Being Protected from Outside Influences

39 Maryam feels that this kind of manner leads women to be more subordinate because their movement will be controlled by the leader of the family. Sara mentions, “If only he knew the tales of my mother had told, her dark foreboding: In Iran, women are cast out just for the suspicion of dishonor. Always prize yourself, Sara” 173. This is the reason why Maryam decides not to obey the tradition because she assumes that women are being dishonored. She believes that this will influence women’s freedom in their life, by following the tradition she will automatically lose her freedom. Maryam is such an independent and tough woman, she decided to do everything right by herself, although it means that she disobeys the tradition.

4.2.2. Women’s Position in the Society

In the society, women also stand behind men. They do not have as many rights as men. There are two points that later decide Iranian women’s position in society, they are education and laws. Education

Education in Iran has also done the same thing to subordinate position in Iran. In school, boys are sitting in front of girls, girls only sit at back. Maryam said, “In Iran, boys sit at the front of the class and the girls at the back” 126. This is the real example of how subordinate position in Iran has been introduced in school, the place where they should get education. This also occurred at school where Ali teaches, when they have a game in the class, girls also sit behind boys. 40 This can be seen from this quotation, “Ali cleared his throat in the doorway and they all looked up from where they sat cross-legged on the floor, boys at the front and girls at the back” 179. Actually, this tradition firstly introduced in the family, “The women and children ate after the men, and even though I had been small, I remembered my father carrying platters of steaming basmati, gold with saffron, to serve me and my sister” 63. Maryam starts knowing that women should stand behind men since she was a child, her family teaches her to eat after men. It continues at school, where she should sit behind boys. Laws

According to WFAFI, in the court, men assumes women’s life is as half as their life, and this condition goes along with women’s position in the society. Even for the relatives and the member of the family. Although Maryam is a daughter of a general, the society still sees her as a traitor for their tradition when she chooses to have a relationship with Ali. Whereas, women should only have relationship with the man who is already chosen. In Iran, they do not acknowledge boyfriend or girlfriend, if they want to have a relationship with different sexes, they should get married. “Did you have boyfriends before you met Dad?” I’d asked her once as a girl. “No, of course not. Iran’s not like that.” She’d turned away. “Why not?” I’d persisted “It just wasn’t done, Sara. People got married. No boyfriends.” “But what would happen if you did have a boyfriend?” “I don’t know.” Her eyes had burned. “You’d be punished.” 174