A situation where we are, 2. How we treat parents, CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTIONS 1


1. A situation where we are, 2. How we treat parents,

3. And also the influence of our friends.

In the novel A Tree Grows In Brooklyn, Francie personality was formed by the family and also the environment in which she lived. As seen clearly in the excerpt below: “ Francie Nolan, was of all the Rommelys and all the Nolans. She had the violent weaknesses and passion for beauty of the shanty Nolans. She was a mosaic of her grandmother Rommelys mysticism, her tale- telling, her great belief in everything and her compassion for the weak ones. She had a lot of her grandfather Rommelys cruel will. She had some of her Aunt Evys talent for mimicking, some of Ruthie Nolans possessiveness. She had Aunt Sissys love for life and her love for children. She had Johnnys sentimentality without his good looks. She had all of Katies soft ways and only half of the invisible steel of Katie. She was made up of all of these good and these bad things.” Smith, 1947:106 According to the science of Sociology, Francie personality formed from the family is the result of a socialization process that occurs accidentally because she witnessed behavior like what is done by the people around her in the interactions between them. The statement is true because since kidFranciehad lived with the family of her mother before they actually have their own rental house. In addition to family, Francieis also formed from the environmental conditions. Her habit of reading, observing, living day by day is something special on her owned Francie something different from all the others. That God is given to her one of the unique things that made no fingerprints pair was the same on this earth. It seen by quotes below : Universitas Sumatera Utara 33 “ She was made up of more, too. She was the books she read in the library. She was of the flower in the brown bowl. Part of her life was made from the tree growing rankly in the yard. She was the bitter quarrels she had with her brother whom she loved dearly. She was Katies secret, despairing weeping. She was the shame of her father staggering home drunk.” Smith, 1947:107

4.1.3 Unintact Family

One of the main factors that influence a childs social development is a factor of the family unit. What is meant by family unity is the unity in the family structure, namely that a family consisting of father, mother and children. Francie family including the family structure intact but in interacting family does not have a harmonious interaction. Francie often found at odds with her father and mother accompanied aggressive actions. It is contained in the following quote: “ Katie was ashamed to stay in the neighborhood after Johnnys great spree. A good many of the neighbors husbands were no better than Johnny, of course, but that was no standard for Katie. She wanted the Nolans to be better and not as good as anybody. Too, there was the question of money. Although it was no question because they had very little and now there were two children.” Smith, 1947:147 This situation does not make Francie becomes a child who is not growing, but the result of her parents relationship disharmony, Francie grows into a young girl covered with both parents especially those of her mother. She is more like her father than her mother, but Francie is hard to express her love for her father and be closed to her mother. As well as on some excerpts below: “ Francie knew that Mama was a good woman. She knew. And Papa said so. Then why did she like her father better than her mother? Why did she? Papa was no good. He said so himself. But she liked Papa better.” Smith, 1947:55 Another reason that makes Francie is not too close to her mother is because Katie loves over her son that isNeeley. Even though she realizes that Universitas Sumatera Utara 34 hermother is the woman whom she admired for her toughness, but Francie is much more open to her father even though her father Johnny seemed to be relaxed and does not care about their circumstances. But Francies father has compassion always able to warm Francie. In contrast to the more loving mother Neeley. As shown in the following excerpt: Maybe, thought Francie. She doesnt love me as much as she loves Neeley. But she needsme more than she needs him and I guess being needed is almost as good as being loved.Maybe better. Smith, 1947:443

4.2 The Struggles Of Francie In Facing Her Social Problems

Four transcendence Beauvoirs theory that can be done to enforce the self existence of women leaders, among others:

a. Being an intelect woman

Being a woman who is educated is the hope of every person. Women who have a higher education will be recognized by its environment and will be considered as a qualified woman. According Ollenburger and Moore 1996: 139, the structure of education determines the pattern of womens lives. With a highly educated woman can raise vertical mobility to improve the socio-economic status. Not only that, women also have a role as an identity, as well as the science will grow and flourish. Then the more perfect when science is imbued by the owner in life and able to immerse themselves in the community. It is clear that the role of education is very big to maintain the existence of a woman. Without education, a woman will just be a woman who must live her life as a housewife without being able to develop her potential. But it is different with Francie. Francie is a girl who has the soul of a high existence to the world of Universitas Sumatera Utara 35 education. In fact, she loved education since she was small. Herpassion for reading made Francie grow differently with children her own age. This can be seen in the following excerpt: “The library was a little old shabby place. Francie thought it was as good as the feeling she had about the church. She pushed open the door and went in. She liked the combined smell of worn leather bindings, library paste and freshly-inked stamping pads better than she liked the smell of burning incense at high mass. But Francie was a reader. She read everything she could find: trash, classis, time tables and the grocer’s price list.” Smith, 1947:39 Having an interest in the library, books and stationery make Francie has a big dream to fight for her existence as a woman through her education later. The desire has become a passion and her hope since childhood. While the others children imagine about playing gomes, Francie have thought about her dreams for having her own home with many books. As shown in the following except: “ Yes, when I get big and have my own home, no plush chairs and lace curtains for me. And no rubber plants. I’ll have a desk like this in my parlor and white walls and a clean green blotter every Saturday night and a row of shinning yellow pencils always sharpened for writing and a golden-brown bowl with a flower or some leaves or berries always in it and books..books..books.” Smith, 1947:41 When Francie knows that her parents would send her to school, she is very happy eventhoughshe has to wait for her brother Neeley until the age of 6 years so that they could go to school together. The situation is not made less enthusiasm to fight for education. She had imagined many things about the school. This can be seen through the excerpt below: “ School days were eagerly anticipated by Francie. She wanted all of the things that she thought came with school. She had heard mama and papa speak of the school room. She wanted to Universitas Sumatera Utara 36 see the map that pulled down like a shade. Most of all, she wanted “school supplies” ; a notebook and tablet and a pencil box with a sliding top filled with new pencils, an eraser, a little tin pencil sharpener made in the shape of a cannon, a pen wider, and a six-inch, soft wood, yellow ruler.” Smith, 1947:195

b. Being a worker woman

Women are referred to simply as a housewife is a woman who follows her husband. It seems more stable process of social change. Steadiness was evident from the increasing number of women involved in productive work. Although women have always been put in the category of earner, but in fact the presence of womenalways supplement the family income is increasingly becoming important in the economic life of the household. Even with that family welfare will be increased, because of the economic contribution of womens work in the household are not ignored Susanto, 1992: 65. In the novel A Tree Grows In Brooklyn very clearly shown how mothers Francie rejects that understanding. As a woman, Katie Nolan is also the backbone of the family. Katie has to work to fulfill all their needs. It is also exemplified by herdaughterFrancie. Francie decides to work to be able to complete their education. Especially when her father Johnny Nolan was gone, Francie fights her own work until her education is complete.Francie had received an offer to work on one of her friends that McGarrity as a servant in his house. This can be seen through the following quote: I talked it over with my Missus, dreamed McGarrity, and she sagreed with me that we could use your girl. No hard work, you understand, just making the beds and washing a few dishes. I could use the boy downstairs, peeling eggs and cutting cheese into hunks, you know, for the free lunch at night. He wouldnt be Universitas Sumatera Utara 37 anywhere near the bar. Hed work in the back kitchen. It would be for an hour or so after school and half a day on Saturday. Id pay each two dollars a week. Smith, 1947:413 Francie struggled completing her education in hopes through education that Francie is able to change the lives of her family. Especially when her father, Johnny Nolan has gone, Francieshouldwork to resolve all struggles. But in the end, Francie is able to reach her dream of becoming a writer. The struggle in defense of her existence as a woman makes her managed to become what she is now. Her desire to become an educated woman is able to be realized and make a big difference to the lives of her family.

c. Being a workerwomento achieve a socialist transformation of society

Getting a description of changing the position of women in current social context, firstly we need be to known how the society changes generally. Holzner dan Saptari, 1997:242. The Francie’s life changes after she decided for schooling to get education then working in some part time job for finishing her study. Francie achieve a socialist transformation from the society in her school and her job. When she was studying, she is the most clever student in her class. She called the best writer. This condition makes her being known by every people around her, include her teachers. Her existence avowed through her potential. This can be seen from the quotations below : “ The school got out a magazine at the end of the year in which the best story written in composition class from each grade was published. Francie’s composition called “Winter Time” had been choosen as the best of the seventh grade work.” Smith, 1947:309 Francie’s capability in writing made her achieved trancsformation from her society. This situation helped her to develop her self even she never got many Universitas Sumatera Utara 38 attantion from her parents. She never gave up for fighting her existance in her school. It is not only from her teachers or from her environtment, she achieved transformation also from her friends in school. Eventhough she rarely communicated with her classmates and her schoolmates, her friends also appreciated and avowed her existence. In their graduation day, Francie accepted many appreciations from her friends even that she did not know them one by one. This can be seen from the quotations below : “ Francie got her pencil box and autograph book from her desk. She started to say goodbye to the girls. They crowded around her. One put her arm around her waist and two others kissed her cheek. They called out goodbye messages. They wrote in Francie’s all but empty book. Some wrote small and cramped; others, loose and sprawling. Francie read as they wrote : I wish you luck, I wish you joy. When night draws back the curtain, and pins it with a star. Remember I am still your friend, though you may wander far. Way back here and out of the sight. I sign my name, just for spite .” Smith, 1947: 469 While she has graduated from her school, Francie seek a job. Since she worked, she likes changing her job each chance she got. She could say she had tried every work there was. In her working, she also got her existence from her society there. Her potency always made her avowed easily. This situation can be seen from this quotation : “ Francie got on to the filling system very easily. In two weeks, she had memorized the two thousand or so names or headings on the file box. She was fresh to the work, anxious to please, had strong clear eyes she was the only reader not wearing glasses and had developed a photographic eye very quickly. She read between a hundred and eighty and two hundred newspaper a day. Yes, Francie was the fastest reader in the Bureau.” Smith, 1947:497 Francie got her existence from every people around her, when she was a student and when she was a worker. But there someone that never avowed her Universitas Sumatera Utara 39 existence, she was her Mother, Katie Nolan. Althought her father, Johnny Nolan was a drinking, Johnny Nolan was the one who supported Francie and well known Francie. Yet her mother was different. Her mother loved Neeley than Francie. Until Francie grown up, Katie Nolan done the same. This is can seen from the quotes below : “ No, I can’t see. I can only see that you favor Neeley more than me. You fix everything for him and tell me that I can find a way myself. Someday, I’ll fool you, Mama. I’ll do what I think is right for me and it might not be right in your way.” Smith, 1947:512 During her figting, Francie always trying hard for make her Mother proud of her. And her struggle was useless. At the last, after Francie got a good job and become a writer, Katie Nolan as her mother avows her existance. This can be seen from the quote below : “ I know. And I’m pleased that you can and will fight for what you should have. And you’ll always come out all right-no matter what. You’re like me that way. We’re too much alike to understand our own selves. Mama said.” Smith, 1947: 514 The existance of women need to be avowed from every person around them. Francie successfully fought her existence through her skills that she has got in her self. Her family, her friend, her society at last avowed her existence. A capability can make people show her existence and will be avowed by people around them. Actually, the capability has a big role to make someone achieves transformation for her life. Francie has proved it. Even she was not a rich person, but her society avowed her present through what Francie has done for her society. Capability, skills, talents and the others similar name help women to survive her feminism and her existence. Women need to know what skills that they have. Universitas Sumatera Utara 40 5. CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTIONS 5.1 Conclusion A social construction is something that does not exist independently in the natural world, instead it is a creation of society. Cultural practices and norms shows the existence of social constructs and social practices, customs, and rules concerning the way we use, view, and understand them. In other words, we all act and think based on the philosophy of our people. After analyzing the novel and linking it to the phenomenon of social construction of women’s life, the writer can conclude that Sylvia Plath has truly shown a realistic struggle that an individual can face in a particular society. Betty has made readers see the impact of how social standards and regulations can hit an individual hard. The rules and regulations that are constructed by society on women’s lives have become a cultural tradition for centuries. Patriarchal ideologies have oppressed women in many ways that they have been living in captivity ever since. A turn of events happened for women during the war and an unexpected opportunity made some women’s perspectives change, as well as their self-recognition of their own capabilities in the working sector. Women started to fight for their rights and slowly gain more freedom to live their desired lives. The feminist movement plays the main role in fighting for women. In her novel, Betty Smith portrayed a reality of life that overwhelmed women during this time. Francie was not happy doing what was expected of her by society and she wanted more. The story she tells is one of unhappiness and the mental breakdown that is caused by not being allowed to fully discover her own Universitas Sumatera Utara 41 greatness. Betty does not only show how the main character suffers, but also exposes the causes of close social surroundings, their rejection and construction. The struggles that Esther face is varied and shown in the novel and from the analysis in the previous chapter. These are struggles of being not good enough for her family, struggles of fitting into society, struggles of having her desired life and career, struggles of trying to commit suicide, struggles in overcoming her own weaknesses, struggles in finding the perfect men, struggles of moving on from betrayal, and especially struggles of pleasing society. These are all the struggles of Francie Nolan that Betty Smith has portrayed in the novel. 5.2 Suggestion Based on the overall analysis of this study, there are some eye opening ideas and facts about our society and the world that we live in, both for men and women. The events and changes that have happened throughout history about feminism have indeed made the lives of women to improve. Steadily it has given a voice for women and more opportunities. From the novel that has been studied, the writer hopes that readers, especially women, can be more resilient in facing such oppressions from society. Because society is a strong enemy when they are not beside with you, as social construction have a way of making decisions for everyone and everything. Women should be more intellectual, smart, strong and independent in standing for themselves in order to live their life desire. There are also so many other cases such as domestic violence and other types of abuse towards women going on around the world. With this study, the issues and struggles that women have faced is hoped to be a reference to readers about a Universitas Sumatera Utara 42 certain condition that might still exist nowadays.And finally even if the events of A Tree Grows In Brooklyn are so parallel to those of Bettys real life, the novel actually remains a fictionalized autobiography. Plathcalled it a potboiler, admitting that she had used the techniques of a fiction writer in order to achieve a certain effect and to support particular interpretations of the events told. Rather than read A Tree Grows In Brooklynin terms of the authors biography, readers misght read it. Universitas Sumatera Utara 6 2. REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE 2.1