Attitudes in Language Learning Relevant Studies

10 because Western people were colonialists. This historical background of nation can make oneself have no willing to learn English at all. 2.3.3 The Social and Traditional Factors The social and traditional factor also influence the students to learn a foreign language which is completely new for them. Of course, it is due to the variety of language they study. Normally, a language has varieties in being used by people. The higher variety of language is commonly regarded as the better and purer one. 2.3.4 The Language Internal System This part refers to the difficulties of the language itself, such as the grammatical structures, pronounciations and vocabularies of the language studied, of course, this is what experts name as the internal sides of a language. Normally, people like to study a new language, in this case, a foreign language, because of its prestige and power among other languages. In addition, even though it has a high prestige and power, people would not like to study about it if the grammatical sturctures, pronounciations and vocabularies of the language are difficult to study. For instance, people certainly prefer English to Germany and French because English is rather easier than Germany and French in case of grammatical structures and specially the pronounciations. Even though English is not easy to study, at least it is easier to understand than other European languages.

2.4 Attitudes in Language Learning

It has been found many studies done towards learners’ attitudes in learning a second language. Most of the studies showed that those who have positive attitudes 11 in learning the target language will affect more positive results in the learning than those who do not. Based on the researches done in the context of language learning, there are two types of language attitude depicted as follow: a Integrative Language Attitude This part refers to those who study a second language and integrate with the language. They do not only want to master the language but also integrate with the culture of the language itself. b Instrumental Language Attitude This part refers to those who merely want to study the language because of their need in passing an examination and probably applying to some job. They do not truly want to understand it entirely and seriously.

2.5 Relevant Studies

Before starting doing this thesis, the writer has read some relevant studies related to an attitude analysis. Some excerpts from another research which are relevant to this research are also put in this thesis. The first thesis to be seen is a thesis of Muchamad’s. Muchamad 2013:53-54 in his thesis states, “There is no difference in English speaking ability between the sanguine and the phlegmatic students. It means that the students’ personality has no statistically significant difference to the students’ English speaking score.” This thesis opens the writer’s mind to do such an analysis related to the students’ attitudes towards learning a foreign language, that is English, which is still regarded as an international language up to this 21 st century. 12 An international journal done by Gajalakshmi entitled High School Students’ Attitude towards Learning English Language supports the writer the most to do and finish a thesis about an attitude analysis. Gajalakshmi’s finding is that students are completely different in their attitudes towards learning English based on the gender, locality of the school, type of the school, type of management, and also in father’s and mother’s occupation. There is also another thesis, that is Colak’s entitled Attitudes, Motivation and Study Habits of English Language Learners: The Case of Baskent University Second-Year Students. In Colak’s thesis, it has been found that there is a correlation between students’ grades at school and their attitudes towards learning English as a foreign language. The students who have a positive attitude towards learning English create a better performance. Besides, this positive attitude usually creates successful language learner. Pineda’s thesis entitled Attitude, Motivation, and English Language Learning in A Mexican College Context also supports the writer. Even though there is no space in discussing the students’ motivation in learning, the writer remains put this thesis into the relevant studies because this Pineda’s thesis also talks about the students’ attitude. Pineda’s finding is that most students in the University of Aztlan demonstrate positive attitude and high motivation in learning English. 13