Writing the Choices Vocabulary Size

18 4 Odd one out Odd one out test requires the test-takers to choose the correct answer which is different with the other three choices. The following is the example of the meaning in context test. One of four words or idioms is different from the other three. Circle the letter of your choice. a. Construction b. Electrician c. Decorator d. Surveyor

b. Matching Format

Matching questions usually present the test-takers with two columns of information. Their task is to find the matches between the two columns. The test items in the left-hand column are called premises and the test items in the right- hand column are called options. Coombe 2011 argues that the tester must include more options than the premises. The options are also shorter than the premises. Both options and premises are in the one theme. ______ ______ ______ ______ 1. When you are introduced to someone new. 2. To apologize to someone. 3. You don’t know the answer to a question. 4. When you are joking with someone. a. I’m sorry b. Stop it c. Nice to meet you d. I’ve got it e. I’m just kidding f. I give up

B. Theoretical Framework

In order to answer the two research problems, namely 1 How is a vocabulary size test for the sixth semester students of ELESP Sanata Dharma University designed? and 2 What does a vocabulary size test for the sixth semester PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 19 students of ELESP Sanata Dharma University look like?, the researcher used the theory of how to design a good vocabulary size test. According to Nation 2001 there are three criteria to design a good vocabulary size test namely validity, reliability, and practicality. Then, the researcher employed Nation 2012 specifications for making the vocabulary size test. Accordingly, the researcher was able to select the appropriate format, decide the number of test items, the word targets, distractors, and set time allocation of the test. Morrrison, Ross, Kalman, and Kemp’s instructional design model 2011 is chosen for this study since it is flexible for the researcher to decide the steps that suits with the needs of the study. Finally, the researcher is able to design the vocabulary size test for the sixth semester students of ELESP Sanata Dharma.