Q uality A ssurance

Q uality A ssurance

L evel 3 assessm en ts can also be an alyzed usin g m ultivariate an alysis tech n iques. In th is approach ,

O verview

referen ce sites (h igh quality, least disturbed sites) are Q uality assuran ce procedures (Q A ) assess th e com pared as a ben ch m ark again st th e sites of in terest

en viron m en tal variability, sam plin g procedures (test sites). T h e m eth od h as tw o basic elem en ts: th e

validity, repeatability of th e sam ple m eth ods, an d iden tification quality. T h e quality assuran ce

developm en t of a relatively soph isticated predictive m odel based upon referen ce con dition s, an d direct

procedures in volve a system of follow in g stan dard m eth ods an d protocols, duplicate sam plin g, an d

com parison s of th e stream taxa collected at a test site again st m odel prediction s.

iden tification review s. Please refer to C h apter 4 for a gen eral discussion of data quality.

M ultivariate an alysis requires th e appropriate com puter softw are an d kn ow ledge of m ultivariate

Field Q A Sam ple

statistical tech n iques. W h ile th is lim its its curren t T en percen t of all stream sites sam pled, or on e use by volun teer groups, m ultivariate an alysis is a

sam ple per survey, w h ich ever is greater, sh ould h ave pow erful tech n ique th at th e M on itorin g T eam plan s

a duplicate set of field sam ples collected. T h e to m ake m ore accessible to groups in th e future.

duplicate sam ple is from th e sam e sam ple reach .

C on tact th e m en tors listed in th is ch apter for m ore T h is is called a field quality assuran ce sam ple in form ation about m ultivariate an alysis.

(FQ A ). Field Q A sam ples look at th e n atural

Stream Macroinvertebrate Protocol

12 - 13

Water Quality Monitoring Guidebook Water Quality Monitoring Guidebook

sam plin g m eth od is repeatable. T h is sam ple is Porter, Sh aron K G ross, an d R obert M . H ugh es. sorted an d iden tified th e sam e as an y oth er sam ple. 1989. R apid B ioassessm en t Protocols for U se in

Stream s an d R ivers: B en th ic M acroin vertebrates an d L aboratory Q A Sam ples

Fish , U .S. E n viron m en tal Protection A gen cy, T en percen t of all com posite sam ples collected or

E PA /444/4-89-001.

on e sam ple per survey, w h ich ever is greater, is Platts, W illiam , S., C arl A m our, G ordon D . B ooth , re-sorted for an addition al 300 specim en subsam ple M ason B ryan t, Judith L . B ufford, Paul C uplin ,

from th e origin al preserved com posite sam ple. T h e Sh erm an Jen sen , G eorge W . L ien kaem per, G . W ayn e result is a duplicate sam ple from th e sam e com posite. M in sh all, Steph en B . M on sen , R oger L . N elson , T h is is a laboratory quality assuran ce sam ple (L Q A ). Jam es R . Sedell, an d, Joel S. T uh y. 1987. M eth ods

L ab Q A sam ples look at th e variability in h eren t in for E valuatin g R iparian H abitats w ith A pplication s th e subsam plin g procedure an d in sure th at th e to M an agem en t, G en eral T ech n ical R eport IN T -221,

subsam plin g m eth od is repeatable an d w ith in an U .S. D epartm en t of A griculture, U .S. Forest Service acceptable ran ge of variability. In term oun tain R esearch Station , O gden , U tah .

T ype C ollection

R alph , S.C .. 1990. T im ber/Fish /W ildlife Stream

A m bien t Field M an ual, V ersion 2.1, T FW -16E -90- It is useful to m ain tain a m acroin vertebrate type

004, C en ter for Stream side Studies, A R -10, collection for each m ajor basin , w atersh ed, or U n iversity of W ash in gton , Seattle. ecoregion studied. T h is collection h as a

represen tative of each taxon iden tified an d serves as R obin son , C .T ., an d, G .W . M in sh all. 1991.

B iological M etric D evelopm en t for th e A ssessm en t iden tification s.

a basin record, an d as a referen ce for ch eckin g

of N on poin t Pollution in th e Sn ake R iver E cosystem of South ern Idah o, 1990-1991 Fin al R eport,

Identification R eview

D epartm en t of B iological Scien ces, Idah o State For L evel 3 assessm en ts, data sh ould be review ed by

U n iversity, Pocatello, ID .

an experien ced taxon om ist for an om alous W issem an , R .W . 1990. B iom on itorin g of Stream iden tification s. R an dom ly selected sam ples sh ould

M acroin vertebrate C om m un ities in Forested also be iden tified by an experien ced en tom ologist

W atersh eds of th e U m pqua N ation al Forest, O regon , in depen den tly of th e first iden tification . Fin ally,

1989 Sam plin g Progress R eport, W estern A quatic specim en s en tered in to th e type collection sh ould be

In stitute, C orvallis, O R .

ch ecked by an experien ced en tom ologist for accurate iden tification .

T axonom ic R eferences (referen ces in bold are th e m ost useful for taxon om ic iden tification )

G eneral R eferences

A llen , K ., an d G . F. E dm un ds, Jr. 1959. A R evision

B urton , T im oth y A ., an d G oeffery W . H arvey. 1990.

of th e G en us E phem erella

E stim atin g In tergravel Salm on id L ivin g Space usin g (E ph em eroptera:E ph em erellidae), I. T h e Subgen us

C obble E m beddedn ess Sam plin g Procedure, W ater T im p a n o g a , T h e C an adian E n tom ologist, 91:51-58. Q uality M on itorin g Protocols-R eport 2 (D R A FT ),

A llen , R ich ard K ., an d G eorge F. E dm un ds, Jr. Idah o D epartm en t of H ealth an d W elfare, D ivision of 1960. A R evision of th e G en us E phem erella

E n viron m en tal Q uality, W ater Q uality B ureau, (E ph em eroptera:E ph em erellidae), II. T h e Sub

B oise, Idah o.

G en us C audatella, A n n als of th e E n tom ological

E PA . 1990. B iological C riteria: N ation al Program Society of A m erica, 54:603-612.

G uidan ce for Surface W aters, U .A . E n viron m en tal

A llen , R ich ard K ., an d G eorge F. E dm un ds, Jr. Protection A gen cy, E PA -440/5-90-004.

1961. A R evision of th e G en us E phem erella

Stream Macroinvertebrate Protocol

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Water Quality Monitoring Guidebook

(E ph em eroptera:E ph em erellidae), III. T h e Sub

A cadem y of N atural Scien ces, Ph iladelph ia,

G en us A ttenuatella, Journ al of th e K an sas

Pen n sylvan ia.

E n tom ological Society, 34:161-173.

B row n , H arvey P. 1976. A quatic D ryopid B eetles

A llen , R ich ard K ., an d G eorge F. E dm un ds, Jr. (C oleoptera) of th e U n ited States, W ater Pollution 1962. A R evision of th e G en us E phem erella

C on trol R esearch Series 18050 E L D O 4/72, U .S. (E ph em eroptera:E ph em erellidae), IV . T h e Sub

E n viron m en tal Protection A gen cy, C in cin n ati, O h io.

G en us D annella, Journ al of th e K an sas

E dm un ds, G eorge F., Jr. 1959. Subgen eric G roups

E n tom ological Society, 35:332-338. w ith in th e M ayfly G en us E phem erella

A llen , R ich ard K ., an d G eorge F. E dm un ds, Jr. (E ph em eroptera:E ph em erellidae), A n n als of th e 1962. A R evision of th e G en us E phem erella

E n tom ological Society of A m erica, 52:543-547. (E ph em eroptera:E ph em erellidae), V . T h e Sub G en us

E dm un ds, G eorge F. Jr., Steven L . Jen sen , an d L ew is

D runella in N orth A m erica, M iscellan eous

B ern er. 1976. M ayflies of N orth an d C en tral Publication s of th e E n tom ological Society of

A m erica, U n iversity of M in n esota Press,

A m erica, 3:146-179.

M in n eapolis.

A llen , R ich ard K ., an d G eorge F. E dm un ds, Jr. Joh n son , Steph en C . 1978. L arvae of E phem erella

1962. A R evision of th e G en us E phem erella

in erm is an d E . infrequens

(E ph em eroptera:E ph em erellidae), V I. T h e Sub (E ph em eroptera:E h pem erellidae), T h e Pan -Pacific

G en us Seretella in N orth A m erica, A n n als of th e

E n tom ologist, 54:19-25.

E n tom ological Society of A m erica, 56:583-600.

H afele, R . and S. H inton. 1996. G uide to Pacific

A llen , R ich ard K ., an d G eorge F. E dm un ds, Jr.

N orthw est A quatic Invertebrates. O regon T rout,

1963. A R evision of th e G en us E phem erella