usually matters in the game, and in most cases, the action only needs to be attempted, rather than completed accurately.

Actually, Simon says game is game which need speaking and also listening ability. In this game, one person act as aSimon who speak some command and the other person act as a listener. So, maybe this game needs listening and also speaking ability. But, when i used this game in my class, Simon act as a speaker so this game is concern more about speaking ability than listening one. But of course listening ability is also needed in this game activity.

quickly as possible, and the winner of the game is usually the last player who has successfully followed all of the given commands.

A command starting with "Simon says" means the players must obey that command. A command without the beginning "Simon says" means do not do this


action. Anyone who breaks one of these two rules is eliminated from the remainder of the game. It is also often played that anyone who talks is eliminated.

There can be very complex and difficult command chains, such as "Simon says: Arms up. Simon says: Arms down. Arms up." Anyone ending with their arms up is eliminated, because you can not obey a command without beginning with "Simon says".

H. Teaching Speaking Through Simon Says Game

Based on Klippel (1984) the procedure of playing Simon Says game is divided into three terms: pre activity, while activity and post activity. Here are the procedures of teaching speaking through Simon says game:

Pre activity

1. Teacher greets the students. 2.

3. Teacher gives leading questions or brainstorms the students related to the materials that they are going to learn.

Have you ever made a party? Who did you invite to come? Who were they?

How did you invite them? 4. Students share their opinion.


1. Students are explained about the material that they are going to learn, that is expression of accepting and refusing invitation.

2. Students are explained some expressions of accepting and refusing invitation.

3. Teacher Gave some examples of the expression and ask the students to repeat after her.

4. Teacher asked the students to write down the expression that they have got


5. Teacher made sure that the students were already understood about the explanation.

6. The teacher explained about technique of Simon Says game and how to play it.

7. After that the teacher divided the students into groups. One group consists of 4-5 students. In each group, the teacher gave them 4-5 cards which contain instruction about accepting and refusing invitation.

8. The first students in each group who can create the right expression of the cards instruction is selected to be Simon.

9. The students who was selected to be first Simon took out one card then reads the instruction in it.

10. The other students who could answer the instruction selected to be the next Simon. It goes until all students in each group got their turn to be Simon.


1. Teacher asks the students whether they face difficulties in teaching learning process

2. Teacher gives comment and evaluates the activity for example by correcting wrong pronunciation, wrong grammatical use, etc.

3. Teacher gives reinforcement to the student. 4. Teacher summarizes the lesson.

5. Teacher closes the meeting.

The procedures above are the steps of conducting Simon Says game with a little modification of the basic ones. They will be implemented in the first cycle. While in the second cycle, the procedures above are more modified in the while activity.

I. Theoretical Assumption

Language is a topic that can not be learnt in one day but must be learnt continuously. Language is used to communicate. To be able to communicate students must speak. So, speaking skill is one of four language skills that students must master. To make students master this skill the teacher should create appropriate technique that can make students interested in following the teaching learning process.

In this research, the writer will focus on teaching speaking by using Simon says game. The writer assumes that Simon says game can help the teacher increase In addition, by using Simon Says the students are expected to be more active in speaking activity and they are encouraged to use English in communication.



A. Setting of the Research

In this research, the researcher used classroom action research. This research was done at the second year students of SMPN 3 Pringsewu. It was done based on the problem faced by the students and the teacher when they are in class. Based on the problem found by the researcher, the researcher examined the caused of the problem and then found the solution for that problem. Researcher found that the students in second year of SMPN 3 Pringsewu had difficulties in speaking class.

they have little chance to speak up.

The subject of this research was the students in second year of SMPN 3 Pringsewu. This research focused on students teaching learning at class room. The students were taught speaking though Simon Says game which is suitable for students at junior high school. The students were taught about how to do interpersonal speaking, with daily activity material. This class was chosen because their ability in English subject, especially in speaking skill is so low. Based on the


from the result of oral test, when the teacher asks the students, many of them made error grammatical in speaking.

In this classroom action research, the researcher acted as the observer and

researcher made the lesson plan and asked the teacher to perform in the class based on the lesson plan. So, during the teaching learning process, the researcher and the teacher would observer everything occurred in the classroom when they were learning speaking

B. General Description of the Research

Classroom Action Research was characterized by problems in class and actions done to solve problems. Based on the problem identify by the researcher, she found that she needs to examine the problem causes and try to find out the problem solution.

In doing the research, the researcher did collaboration with the English teacher to

teacher was applying the technique in the classroom, the researcher observed the teaching learning process and made some necessary points from that process.

After that, the researcher and the collaborator analyzed the result of the observation, and also the speaking test. The researcher and the collaborator also did reflection after knowing the result of the analysis. Based on the analysis and reflection, it was decided whether the next cycle would be held or not, and the next cycle would be focused on eradicating the weaknesses in the previous cycle.


In conducting the research, the researcher used the procedure of classroom action research designed by Arikunto. According to him, the research procedure in a classroom action research consist of planning, implementing, observing and reflecting (2006). Therefore, this research is designed as follows:

1. Planning

Based on the problem of the research, the researcher prepared the lesson plan and selected the material. In designed lesson plan, the researcher used the school syllabus as the basis of the lesson plan. The lesson plan was aimed to teach speaking skill. It containts the standard competence and the basic competence to be achieve. It also contains the procedure of presenting lesson, activities, and assignment in each meeting. The material was about expressing accepting or refusing the invitation and expressing like and dislike. The researcher prepared observation sheet. It was aimed to analyze the process of teaching learning.

The researcher made the indicator of success which was aimed to access the

determine whether the action throughout the first cycle has been successful or not.

2. Implementing

The second step of classroom action research was implementing the action. The researcher asked the teacher to implemented the material through Simon Says game while she teaches speaking. The learning process must be run naturally. In this step, the teacher taught the students based on the lesson plan


participation, so that the students would become more active in teaching learning process. Text was being chosen to teach speaking to the students. Vocabulary and grammar were also become the focus of the teaching learning

the students got accustomed to the way to identifying the text. It was also done to make the students familiar with the new words. The teacher also read the text as a model for the students with correct pronunciation. Then, the teacher treated the students to create the dialogue based on the situation in the text. Next, the teacher let the students to practice their speaking. In doing speaking

the observer observed the situation in the class and made some necessary notes.

3. Observing

The researcher and collaborator observed the activities happened in the classroom in every cycle and wrote the result of the observation in the observation sheets. The researcher and the collaborator also interpreted the result of the observation. This step was started when teaching learning process was occurring.

4. Reflecting

Here, the researcher together with the collaborator analyzed the result of the speaking of the students as the learning product. The researcher also analyzed everything occurred in the teaching learning process based on the observation


sheets. The researcher and the collaborator discussed about the strength and the weaknesses of a cycle to determine what to do in the next cycle and to determine whether or not the result of the cycle is satisfactory.

D. Indicator of the Research

They are two indicators would be used in this research. They were learning

speaking test score while learning process was in the form of the observation report of the observer. Then, the detail indicators are explained as follows:

1. Learning Product

For learning product the indicator was based on Standard Goal for Student (KKM) stated that for speaking the standard goal is 60. The Simon Says game was able to improve stud

score of speaking test, 60 (Diknas 2009).

Learning product focused on the production of sounds, students speaking for certain aspect that students mostly have difficulty in speaking. Here, the observer recorded the students when they are speaking in dialogue with their friends.

There are some aspects that would be observed in the scoring system, promoted by Harris (1979). The aspects as follows:


20 Speech is fluent and effortless as that of native speaker


12 Pronunciation problems necessitate concentrated listening and occasionally lead to misunderstanding

8 Very hard to understand because of pronunciation problem must frequently be asked to repeat.

4 Pronunciation problems too severe as to make speech unintelligible


20 Make few (if any) noticeable errors of grammar or word order

16 Occasionally makes grammatical and/or word order errors which do not, however, obscure meaning

12 Make frequent errors of grammar and word order, which obscure meaning.

8 Grammar and word orders make comprehension difficult must often rephrase sentences and/or restrict him to basic patterns.

4 Errors in grammar and word order to severe as to make speech virtually unintelligible.


20 Speech is fluent and effortless as that of native speaker problems 16 Speed of speech seems to be slightly affected by language problems 12 Speed and fluency are rather strongly affected by language problems 8 Usually hesitant, often forced into silence by language problems. 4 Speech is as halting and fragmentary as to make conversation virtually



20 Use of vocabulary and idiom is virtually that of native speaker.

16 Sometimes uses inappropriate terms and/or must rephrase ideas because of lexical inadequacies.

12 Frequently uses the wrong words, conversation somewhat limited because of inadequate vocabulary

8 Misuses of words and very limited vocabulary make comprehension quite difficult.

4 Vocabulary limitation to extreme as to make virtually impossible.


20 Appear to understand everything without difficulty 16 Understand nearly everything at normal speed 12 Understand what is said at slower than normal speed 8 Has great difficult following what is said

4 Can not be said to understand even simple conversation in English.

The researcher evaluated the aspects of speaking ability based on the table bellow. The lowest score is 4 and the highest score is 20. The total of the score is multiple 5.

Scoring Sheet of Speaking Test

name Pronunciation (4-20) Grammar (4-20) Fluency (4-20) Vocabulary (4-20) Comprehension (4-20) Total (0-100) 1. 2.


The score of speaking ability based on five elements can be shown in percentage as follows:

1) Pronunciation : 20%

2) Grammar : 20%

3) Fluency : 20%

4) Vocabulary : 20% 5) Comprehension: 20%

The score of a student would be taken by two observers, they are researcher and teacher, and the score would be totaled and divided by the number of the teacher and the researcher to get the final score. The calculating as follows:

s score :2

The standard of the score would be at level

scale. It refers to the ability of students in producing English speaking, in better way, hearable, understandable although with some different native

2. Learning Process

For the learning process, there are two aspects which become the focus of this

. The observation was done to know

faced by the teacher, and it was divided into three activities: pre-activity, while activity and post activity. The target determined by the activities was 80% of students are


active during the process. So, if 80% students are active involve in teaching learning activities during the process, it means that the use of


The researher decides to set up 80% as the target since according to Arikunto (1993:210), if more than 75% students are actively involved in teaching learning activities, it can be categorized as a good level.

expected that the teacher can get score 80 in her teaching learning process. So, if the teacher can reach the target, it means that the

E. Instrument of the Research

To gather the data researcher would use two kinds of instruments as the source of data. The instrument are speaking test and observation sheet. The instrument will be described as follow:

1. Speaking Test

The test was conducted by asking students to speak about one topic and it was recorded. The two observers, they were researcher and the teacher analyzed the


2. Observation Sheet

In this research, observation was conducted during the teaching leraning process. The observer observed the process happened in the classroom. Since

observation separately. So, there were two kinds of observation sheets; they we

cus on the aspects of speaking a

implementing the teaching speaking through Simon Say game. Similar to

mance, the researcher used the guidelines from National Department of Educationan 2006.

NO Students Activities Objectives 1 Pre-Activities

Interested in the opening of the class

Responding to the topic


To make students interested in the lesson

To build clarity about what is going to be learnt

2 While-Activities

Following the teacher s

instruction (work in group) Paying attention to the teacher s explanation

Responding to the teacher s questions

Following teacher s modeling

To make students work freer and enable fast learner help slow learners

To built students understanding about the stages going to do in the lesson



Actively involved in the

discussion of the task in group

about the material

To give clarity of the pronunciation

To build students understanding about the material

3 Post-Activity

Able to respond to the teacher s question

To built clarity of what have been learnt

Adapted from Haggard (1982) and Ruddel, M.R., & Shearer, B.A. (2002)

No. Aspects Observed

Score (by giving a tick)

1 2 3 4

1 Pre-activities

Doing an apperception.

Informing the competence that will be achieved to the students.

2 While-activities

A. The Mastery of Learning Material

Correlating the material with other relevant knowledge.

Correlating material with the real life.

Achieving communicative


Using logical structure Using language components.


B. The Teaching Learning Strategy

Doing a teaching & learning process

which is suitable with the


Doing a coordinated teaching

learning process.

Doing a teaching learning process which can build the students imagination.

Doing a teaching & learning process which is suitable with the time allocation.

Emphasizing on using English in the teaching & learning process.

Emphasizing on teaching the

language skills integratedly.

C. The Use of Learning Media

Showing the skill in using the learning media.

Producing an interesting message from the media.

Involving the students in making and using the media.

D. The Students Involvement

Building the active participation of the students in the teaching & learning process.

Giving positive responds to the students opinion.

Facilitating the interaction between teacher-student and student-student. Showing a conducive interpersonal relationship.

Growing the students enthusiasm in learning.

E. Evaluation

Monitoring the students

improvement after the teacher explains the lesson.

Doing a final evaluation which is relevant to the competence.


Total Score

Description of score

(Source: Dep. Pendidikan Nasional, 2006) Note:

1 = Poor 2 = Enough 3 = Good 4 = Very Good Description of Scores:

1. 40 59 : Poor 2. 60 69 : Enough 3. 70 79 : Good 4. 80 100 : Very Good

F. Data Analysis

In analysing the data, the researcher classified the data into two categories: they were the data of learning porocess and the data of learning product. The data analysis was done during and after the data has been collected from every cycle. If the data from the first cycle had been collected, the researcher as an observer together with the teacher analyzed the data and did reflection based on them. From the analysis and reflection, the researcher knew the weaknesses and the strengths of the first cycle. Therefore, the teacher and the researcher knew what should be improved for the next cycle.

3 Post-activities

Doing a reflection/making summary of the lesson by involving the students participation.

Doing a follow-up by giving direction or tasks as a remedy.


1. Learning Process

In this learning process, observation was done both to the teacher and the students by the observer during the teaching learning process by observing the whole activities in the class and by filling the observation sheets.

The observation was done to know

activity during the teaching learning process based on the problems faced by the teacher. The result of the observation sheet will be analyzed after every cycle is conducted. If the observation has been done for ob

activities, the researcher analyzes the result of the observation separately.

2. Learning Product

To know the learning product, the researher used vocabulary test in form of matching word and multiple choice items to collect the data. To know


100 60

students of

number Total

get who students of



the number of activities done by the students was the step that was done in this activity.


formula was used:

% 100 %

n A A


% A activities


n : Number of students in the class

B. Making a description from the data that had been analyzed


performance, the researcher made the description for the data that has been analyzed. It was similar

research made description from the collected data which can enrich and suppot the result of the analysis.



A. Conclusions

Based on the research finding, the conclusion can accordingly be stated as follow:

1. The Simon says game is applicable to improve the English achievement especially in speaking ability. The problem faced by the students can be solved after the Simon Says game was implemented.. It can be seen from the increase of the students scores from cycle 1 (54.05%) and cycle 2 (83.78%) after Simon Says game was implemented. Thus through Simon Says game, the teaching speaking became more effective, as it was relevant to the

to be learnt, stimulate the language production and it was as a model for a learner to follow.

2. In learning pr

By teaching speaking through Simon Says game, the students become more active to follow the class and they become more comfortable in teaching learning process. It can be seen that in cycle 1, there were 28 students or 75.67% of 37 students who did the activities during the teaching learning process, while in cycle II there were 32 students or 86.48% of 37 students who did 80% of the activities observed by the researcher.


Since Simon Says game provided a chance to the students to work together and share their ideas to other friends, so that they enjoy the class during the teaching learning process.

3. Teaching speaking through Simon Says game also contributes a positive effect eaching performance. Since in using video of song, the teacher could lead the students to enjoyed the new media in learning vocabulary. In cycle 1, the teacher got 71 for her teaching performance. Moreover, after doing some betterment in some aspects, in cycle 2 the target had been fulfiil. The teacher got 83 in the second cycle. It means that the teacher got very good for her teaching performance.

B. Suggestions

After those previous findings, some suggestions are recommended as follow:

1. English teachers are recommended to use the teaching technique through Simon Says game in teaching their students since it can improve

speaking ability. The high interest of the students will motivate them to join every single activities instructed by the teacher so that they can improve their English.

2. The teacher should motivate students to be more active in the classroom. By giving them the activity that can stimulate interaction and not afraid of making mistakes by indirectly correcting when they made mistakes.

3. The teacher should be creative in creating media and using interesting topic for the material, since it can attract the students and make it easy for them to understand the content of the media.




(A Script)








A Script

Submitted in a Partial Fulfillment of The Requirements for S-I Degree


The Language and Arts Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty



Elfina Putri Setiawan was born in Pringsewu on August 7th, 1988. She is the first

child of a harmoniuous couple, Suprahyugo, S.E and Suzzana, She has one sister, Rizky Dewi Amalia, and a younger brother, Fadhel Muhammad Firas.

She started her study in 1994 year in Elementary School at SD Muhammadiyah Pringsewu and she graduated in 2000. She continued her study to SMPN 1 Pringsewu and finished in 2003. In the same year she continued her study at SMAN 1 Pringsewu and graduated in 2006.

In 2006, she registered as a student of English Education Study Program at Teacher Training and Education Faculty, University of Lampung. She finished her Teacher Training Program (Program Pengalaman Lapangan) as one of the requirements for FKIP students, at SMAN 11 Bandar Lampung from February to April 2011.









MOTTO ... vi





I. INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Problem ... 1

B. Formulation of the Problem ... 4

C. Objectives of the Research... 4

D. Uses of the Research ... 4

E. Scope of the Research ... 5

F. Definition of Key Terms ... 5

II. FRAME OF THEORIES A. Concept of Vocabulary ... 6

B. Concept of Visual Aids ... 10

C. Concept of Flashcard... 11

D. Concept of Teaching Learning Vocabulary ... 14

E. Teaching English in Elementary School ... 17

F. Teaching Vocabulary for Elementary School ... 19

G. Procedures of Implementing Flashcard in Teaching Vocabulary ... 21

H. Theoretical Assumption ... 24

I. Hypothesis ... 26

III. RESEARCH METHODS A. Research Design... 27

B. Population and Sample... 28

C. Data Collecting Technique... 28

D. Procedure of Collecting Data ... 29

E. Instrument of The Research ... 31

F. Criteria Try out... 32

1. Validity... 32



6. Data Analysis ... 37

7. Hypothesis Testing... 38


1. Result of Tryout ... 40

2. Result of Pretest ... 42

3. Result of Posttest... 43

4. The Increase of ... 44

5. Result of Process of Teaching Vocabulary through Fla 45 B. Discussion and the Findings... 46


B. Suggestions ... 51




Table Page

1. Table of Specification of the Try Out ... 33

2. Distribution Frequency of the Students` Scores of the Pretest ... 42

3. Distribution Frequency of the Students` Scores of the Posttest ... 43

4. The mean Score of the Pretest and Posttest ... 44




1. Research Schedule ... 55

2. Lesson Plan 1 ... 56

3. Lesson Plan 2 ... 64

4. Lesson Plan 3 ... 70

5. Tryout Test... 76

6. Vocabulary Test (Pretest)... 84

7. Vocabulary Test (Posttest) ... 90

8. Distribution of Test Tabulation in Tryout Test Items of the Upper Students ... 96

9. Distribution of Test Tabulation in Tryout Test Items of the Lower Students ... 97

10. The reliability of Tryout Test... 98

11. Coefficient of the Reliability... 99

12. Difficulty Level and Discrimination of Tryout Test ... 100

13. Result of Pretest and Posttest ... 101

14. Hypothesis Testing Repeated Measure T- test... 102

15. Distribution Frequency of the Pretest and Posttest Score ... 103

16. Table of Frequencies in Pretest Score... 104

17. Table of Frequencies in Posttest Score ... 105

18. List of T- table ... 106

19. The increase of the students noun, verb, and adjective in pretest ... 107




Background of Problem

Speaking has important role in social life. Speaking is used for communication among people in society in order to keep the relationship. By speakingwhich is categorized as an active process, the students are able to speak. Speaking is communication way to expressing or share the ideas. It is a two way process between speaker and listener and involves productive and receptive skills of

ideas from the first person through the communication between them. People will find difficulities in appreciating their ideas if they never try to make a communication with other people. The ability to communicate is the primary goal of foreign language instruction that speaking is put ahead on the other skills. In addition, a large percentage of the world language learners study English in order to able to communicate fluently.

Speaking in English is a crucial skill to function in any aspects of global transformation. It is likely to be in any aspects of modern life. Therefore, it is a communicative activity that can encourage people to speak and to interact with each othaer ( Tarigan, 1985 ).


Rerrering to the objectives of the 2006 School-Based Curriculum ( KTSP ) for SMP VIII especially for speaking skill, the students are expected to be able to express the contextual meaning in relation to oral interpersonal and transactional dialogues. It means that students should be able to understand and do oral communication accurately and fluently by using some simple expressions used in a short conversation, expression of like and dislike, making and cancelling appointment, etc.

Pringsewu it is found out that most of students of SMPN 3 Pringsewu at the second year of 2010-2011 were not able to speak, reluctant to speak and had low ability when they are share their ideas. That is why their speaking score does not achieve the Standard Score of the School (KKM) in the school yet. Most of students do not pass the standard score of the school (KKM- that is 60). This problem makes the researcher interested in conducting the classroom action standard score for speaking will be achieved.

The same problem also happened in school where the researcher did her Field Practice Program (PPL) at SMPN 11 Bandar Lampung from July up to October 2010. The second grade students at that school had low ability in speaking, most of them could not do oral production like using and making simple expression in

comprehension, intonation and grammar. They were not actively involved in the learning process and they get difficulities in using English when their teacher asks


them to come in front of the class to speak, such as to describe something, to introduce, or to make dialogue with their friends.

Regarding to the facts above, the researcher assumes that the cause of that problem is the inappropriate of teaching technique used by the teacher in transferring the material to the students especially in teaching speaking in class. The teacher taught speaking by explaining the form of sentences, drilling it to

or LKS. This made the students passive and speaking class bacame writing class and students did not have chance to speak.

During the teaching learning process the teacher use traditional technique. They begin and conduct their lesson by giving the formula of sentence for about twenty minutes and then they asked the students to memorize the formula and did the task from English textbooks. The teacher only focuse on grammar or formula of the sentences. Actually in learning English the emphasis is not on linguistic competence of the language learners but also on the development of their

the teacher needs to create a scenario to teach the target language in an active and interesting manner.

Beside, during the teaching learning process most of students tend to be reluctant to speak in English and tend to keep silent. When the teachers ask the students to perform their speaking task in front of the class, only the active students produce


prounciation is not clear. It can be seen from the sound, stress and intonation they produce. Hedge (2000) states that many teacher would say that pronunciation is one of the most difficult areas for students. They still meet some difficulities in practicing what have been taugh to them. As the result they are unenthusiastic, for example, when the teachers begin a lesson and ask them about their hobbies, only a few students are able to answer it fluently ( Wafiah, 2003: 1 ).

Based on the situation above, the situation in the classroom make the students were fear of being blamed, little chance for exercising and little sources, so it seems neccesary to take an action by using appropriate technique which gives opportunities and trigger the students to practice their English in the classroom,

their speaking ability. Antony ( in Allen, 1979: 7 ) says, the technique is a particular trick, stragenm or contrivance used to accomplish and immediate objective. The technique depends on the teacher. The teacher can choose the suitable technique for the students which can support the teaching learning

ability, generally there are some technique used such as game, role play, drill, drama, short dialogue, chain story, etc. Game is assumed as good technique that can be used in teaching speaking. The aim of using this technique is to avoid the students to feel bored when they are learning so they enjoy learning speaking. Besides, the students will feel more chalanged


and more interested to finish the work involved in the game because the game emerges competitiveness among students.

For those reason the writer used a game namely Simon Says in teaching speaking in order to create an interesting situation in the class. By using this game, the students are expected to be more active in speaking activity and they are encouraged to use English in communication. Meanwhile researcher finds that Simon Says is never applied in learning speaking in SMPN 3 Pringsewu. So, the writer used Simon Says game to rise different atmosphere in the class.

Simon Says game is a game that can be applied as an interesting means of imp

from the teacher randomly so the students must be ready whenever they get their turns to do the game. The researcher assumes that Simon Says game can make the different chalanged for the students and can be an interesting technique both for the students and the teacher. Therefore, by applying the technique, hopefully teaching learning process of speaking will be more active and it can increase the


Research Problem

Based on the backgrond of the above, the writer formulate the problem as follow :

1. at the

second year of SMPN 3 Pringsewu?

2. How can simon says game i participation during the


3. How can Simon says game improve performance?


Objectives of the Research

The objectives of this researches are : 1. To find out how Simon says game

ability at the second year of SMPN 3 Pringsewu. 2.

the second year of SMPN 3 Pringsewu.

3. To find out how Simon Says game can improve quality of the teaching performance at the second year of SMPN 3 Pringsewu.


Uses of the Research

The significant of this research are :

1. Theoretically

1. The significant of this research is to contribute useful information for the future research of teaching speaking.

2. To verify the previous theory

2. Practically

As consideration for English teacher that Simon Says Game can be used as


This research will be conducted SMPN 3 Pringsewu and the subject is students of class VIII.3 of SMPN 3 Pringsewu which consist of 37 students. It will be focus speaking ability and the writer will apply Simon Says game as a technique in her teaching and learning process. The materials of the teaching learning is about understanding and using transactional dialogue. There are taken This researcher has been carried out for about three weeks. Each meeting consists of 90 minutes. Therefore, the score is based on five aspects to be tested that are pronunciation, grammar, fluency, and comprehensibility.


Definition of Terms


Speaking is a productive skill in which the speaker produce and use the language by expressing a sequence of ideas and at the time she/ he tries to get ideas or the message across.


Ability means skill or power required to do something and the quality of being able or competence in doing something. So, students are hoped to have good ability or competence in speaking.


Increasing means a process of becoming larger or longer or more numerous or more important. In this research the researches intends to make the students ability better.

Teaching Speaking

Teaching speaking means teaching how to use language for communication for transferring ideas, through or even feeling to other people.

Simon Says



Abstract... i

Approval... ii

Curriculum Vitae... iii

Dedication... iv

Moto... v

Acknowledgement... vi

Table of Contents... viii

List of Tables... x

List of Appendices... xi

I. INTRODUCTION A. Background Of Problem ... 1

B. Research Problem ... 5

C. Objective of the Research... 6

D. Uses Of the Research... 6

E. Scope of the Research... 7

F. Definition of Terms ... 7

II. FRAME OF THEORIES A. Concept of Speaking... 9

B. Concept of Teaching Speaking... 16

C. Aspect of Oral Ability ... 18

D. Concept of Students Learning Activities... 18

E. Concept ... 20

F. Concept of Game ... 25

G. Concept of Simon Says Game ... 27

H. Teaching Speaking Through Simon Says Game ... 28


C. Research Procedure ... 34

D. Indicator of the Research ... 37

E. Instrument of the Research ... 42

F. Data Analysis... 46

IV. RESULT AND DISCUSSION A. Result Findings ... 49

B. Discussion ... 83




1. Table of Frequency of Student Speaking Achievement at Cycle 1.... 52

2. Table of Student Observation Sheet at Cycle 1 ... 54

3. Table Observation Sheet of Teacher Performance at Cycle 1... 58

4. Table Frequency of Student Speaking Achievement at Cycle 2 ... 72

5. Table of Student Observation Sheet at Cycle 2... 74

6. Table Observation Sheet of Teacher Performance at Cycle 2... 78

7. Table of Summary at Technique Application in Cycle 1 and Cycle 2 84 8. Table Improvement of Student Speaking Score from Cycle 1

to 85



Appendix 1 Lesson Plan 1 ... 96

Appendix 2 Lesson Plan 2 ... 100

Appendix 3 cycle 1 ... 104

Appendix 4 ... 105

Appendix 5 Observation sheet of student activities cycle ... 106

Appendix 6 Observation sheet of student activities cycle 2 ... 109

Appendix 7 Observation sheet of Teacher performance at cycle 1 ... 112




Agiska Prana Citra







Abstract... i

Approval... ii

Curriculum Vitae... iii

Dedication... iv

Moto... v

Acknowledgement... vi

Table of Contents... viii

List of Tables... x

List of Appendices... xi

I. INTRODUCTION A. Background Of Problem ... 1

B. Research Problem ... 5

C. Objective of the Research... 6

D. Uses Of the Research... 6

E. Scope of the Research... 7

F. Definition of Terms ... 7

II. FRAME OF THEORIES A. Concept of Speaking... 9

B. Concept of Teaching Speaking... 16

C. Aspect of Oral Ability ... 18

D. Concept of Students Learning Activities... 18

E. Concept ... 20

F. Concept of Game ... 25

G. Concept of Simon Says Game ... 27

H. Teaching Speaking Through Simon Says Game ... 28



A. Setting of the Research ... 32

B. General Description of the Research ... 33

C. Research Procedure ... 34

D. Indicator of the Research ... 37

E. Instrument of the Research ... 42

F. Data Analysis... 46

IV. RESULT AND DISCUSSION A. Result Findings ... 49

B. Discussion ... 83





1. Table of Frequency of Student Speaking Achievement at Cycle 1.... 52

2. Table of Student Observation Sheet at Cycle 1 ... 54

3. Table Observation Sheet of Teacher Performance at Cycle 1... 58

4. Table Frequency of Student Speaking Achievement at Cycle 2 ... 72

5. Table of Student Observation Sheet at Cycle 2... 74

6. Table Observation Sheet of Teacher Performance at Cycle 2... 78

7. Table of Summary at Technique Application in Cycle 1 and Cycle 2 84 8. Table Improvement of Student Speaking Score from Cycle 1

to 85


Page 1. Graph 1 Student Speaking Score in Cycle 1 to Cycle 2 ... 85 2. Graph 2 the Improvement of Student Participation ... 85



Appendix 1 Lesson Plan 1 ... 96

Appendix 2 Lesson Plan 2 ... 100

Appendix 3 cycle 1 ... 104

Appendix 4 ... 105

Appendix 5 Observation sheet of student activities cycle ... 106

Appendix 6 Observation sheet of student activities cycle 2 ... 109

Appendix 7 Observation sheet of Teacher performance at cycle 1 ... 112






Agiska Prana Citra