At a particular stage of development, learners consistently use the same grammatical form. It can be seen that learner language is variable. Learners sometimes employ one form and sometimes another.

B. Conceptual Framework

Reading and writing skills are important skills that students need to master because they are both receptive and productive skills. The way to improve their reading and writing skills is through a good reading and writing learning material. By providing students a good material, it can give them activities to improve their English proficiency especially in reading and writing skills. Considering the importance of reading and writing skills, there is a way that should be done to make students interested in doing reading and writing activity. It is by providing good reading and writing materials. The materials should represent the students’ needs. Besides, the materials have to meet students’ interest, experiences, and future. Developing appropriate reading and writing learning materials is important point since it helps the students to reach their purpose in teaching and learning process. Based on the theories, the basis of the researcher to develop the materials is the procedure in developing the materials themselves. The researcher needs to understand and comprehend the curriculum and the theories of developing the materials. The theories of developing materials and the analysis of students’ needs and interests are used as a basis in developing a syllabus, writing materials, and designing the tasks and activities. Since Communicative Language Teaching sets communicative competence as its goal, the materials used CLT as the basis concept. CLT offers a lot of activities which advocate the students interest. The activities in CLT that were proposed by Richards 2006 became the primary ideas of the activities in the materials. By providing appropriate materials and activities, the students will enjoy the teaching learning activities. The developed materials are designed to provide knowledge and activities to the students to improve their reading and writing abilities. In addition, the following diagram explains the conceptual framework. Figure 2.3 The Conceptual Framework of the Research Target Needs and Learning Needs Developing Materials Curriculum 2013 Task-based Language Teaching Commucative Language Teaching CLT Material Evaluation Unit Development Task Development Syllabus Design Needs Analysis 35


This chapter consists of the research procedures which include type of the research, setting and subject of the research, procedure of the research, data collection technique, data collection instruments, and the data analysis techniques of the research.

A. Type of the Research

This research is classified into educational Research and Development RD. According to Borg and Gall 1983:771 education research and development is a process used to develop and validate educational products. The steps of this process are usually referred to as the R D cycle, which consists of studying research findings, developing the product based on these findings, field testing it in the setting, and revising it to correct the deficiencies found in the field-testing stage. In this research, the research procedures proposed by Borg and Gall 1983 and the model of the materials writing proposed by Jolly and Bolitho in Tomlinson 1998 are combined with some adaptation due to the time eficiency and economical reason.

B. Setting and Subject of the Research

The research was conducted in SMP Negeri 4 Magelang which is located in Jalan Pahlawan no. 41, Kota Magelang, Central Java. The