Stream T em perature P rotocol

Stream T em perature P rotocol

A s stream tem peratures in crease, th e am oun t of dissolved oxygen (D O ) 3 available to aquatic biota W ater tem perature is a key factor affectin g th e decreases. A s a result, even if food is abun dan t at grow th an d survival of all aquatic organ ism s. T h e

B ack ground

h igh er tem peratures, decreases in D O m ay effect of stream tem perature on fish , am ph ibian s,

m etabolically stress salm on ids, furth er in creasin g m acroin vertebrates, etc. varies betw een species th eir susceptibility to disease. an d w ith in th e life cycle of a given species

(A rm our 1991; B esch ta et al. 1987; B jorn n an d R eiser 1991; L an tz 1971; D E Q 1995). Preferred

W h en tem peratures reach stressful levels, pockets tem perature ran ges for m ajor fish species an d th eir

of cool w ater provide “ refugia” for fish an d particular life stages are sh ow n in T able 6-1.

am ph ibian species th at are sen sitive to h igh stream tem perature. C ool w ater refugia can sustain

In creases in stream tem perature cause an in crease population s of sen sitive species (Sedell et al. 1990). in an organ ism ’ s m etabolic rate (W arren 1971). If

C ool w ater h abitat can be sustain ed in deep pools, en ough food is available, grow th rates can actually

cold sprin gs, areas of groun dw ater in flow , an d at in crease w ith som e in crease in tem perature. For

th e jun ction of cooler tributary stream s. salm on ids, tem perature ran ges of 40-66° F support

h ealth y grow th . O utside th is tem perature ran ge, Stream tem perature h as been h eavily research ed salm on an d trout gen erally don ’ t grow in size, an d

an d m on itored (D E Q 1996; D issm eyer 1994). extrem e tem peratures can be leth al. R esearch h as

Studies h ave in vestigated th e effects of lan d foun d th at elevated stream tem peratures often

m an agem en t on stream tem perature, developed result in in creased com petition for a lim ited food

m odels to predict stream tem perature, an d supply, w ith youn g salm on ids forced in to h abitat

evaluated th e effects of elevated tem perature on areas w h ere th ey are easier prey (R eeves, E verest

aquatic biota. W h at follow s is a detailed an d H all 1987). A s food availability goes dow n ,

description of h ow to m on itor stream tem perature so does th e grow th rate. In addition , elevated

at m ultiple scales. P lease refer to previous stream tem peratures in crease th e risk of

c h a p te rs a n d A p p e n d ix B fo r in fo rm a tio n o n disease-related m ortality.

d e v e lo p in g a m o n ito rin g p la n , sele c tin g sites, a n d sto rin g d a ta .

3 The term "dissolved oxygen" (DO) refers to the amount of oxygen that is dissolved in water at a given temperature and atmospheric pressure. The amount of dissolved oxygen available in the stream is important for the respiratory and other metabolic functions of water borne organisms.

Stream Temperature Protocol


Water Quality Monitoring Guidebook

T able 6-1. O ptim um and lethal lim it tem perature ranges for coho, chinook, and bull trout.

P referred Juvenile

A dult m igration,

L ethal L im it C oho

F ish S pecies

D E Q S tandard

T em perature R ange

holding, or spaw ning

77° F C hinook

64° F

54-57° F

45-60° F

77° F B ull T rout

64° F

50-60° F

46-55° F

50 ° F

39-50° F

39-59° F


M entors

M ech an ical th erm ograph s h ave been used successfully in w atersh ed studies. R eliability can be a problem for

A s w ith an y m on itorin g project, question s w ill com e som e m ech an ical th erm ograph s an d th e data n eeds to

up th at are n ot an sw ered or covered sufficien tly in th is

be tran sferred from th e in strum en t to a database. protocol. T h erefore, a group of m en tors th at are

agen cy experts in m on itorin g h ave been iden tified. T em perature data loggers are th e preferred T h ese m en tors m ay be con tacted w ith specific tem perature recorder for w atersh ed m on itorin g. question s about a particular m on itorin g effort. T h ese data loggers h ave tem perature recorders th at

can be set to record at regular in tervals (usually Statew ide D E Q V olun teer M on itorin g C oordin ator

h ourly). T h is allow s th em to capture th e sh ape of th e K aren W illiam s: (503) 229-5983 w ater tem perature over a day. Sh orter tim e in tervals

E -m ail: w illiam s.karen @ w ill m ore closely approxim ate th e m axim um for an y

N orth C oast day. T h ese types of in strum en ts con tin uously record L arry C aton (503)229-5983;

data for w eeks or even m on th s. T h is m akes it m ore

E -m ail: caton .larry@ likely to detect th e m axim um daily tem perature South C oast & W illam ette

durin g th e critical stream tem perature season . D ata

D en n is A des (503) 229-5983; loggers also sign ifican tly reduce th e w ork load of th e

E m ail: ades.den n is@ person or group con ductin g th e m on itorin g because data can be directly dow n loaded to a com puter

E astern O regon database. T h e cost of tem perature data loggers L arry M arxer (503) 229-5983;

con tin ues to declin e w h ile th eir reliability an d ease

E -m ail: m arxer.larry@ of use con tin ues to im prove. A list of m an ufacturers w h o sell tem perature recorders an d th eir ph on e n um bers is provided in T able 6-2.

E quipm ent

T able 6-2. T em perature recorder m anufacturers and their

T em perature R ecorders

telephone num bers.

T em perature recorders in clude m axim um /m in im um th erm om eters, m ech an ical th erm ograph s, an d digital

C om pany

T elephone

th erm ograph s or tem perature data loggers.

V em co

(902) 852-3047

O nset

(508) 759-9500

M ax/m in recordin g th erm om eters design ed for total

R yan

(206) 883-7926

im m ersion m ay be used, but require daily site visits durin g th e en tire sam plin g period. U se of m ax/m in

T em perature recorders m ust h ave a tem perature data is also lim ited because it lacks in form ation about

ran ge w h ich is appropriate for th e en viron m en t th at th e len gth of tim e w h en tem peratures w ere at or n ear

w ill be m on itored. W ater tem peratures do n ot vary th e m axim um . T h ey are th erefore n ot preferred in

as greatly as air tem peratures, but th ey can ch an ge m ost w atersh ed studies.

10 to 15º C over a 24-h our period. In strum en ts w ith

a m easurem en t ran ge of – 5º C to 35º C are suitable for m on itorin g all stream system s.

Stream Temperature Protocol


Water Quality Monitoring Guidebook

• T em perature recorders sh ould h ave a an accuracy of Portable com puter an d in terface as n eeded by th e tem perature recorder if dow n loadin g an d

approxim ately 0.3º C or better for L evel A quality data laun ch in g w ill be com pleted in th e field (See C h apter 4). T h is in form ation w ill be available

from th e m an ufacturer.

B ackup batteries an d tem perature recorders L isted below are several useful m aterials an d pieces of

• T im epiece

equipm en t th at sh ould be taken to th e field to in stall

• Field book

or service tem perature probes.

• W aders

• Securin g devices such as rebar, aircraft cables, locks, an d/or diver’ s w eigh ts

C am era an d film

• Surveyors m arkin g tape • M ach ete or oth er brush in g equipm en t • 2-poun d sledge h am m er

• M aps an d aerial ph otos

• W ire cutters or pocket kn ife • W ood or m etal stakes or spikes G lobal Position in g System D evice • T em perature recordin g equipm en t requirem en ts (silicon e rin gs, subm ersible cases, silicon e grease,

• First aid kit an d person al ID silica packets)

C alibration Vs. A ccuracy C heck

C hecking the tem perature logger against a know n tem perature is often referred to as “ calibrating” the instrum ent. T his is a m isnom er, how ever, since the tem perature readings of continuous tem perature loggers cannot be changed to agree w ith a know n standard (i.e., calibrated). T heir reading is sim ply checked against a know n tem perature, and any deviation from the know n tem perature is recorded. W e refer to this procedure as an accuracy check.

Stream Temperature Protocol


Water Quality Monitoring Guidebook

T able 6-3. E stim ated equipm ent costs.

P ossible S hared C osts N IS T ** therm om eter

E quipm ent

R equired C osts *

A udit therm om eter

C om puter (laptop if field dow nloads are planned)

W aders

R ebar, cables, tubing, etc.

S urveyors tape

$2 / unit

S ledge H am m er

W ire cutters

C am era and film

C om pass

*** G lobal P ositioning S ystem (G P S )

F ield notebook

W atch

B ackup batteries


B ackup tem perature recorders $135/each

* R equired costs are those expenses each study w ill incur. A ctual total cost w ill depend on the num ber of study sites and tem perature logging units required. S hared costs are for item s used infrequently and could be shared betw een different groups or projects.

** N ational Institute of S tandards and T echnology *** A ccurate location of study sites on a m ap and latitude and longitude inform ation is necessary. A G P S unit is one sim ple w ay of collecting

this inform ation, but it can also be obtained from good m aps. A G P S unit is not required. E xcellent m ap location inform ation is also available on C D -R O M s for about $20.

E quipm ent C osts quality of the data being collected is n ecessary for any

E stim ates of equipm ent costs are based on 1997 prices m onitoring effort. T he follow ing procedures describe (T able 6-3). It m ay be possible to share som e

m ethods for docum enting the accuracy of the equipm ent w ith others doing sim ilar m onitoring or to

tem perature recorders before and after they are deployed receive funding from the D E Q H ealthy S tream s

in the field, and testing for proper function during the P artnership program for equipm ent.

sam pling period. T em perature recorders not properly tested m ay result in data show ing stream s cooler or

E quipm ent Set-U p

w arm er than actual tem peratures.

H ardw are and S oftw are C hecks P re- and P ost-deploym ent A ccuracy C hecks P rior to going to the field, m ake sure the operator is

fam iliar w ith the softw are for the com puter and data T he accuracy of tem perature recorders needs to be tested logger. T he clock on the com puter should be

before and after field deploym ent to insure that they are synchronized w ith the user’ s w atch. K now ing the

operating w ithin their designed range of accuracy.

Stream Temperature Protocol


Water Quality Monitoring Guidebook

M onitoring equipm ent w ith detachable sensors should

3. U se accom panying softw are and a laptop com puter

be m arked in order to m atch sensors w ith tem perature to set the recorders to a 1-m inute tim e interval. recorders. T his allow s an instrum ent and sensor to be

consistently tested together, and also m akes

4. M ost tem perature probes can be placed directly into m alfunctions easier to diagnose and correct. A logbook

the w aterbath. If the tem perature recorders are is helpful to docum ent each unit’ s accuracy, check dates

either internal or external sensor H O B O s, place the tem perature recorders w ithout their cases into a

and test results. (A n exam ple of a tem perature audit form is show n in T able 6-4.)

plastic pint-size Z iplock® bag. P lace this bag inside a gallon-size plastic bag along w ith the sm all

A ccuracy checks should be m ade at one or m ore w eight(s). T he w eight(s) should be sufficient in tem peratures, preferably tw o; one betw een 5-15º C (42- m ass to hold dow n the com bined lifting force of the 62º F ) and one betw een 15-25º C (62-82º F ). T esting is tem perature recorders and the air trapped inside the done using a stable therm al m ass, such as a w ater-filled

therm os bottle or cooler. P rocedures for determ ining Z iplock® bags w hile allow ing the tem perature tem perature recorder accuracy are as follow s:

recorders to be suspended in the w ater colum n. P lace the double bagged H O B O s into the

N eeded E quipm ent

w aterbath.

• N IST (N ational Institute of Standards and

5. W ait approxim ately an hour or until the w aterbath T echnology) traceable (calibrated and m aintained)

tem perature has stabilized before recording the therm om eter accurate to ± 0.2º C or a field audit

N IS T tem peratures in a logbook. R ecord therm om eter accurate to ± 0.2º C or better, that has

tem peratures every m inute for five m inutes (a total been checked against an N IS T traceable

of six readings). M ore readings m ay be necessary if therm om eter. (N IS T tem peratures are given in

there is suspicion that the w aterbath tem perature

C elsius. P lease refer to the table in A ppendix G ). has not reached an equilibrium . • 1 or 2 m edium sized coolers

6. D ow nload tem perature results from tem perature • T em perature audit form s

recorders and record logger results and audit • therm om eter results w ith tim e of record on an audit

Sm all w eights (bags of sand, diver w eights, lead form . W ater tem peratures should not vary m ore w eights, etc.) than ± 0.5º C betw een the N IS T recorded

• T em perature recorders. N ote: If using H O B O s, do tem perature and the data logger’ s tem perature. not use their sealed plastic cases.

U nits not passing the accuracy test should not be

2 bags of ice • used.

A ccuracy C heck P rocedure N IS T therm om eters are available at D E Q offices in

C oos B ay, A storia, and M edford, and at the H atfield

1. F or the 20º C calibration test, pour room M arine S cience center in N ew port. D E Q has 60 N IS T tem perature w ater into a cooler. A djust

therm om eters available for use by w atershed councils. tem perature in the ice chest w ith ice, cold w ater, or

C ontact the tem perature m entor w ith additional w arm w ater to the desired tem perature near 20º C .

questions about accuracy checks. R em em ber, accuracy If ice is used m ake sure it all m elts. C lose lid.

checks should be m ade before units are deployed and R epeat procedure for the 10º calibration test but

after they are retrieved at the end of the sam ple period. . start w ith cold w ater.

2. Insert the N IS T therm om eter probe through a hole in the cooler lid. P ull it through enough so that w hen the lid is closed, the probe w ill be suspended m idw ay (or slightly higher) in the w aterbath.

Stream Temperature Protocol


Water Quality Monitoring Guidebook

T ab le 6-4. T emp eratu re logger au d it form.

Project Name: Temperature Logger ID:

Site Name:

Data File Name:

Site STORET #:

Date of Battery Installation:

USGS Quad Name & #: Site Latitude:

Start Date:

Site Longitude:


Site Description:

Duration: Pre- Deployment Temperature Check

Pre- Deployment Temperature Check

Date of Check:

Date of Check:

Master thermometer ID: DEQ

Master thermometer ID: DEQ

Low Temp TEMP


Room Temp





Difference STATUS

Difference STATUS


Audit Thermometer ID Date

Water Temperature

Air Temperature

Comments STATUS


Post- Deployment Temperature Check Post- Deployment Temperature Check

Date of Check:

Date of Check:

Master thermometer ID: DEQ

Master thermometer ID: DEQ

Low Temp TEMP


RoomTemp TEMP



Difference STATUS -


Difference STATUS

Stream Temperature Protocol


Water Quality Monitoring Guidebook

A lternative M ethod 10-second response tim e (refer to m anufacturer T o achieve L evel A data quality (the highest level

specifications) should give a stable reading w ithin as described in C hapter 4, D ata Q uality) the

100 seconds.

accuracy check procedure using an N IST M ost tem perature recorders interrupt data

therm om eter described above m ust be used. If a collection w hen the unit is connected to a com puter. low er level of data quality (L evel B or C — see W ith this type of unit, field checking data can only

page C hapter 4 D ata Q uality) is acceptable for a

be applied by “ post-processing” (i.e., after the units project, an alternate accuracy check procedure can are retrieved and the stored data are offloaded).

be used that does not require a N IST therm om eter. For this reason, field audit tim es should be

For this m ethod, create an ice-w ater slurry in a scheduled close to the tem perature recorder’s large insulated cooler by m ixing cold w ater w ith a

logging tim e. O therw ise, rapidly changing w ater large am ount of ice. T em perature recorders can be

tem peratures m ay cause the audit therm om eter to placed into the cooler to check that they are

record a different tem perature than the logger. perform ing accurately. T hey should read 0° C

T em perature recorders typically set date and tim e (± 0.5º C ). M ultiple probes can be placed in the

based on the set-up com puter’s clock. Field cooler at the sam e tim e to provide cross-checks.

personnel should synchronize w atches to this tim e, T his m ethod only assures accuracy at 0° C . If the

otherw ise a poorly tim ed check could cause valid data w ill be used for regulatory purposes, the

data to be rejected. Post-processing audit accuracy described N IST m ethod m ust be used instead

should be w ithin ± 1.5º C (± 3º F) as w ell. Field C hecking Instrum ent Perform ance

F ield M etho d s

In addition to pre- and post-deploym ent checks, check tem perature recorders during the field

Site Selection

C hapter 3 addresses site selection criteria. Som e continuous tem perature recorder reading w ith the

m easurem ent period. A field check com pares the

additional considerations unique to stream reading on a field audit therm om eter. T he purpose

tem perature (Figure 6-1) include: in conducting field checks is to insure data

accuracy. Install tem perature recorders at sites w ith turbulence and m ixing, such as riffles, runs, or

A ttem pt to obtain at least tw o field tem perature cascades (high stream energy, fast m oving audits for three m onths of sam pling— one after

stream reaches).

deploym ent w hen the instrum ent has reached therm al equilibrium w ith the stream (approxim ately

Install tem perature recorders tow ard the low est

30 m inutes to 1 hour after placem ent), and one just point of the channel bed (the“ thalw eg” ) of the before tem perature units are rem oved from the

channel w here possible. stream . A dditional field checks, w hile not critical,

C onsider that flow w ill decrease throughout the are useful as they can m inim ize loss of data in case

sum m er and a location that appears adequate in loggers m alfunction during the sam ple period.

June m ay leave the tem perature recorder Field audit therm om eters used for field checks

exposed in A ugust.

should have an accuracy of ± 0.5º C (± 1.0º F) and resolution of ± 0.2º C (± 0.4º F).

Som e researchers have recom m ended shading tem perature recorders from direct sunlight.

D iscuss this w ith a tem perature m entor. therm om eter next to the continuous m onitoring

C heck the tem perature by placing the audit

D o not place m onitoring equipm ent in pools, areas instrum ent’s sensor. T he tem perature is recorded

w here stream tem peratures can be stratified by w hen a stable reading is obtained. A stable reading

depth or channel w idth, or other confounding is usually achieved w ithin 10 “ therm al response

variables (See C hapter 3), unless the specific tim es” . For exam ple, a therm om eter w ith a variables (See C hapter 3), unless the specific tim es” . For exam ple, a therm om eter w ith a

refugia .

Water surface

Thermisto r secured

Cha nnel bottom

to substrate

F igu re 6-1. Illu stration of temp eratu re record er in stallation an d site location s.

A dequate M ixing during the m onitoring should confirm that the If uncertain w hether a selected site has adequate

tem perature sensor has rem ained subm erged, that it m ixing, a hand-held therm om eter can be used to

is not buried in the substrate, and that it has not evaluate the degree of m ixing. M ake frequent

been dam aged by changing flow s, anim als or m easurem ents horizontally and vertically across the


stream cross-section. If stream tem peratures are relatively hom ogeneous throughout the

T em perature recorders frequently becom e coated cross-section during sum m er low -flow conditions,

w ith algae or silt and can be difficult to locate w hen then sufficient m ixing exists.

one returns to retrieve the unit or check the tem perature. A photograph of the m onitoring site


4 can be useful for locating equipm ent. T he Installation of the sensor or probe at the

G overnor’s W atershed E nhancem ent B oard (1993) m onitoring site can be an im portant consideration. provides guidance for photo docum entation of M onitoring equipm ent m ust be installed so that the:

m onitoring sites.

• temperature sensor is completely submerged • Installing, m aintaining, and retrieving the

temperature sensor is not in contact w ith the tem perature recorder is fairly sim ple. T he general

bottom or other m ass that could serve as a heat procedure for field w ork is as follow s:

sink/source • w here possible, the sensor is set about half-

1. Start the tem perature recorder either prior to w ay in the w ater colum n

going to the field or in the field w ith a laptop com puter. Follow instructions for the specific

For non-w adeable stream s, the sensor should be logging device. M any tem perature loggers placed one m eter below the surface, but not in

have a delayed start function w hich allow s contact w ith a large therm al m ass like a bridge

them to be initialized prior to going to the field. abutm ent or boulder. If volunteers are w orking in a

It also allow s recorders to be synchronized to large, non-w adeable stream , contact the

have the sam e starting tim e throughout the tem perature m entor for guidance. Field checks

w atershed.

2. Secure the tem perature recorder w ith rebar,

4 The sensor is the thermistor or other temperature detector and is a cable, or w eights depending on the stream bed

characteristics, in a section of stream channel

part of the temperature recorder. The sensor or probe must be

submerged in the water column, not the temperature recorder.

w ith adequate m ixing and flow .

3. R ecord in a fieldbook the tim e of deploym ent angles are high and stream flow is low . W here this and how long the m onitor w ill record

is not possible, m onitoring can be conducted during m easurem ents. C heck the stream tem perature

a three-m onth period including July and A ugust w ith an audit therm om eter. R ecord site

w hen stream tem peratures are generally the highest. conditions, w eather conditions, and site

D epending on study objectives, tem perature data location using latitude and longitude.

m ay be of interest during fish spaw ning seasons also. T his typically occurs in the fall, w inter, or

4. C ollect any additional environm ental spring. Ideally, at least tw o w eeks of data should param eters of interest such as riparian shade,

be collected on either side of the period of flow , channel w idth and depth, substrate

m axim um tem perature.

com position, and riparian vegetation characteristics. For m ore inform ation on these

M o nito ring F req uency

m easures, check the follow ing references: E PA 1993; E PA 1996; B jornn and R eiser 1991;

T he m onitoring frequency should be adequate to O D F 1994; and A ppendix D .

provide a realistic estim ate of the m axim um tem perature. If m onitoring data are collected

5. Photograph the site location for future infrequently, the m axim um tem perature m ay be reference. W rite a description of the site and

m issed. The M onitoring Team recom m ends that sketch the exact location of the tem perature

th e m o n ito rin g fre q u e n c y sh o u ld b e set fo r recorder. R ecord the serial num ber of the

c o n tin u o u s tem p e ra tu re re c o rd e rs a t o n e h o u r logger w ith each site description.

in terva ls. M ore frequent m onitoring can m ore

6. If possible, perm anently m ark the site location. precisely determ ine the duration of daily m axim um tem peratures. T he disadvantage to m ore frequent

V andalism , theft, and landow ner perm ission readings is few er days of data collection are should be considered. possible and m ore data points for the sam e period

A ttaching and Securing the T em perature R ecorder of tim e m ust be stored and analyzed.

D E Q uses aircraft cable to attach tem perature m onitors for security purposes and stabilization in

D a ta A na ly sis

large river system s. O ther securing devices such as rebar and hose clam ps or diver’s w eights also can

D ata Q uality

be used. R eview ing data for errors prior to analysis is im portant. V iew ing data graphically as soon as

R etrieval and/or M id-Season R edeploym ent possible is a good w ay of checking for errors.

1. L ocate the tem perature recorder and check Som e data logging softw are actually graph the data stream tem perature w ith audit therm om eter

w hile it is offloaded from the tem perature recorder. before rem oving it from the stream .

G raphing the data provides a view of the entire period of record. T he collected data set can then be

2. O ffload the data using a laptop com puter and scrutinized for illogical or incorrect segm ents. For the tem perature recorder’s specific softw are.

exam ple, extrem ely high or low blips and sustained

B ack up the data files on both the hard drive periods of little or no change in tem perature show n and a disk.

by flat portions on the graph are areas of concern.

3. R ecord the tim e of dow nloading, site conditions O ften these areas exist at the beginning or end of (changes in stream flow , riparian vegetation,

the data file and can result from starting the etc.), and w eather conditions.

tem perature recorder long before it is placed in the stream . A reas of concern in the m iddle of the data

M o nito ring T im ing

period m ay have occurred w hen the tem perature recorder w as exposed to the air because of low flow

For assessing m axim um stream tem perature, or because of rem oval by anim als, or vandals. continuous tem perature m onitoring is generally

T hese areas of concern m ust be deleted from the conducted from June through Septem ber w hen solar

dataset. H ow ever, it is valuable to keep a backup dataset. H ow ever, it is valuable to keep a backup

and the distance betw een stations m ust be m easured.

D E Q w ill provide an electronic spreadsheet for reporting tem perature data. C ontact one of the

B a sin T rend s

m entors listed at the beginning of this chapter for a Stream tem perature generally increases in a copy, or for further inform ation on data reporting.

dow nstream direction. If stream tem peratures are

A n exam ple of a data sum m ary sheet is provided in m onitored throughout a basin (i.e. 5-20 probes) the T able 6-5. W hat follow s are som e exam ples of

basin trend from the divide can be analyzed by statistical param eters for sum m arizing stream

distance. G raph the highest 7-day m axim um tem perature data.

tem perature for each station versus its distance Seven-D ay M oving M ean of D aily M axim um

from the ridge or w atershed divide. T hen answ er T he “ seven-day m oving m ean of daily m axim um”

the follow ing questions: H ow does the rate of sm oothes out som e of the daily fluctuations in the

change (calculated above) vary from upstream tem perature profile and also provides a picture of

locations to dow nstream locations? Is there a point the average tem perature affecting fish over a longer

in the basin w here stream tem peratures stop period of tim e than daily m axim um . It is also the

increasing and level off? W hat is the m axim um basis of the D E Q w ater quality standard for stream

stream tem perature and w here does it occur? H ow tem perature.

does tributary input affect the basin trend?

B efore calculating the seven-day m oving m ean of

R eferences

daily m axim um s, the daily m axim um tem peratures

A rm our, C . 1991. G uidance for evaluating and m ust be determ ined. U sing a spreadsheet, query

recom m ending tem perature regim es to protect fish. the m axim um reading for each 24-hour period of

Instream Flow Inform ation Paper 28, B iological m easurem ent. Store these tem perature readings in

R ep o rt 9 0 (22).

a separate file or colum n accom panied by their date. T he seven-day m oving m ean is calculated as

B eschta, R .L ., B ilby, R .E ., B row n, G .W ., H oltby, the average of the 24-hour m axim um tem perature

L .B ., and H ofstra, T .D . 1987. Stream tem perature for the day and the m axim um tem peratures for the

and aquatic habitat: fisheries and forestry proceeding three days and follow ing three days

interactions. 191-232 in Stream side M anagem ent:

D aily Fluctuation

F o restry a n d F ish e ries In tera c tio n s , Salo, E .O ,

C undy, T .W . [E ds.], U niv. of W ashington, Institute tem perature analysis. T his is the difference

D aily fluctuations are also often used in stream

of Forest R esources C ontribution 57. betw een the daily m axim um and daily m inim um

B jornn, T .C ., and R eiser, D .W . 1991. H abitat tem peratures at a station. requirem ents of salm onids in stream s. 83-138 in

Spatial T rends & R ate of C hange In flu e n c e s o f F o rest a n d R a n g e la n d M a n a g e m en t W ith tw o or m ore tem perature recorders available,

o n S a lm o n id F ish e s a n d T h e ir H a b ita ts , M eehan, changes in tem perature betw een m ultiple stations

W .R . [E d.].

on a stream can be analyzed. T his is calculated by subtracting the tem perature (m axim um , m inim um ,

D epartm ent of E nvironm ental Q uality. 1995. or seven-day m oving m ean of m axim um ) at one

T em perature: 1992-1994 w ater quality standards station from the other station. T he change is

review , report of the State of O regon T echnical reported as an increase (positive value) or an

A dvisory C om m ittee, Policy A dvisory C om m ittee, decrease (negative value) in tem perature.

T em perature Subcom m ittee, Portland, O R .

D epartm ent of E nvironm ental Q uality. 1996. T em perature change can also be reported in term s

Procedural guidance for w ater tem perature of rate of change. T his is com m only reported as

m onitoring. Portland, O R .

change in tem perature per linear distance (i.e.

F o rest la n d u se s a n d strea m e n v iro n m e n t . effectiveness of forestry B est M anagem ent

D issm eyer, G .E . 1994. E valuating the

K rygier, J.T ., and H all, J.D . [E ds.]. O regon State Practices in m eeting w ater quality goals or

U niversity E xtension: C orvallis, O R . standards. U SD A Forest Service, M isc.

O regon D epartm ent of Forestry. 1994. Forest Publication 1520.

stream cooperative m onitoring w ater tem peratures

E PA . 1993. M onitoring protocols to evaluate w ater

protocol. Salem , O R .

quality effects of grazing m anagem ent on w estern rangeland stream s. E PA R egion 10, E PA 910/R -

R eeves, G ., E verest, F., H all, J. Interactions 93-017, Seattle, W A .

betw een the redside shiner (R ichardsonius

b a ltea tu s ) and the steelhead trout (Salm o

g a ird n e ri ) in w estern O regon: T he influence of assurance project plans. E PA 841-B -96-003

E PA . 1996. V olunteer m onitors guide to quality

tem perature. C anadian Journal of Fisheries and (Septem ber 1996).

A q u a tic S c ien c e 4 4 :1603-1613.

G overnor’s w atershed enhancem ent board. 1993. Sedell, J.R ., R eeves, G .H ., H auer, F.R ., Standord, Photo Plots. Salem , O R .

J.A ., H aw kinds, C .P. 1990. R ole of refugia in recovery from disturbance: m odern fragm ented and

L antz, R .L . 1971. Influence of w ater tem perature disconnected river system s. E nvironm ental

on fish survival, grow th, and behavior. 182-193 in M a n a g e m en t . 14(5):111-124 .

Table 6-5. Examples for stream temperature data summary.

T emplate for stream temperature data management. S tream N ame

R ate of C hange L anduse N umber

S tation


C alibration

M onitoring

H ighest

D ate of

A bsolute

D ate of

D iurnal

L ocation

M ethod

P eriod

7-day M ax

O ccurrence

M aximum

O ccurrence

F luctuation

(N IS T or

(beginning (end date)

(° F )


(° F )


(° F )

(° F /1000 ft) (A G /

F orestry/ U rban) D eer C reek