Background of the Study

Then, a character has a complex personality that is influenced by the environment or society where he lives. The motivation owned by a character to do the action is started from the society’s demand. In order to be apart of the society, the character has to adapt to the environment whether he likes it or not Langland, 1984: 12. According to Stanton 1988: 712 character is the individual appears in a story, mixture of interest, desires, emotiuons, and moral principles that make one individual different from other. Meanwhile, De Laar 1963: 20 states that the interaction with the environment such as nature and society’s moral values influences the character’s idea and their moral values. The norms and moral values in society can make a change on the character’s idea on life. 6


A. Review of Related Studies

In analyzing the topic, the writer of this thesis looks for some studies related to the book and the topic of the thesis. It aims to help the writer in developing the idea. Those studies are very important to get some information about the book and the topic of the thesis itself. First is the undergraduate thesis written by Siti Sulasmi entitled “The Reflection of Twentieth Century American Woman as seen in Gail Parent ’s Sheila Levine is Dead and Living in New York.” Sulasmi says that the broad range of time from beginning until the end of twentieth century allows many changes happened among American woman in that century. The characteristics and lifestyles discussed here are the generalization of American’s woman characteristics and lifestyles done during the range of time. During this century, many American woman decided to avoid or delay marriage. These woman were more open to new experience and they are also freer to absorb anything going on around them so that they can turn on to life as never before. They were also free to choose and decide the types of work, place to live, and friends. Moreover, women in America in the twentieth century were free to choose every activity to please themselves and to arrange their own life. They also had freedom on sexuality. These woman spent their free time in many pleasing activities such as shopping, reading books and travelling Sulasmi, 2007: 4. Sulasmi also stated that the characteristics of Sheila Levine and Linda Minsk in the novel, which are willing to develop themselves as independent persons, free to look for their own interest, possessing the traditional qualities of women, thinking mainly of herself Sulasmi, 2007: 26-41. She also desribed the lifestyle of Sheila Levine and Linda Minks in the novel. They are delaying and avoiding the marriage, premarital sexual intercourse, taking occupation related with traditional qualities of women, getting higher education, and reading books, shopping and vacations as leisure activities Sulasmi, 2007: 41-60. The second study is the undergraduate thesis written by Windy Wirdhoningrum entitled “The Motivation of Sheila Levine in Committing Suicide as seen in Sheila Levine is Dead and Living in new York.” Wirdhiningrum states that Sheila Levine is described as a pessimistic, easy to give up and negative thinking girl. She is also a perfectionist and dreamer. Her negative personality is formed by some factors. They are family and society factors. Living in a family and society, which has some rules make Sheila feels depressed. It happens because Sheila finds many difficulties following the rules and norms that prevail in her society and family. Therefore, her personalities become negative because she cannot fullfil her needs. It makes Sheila become easy to feel desperate about her life and thinks that death is the best way to end her suffer in the world where she cannot do anything without being judged Wirdhoningrum, 2006: 59. Wirdhoningrum also states that Sheila’s motivation to commit a suicide is difficulties facing her life with her condition, especially her physical appearances,