The Analysis of translation procedure in the label of baby products




A Thesis Submitted to Letters and Humanities Faculty in Partial Fulfillment of Requirements for the Strata One Degree


NRM: 206026004308








Yoyoh, 206026004308, The Analysis of Translation Procedure in Label Baby Products. Thesis. Jakarta: Letters and Humanity Faculty, State Islamic University Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, March 2011.

The goal of the research is to analyze the translation procedures in the label of baby product. In promoting process, the company promotes the product, influences the people and finally gets profit. The similarities of two languages meaning in advertising text do not notice grammar, structure, and the rule of translation because the translator has one purpose, that is to attract the consumers to buy the product. The problem is what type of translation procedures are utilized in the baby products.

In this thesis, the writer uses qualitative descriptive method. She tries to answer the question in research question by describing the problem in this research. The writer also explains and describes the opinion to analyze the object of the research. The writer answers the question of the problem by using some sources, such as: books, internet, and dictionary as a secondary data after finding the baby product which is the direction using or ingredients of the product provided two languages on its label, English and Indonesian

The result of this thesis explains the types of procedures of translation in the advertisement text. She finds some translation procedures between English and Indonesian that appear in corpus, such as absolute and free modulation, omission, adaptation, transposition, and borrowing.




A Thesis Submitted to Letters and Humanities Faculty in Partial Fulfillment of Requirements for the Strata One Degree

BY YOYOH 206026004308










Name : Yoyoh

NIM : 206026004308

Title : The Analysis of Translation Procedure in Label Baby Products

The thesis has been defended before the Faculty Letters and Humanities‟ Examination Committee on May 4, 2011. It has been accepted as a partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of strata one.

Jakarta, May 4, 2011

The Examination Committee

Signature Date

1. Drs. Asep Saefuddin, M.Pd (Chair Person) __________ _________ 19640710 199303 1 006

2. Elve Oktafiyani, M.Hum (Secretary) __________ _________ 197810032001122002

3. Moh. Supardi, M.Hum. (Advisor) __________ _________

4. Drs. Asep Saefuddin, M.Pd (Examiner I) __________ _________ 19640710 199303 1 006




I hereby declare that this submission in my own work and that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, it contains no material previously published or written by another person nor material which to substantial extent has been accepted for the award of any other degree or diploma of the university or other institute of higher learning, except where due acknowledgement has been made in the text.

Jakarta, March 2011



v Bismillahirrahmanirrahim

In the name of Allah, the most Merciful and the most Beneficent.

First thing first, praise to be Allah, the lord of the world. The Almighty, Him alone we ask for help. Him alone we seek forgiveness and refuge. Due His favor and charity, so the writer has succeeded in finishing this thesis. The shower of Blessing and the Solution be upon the most honorable Messenger and the Follower, the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon Him), the great man who changes the world.

The writer would like to thank to the writer‟s beloved husband, Yanto Pradipta for his love, attention, patience, and the full finance which always exists

in the writer‟s single time. The writer thanks to her parents who always help and loves her every time. Their support always gives her spirit to finish this thesis. They also finance during her study and the process of finishing this thesis.

Special thank goes to the writer‟s supervisor, Mr. Moh. Supardi, M.Hum, for his continuing guidance, patience, and support during the writer conducts this paper until finishing it.

The writer would like to express his appreciation to these following amazing persons who helped her in finishing this thesis. Dr. Abdul Chair, M.A, the Dean of Letters and Humanities Faculty; Dr. Muhammad Farkhan, M.Pd.,; Drs. Asep Saefudin, M.Pd., the Head of English Letters Departement, and all of lecturers of English Letters Department.



And many other relations are too numerous to name, but the writer thanks all of them for sharing their ideas with. For any mistakes that have not been weeded out of this thesis, the writer of course remains fully responsible.

Jakarta, March 2011 The Writer




ABSTRACT……… ………i







A. Background of the Study………...1

B. Focus of the Study………4

C. Research Question……….5

D. Significance of the Study………..5

E. Research Methodology………..5

1. The Objective of the Research………5

2. The Method of Research……….5

3. The Technique of Data Analysis……….6

4. Instrument of the Research………..6

5. The Unit of Analysis………...6


A. The Definition of Translation………. ……….8

B. The Translation Method………..10

C. The Process of Translation……….16

D. Translation Procedures………18




A. Description of the Data……….28

B. Data Analysis ………...32

1. Transposition ……….……….33

2. Absolute Modulation……….……..36

3. Free Modulation………..……….39

4. Adaptation………...………..45

5. Omission………...………....46

6. Borrowing……….48


A. Conclusions………...51

B. Suggestions………...…………..54







A. Background of Study

Basically, translation is rendering a text in the Source Language (SL) into an equivalent text in the Target Language (TL). The translators should master both of the languages, Source Language (SL) and Target Language (TL). When the translators translate a text, it means they begin to enter the culture of the Target Language (TL), which has the different characteristics with the Source Language (SL).The translators should be careful in translating a text to produce a good translation and all readers can accept the text. In addition, the readers do not make an error interpretation.

Actually, translation is more than transferring a text in Source Language (SL) into Target Language (TL), but it is looking for the equivalent meaning or message in the Source Language to be transferred into Target Language. In the fact, the process of translation is not simply, but it usually goes back and forth until the translators finally get the most equivalent translation of the original text.

Language is a set of system. Both English and Indonesian have its own structural system, because both of them are two different languages. So of course, they have the different system. Therefore, the translator should point out the similarities as well as differences between English and Indonesia. If there are similarities exist, the process of translation will be easy. On the other hand, if there are dominant differences, the process of translation will be difficult. To



solve this problem, the translators should master good grammatical pattern in translating a text. They must learn much about grammatical pattern of source language and target language.

Many people think that translation is only a process rendering a text in the source language into an equivalent text in the target language. Therefore, when they do translation, they consider that every word has the same value that should be translated perfectly. Whereas, the process of translation is more than rendering a text, but the translator should find the appropriate meaning, so that, the message can be transferred precisely. It is because that a translation is a process to transform message by reconstructing sentence.

Translation is an activity where a translator tries to find the equivalent meaning between source language and target language. The equivalent is the correspond content of the messages of SL text to TL text. It is the first step that a translator finds in the language text and target language text that denied (equivalent over formal correspondence).1 So that, a translator should matches the meaning in the source language into target language to get the same interpretation among the readers. The translator is succeeded if the readers can see what message or what point that translator wants to transform is.

Based on the fact, there are many translators do mistake in translating. For example: in a label promotion product the translator omitted the phrase This makes a delicious creamy in sentence This makes a delicious creamy cereal to feed from a clean spoon…… , whereas the sentence will explain clearly about the


Eugene A. Nida and Taber A. Charles, Theory and Practice of Translation, (Den Haag: Brill, 1974), p.12



product. So that, the translation becomes Kemudian suapkan dengan sendok

(jangan dimasukkan dalam botol susu)….. If the sentence is translated, the readers will be more interesting to buy the product. So that, in the writer‟s opinion, this omission should not happen in this translation. There are two reasons why they do it. Firstly, they have not known at all about the source language or they just know a little bit about the source language. So, they just render the text literally and ignore what the message of the text is. Secondly, they have not known at all about the target language. That is to make them cannot express the message in the target language. To solve the problems, the translators should have knowledge especially about the culture of the source language and target language, because it will help them to make a good translation.

In the translation process, translation procedure becomes an important thing to complete the translation text. The knowledge about translation procedure is very important for the translators because it is very useful for them to adapt the changing of grammatical pattern in the target language. There are several kinds of translation procedures. The first is transposition, a translation procedure involving a change in the grammar from SL to TL.2 For example: A pair of shorts

translated sebuah celana. In this case, there is transposition that a change word from plural noun into singular noun. Transposition is the only translation procedure concerned with grammatical pattern. Grammatical pattern is the most important in translation process. So, transposition becomes a main process in translating a text that should be taken by the translators. The second is




modulation, a variation through a change of view point , of perspective and very often of category of though.3 For example: ‘No smoking’ translated ‘ Dilarang merokok’. The third is adaptation, use of a recognized equivalent between two situations.4 For example: ‘ Dear Sir’ translated ‘ Dengan Hormat’. In several cultural expressions which have different concept between source language and target language, need adaptation in its translation process.

Besides that, it has already been mentioned above, the translators must consider to five basics. They are:

1. The translator must fully understand the sense and meaning of the original author.

2. The translator should have a good knowledge about source language and target language.

3. The translator should know and learn about an effective translation theory. 4. The translator should learn about the steps of effective translation by reading

books or asking to an expert translator.

5. The translator should learn about the translation text and compare it with the original text, but the fact show that many translators hardly compare between translation text and original text. So that, they sometimes just render a text into another language.

Those basics will help the translators to translate a text and get the equivalent meaning source language text and target language text.


Ibid, p.88




In this research, the writer tries to analyze the translation procedure of baby products translation from English into Indonesian. Although the words, phrases, or sentences of source language text could render with dictionary, the mistakes usually occur because the vocabulary in English different from Indonesia, the culture, style, and custom also different.

B. Focus of the Study

The focus of this research is about the analysis of translation procedure in the direction label of the baby products, which provides two languages; English and Indonesian.

C. Research Question

The questions in this research are:

1. How are the translation procedures applied by the translator in translating the text in the label of Baby Products ?

2. What method used by the translator in translating the text in the label of Baby products?

D. Significance of the Study

The significance of the study is that the writer hopes that this paper will enrich the readers understanding about the procedures of translation. Particularly for someone who wants to be a professional translator, he/she must learn more



about everything of translation, such as rules and process translation. He/she should practice to translate every kind of text. Besides that, the writer wants that this research becomes a concrete contribution for all English Department students who will improve their translation knowledge.

E. Research Methodology

1. The Objective of the Research

The purpose of this research is to analyze the translation method that applied

in baby products‟ translation and to analyze the types of translation procedures, especially transposition, modulation, and adaptation, from English into Indonesian particularly in the directions using of baby product that provide two languages on the package or label.

2. The Method of Research

In this research the writer analyzes the data using descriptive qualitative method. It means that she tries to answer the whole questions in the research question by describing the problem in this research. In addition, the writer explains and describes the opinion to analyze the object of the research.

3. The Technique of Data Analysis

The data collected are analyzed by using qualitative analytic technique by comparing relevant theorist. The two languages; English and Indonesian are found in the label, strip, box, and package of the product are collected as a primary data. To get the data, the writer looks for the product, which is English as a mother language in every area of selling. The primary data is supported by



secondary data or references, which are relevance with the study. They are books, dictionaries, and internet.

4. Instrument of the Research

The instrument of this research is the writer herself through analyzing the data. The writer does it by three steps. First, the writer reads the theory of translation from various source, like books, internet, etc. second, the writer finds the product, especially baby products, which have two languages; English and Indonesian on the label, package, or strip of the product. Third, the writer analyzes the sentences on the label to find the translation procedure in the sentences of the product.

5. The Unit of Analysis

The unit of analysis in this research is the labels of baby product available in Indonesia but produced by other countries, which have two languages; English and Indonesian in those direction label, box, or strip. The products are produced

by PT Arnot‟s Indonesia, PT Johnson-Johnson Int. USA, PZ Cusson (Int.) Ltd. England, PT Kinocare Era Kosmetindo, Pigeon Corporation, and PT Kimberly-Lever Indonesia.





A. The Definition of Translation

There are many definition of translation. Every source has different definition of translation, but all definitions have same meaning . The important thing, the translators should find out and understand every definition of translation that is given by the theorist. Besides that, the translation is a process of communication, including in advertisement. It must be considered by the product that serves two kinds of languages on their label or package. It becomes the role of translators to reach the big attention from the consumers in promotion process. Therefore, the company from each product should know the rules of translation to promote the product because translation process is not easy. To translate a text needs a special skill. Particularly, we should know everything about translation. For the first time, we should know the definition of translation



commonly. There are several definitions of translation based on various sources from many theorists, they are:

1. Translation is the replacement of textual material in one language (SL) by equivalent textual material in another language.5

2. Translating consist in reproducing in receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source language message, first in terms meaning and

secondly in terms of style.6

3. Translation is rendering the meaning of a text into another language in the way that the author intended the text.7

4. Translation is an instrument of education as well as of truth precisely because it has to reach readers whose cultural and educational level is different from,

and often „lower‟ or earlier, than, that of the readers of the original.8

5. Translation is an act of communication which attempts to relay, across cultural and linguistic boundaries, another act of communication ( which may have intended for different purposes and different readers/hearers)9

Based on those definitions above that there are three cases in translation:

1. Translation includes two languages : the Source Language (SL) and Target Language (TL)


J.C. Catford, A Linguistic Theory of Translation, (London: Oxford University Press, 1965), p.20


Eugene A. Nida and Charles R. Taber, The Theory and Practice of Translation, (Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1974), p.12


Peter Newmark, A Text Book of Translation, (New York: Prentice Hall, 1988), p.5


Ibid, p.6


Basil Hatim and Ian Mason, The Translator as Communicator, ( London: Routledge,1997), p.1



2. Translation should defend the content of message of SL text and TL text

3. A translator tries to find an equivalent of SL text to TL text.

Every source has different idea of translation. The writer concludes translation is the replacing of two languages, from source language into target language. Translation is an act of communication; not only rendering a text of source language into a text of target language, but also a media to send a message

or information to the other, especially for someone who doesn‟t master the source

language. Besides that, in advertisement, besides translation as an act of communication, translation is also an art. It is purposed to get the respond from the consumers. So, in this case a translation text must be as communicative as possible. As the result, everyone feels interesting to the product because it is to

realize the consumers‟ mind to know something new, to understand something

happen, and also to affect them to trust the given information. Finally, they can buy the product and influence the other people to buy the product.

B. The Translation Method

The translation method is how to do translation and to plan in translating process. There are many kinds of translation methods that are known in the world. Each of them has different technique, different result, and it is used in appropriate field depend on the necessary. According to Newmark, there are 8 kinds of translation methods. Each of them has different meaning.



1. Word-for-word translation

This translation is used as a pre-translation process, especially to construe a difficult text. This is often demonstrated as interlinear translation, with the TL immediately below the SL words. This translation is considered as the closest translation with SL because in this translation, words in SL text are translated according to the basic meaning out of context. This translation is used to understand the difficult SL text as a pre-translation process.10

2. Literal Translation

In literal translation, the SL grammatical constructions are converted to their nearest TL equivalents but the lexical words are again translated singly, out of context. This translation is also a pre-translation process which indicates to solve the problem in translation process.

3. Faithful Translation

A faithful translation attempts to reproduce the precise contextual meaning of the original within the constraints of the TL grammatical structures. It transfers the cultural words and preserves the degree of grammatical and lexical abnormality (deviation from SL norms) in the translation. This translation attempts to be completely faithful to the intentions and the text realization of the SL writer. This translation is used in translation transfer process.

4. Semantic Translation

Semantic translation differs from faithful translation. This translation must take more account the aesthetic value (that is the beautiful and natural sound)


Frans Sayogie, Teori dan Praktek Penerjemahan,( Tangerang: Pustaka Anak Negeri: 2009), p. 91



of the SL text, compromising on meaning where appropriate. Besides that, this translation may translate the cultural words by culturally neutral or functional terms. This translation is more flexible than faithful translation. It may translate the SL text based on intuitive empathy.

5. Adaptations

This translation is the freest form of translation. It is also the nearest translation to the original or the SL text. This translation is used in plays and poetry; the themes, characters, plots are usually preserved. Further, the SL culture converted to the TL culture and the text rewritten. In erudition, his logic is given priority, but the examples are not existing.

6. Free Translation

Free translation reproduces the content without the form of original. It is usually a paraphrase that longer or shorter than the original. It is also a paraphrase in the same language, so that it is called as an intralingua translation. Actually, it is not translation at all because it occurs in one language.

7. Idiomatic Translation

This translation reproduces the message of the original but tends to distort nuances of meaning by preferring idioms and colloquialisms where these do not exist in the original, but exist in target language.

8. Communicative Translation

This translation tries to render the exact contextual meaning of the original. Therefore, both of the content and language are readily acceptable and



comprehensible to the readership. This translation is considered as an ideal translation.11

Newmark divided the eight methods above into two kinds or orientations translation methods. Firstly, that is translation methods which are emphasized to the SL text. Secondly, translation methods which are emphasized to the TL text.

According to Newmark, the methods above can be described as a V diagram below:

SL emphasis TL emphasis

Word-for-word translation Adaptation Literal translation Free translation

Faithful translation Idiomatic translation Semantic translation Communicative translation 12 If we refer to the methods of translations above, not all methods are suitable to promote a product, because in promoting a product, the translator should have a creative and imaginative thinking to result the communicative idea and interesting communication. So that, it can influences and drives the consumers to buy the product. Therefore, the most suitable method in promoting a product is communicative translation, because it is the nearest method to target language. As we know, when we want to promote a product, we must the

consumers‟ language.


p. 48




In promoting process of the product, translation does not depend on the structure, vocabulary, and authentic word. In this translation, a translator does not concern to tra nsfer the message well, so that, the readers can get and trust the information in the text. Hence, the meaning can achieve the true purpose to attract the consumers or the readers to know the product; to know whether good or not the new product. The consumers only concern to their native language, Indonesian. So, they never care the other language on the label or strip except Indonesian, although English is as its source language.

The translator is succeed if She / He can reproduce the target language which communicates the same messages as the source language but uses the natural grammatical and lexical choices of the receptor language. In this case, the translator must use the communicative translation in translating the text. Catford also divided the types of translation, they are: full translation, partial translation,

total translation, and restricted translation. In a full translation, the entire text is submitted to the translation process: that is, every part13

of SL text is replaced by TL text material. There is no word omitted. For example: Moisten a cotton ball or washcloth and apply to your baby’s skin to

clean and moisturize ( tuangkan pada kapas atau waslap dan usapkan pada kulit bayi anda untuk membersihkan dan melembutkan). Partial translation is some parts of the SL text are left untranslated: they are simply transferred to and incorporated in the TL text. In this translation, there is word that omitted. Total




translation is replacement of SL grammar and lexis by equivalent TL grammar and lexis with consequential replacement of SL phonology by (non-equivalent) TL phonology. The last is restricted translation; it is replacement of SL textual material by equivalent TL textual material, at only one level.

In previous explanation, we have talked about the kind of translations and in this discussion, we will learn about the differences between semantic translation and communicative translation according to Newmark. Furthermore, the deffernces between semantic and communicative translation can be seen in appendixes.

Newmark says “semantic translation differs from „faithful translation‟

only in as far as it must take more account of the aesthetic value of the SL text,

compromising on „meaning‟.”14

It is used in expressive text. Different from semantic translation, communicative translation is used in informative and vocative text. It considers the communication principles such as consumer,

message, and purpose. Newmark says “attempts to render the exact contextual

meaning of the original in such a way that both content and language are readily acceptable and comprehensible to the readership”.15

According to explanation above, the language in advertising uses communicative translation, because language in advertisement that used in label of baby product is dedicated for consumers and socials. Hence, it must be accessible to reader, easy reading, simpler, and emphasizing to the message.


Newmark (1988), loc.cit.




C. The Process of Translation

Translation is phase process. In translation process, translator must understand the SL text and formulating the TL text. Newmark says that when a translator is translating, he translates with four levels more or less conciously in mind: (1) the SL text level, the level of language, where we begin and which we continually (but not continuously) go back to; (2) the referential level; (3) the cohesive level, which is more general, and grammatical, which traces the train of thought, the feeling tone (positive or negative) and the various presuppositions of the SL text. (4) the level of naturalness, of common language appropriate to the writer or the speaker in a ceratain situation.16 Here the more explaination about translation process according to Newmark:

1. The Textual level

This is the level of the literal translation of the source language into the target language. In this level, the translator make certain „conversions‟ and transposes

the SL grammar into their „ready‟ TL equivalent, then translates the lexical uints

into the sense.17

2. The Referential Level

It is the level of objects and events, real or imaginary, which we progressively have to visualise and build up, and which is an essential part, first the comprehension, then the reproduction process.


p. 19




3. The Cohesive Level

This level contains the two factors, they are structure and mood factor. The first factor is structure factor; through the connective words, such as conjunctions, enumerations, reiterations, definite article, general words, referential synonims, and punctuation marks, linking the sentences, usually proceeding from known information (theme) to new information (rheme); proposition, opposition, continuation, reiteration, opposition, conclusion. The second is mood factor; it can be shown as a dialectical factor moving between positive and negative, emotive and neutral.18 (The translator has to spot the difference between positive

and neutral in, say, „appreciate‟ and „evaluate‟; „awesome‟ and „amazing‟; „tidy‟ and „ordered‟; „passed away‟ and „died‟).

4. The Level of Naturalness

It is to determine the deviation, and only concerned with reproduction. The translator has to ensure: (1) that his translation makes sense; and it reads naturally; (2) that it is written in ordinary language, the common grammar, idioms, and words that meet that kind of situation. Natural usage comprises a variety of idioms or styles or registers determined primarily by the „setting‟ of the text, secondarily by the author, topic and leadership, all of who are usually dependent on the setting.19


p. 24




According to Nida and Taber, translation process has three levels.20They are:

1. Analyzing the SL text

In this level, a sentence will be analyzed into grammatical, word meaning or combination, the yextual meaning, and the contextual meaning. The translator must learn the SL text wether form and meaning of the text. The purpose of this level is that translator fully understand what is the message in SL text.

2. Transferring

In his level, the translator has analyzed and understood the material grammatically and semantically. In his mind, he begins to remove the material from SL text into TL text

3. Restructuring

The translator tries to restructure the text that is appropriate with TL text. He attempts to find the appropriate words equivalent and the sentence structures into the TL.

D. Translation Procedure

Translation procedure is related to the smaller unit of language; they are sentence, clause, phrase, and word.21 Translation procedures are used for


Frans Sayogie, Teori and Praktek Penerjemahan, ( Tangerang: Pustaka Anak Negeri,



sentences and smaller units of language within that text. Translation procedures are methods applied by translators when they formulate equivalence for the purpose of transferring elements of meaning from the Source Text (ST) to the Target Text (TT). Translation procedure is very important in restructuring process. A translator must master this knowledge if she / he wants to make a good translation. Translation procedure is very useful for a process of translation. Because of it, a translator can always adapt the changing of grammatical which appropriate with the meaning in the source language.

Newmark mentions the difference between translation methods and translation procedures. He writes that, "while translation methods relate to whole texts, translation procedures are used for sentences and the smaller units of


There are many kinds of translation procedure described by several theorists. Here the explanation of translation procedure based on some theorists:

The translation procedures according to Nida (1964) are as follow:

I. Technical procedures:

1. Analysis of the source and target languages;

2. A thorough study of the source language text before making

attempts translate it;


Frans Sayogie (2009), op.Cit, p. 69




3. Making judgments of the semantic and syntactic approximations.

II. Organizational procedures:

Constant revaluation of the attempt made; contrasting it with the existing available translations of the same text done by other translators, and checking the text's communicative effectiveness by asking the target language readers to evaluate its accuracy and effectiveness and studying their reactions .23

The following are the different translation procedures that Newmark proposes:24

1. Transference: it is the process of transferring an SL word to a TL text. It includes transliteration.

2. Naturalization: it adapts the SL word first to the normal pronunciation, then to the normal morphology of the TL. 3. Cultural equivalent: it means replacing a cultural word in the

SL with a TL one. however, "they are not accurate"

4. Functional equivalent: it requires the use of a culture-neutral word.

5. Descriptive equivalent: in this procedure the meaning of the


Nida, E. A. Towards a science of translation, with special reference to principles and procedures involved in Bible translating. Leiden: Brill, 1964.p.46-47




CBT is explained in several words.

6. Componential analysis: it means "comparing an SL word with a TL word which has a similar meaning but is not an obvious one-to-one equivalent, by demonstrating first their common and then their differing sense components."

7. Synonymy: it is a "near TL equivalent." Here economy trumps accuracy.

8. Through-translation: it is the literal translation of common collocations, names of organizations and components of compounds. It can also be called: calque or loan translation. 9. Shifts or transpositions: it involves a change in the grammar

from SL to TL, for instance, (i) change from singular to plural, (ii) the change required when a specific SL structure does not exist in the TL, (iii) change of an SL verb to a TL word, change of an SL noun group to a TL noun and so forth. 10. Modulation: it occurs when the translator reproduces the

message of the original text in the TL text in conformity with the current norms of the TL, since the SL and the TL may appear dissimilar in terms of perspective.

11. Recognized translation: it occurs when the translator "normally uses the official or the generally accepted translation of any institutional term."



12. Compensation: it occurs when loss of meaning in one part of a sentence is compensated in another part.

13. Paraphrase: This is an implication of the meaning of a

segment of the text. It is used in „anonymous‟ text when it is

poorly written, or has important implications and omissions. 14. Couplets: it occurs when the translator combines two different


15. Notes: notes are additional information in a translation.25

According to Sayogie, there are three kinds of translation procedures which related to condition of Source Language, especially Indonesian. They are:

1. Transposition

Transposition is the changing of grammatical pattern from source language into target language.26 There are four kinds of transposition according to Newmark, they are:

a. The First Shift

It is caused by system and rule of language; hence the translator should find the suitable meaning. It is called automatic transposition. For example: a

pair of pants is translated into sebuah celana panjang. Actually in English, when there is a suffix after the word, it means that the word is plural, but it does not always occur in Indonesian .a pair of pants in Indonesian cannot be translated as





sepasang celana panjang celana panjang but it becomes a singular noun. The other example: difficult problem is translated into masalah (yang) sulit . In this case, adjective plus noun becomes noun. Transposition in the examples above should be done when translation involves English as a source language and Indonesian as a target language. Because of it, the translator will never make a mistake in translation.

b. The Second Shift

The translator takes this transposition if the translator does not find the equivalences grammatical pattern in source language and target language. For example: the word bingung aku can be translated into I’m confused. In English grammatical pattern, there is not adjective before the subject, hence the translator can choose the appropriate pattern in target language which still has equivalent meaning with source language.

c. The Third shift

This transposition occurs because the result of translation is abnormal. For example: We must all responsible for the existence of fresh water is translated into Kita semua bertanggung jawab untuk menjaga air bersih. If translator

translates phrase above literally, the translation becomes „Kita semua

bertanggungjawab untuk keberadaan air bersih’. This translation is awkward in Indonesia.

d. The Fourth Shift



For example: He is very pleasant, but his wife is arrogant, is translated into Ia sangat baik, tetapi istrinya sangat sombong.

2. Modulation

Modulation is a variation of the form of the message, obtained by a change in the point of view, culture, and perspective. It occurs when the translator reproduces the message of the original text in the TL text in conformity with the current norms of the TL, since the SL and the TL may appear dissimilar in terms of perspective.27 Modulation and transposition may take place in the same time. For example: Time is money translated into waktu itu sangat berharga.

Based on Newmark, there are two kinds of modulation: absolute modulation and free modulation. Absolute modulation occurs when there is no equivalent meaning of word, phrase, or structure from source language into target language. Examples: Light Mineral Oil and Benzalkonium Chloride. Those words should have not rendered into different meaning because they don‟t have equivalent meaning in the target language. Free modulation is translation procedure that supposes to explain the meaning, to obtain the relation meaning between SL and TL and also to achieve the equivalence meaning as natural as SL. It occurs when a word or phrase is translated differently as a word as a meaning itself. For examples the word enhanced, the true meaning of enhanced is dipertinggi28but in promotion text it is translated dilengkapi.


Ibid, p. 88


John M. Echols and Hasan Sadily, Kamus Inggris Indonesia, (Jakarta: PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 1976), p. 214



3. Adaptation

Adaptation is also known as a free translation, is translation procedure whereby the translator replaces a social, or cultural, reality in the source text with a corresponding reality in the target text; this new reality would be more usual to the audience of the target text.29 It is the freest translation where the translator must create a new situation which is considered has equivalence, modifying the concept but it is not beyond the purpose. Therefore, it is considered as equivalence, a situational equivalence. In adaptation something specific to the source language culture is expressed in a totally different way that is familiar or appropriate to the target language culture. Sometimes it is valid, and sometimes it is problematic, to say the least.For example the word product is translated into


4. Borrowing

Borrowing is a translation procedure whereby the translator uses a word or expression from the source text in the target text. Borrowings are normally printed in italics if they are not considered to have been naturalized in the target language31. It is the simplest of all translation methods. It is an adoption of a linguistic expression from another language; or the taking over of words from other language. The lexical borrowing is called loan word. There are two kinds of borrowings, namely total adopting and partial adopting. Total adopting refers to

29 procedures.doc


Frans Sayogie (2009), p. 70-74




taking over the words from other languages without any phonological adaptation. For example: vitamin is translated into vitamin. Partial adopting refers to taking over the words from other languages with phonological adaptation32. For example:

lamp is translated into lampu. 5. Omission

Omission means dropping a word or words from the source language while translating. This procedure can be the outcome of the cultural clashes that exist between the SL and the TL. In fact, it is in subtitling translation where omission attains its peak in use. The translator omits words that do not have equivalents in the TL, or that may raise the hostility of the receptor. It is supposed to shorten and get clearer meaning.

These procedures are used to get the equivalent meaning between SL and TL, especially that provide in the label of baby product which relay the direction or indication to give information to consumers and also affect them to buy the product. Therefore, the language in TL must interest to attract the readers.

E. Interpretation

A translation process is related to interpretation. Based on Long Man Dictionary, definition of interpretation is the way in which someone explains or understands an event, information, someone‟s action etc. 33 Language


Muhammad Farkhan, An Introduction to Linguistics, (Jakarta: UIN Jakarta Press,2006), p.64


Longman, Dictionary of Contemporary English, (Edinberg Gate Harlow: England). P. 851



interpretation is the facilitating of oral or sign-language communication, either simultaneously or consecutively, between users of different languages. The process is described by both the words interpreting and interpretation. Interpreting denotes the facilitating of communication from one language form into its equivalent, or approximate equivalent, in another language form; while interpretation denotes the actual product of this work, that is, the message thus rendered into speech, sign language, writing, non-manual signals, or other language form. This important distinction is observed in order to avoid confusion.

An interpreter is a person who converts a thought or expression in a source language into an expression with a comparable meaning in a target language in "real time". The interpreter's function is to convey every intention and feeling of the message that the source-language speaker is directing to target-language recipients.

Despite being used incorrectly as interchangeable, interpretation are not synonymous. Interpreting takes a message from a source language and renders that message into a different target language. In interpreting, the interpreter will take in a complex concept from one language, choose the most appropriate vocabulary in the target language to faithfully render the message in a linguistically, emotionally, tonally, and culturally equivalent message is the transference of meaning from text to text with the translator having time and access to resources, to produce an accurate document or verbal artifact. Lesser



known is "transliteration," used within sign language interpreting, takes one form of a language and transfer those same words into another.

A very common misconception of interpretation is that it is rendered verbatim, as a word-for-word translation of an utterance. A literal, verbatim interpretation of a source-language message would be unintelligible to the target-language recipient because of grammar differences, cultural and syntactical context. In court interpretation, it is not acceptable to omit anything from the source, no matter how fast the source speaks, since not only is accuracy a principal canon for interpreters, but mandatory. Translators have time to consider and revise each word and sentence before delivering their product to the client. While live interpretation's goal is to achieve total accuracy at all times, details of the original (source) speech can be missed and interpreters can ask for clarification from the speaker. In any language, including signed languages, when a word is used for which there is no exact match, expansion may be necessary in order to fully interpret the intended meaning of the word (ex: the English word "hospitable" may require several words or phrases to encompass its complex meaning). Another unique situation is when an interpreted message appears much shorter or longer than the original message. The message may appear shorter at times because of unique efficiencies within a certain language. Because of situations like these, interpreting often requires a "lag" or "processing" time. This time allows the interpreter to take in subjects and verbs in order to rearrange grammar appropriately while picking accurate vocabulary before starting the message. While working with interpreters, it is important to remember lag time in



order to avoid accidentally interrupting one another and to receive the entire message.34




Description of the Data

The writer analyzes the number of translation process from the package

or label of baby‟s product which have two languages on the label, English and Indonesian. The products are produced by PT Arnot‟s Indonesia, PT Johnson -Johnson (Int.), USA, PZ Cusson (Int.) Ltd. England, PT Kinocare Era Kosmetindo, Pigeon Corporation, and PT Kimberly-Lever Indonesia. Those




products serve two languages in directions and ingredients. The source language that is observed as unit of analysis is taken from seven products, three products are PT Kimberly-Lever Indonesia‟s product, one product is PZ Cusson (Int.)

Ltd. England‟s product, two products are PT Kinocare Era Kosmetindo‟s product, one product is PT Arnot‟s Indonesia‟s product, and one product is PT

Johnson-Johnson Int. USA‟s product.

Table 1 Corpus Data


Corpus Types of Translation




1 Mild shampoo and conditioner Shampoo dan conditioner (yang) lembut. Transpositio n

Eskulin Kids Shampoo and Conditioner

2 Mild formula Formula


B&B Kids Splash Cologne

3 My clothes Bajuku

4 Direct sunlight

Sinar matahari langsung

5 Light irritation Iritasi ringan

Cusson Baby Healthy Care Triple Caring Powder 6 Long lasting fresh strawberry fragrance Keharuman buah strawberry yang tahan lama.

Zwitsal Kids Beauty Hair and Body Cologne

7 For softer hair and skin

Membantu melembutkan rambut dan kulit.



ingredients lembut

9 Delicate skin Kulit (yang)


10 Calming scent

Keharuman yang menenangkan 11 Good digestive function Fungsi pencernaan yang baik Farley‟s Biscuit

12 Cooled boiled water

Air matang yang hangat

13 Bones and

teeth Tulang dan gigi 14 Shampoo &


Shampoo & Conditioner

Absolute Modulation

Eskulin Kids Shampoo and Conditioner 15 Formula Formula

16 B&B Kids Splash Cologne B&B Kids Splash Cologne

B&B Kids Splash Cologne

17 Aloe Vera Aloe Vera B&B Kids Shampoo and

Conditioner 18 Cusson Baby Powder Triple Caring Cusson Baby Powder Triple Caring

Cusson Baby Healthy Care Triple Caring Powder

19 Calamine Calamine

20 Allantoin Allantoin

21 Milk Protein Milk Protein Zwitsal Kids Beauty Hair and Body Cologne 22 Strawberry Strawberry

23 Zwitsal Kids Beauty Shampoo & Bubble Bath Zwitsal Kids Beauty Shampoo & Bubble Bath




26 Inulin Inulin

27 Anemia Anemia

28 Vitamin A Vitamin A

29 Farley‟s Farley’s


Lather on wet hair and rinse well. Usapkan pada rambut hingga berbusa dan bilas hingga bersih. Free Modulation

Eskulin Kids Shampoo and Conditioner 31 Thanks to B&B Kids Splash Cologne that always accompanies me……… Semua berkat B&B Kids Splash Cologne yang selalu menemaniku … ….

B&B Kids Splash Cologne


Its mild formula is so gentle to my skin, not sticky, and leaves no stain on my clothes.

Formula rendah alkoholnya lembut untuk kulitku, tidak lengket dan tidak bernoda dibaju. 33 Use under adult supervision. Ajari anak anda untuk menggunakann ya dengan benar.

B&B Kids Shampoo and Conditioner

34 ....avoid direct sunlight.

…..tidak terkena sinar matahari langsung.

35 Avoid contact with eyes.

Jangan kena mata.



reduce wetness……..

menyerap keringat……..

Care Triple Caring Powder

37 …..and baby‟s skin.soothe

…..dan membuat kulit bayi terasa nyaman.

38 Rinse of f thoroughly .

Bilas sampai bersih.

39 ....for softer hair and skin.

…membantu melembutkan rambut dan kulit.

Zwitsal Kids Beauty Hair and Body Cologne

40 Has gentle ingredients to clean and moisturize your baby‟s delicate skin. Dari bahan yang lembut untuk membersihkan dan melembabkan kulit bayi lembut anda.

Huggies Baby Oil


Help soothe with a calming scent. Dengan keharuman yang menenangkan. 42 Direction: Moisten a cotton ball or

washcloth…. Pengguanaan: Tuangkan pada kapas atau waslap….. 43 FOS to promote a good digestive function. FOS untuk membantu fungsi pencernaan yang baik. Farley‟s Biscuit 44 Easy to dissolve and digest. No choking. Mudah larut dan dicerna, membantu tidak tersedak.

45 …..your baby will enjoy a

….berilah bayi anda sekeping


xlii Farley‟s Rusk

mixed with his

usual milk….. biscuit Farley’s, larutkan dengan susu…. 46

If your baby still thirsty after

completing his

meal, ….

Jika bayi anda masih haus setelah diberikan Biskuit


47 Extract Ekstrak Adaptation Eskulin Shampoo and


48 Irritation Iritasi

Cusson Baby Healthy Care Triple Caring Powder

49 Asthma Asma Huggies Baby Oil

50 Consult Konsultasi

51 Contact Kontak

52 Doctor Dokter


Its mild formula is so gentle to my skin, not sticky and leaves not stain on my clothes. Formula rendah alkoholnya lembut untuk kulitku, tidak lengket, dan tidak bernoda dibaju.

Omission Eskulin Kids Shampoo and Conditioner

54 For external use only.

Untuk pemakaian luar.

Huggies Baby Oil

55 If sensitivity to any ingredients or asthma exist,…

Jika ada alergi

atau asma,…. 56 This makes a


Kemudian suapkan



creamy cereal to feed from a clean spoon…… dengan sendok (jangan dimasukkan dalam botol susu)….. 57 …..mixed

with his usual milk or water in a bowl.


dengan susu atau air matang hangat hingga menjadi bubur yang halus.

58 Formula Formula


B&B Kids Splash Cologne

59 Strawberry Strawberry Zwitsal Kids Beauty

Hair and Body Cologne

60 Inulin Inulin Farley‟s Biscuit

61 Anemia Anemia

b. Data Analysis

1. The Translation Method

Based on the research, the method in advertising translation is communicative translation. The purpose of this method is to make the readers or consumers understand and interest to get the product. Then they desire to buy the products. The important thing is how to make the consumers interest to the product. To get the goal, the advertisement should be interesting and understandable easier. For example, the sentence Use under adult supervision is translated into ajari anak anda untuk menggunakannya dengan benar. Whereas, if the sentence is translated literally becomes gunakan dibawah pengawasan orang dewasa. Actually the translation is fine, but it is not communicative. The



target text is too general for the readers. Whereas, we know that the consumers of this product is a parent. So that, in this case, the translation should be full of learning, especially for a parent. The parent should know how to do about the product to their children. Therefore, in promotion language, the translator should use the communicative translation to get more attention from the consumers.

Besides communicative translation, in advertising translation, the translator can use free translation method. In this method, the translator is free to translate the source text into target language, as long as the target text still be understood by the readers. In addition, they can get what are the messages from the text language.

2. The Translation Procedure

Based on the tabulated corpus data on the table above, the writer attempts to classify and analyze the data by categorizing into the types of translation procedures, such as: transposition or shift, modulation, are absolute modulation and free modulation, adaptation, omission, and borrowing.

1. Transposition or Shift

Transposition is the changing of grammatical pattern from source language into target language. In the context of translating English into Indonesian, this change occurs as the result of dissimilarities of the system and structure of English and Indonesian to convey the same meaning. The application of transposition is aimed to avoid literal translation which is only result in an



unnatural translation. Based on the corpuses data above, the writer finds 13 words that include the translation procedure of transposition.

Based on data above, there is translation case which typifies a structural change from adjective + noun into noun + which + adjective, plural noun in English into singular noun in Indonesian, and the change of adjective in English becomes verb in Indonesia. Here, there is transposition case in the words:

1. In number 1, the phrase Mild shampoo and conditioner has structure adjective + noun. It is translated into Indonesia shampoo & conditioner yang lembut.

The structure after translating becomes noun + adjective . According to the data, the word Mild shampoo and conditioner is the transposition, whereby, the translator wants to make the equivalence meaning between source language and target language.

2. In number 2, the structure of the word mild formula is adjective + noun, but as we see, the translator translated the phrase into Indonesian formula yang lembut. The word formula yang lembut has structure noun +which+ adjective.

This case happens because the translator wants to make the readers understand what the message is. If the translators render the phrase literally, the readers will be confused. Therefore, the transposition occurs in this translation.

3. In number 4 there is a transposition case in the word direct sunlight. At first, the word direct sunlight has structure adjective + noun, but after translation process, the structure changes. We can see that the word direct sunlight is translated into Indonesian sinar matahari langsung. The word Sinar matahari



langsung has structure noun + adjective. Based on the meaning after translating, the readers can see that the structure changes from adjective + noun to noun + adjective.

4. In number 5, the case of transposition is occurred in word light irritation.

Before translating process the word light irritation has structure adjective + noun, but after the word is translated into Indonesian iritasi ringan, the structure changes into noun + adjective. This is the first transposition in translation procedure, whereby, the translator changes the structure in target language to make it more readable and understandable.

5. In number 6, there is a transposition case in the phrase long lasting fresh strawberry fragrance. It phrase has structure adjective + noun before translating process, but after translating the structure changes into noun + adjective. It can be seen from the meaning. The phrase long lasting fresh strawberry fragrance is translated into Indonesian keharuman buah strawberry yang tahan lama, which has structure noun + adjective. The transposition occurs because the translator wants to get equivalent meaning between SL and TL text.

6. In number 9, the phrase delicate skin istranslated into Indonesian kulit lembut. In the source text, the structure of the phrase delicate skin is adjective + noun.

After the phrase delicate skin is translated into Indonesian kulit yang lembut,

the structure changes into noun + adjective. This is an example of transposition or shift. The purpose is to get the equivalent meaning, so that, the readers can get the message in the target text.



7. In number 10, the phrase calming scent has structure adjective + noun. After translating process, the phrase calming scent has meaning keharuman yang menenangkan with structure noun + adjective., To get same meaning after

translating into Indonesian, the transposition must be occurred to avoid dissimilarities meaning between SL to TL.

8. In number 11, the phrase good digestive functionI has meaning fungsi pencernaan yang baik. At first the structure of the phrase is adjective + noun,

but after translating process the structure becomes noun + adjective. This is the transposition case. It occurs to get similarities meaning between SL and TL.

9. In number 12, to translate the phrase cooled boiled water, which has structure

adjective + noun, the structure in TL text must be changed into noun + adjective, so that, the meaning after translating in Indonesian becomes air matang yang hangat. The purpose of the transposition is to get similar meaning between SL and TL text.

10. Number 3, the word clothes translated into Indonesia baju. If we see, the word clothes is actually plural, but after translating, it is changed into singular. This is the case of transposition. This change is fine because the readers still get the message without broke the meaning. If the word clothes is rendered into baju-baju, the text will look awkward.

11. In number 8, there is a case of transposition, by which the phrase gentle ingredients translated into Indonesian bahan yang lembut. As we see, there is a grammatical change in the word ingredients. The word ingredients is a



plural, but after a translation process, it form becomes singular (bahan). It is not rendered into bahan-bahan because to make the meaning simpler, but still meaningful.

12. In number 13, the phrase bones and teeth (p) translated into Indonesian tulang dan gigi (s)); these translation case, a change of word category occurs from a plural to singular noun in Indonesian. The word bones and teeth that plural in English are translated into tulang dan gigi that singular in Indonesia. The purpose of this case is to get the simpler meaning in target language.

13. In number 7 the phrase for softer hair and skin translated into Indonesian

membantu melembutkan rambut dan kulit) is the third shift because the word

softer that is an adjective is translated into melembutkan. The word

melembutkan is verb. In this case, a change of category occurs from adjective to verb in Indonesian.

2. Modulation

b. Absolute Modulation

Absolute modulation occurs when there is no equivalent meaning of word, phrase, or structure from source language into target language. Based on the data, the writer finds 17 words which are translated as same as original words. There are three reasons why this problem occurs; the first, there is no TL equivalence to change SL. The second, they are common words. The last one, they have purpose to introduce the name of the product.



1. In number 14, the word shampoo and conditioner is not rendered into target language because the consumers have already known the meaning of those words. The word has been well-known and familiar among the readers. Although, it is no translated, the consumers will know what the meaning is. 2. In number 15, the word formula is the common science words that have

well-known in some languages, so that, this word should not be translated because the consumers have already known the meaning of this word.

3. In number 17, the word aloe vera is one of the common science words which

have been familiar in some languages. Therefore, the translator didn‟t

translate it because without translation, the readers have already known the meaning.

4. In number 21, the phrase milk protein is the common science words that have well-known in some languages, so that, those words should not be translated because the consumers have already known the meaning of this word.

5. In number 22, the word strawberry can be understood by the readers although

the translator doesn‟t translate it because the word strawberry is the common and familiar word that has well-known in the world. So, the consumers still get the meaning although it is not translated.

6. In number 26, the word inulin is the common science word that has well-known in some languages, so that, those words should not be translated because the consumers have already known the meaning of this word.



7. In number 27, the word anemia is a healthy terminology that almost people know the meaning of the word. Therefore, this term can let without translation to another language.

8. In number 28, the word vitamin A is a healthy terminology that almost people know the meaning of the word. Therefore, this term can let without translation to another language.

9. In number 19, the word Calamine is un-translated word because there is no

equivalent meaning for the target language. Therefore, the translator can‟t

render this word into another language.

10. In number 20, the word Allantoin is a science terminology that can‟t be translated into another language because there is no equivalent meaning for the target language.

11. In number 24, the acronym DHA is a science terminology that can‟t be

translated into another language because there is no equivalent meaning for the target language.

12. In number 25, the acronym FOS is un-translated words because there is no

equivalent meaning for the target language. Therefore, the translator can‟t

render those words into another language.

13. In number 16, the phrase B&B Kids Splash Cologne is not translated into different language. It is included into absolute modulation because this word is the name of the product itself that wants to introduce to the readers or consumers.



14. In number 18, the phrase Cusson Baby Powder Triple Caring is not translated because the translator wants to introduce the name of the product to the consumers. Therefore, the name of the product should be still in the first language. If the name of product is translated, the meaning will be awkward. Besides that, the readers will be confused when they read the label.

15. In number 23, the phrase Zwitsal Kids Beauty Shampoo and Bubble Bath is not translated because the translator wants to introduce the name of the product to the consumers. Therefore, the name of the product should be still in the first language. If the name of product is translated, the meaning will be awkward. Besides that, the readers will be confused when they read the label. 16. In number 29, the word Farley’s is not translated into different language. It is

included into absolute modulation because this word is the name of the product itself that wants to introduce to the readers or consumers.

2. Free Modulation

Free modulation is a translation procedure that supposes to explain the meaning, to obtain the relation meaning between SL and TL and also to achieve the equivalence meaning as natural as SL. It occurs when a word or phrase is translated differently as a word as a meaning itself. According to corpuses data, the writer finds 17 words that include into free modulation. Here the explanations:

1. In number 30, the word lather is translated into usapkan, the true meaning of

lather is menyabuni35.Whereas, it would be fine if the word lather is translated into usapkan because the meaning still equivalent between SL and


John M. Echols and Hasan sadily, Kamus Inggris Indonesia, (Jakarta: PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 1976), p. 349



TL. Even, if the translator still keeps the true meaning, the text will not equivalent and the consumers will be confused when reading the text. Besides that, still in number 48 there is word well that is translated into hingga bersih,

the true meaning of the word well based on dictionary is baik36. Although the TL meaning is far away from SL, it is expected to get the right message. Therefore, this change is fine because the main purpose of the promotion of the product is to give the clear information, so that, sometimes, the translator should adapt the meaning between SL and TL.

2. In number 31, the word thanks is rendered into semua berkat. According to dictionary, the word thanks has meaning terima kasih.37That is fine because the purpose of translation is to get the communicative meaning, so that, the readers can get the message well. To get what the purpose of promotion product, the translator should adapt the translation text between SL and TL text.

3. In number 32, the true meaning of the word mild is ringan38which in the target text is rendered into rendah. It is no problem because the meaning is still equivalent between SL and TL. Even, if the translator still keeps the true meaning, the text will not equivalent and the consumers will be confused when reading the text.


Ibid, p. 642


p. 584



the message that the source-language speaker is directing to target-language recipients.

Despite being used incorrectly as interchangeable, interpretation are not synonymous. Interpreting takes a message from a source language and renders that message into a different target language. In interpreting, the interpreter will take in a complex concept from one language, choose the most appropriate vocabulary in the target language to faithfully render the message in a linguistically, emotionally, tonally, and culturally equivalent message is the transference of meaning from text to text with the translator having time and access to resources, to produce an accurate document or verbal artifact. Lesser known is "transliteration," used within sign language interpreting, takes one form of a language and transfer those same words into another. 80


Research Finding

A. Description of the Data

The writer analyzes the number of translation process from the package or

label of baby‟s product which have two languages on the label, English and Indonesian. The products are produced by PT Arnot‟s Indonesia, PT Johnson -Johnson (Int.), USA, PZ Cusson (Int.) Ltd. England, PT Kinocare Era Kosmetindo, Pigeon Corporation, and PT Kimberly-Lever Indonesia. Those products serve two languages in directions and ingredients. The source language that is observed as unit of analysis is taken from seven products, three products are PT Kimberly-Lever Indonesia‟s product, one product is PZ Cusson (Int.) Ltd. England‟s product,

two products are PT Kinocare Era Kosmetindo‟s product, one product is PT Arnot‟s Indonesia‟s product, and one product is PT Johnson-Johnson Int. USA‟s product.

H. Data Analysis

a. The Translation Method



Based on the research, the method in advertising translation is communicative translation. The purpose of this method is to make the readers or consumers understand and interest to get the product. Then they desire to buy the products. The important thing is how to make the consumers interest to the product. To get the goal, the advertisement should be interesting and understandable easier. For example, the sentence Use under adult supervision is translated into ajari anak anda untuk menggunakannya dengan benar. Whereas, if the sentence is translated literally becomes gunakan dibawah pengawasan orang dewasa. Actually the translation is fine, but it is not communicative. The target text is too general for the readers. Whereas, we know that the consumers of this product is a parent. So that, in this case, the translation should be full of learning, especially for a parent. The parent should know how to do about the product to their children. Therefore, in promotion language, the translator should use the communicative translation to get more attention from the consumers.

Besides communicative translation, in advertising translation, the translator can use free translation method. In this method, the translator is free to translate the source text into target language, as long as the target text still be understood by the readers. In addition, they can get what are the messages from the text language.

b. The translation Procedure

Based on the tabulated corpus data on the table above, the writer attempts to classify and analyze the data by categorizing into the types of translation procedures, such as: transposition or shift, modulation, are absolute modulation and free modulation, adaptation, omission, and borrowing.

1. Transposition or Shift

Transposition is the changing of grammatical pattern from source language into target language. In the context of translating English into Indonesian, this change occurs as the result of dissimilarities of the system and structure of English and Indonesian to convey the same meaning. The application of transposition is aimed to avoid literal translation which is only result in an


unnatural translation. Based on the corpuses data above, the writer finds the words that include the translation procedure of transposition. Based on data above, there is translation case which typifies a structural change from adjective + noun into noun + which + adjective, plural noun in English into singular noun in Indonesian, and the change of adjective in English becomes verb in Indonesia. For example, the words Mild shampoo and conditioner has structure adjective + noun. It is translated into Indonesia shampoo & conditioner yang lembut. The structure after translating becomes noun + adjective . According to the data, the word Mild shampoo and conditioner is the transposition, whereby, the translator wants to make the equivalence meaning between source language and target language. The other example is the word clothes translated into Indonesia baju. If we see, the word clothes is actually plural, but after translating, it is changed into singular. This is the case of transposition. This change is fine because the readers still get the message without broke the meaning. If the word clothes is rendered into baju-baju, the text will look awkward. The last example is the phrase for softer hair and skin translated into Indonesian membantu melembutkan rambut dan kulit) is the third shift because the word softer that is an adjective is translated into melembutkan. The word melembutkan is verb. In this case, a change of category occurs from adjective to verb in Indonesian.

2. Modulation

a. Absolute Modulation

Absolute modulation occurs when there is no equivalent meaning of word, phrase, or structure from source language into target language. Based on the data, the writer finds the words which are translated as same as original words. There are three reasons why this problem occurs; the first, there is no TL equivalence to change SL. The second, they are common words. The last one, they have purpose to introduce the name of the product. For example, the word shampoo and conditioner is not rendered into target language because the consumers have already known the meaning of those words. The word has been well-known and familiar among the readers. Although, it is no translated, the consumers will know what the meaning is.


b. Free Modulation

Free modulation is a translation procedure that supposes to explain the meaning, to obtain the relation meaning between SL and TL and also to achieve the equivalence meaning as natural as SL. It occurs when a word or phrase is translated differently as a word as a meaning itself. For example, the word lather is translated into usapkan, the true meaning of lather is menyabuni81.Whereas, it would be fine if the word lather is translated into usapkan because the meaning still equivalent between SL and TL. Even, if the translator still keeps the true meaning, the text will not equivalent and the consumers will be confused when reading the text. Besides that, still in number 48 there is word well that is translated into hingga bersih, the true meaning of the word well based on dictionary is baik82. Although the TL meaning is far away from SL, it is expected to get the right message. Therefore, this change is fine because the main purpose of the promotion of the product is to give the clear information, so that, sometimes, the translator should adapt the meaning between SL and TL.

c. Adaptation

Adaptation is also known as a free translation, is translation procedure whereby the translator replaces a social, or cultural, reality in the source text with a corresponding reality in the target text. Here, the writer finds 4 words that adopted from SL into TL. It occurs to get the equivalent meaning. For example, the word extract is adaptation from English. The word extract is translated into Indonesian ekstrak. The adaptation in the word extract occurs in pronunciation but in written they just get a little change. The TL text is rendered almost similar with SL text, the differences are only in written but in pronunciation, they just have same pronunciation.

d. Omission


John M. Echols and Hasan sadily, Kamus Inggris Indonesia, (Jakarta: PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 1976), p. 349



Omission means dropping a word or words from the SLT while translating. This procedure can be the outcome of the cultural clashes that exist between the SL and the TL. It is to lose or neglect the word, phrase, or clause in TL that supposed to shorten and get clearer meaning. For example in the phrase Its mild formula is so gentle to my skin, not sticky and leaves not stain on my clothes., there are three words omitted by the translator; they are so, leaves and my. The translator did not translate those words because the words are not too important and not too related to the context. It would be better and the meaning is clearer, if those words are omitted. Hence, the translation will be Formula rendah alkoholnya lembut untuk kulitku, tidak lengket, dan tidak bernoda dibaju.

I. Conclusions

In this research, the writer analyzes the advertisement texts, especially,

label or packages of baby‟s product. The writer understands that the purpose of

the advertisement is to reach the consumers to buy the product. Therefore, in translation a product, the translator should really concern to communicative language, so that, the consumers can get the information that they need and finally they decide to buy the product. That occurs because a language is a tool of communication. In this case, advertisement is a form of communication between the producer and the consumers through the language on the label of the product. Of course, everyday, we participate in act of communication. According to that case, the text in advertisement must give the image and provide information. It serves the purpose of catching the readers‟ attention. Based on the research and after collecting the data, then having analysis the two languages in the label, box,

or package the baby‟s product, the writer would like to describe a conclusion.

The conclusion according to this research is that the translations in label

of baby‟s product are understandable and readable. The translation is very natural,

although grammatically, there are still some sentences or phrases unclear, wrong, or absurd. The translator does not notice to the meaning, process, and rule of grammar, but he/she just notice to the promotion and how to make the consumers interest to the product, so that it influences to the result number of selling the product. In addition, they concern about the benefit they can get if the products


become best seller. In this case, the translations are not acceptable as normal translation. The translator obeys the rule of translation itself; it was like fool the societies, consumers, and buyers who do not understand the source language. For example, in free modulation, actually the meaning is not true meaning, but it still refers to equivalence. Such as, the word lather that is translated into usapkan, the word avoid is translated into tidak terkena, and jangan, etc.

J. Sugesstions

Based on the conclusion above, the writer has some suggestions as follows: For the translators, in translating a text they should concern to the meaning between SL and TL. They should understand what is the purpose and message of the text. Besides that, the translators should consider the translation procedures in translating a text. They must consecrate and painstaking effort, always trying to improve their knowledge about translation. In addition, the translators must master in depth knowledge about the grammar, semantics, syntax, idioms, and all about the source language and target language, such as the culture, structure, etc.

For the consumers or buyers, before buying a product, they should have notice the direction using in the package. The best way is that they should improve their English, so that, they can read the directions using and the indication text as clear as the source text itself.

For the student especially English Department students, the writer hopes they can concern to analyze the equivalent meaning in every kind of text. Besides that, they should always improve their knowledge about translation.