A Thesis

Submitted to the English Applied Linguistics Study Program
In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of
Magister Humaniora


Registration Number: 8136112029



NASUTION, INDAH SARI AYU. Translation Procedure Used in Quick Reference
of Compaq Notebook PC. English Applied Linguistics Study Program, Postgraduate
School, State University of Medan. 2016.
The aims of this study were to find out the types of translation procedures in the
translation of Quick Reference of Compaq Notebook PC from English into Indonesian,
and to describe the ways of proceduer translated in contextual situation from English into
Indonesian. The research was conducted by using descriptive qualitative design. The data
of this study were word,phrase,clouse and sentence that were translated from English into
Indonesian on a book of “Quick Reference of Compaq Notebook PC as the source of
data. Besides that.The data was analyzed by using translation procedure based on (Newm
ark, 1988) which used to answer the questions number one and two to find the types and
ways of translation procedure were used in Quick Reference of Compaq Notebook
PC.The results of this study were found that there were eleven types of translation
procedure used in the translation of Quick Reference of Compaq Notebook PC namely tra
nsference, naturalization, cultural equivalent, functional equivalent, synonymy, through tr
anslation, shift or transposition, modulation, recognised equivalent,componential analysis
and reduction and expansion.The context of Translation procedure used in Quick
Reference of Compaq Notebook PC were context situation based Halliday (1987) which
used to answer the question number three.It consists of field,tenor and mode.


NASUTION, INDAH SARI AYU. Translation Procedure Used in Quick Reference
of Compaq Notebook PC. Program Studi Linguistik Terapan Bahasa Inggris,
Universitas Negeri Medan. 2016.
Peneltian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan tipe-tipe dalam prosedure terjemahan dalam
terjemahan buku panduan manual Quick Reference of Compaq Notebook PC dari bahasa
Inggris kedalam bahasa Indonesia, dan menjelaskan cara-cara prosedur terjemahan dalam
kontek situasi dari bahasa Inggris ke bahasa Indonesia. Penelitian tersebut menggunakan
desain kualitative descriptif. Data dari penelitian tersebut berupa kata,frasa,klausa dan
kalimat yang telah di terjemahkan dari bahasa Inggris kedalam bahasa Indonesia. Buku
“Quick Reference of Compaq Notebook PC sebagai sumber data. Disamping itu, data
dianalisis dengan menggunakan prosedur terjemahan berdasarkan teori (Newmark, 1988)
yang mana digunakan untuk menjawab permasalahan nomor satu dan dua untuk
menemukan tipe-tipe dan cara prosedur terjemahan yang digunakan dalam buku Quick
Reference of Compaq Notebook PC.Dari hasil penelitian ditemukan bahwa ada sebelas
tipe dalam prosedure terjemahan yang digunakan dalam menterjemahkan buku
Quick Reference of Compaq Notebook PC yaitu transference, naturalization, cultural equi
valent, functional equivalent, synonymy, through translation, shift or transposition, modul

ation, recognised equivalent, componential analysis and reduction and expansion.
Konteks dalam prosedur terjemahan yang digunakan dalam Quick Reference of Compaq
Notebo PC adalah konteks situaisi berdasarkan Halliday (1987) yang mana digunakan
untuk menjawab pertanyaan nomor tiga yang terdiri dari field,tenor and mode.



Alhamdulillah, in the name of Almighty ALLAH, the most Gracious and
the most Merciful, first of all, the writer would like to thank God for His Blessing
in the completion of this thesis. Praises are also addressed to our prophet
Muhammad SAW who has guided us to the better life of today.
In the completion of this thesis, the writer wishes to acknowledge her
deepest gratitude for all generous guidance and assistance which has been given to
her by a lot of people.
The highest appreciation goes to her parents and two advisors, Dr.
Rahmad Husein, M.Ed and Dr. Zainuddin, M.Hum as her first advisor and as her
second advisor for their all guidance through the completion of this thesis.
Then, his appreciation also goes to Dr. Rahmad Husein, M.Ed as the Chief

of English Applied Linguistics Study Program and Dr. Anni Hollila Pulungan M.
Hum. as the Secretary of English Applied Linguistics Study Program who have
assisted his in processing the administration requirements during the process of
hih studies in the Postgraduate School of the State University of Medan.
The writer’s great thanks also goes to his reviewers and examiners, Prof.
Amrin Saragih,M.A,Ph.D, then Prof. Dr.Sumarsih, M.Pd and the last to Dr. Anni
Hollila Pulungan, M.Hum. They had given valuable inputs, suggestions,criticisms
, and improvements for this thesis. He also would like to express his thankfulness
for all lecturers teaching his during the academic years of LTBI.


Finally, his special gratitude is dedicated to his beloved parents, Alm.
Hasanuddin Nasution and my mother Ramlah, S.Pd who have given their pray,
motivation, support, and also endless praying. And also special thank for his
lovely, soulmate and the sweetest of my heart Arwin Hasibuan,S.H and also sister,
brother, and the whole families who always support him and no suitable word that
can fully describe their everlasting love and express how much he loves them.
Then, last but not least, her gratitude goes to the kind, generous and smart
friend who helped, spared, guided, corrected and gave much contribution in

finishing the thesis Masferu Zulfikar M.Hum.
And also for my friends of LTBI B1 XXII who have supported her to
conduct this thesis, especially for Lisa, Derliana, Pandapotan Nainggolan, Asriani,
Soraya, Yulita and others, for their friendship and cooperation.

Medan, November 2016
The writer,

Indah Sari Ayu Nasution
Reg. No. 8136112029


ABSTRACT .......................................................................................................


ABSTRAK .........................................................................................................


ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................... iii
TABLE OF CONTENTS .................................................................................


LIST OF TABLE .............................................................................................. vii
LIST OF FIGURES .......................................................................................... viii
LIST OF APPENDIX ....................................................................................... ix
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION......................................................................


1.1 Background of the Study.........................................................................


1.2 The Problems of the Study ......................................................................


1.3 The Objectives of the Study ....................................................................


1.4 The Scope of the Study ...........................................................................


1.5 The Significance of the Study .................................................................


CHAPTER II REVIEW OF LITERATURE .................................................


2.1 Translation...............................................................................................


2.2 The Function of Translation .................................................................... 11
2.3 Types of Translation ............................................................................... 12
2.4 Assessing Translation Quality ................................................................ 14
2.5 Process of Translation ............................................................................. 16
2.6 Translation Procedure ............................................................................. 18
2.6.1 Transference ................................................................................... 18
2.6.2 Naturalization ................................................................................. 19
2.6.3 Cultural Equivalent ........................................................................ 20
2.6.4 Functional Equivalent .................................................................... 21
2.6.5 Descriptive Equivalent ................................................................... 22
2.6.6 Synonymy ...................................................................................... 22
2.6.7 Through - Translation .................................................................... 23
2.6.8 Shift or Transpositions ................................................................... 24
2.6.9 Modulation ..................................................................................... 25
2.6.10 Recognised Translation ................................................................ 26


2.6.11 Translation Label ......................................................................... 26
2.6.12 Compensation............................................................................... 26
2.6.13 Componential Analysis ................................................................ 26
2.6.14 Reduction and Expansion............................................................. 27
2.6.15 Paraphrase .................................................................................... 27
2.6.16 Other Procedure ........................................................................... 28
2.6.17 Couplets ....................................................................................... 28
2.6.18 Notes, Additions, Glosses ............................................................ 28
2.7 Context in Translation ............................................................................. 29
2.8 Definition of Text.................................................................................... 32
2.8.1 Kinds of Text ................................................................................. 33 Narrative Text .................................................................... 34 Recount Text ...................................................................... 34 Report Text......................................................................... 35 Review Text ....................................................................... 35 Descriptive Text ................................................................. 36 Explanation Text ................................................................ 37 Procedure Text ................................................................... 38 Analytical Exposition ......................................................... 38 Hortatory Text .................................................................... 39 Discussion ........................................................................ 40
2.8.2 Manual Text ................................................................................... 42
2.9 Relevant Studies ...................................................................................... 45
2.10 Conceptual Framework ......................................................................... 61
CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHOD ......................................................... 65
3.1 Research Design ...................................................................................... 65
3.2 The Data and the Source of Data ............................................................ 66
3.3 Techniques of Data Collection ................................................................ 66
3.4 Techniques of Data Analysis .................................................................. 67
3.5 Trustworthiness ....................................................................................... 69
4.1 Data Analysis .......................................................................................... 71


4.1.1 The Types of Translation Procedure Used in Quick Reference of
Compaq Notebook PC ..................................................................... 72
4.1.2 The Use of Types of Translation Procedure Used in Quick of
Reference PC................................................................................. 73

4.1.3 The Context of Translation Procedure Used in Quick Reference
of Compaq Notebook PC ............................................................. 85
4.2 Research Findings ................................................................................... 87
4.3 Discussions.............................................................................................. 88
CHAPTER V CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS................................ 91
5.1 Conclusions ............................................................................................. 91
5.2 Suggestions ............................................................................................ 92
REFERENCES ................................................................................................. 93
APPENDIX ....................................................................................................... 97


Table 4.1 Translation Procedure Used in Quick Reference Compaq
Notebook PC ....................................................................................................... 72



Figure 2.1 Nida’s three-stage system of translation .......................................... 17
Figure 2.2 Translation process by Larson (1984: 4) .......................................... 17
Figure 2.3 Conceptual Framework .................................................................... 64


Appendix 1......................................................................................................



5.1 Conclusions
From the overall anlysis of the translation procedure used in translation of
Quick Reference of Compaq Notebook Pc, it could be concluded that:
1. There were eleven types of translation procedure used in translation of
Quick Reference of Compaq Notebook Pc from English to Indonesian
language, namely transference, naturalization, cultural equivalent, functio
nal equivalent, synonymy, through translation, shift or transposition,
modulation, recognized equivalent, componential analysis and reduction
and expansion.
2. There were some ways of translation procedure used in Quick Reference
of Compaq Notebook PC from English into Indonesian language such as
transference, naturalization, cultural equivalent, functional equivalent,
synonymy, through-translation, shift or transposition, modulation,
recognized equivalent, componential analysis and reduction and
3. While context of translation procedures of Quick Reference of Compaq
Notebook PC used namely in context situation. This situation context
consists of field, tenor and mode that occurred in translation of
technology terms.



5.2 Suggestions
Based on the result of the study, some suggestions were proposed as
1. To translate technology terms, a translator should take the original technology
category into consideratino, because the original category reflect not only types
of value in the SL but also the characteristics of the source term in the source
2. It is better to hire a translator who has competence in two languages and has
experiences in translation of technology terms.
3. To translator of user manual book of Quick Reference of Compaq Notebook
PC expect to more accurately to translate in selecting words in the equivalent
meaning. So that the translation product is always consitent to the same words
in TL.
4. To another researcher who interests to develop and conduct this research,
suggested in order to more focus with another aspects, such as unit shift and
class shift, equivalent meaning, and so forth. Because in this book was found
some problems that coverd about words, phrases and clauses. Next another
researcher will be deeper in relating about translation that is developed from
the process side, and then it is found something wider else from this translation

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