Find the bearing of airplane B relative to the control

line; plane In many textbooks, it is common to use the phrase “if and only if ” in expressing the definition of a term. For instance, we could define congruent angles by saying that two angles are congruent if and only if these angles have equal measures. The “if and only if ” statement has the following dual meaning: “If two angles are congruent, then they have equal measures.” “If two angles have equal measures, then they are congruent.” When represented by a Venn Diagram, this definition would relate set C = {con- gruent angles} to set E = {angles with equal measures} as shown in Figure 1.30. The sets C and E are identical and are known as equivalent sets. Once undefined terms have been described, they become the building blocks for other terminology. In this textbook, primary terms are defined within boxes, whereas related terms are often boldfaced and defined within statements. Consider the follow- ing definition see Figure 1.31. CHARACTERISTICS OF A GOOD DEFINITION Terms such as point, line, and plane are classified as undefined because they do not fit into any set or category that has been previously determined. Terms that are defined, however, should be described precisely. But what is a good definition? A good defini- tion is like a mathematical equation written using words. A good definition must possess four characteristics. We illustrate this with a term that we will redefine at a later time. An isosceles triangle is a triangle that has two congruent sides. DEFINITION Discover Although we cannot actually define line and plane, we can compare them in the following analogy. Please complete: A ___ ? is to straight as a ___ ? is to flat. ANSWERS In the definition, notice that: 1 The term being defined—isosceles triangle—is named. 2 The term being defined is placed into a larger category a type of triangle. 3 The distinguishing quality that two sides of the triangle are congruent is included. 4 The reversibility of the definition is illustrated by these statements: “If a triangle is isosceles, then it has two congruent sides.” “If a triangle has two congruent sides, then it is an isosceles triangle.” IN SUMMARY, A GOOD DEFINITION WILL POSSESS THESE QUALITIES 1. It names the term being defined. 2. It places the term into a set or category. 3. It distinguishes the defined term from other terms without providing unnecessary facts.

4. It is reversible.

C E Figure 1.30 B A Figure 1.31 A line segment is the part of a line that consists of two points, known as endpoints, and all points between them. DEFINITION Exs. 1–4 Considering this definition, we see that 1. The term being defined, line segment, is clearly present in the definition. 2. A line segment is defined as part of a line a category.

3. The definition distinguishes the line segment as a specific part of a line.