Success of the clinical training programme relies on the Resident undertaking self-directed study including determining and meeting deadlines (i.e. individual accountability). Difficulty completing the programme is expected to be encountered when the Resident has low initiative and/or is slow to accept responsibility. In contrast, pathways for advancing talented and/or experienced Residents before their recommended completion date need to be considered.

It is recommended that Supervisors document all lapsed deadlines and unacceptable behaviour. Serious concerns must be discussed with the Resident. If necessary, co-opt another party e.g. a mentor, Chief Physicist or National Programme Coordinator to participate in these discussions

If a Supervisor has met the requirements of their position but the Resident continues not to achieve the required standard and/or goals, this may be due to a number of reasons. Strategies for addressing some of these issues are indicated in the table below.

Table II.1. Resident Motivation Strategies


A A new Resident has difficulty -Start with basics and increase the complexity as the Resident’s knowing where to start, what

level of understanding improves (if feasible).

to do and how to put it -Supervisor organises more one-on-one time to explain their together and therefore may

thought processes for troubleshooting.

struggle if thrown “in the deep end”.

B Learning activities are -Tailor learning activities to the learning style and maturity of the different to the learning style

resident if possible (e.g.. visual learners).

of the Resident. -Explain expectations of self-directed learning to those Residents used to didactic learning. -Set shorter, more regular, deadlines for achievement of milestones.

C Assumed prior knowledge or

-Start with more basic activities (if feasible).

experience doesn’t exist. D Personal issues (relationship

-While in some cases a mentor can assist, these issues are often best issues, mental or physical

referred to the hospital/university counsellor or chief physicist. health problems, financial

-Review and re-design the learning agreement to give the Resident difficulties, remote from

time to adjust to a new environment.

family, etc), E Difficulties communicating

-Write down each others perspectives and try to understand the expectations between

other point of view.

supervisor and Resident -Ask the Resident to repeat instructions to determine if they have interpreted your instructions correctly. -Resident to work under another medical physicist (internal or external) for a period of time.

F Resident has difficulties -Mock scenarios to practice appropriate communication styles (for communicating effectively

staff and patients).

with others in the Diagnostic -Encourage participation in social activities which minimise Radiology Department.

isolation. -Resident to attend “Communication skills” courses including “Communicating with others” or “Conflict resolution” course if relevant.

G Resident shows lack of -Balance the positive and critical feedback carefully. initiative.

-Review and re-design the learning agreement to include shorter and more regular deadlines to achieve milestones. -Identify activities related to Resident’s value system to draw out enthusiasm. -Increase clinical interaction time to draw them away from their desk. -Open/honest discussion of expectations. -Allocate an area of responsibility to the Resident if they feel indifferent as they don’t have their own niche. (if appropriate) -Peer-support system with another Resident. -Formative assessment if feasible. Anxiety can be created from a lack of regular assessment or feedback.

H Not willing to work out of -Discuss conditions of employment and relevant issues (e.g. hours

personal) if progress is behind schedule.

Table 1 (cont.). Resident Motivation Strategies

I Difficulties managing -Regular meetings with Resident to review the Resident’s work/ competing priorities

priorities. -Time management course.

J Difficulties with scientific

-Explain expectations.

thinking and is more suited to -Start with basic scenarios and increase the complexity as their level a technically-based profession

of understanding improves (if feasible). -Supervisor organises more one-on-one time to explain their thought processes for troubleshooting. -If unresolved, refer them to their mentor to review career options. -Stop the placement.

K Difficulties identifying -Supervisor, initially, identifies avenues for opportunistic learning opportunistic learning

as often such opportunities are one-off and not planned. This avenues.

should be for a limited period only. -Allow them to work with someone (RT, engineer, medical physicist) for a period of time. -Increase clinical interaction time. -If appropriate, make them responsible for an item of equipment for

a period of time.

II.11.1. If a Resident fails to meet required standards

Termination of the clinical training position should be considered if the Resident fails to meet the standards required in the programme following a period of supportive and corrective feed back and opportunity to improve. If this does occur, do not feel as though you have failed the Resident. . Rose and Best (2005) note “you don’t fail the Resident….the Resident fails the assessment. In a well-developed assessment system with clear expectations and criteria, adequate feed back for the student and opportunities for improvement, the student should have had every opportunity to achieve the desired standard”.

The department is responsible for the continuation of the employment of the Resident. Where progress of a Resident is unsatisfactory then the National Programme Coordinator should communicate with the employing department.

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