Research Problems Problem Limitation Research Objectives


B. Research Problems

This research seeks to find the answers to the following questions: 1. How do the seventh semester students of English Language Education Study Program view the stress placement of English words with -eous, -ic, -ity, and - ion suffixes? 2. How do the seventh semester students of English Language Education Study Program stress English words with -eous, -ic, -ity, and -ion suffixes?

C. Problem Limitation

This research only focuses on the stress placement of English suffixed words ending with -ic, -ity, -ion and -eous. As explained earlier in the background, these suffixes can shift the stress placement of a word. That is why other suffixes that cannot shift stress are not dicussed here. There are twenty suffixed words segmented into each suffix, each is either found in daily life or in academic contexts. Only the seventh semester students in the academic year 20142015 were involved in this research due to their length of study, which in turn, makes much of the experience and knowledge regarding English word stress. Studying long enough does not mean they are accomplished in pronouncing English suffixed words, but it does mean they have better input related to English pronunciation and phonology. In the oral test, students were required to pronounce each word under each suffix category by using an audio recorder to record their pronunciation. Besides testing their ability in pronouncing English suffixed words, the students had to give their 6 opinions so that the researcher could understand how their general attitude was towards English word stress.

D. Research Objectives

There are two objectives of this research, notably: 1. To determine the opinions of the seventh semester students towards stress placement of English words with -eous, -ic, -ity, and -ion suffixes. 2. To determine the mastery of stress placement of English words with -eous, -ic, -ity, and -ion suffixes among the seventh semester students.

E. Research Benefits