Promotion of Innovation Human Resources Development

 ISSN: 1978-1520 IJCCS Vol. x, No. x, July 201x : first_page – end_page 14 allocation as well as a wide range of knowledge and information. Operationalization and financing of these organizations should be supported by a cross-regional subjects. One of the main missions of the local government is to describe and implement all development strategies. This process should begin with the establishment of clear objectives and understand local conditions. Entities should also consider sustainability in all stages of planning and implementation to ensure a healthy environment and a good quality of life. The strategy adopted should be developed with a division of labor among the subjects according to their strengths and resources. In line with the trend of decentralization, local government role has become increasingly important in development. Local government authorities should provide guidance and assistance to the effectiveness and efficiency of the implementation of the development strategy. Simplification and deregulation of bureaucratic procedures to be done to reduce business costs. The local government should build bridges between communities and government authorities higher.

4.2.2. Promotion of Innovation

An entrepreneur is generally able to take advantage of the opportunity for the development of economic capacity and allocate resources effectively. In line with the new trends in economic development, entrepreneurship should also be able to face competition and innovation, generate economic growth, technological renewal, job creation and improving the welfare of local communities. Local resources should be used to encourage business development by facilitating the entrepreneurs access to information, knowledge, technology, capital, and human resources needed for business success. More importantly, the local authorities should be able to make effort to simplify administrative processes for businesses beginner new business start-ups. Local innovation system is a fundamental mechanism for strengthening the innovation capacity at the local level. The main actors in this system include local government, industry, research institutes and universities. To strengthen regional superior product of written batik, local governments need to develop collaboration between industry and universities by providing incentives for the development of joint ventures between local employers and colleges. Incubator development will increase the dissemination of knowledge in the innovation system.

4.2.3. Human Resources Development

Labor policy is closely linked with the development strategy of economic and social stability policy. And success on one side of a policy depends on the success of others. Elements of interaction affect the success of labor policy covers how well the policy is in line with the whole economic development strategy, which also must build a network with the service of social and economic organization, and how the social and economic conditions affecting the flexibility of implementation are. IJCCS ISSN: 1978-1520  Title of manuscript is short and clear, implies research results First Author 15 Regional superior product of written batik and start up business become job creation at the local level. Growth of regional superior product of written batik for beginner has contributed significantly to the formulation of labor policies in various sub-districts in Bantul Regency. In order to the policy of Regional superior product of written batik goes well, local government authorities should involve them in any process of policy formulation and implementation. The establishment of local training organizations need coordination between busnisessmen, experts and universities. Input from businessmen can help ensure the content of training may reflect the skills that suit the natural needs of the labor market. Local authorities could offer incentives to develop skills training, and encourage participation in training. In this era of globalization, the skills needed by market are fast changing. Workers should be flexible to adapt to the changes. Therefore, it is essential to accelerate the capacity of workers to learn new skills, and transfer skills to other industries.

4.2.4. Financial Support