An analysis on the content validity of the summative test for the first year students of junior high school (a case study of SMP n 87 Jakarta)





(A Case Study of SMP N 87 Jakarta)

A “Skripsi”

Presented to the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers‟ Training in a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of S.Pd

in English Language Eduation



NIM. 205014000373










(A Case Study of SMP N 87 Jakarta)

A “Skripsi”

Presented to the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers‟ Training in a Partial Fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of S.Pd (Bachelor of Arts)

in English Language Eduation



NIM. 205014000373

Approved by: Advisor

Dr. H. Atiq Susilo, M.A

NIP. 19491122 1978 03 1 001









A “skripsi” entitled: AN ANALYSIS ON THE CONTENT VALIDITY OF THE SUMMATIVE TEST FOR THE FIRST YEAR STUDENTS OF JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL (A Case Study Of SMP N 87 Jakarta) written by Nofiyanti, student‟s registration number 205014000373 was examined in the examination session of the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers‟ Training, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta on October 4th 2011. This “skripsi” has been accepted to have fulfilled one of the requirements for the degree of S.Pd in English Language Education in the Department of English Education.

Jakarta, October 4th 2011

Examination Committee

CHAIRMAN : Drs. Syauki, M.Pd. ( ) NIP. 196412121991031022

SECRETARY : Neneng Sunengsih, S. Pd. ( ) NIP. 197306251999032001

EXAMINERS : 1. Drs. Sunardi K, Dipl. Ed ( ) NIP.1944071919651102001

2. Dr. Ratna Sari Dewi, M. Pd ( ) NIP.19720501199932013


Dean of Tarbiyah and Teachers‟ Training

Nurlena Rifai, MA.Ph.D NIP. 195910201986032001



NOFIYANTI. 2011. An Analysis On The Content Validity Of The Summative Test For The First Year Students Of Junior High School (A Case Study of SMP N 87 Jakarta), Skripsi, English Education Departement, Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher‟s Training, Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta.

Advisor: Dr. H. Atiq Susilo, M.A

Evaluasi adalah suatu proses sistematis menentukan sejauhmana tujuan pengajaran dicapai oleh para pelajar. Evaluasi digunakan untuk mengukur peserta didik yang berprestasi, yang dilakukan pada periode waktu tertentu. Evaluasi data yang dikumpulkan dengan hati-hati membantu guru memahami peserta didik, merencanakan pengalaman belajar mereka, dan menentukan sejauhmana tujuan pengajaran tercapai. Melalui evaluasi, para guru dapat menemukan efektivitas atau kegagalan dari suatu metode dan juga prestasi para siswa dalam menguasai pelajaran. Evaluasi disajikan dalam berbagai macam kegiatan. Test adalah salah satu jenis; seperti dikutip dari Jack C. Richard di “Evaluasi berbasis dikelas 2 Bahasa, 1996” bahwa salah satu metode evaluasi metode pengujian.

Riset ini diarahkan untuk meneliti validitas terhadap tes sumatif bahasa inggris yang digunakan SMP N 87 Jakarta kelas tujuh semester genap. Riset ini terdiri dari (1) materi bahasa inggris yang ditampilkan didalam tes sumatif bahasa inggris di SMP N 87 Jakarta, (2) materi bahasa inggris yang dicakup oleh tes sumatif bahasa inggris yang sesuai dengan standar isi dari silabus yang paling akhir, dan (3) tingkat validitas dari tes sumatif bahasa inggris yang digunakan di SMP N 87 Jakarta.

Riset ini bertujuan untuk menguraikan validitas isi dari tes sumatif bahasa inggris yang digunakan di SMP N 87 Jakarta. Pokok materi pada riset ini meliputi para guru bahasa Inggris dan para siswa kelas tujuh SMP N 87 Jakarta. Riset ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan menggunakan soal pada tes sumatif.

Penemuan dari riset ini menyatakan validitas isi dari tes sumatif bahasa inggris yang digunakan SMP N 87 Jakarta untuk semester genap mencapai validitas yang baik.

Berdasarkan penemuan diatas, dapat disarankan bahwa guru harus menyusun tes lebih baik lagi yaitu dengan membuat kisi-kisi soal sehingga guru dapat menyusun tes secara jelas sesuai dengan indicator dan tema yang dianjurkan dari silabus



NOFIYANTI. 2011. An Analysis On The Content Validity Of The Summative Test For The First Year Students Of Junior High School (A Case Study of SMP N 87 Jakarta), Skripsi, English Education Departement, Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher‟s Training, Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta.

Advisor: Dr. H. Atiq Susilo, M.A

Evaluation is a systematic process of determining the extent to which instructional objectives are achieved by students. Evaluation is used to measure learners‟ achievement, which is done at certain period of time. Carefully collected evaluation data help teachers understand the learners, plan learning experience for them, and determine the extent to which the instructional objective are being achieved. Through evaluation, teachers are able to find out the effectiveness or the failure of a method and also students achievement in mastering the lesson. Evaluation is served in many kinds of activities. Test is one of its kinds; as cites from Jack C. Richard in “Classroom based Evaluation in 2ndLanguage, 1996” that one of the evaluation methods is testing method.

This research is aimed in analyzing the English summative test validity used by SMP N 87 Jakarta for even semester of first grade students, it consist of (1) the English material displayed within the English summative test used at SMP N 87 Jakarta, (2) the English material coverage by English summative test appropriate with the content standard of the latest syllabus suggested, and (3) the validity of English summative test at SMP N 87 Jakarta.

The purpose of this research is to describe the content validity of the English summative test at SMP N 87 Jakarta. The subject includes the English teacher and the students of first grade SMP N 87 Jakarta. This research is a descriptive analysis method by using English summative test paper.


This findings of the research stated that the content validity of English summative test at SMP N 87 Jakarta for even semester of second grade student reach good validity.

Based on the finding above, it can be suggested that the English teachers should construct a good test perfectly by writing table of specification before designing the English summative test, so the teacher can recognize the material clearly based on the indicators and themes recommended in the latest English syllabus.



In the name of Allah, the Beneficient and Merciful

All praise be to Allah SWT, lord of the worlds, for the health and the strength that He has given to the writer in writing this skripsi. Peace and salutation be upon the propet Muhammad, his family, his companions as well as his followers, amin.

The writer wants to say thanks to Dr. H. Atiq Susilo, M.A as a writer‟s advisor, who has spared his busy time for the writer to give consultations with a lot of patient, help and care guidance as well as valuable advice during developing this skripsi and completing her work, may Allah SWT respond his kindness much better, amen.

Her gratitude also goes to:

1. Buyung Arkam and Sunarti S.Pd as my beloved parents

2. All lecturers of English Education for teaching precious knowledge, sharing philosophy of life and giving wonderful study experience. 3. Nurlena Rifai, MA. Ph. D the Dean of Faculty of Tarbiya and Teachers‟


4. Drs. Syauki, M.Pd, the Head of English Education Department.

5. Mrs. Neneng Sunengsih, S.Pd. as the secretary of English Education Department.

6. Drs. Ishak Idrus the Head Master of SMP N 87 Jakarta for giving permission to the writer to do observation and conduct the research. 7. Miss. Ida Amalia, Miss. Hefnimar, Miss Siti Anisa and Miss Siti

Asmonah as the English teacher at SMP N 87 Jakarta, for all sincered help, time and guidance.

8. All of her friends at State Islamic University of Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta especilally, year 2005 students of English Department, she thanks for friendship


The writer in this occasion, would like to say a lot of thanks for her sister Helria susanti and her brother Armaiko, who always give prayers, supports and motivation to finish her study. And thanks a lot for her friends at Kahfi and for all prayer, supports and motivation that can not be mentioned one by one. Finally, the writer admits that her writing is still far being perfect, therefore, she hopes some suggestions and criticism to make it better.

Jakarta, October 4th 2011

The writer






CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background Of Study………...1

B. Statement of the Problem...4

C. Scope and Limitation of the Study...5

D. The Purpose of the Study...5

E. Method of Study...5

F. The Organization of Writing...7



A. Language Test...8

1. Definition of Test...8

2. The Kind of Test...9

3. The Characteristic of a Good Test...15

B. Validity...15

1. Content Validity...18

2. Face Validity...20

3. Construct Validity...21

4. Empirical Validity...22



A. Teaching English Learning process at SMP N 87 Jakarta...24

B. The profile of English Teacher...25

C. The Profile of the Student of SMP N 87 Jakarta 7 grade...25

D. Teaching material and AVA used...27



A. Research Methodology………29

1. Purpose of the research………...29

a. The Objective of the Research……….29

b. The Object of the Research………..29

c. The Method of the Research………29

2. Place and Time………30

3. Technique of Data Collecting……….30

4. Technique of Data Analysis………30

B. Research Findings………...31

1. Description of Data………31

2. Analysis of Data...35

3. Interpretation of Data………50

4. Discussion………..51



A. Conclusion...52

B. Suggestion...52






Table 3.1 : Students English score……… 25

Table 4.1 : The conformity between the summative test’s

items and English Syllabus... 31 Table 4.2 : The unconformity between the summative

test’s items and English Syllabus... 32 Table 4.3 : The Items that Conform to the Curriculum... 33 Table 4.4 : The frequency of the conformity and

the unconformity of summative test items... 49






Background of Study

English is a tool of communication to get information and it can be used in formal education as academic subject matter. In the global era, English is increasingly needed because it is one of the International languages mostly used in the world.

English as an International language has an important role in any sphere of activities to be used as a means of communication both written and spoken, so English language becomes the first foreign language that should be taught to English students for every level of education in Indonesia. English is taught as a compulsory subject in elementary, junior and senior high schools, and as a complementary subject in university.

The purpose of teaching English in Indonesia is to develop the communication skills especially in oral and written skills (listening, speaking, reading, and writing. To reach the purpose the instructional activities, the teacher apply evaluation to measure how far the students understand about the material.

One of the most important aspects of teaching learning process is evaluation. It contributes directly to the teaching and learning process used in classroom instruction. The main focus of classroom evaluation is the students



and their learning process. To measure the student‟s skill in the teaching - learning process, the teacher need to hold an evaluation. Evaluation plays an important role in teaching learning activities. It is an integral part of the instructional program. Through evaluation, teachers can find out the effectiveness or the failure of a method and curriculum, and also student‟s achievement in mastering the lesson efficiency. It is considered that between teachings and testing cannot be separated.

Teachers are those who know the characteristics of their classes. Thus, they are the best position to construct a test to measure their students‟ achievement and it is not an easy job. Some teachers make the test carelessly. The test that is made accordingly can help teacher increasing the teaching - learning process. High quality test can give the information about how well the students have comprehended the material, which has been taught by the teacher. By having a test, the improvement in the next lesson planning can be upgraded. So, teaching – learning process will be more effective without any overlapping. Evaluation can be done in the form of test. This test can be a teacher-made test or standardized test. In the teacher-made test, the teacher, who make the test should know and master the principles and the steps that must be done in making the test. By this knowledge the teachers will get a clear figure about the general systematic framework of evaluation.

One of the forms to evaluate the student‟s ability is test. There are numerous types of test. There are placement test, achievement test, proficiency test and aptitude test. The test which is usually used by teacher to know how far students have mastered the lessons is the achievement test. The achievement test is intended to establish how successful individual students groups of students or the courses themselves have been in achieving objectives of language courses.1


Arthur Hughes, Testing for Langeage Teacher, Great Britain: Cambridge University Press., 1995, p.10


There are two kinds of achievement test: progress achievement tests and final achievement tests.2 progress achievement are those intended to measure the progress that student are making and final achievement tests or summative tests are intended to measure the students‟ achievement at the end of a course of study.

In order to measure accurately, the teachers should use a good test. It is not an easy work for them to make it because there are some characteristics or requirements that must be fulfilled. The characteristics of a good test include validity, reliability, objectivity, and practicality.3

Validity is the most important consideration in test evaluation. The concept refers to the appropriateness, meaning, and usefulness of the specific inferences made from the score. Test validation is the process of accumulating evidence to support such inference. The former types of validity (content, criterion related, and construct) are simply considered to be convenient categories for accumulating evidence to support the validity of an interpretation.4 Content validity is most often addressed in academic and vocational testing, where test items need to reflect the knowledge actually required for a given topic area.

In SMP N 87 Jakarta English summative test is settled as one of the most important aspects that can be used as the tools of evaluation to measure the students ability whether the students have achieved the learning target or not. Since the English summative test will become the standing point of student ability in English so this test will be very important to be analyzed. Because if the test isn‟t valid we can say that the test can not used as the tools of measurement.

The writer focus the observation on the 7th grade student in this school. The writer focuses the observation of the English summative test in the 7th grade because 7th garde is the beginning class of junior high school where the


Arthur Hughes, Testing for…p.10 3

Sudijono Anas, Pengantar Evaluasi Pendidikan, Jakarta: PT. Raja Grafindo Persada, 1996, p.93




teacher can get the general information about the students ability as whole by knowing the valid information about the 7th grade student‟s ability might help the teacher to find the suitable steps in treating students in class.

From the reason above the writer conclude that this research is very important to be done because the English summative test in SMP N 87 Jakarta is oriented to measure the students ability whether the target of learning has been achieved or not. The teacher in this school also use the result of the English summative test in 7th grade as the standing point of view in treating the students for the next level. If these purpose of this test can not give the valid information so the test is also not valid.

Based on the reason explaned above the writer is curlous whether “is there any content validity in English summative test for 7th grade students of SMP N 87 Jakarta?” From the problem above, the writer is interested in carry out the research related to how evaluate the content validity of the test items and the agreement between the summative tests with the curriculum. She will carry out the research for her “skripsi” in SMP N 87 Jakarta. Entitle: “AN ANALYSIS ON THE CONTENT VALIDITY OF THE ENGLISH SUMMATIVE TEST FOR THE FIRST YEAR STUDENTS OF JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL (A CASE STUDY OF SMP N 87 JAKARTA)”.


Statement of the Problem

Based on the background described above, the writer is interested in analyzing the content validity of English summative test for the first year students of junior high school (a case study of SMPN 87 Jakarta) the general question of this research is “Does the English Summative test used at first year of the 7th grade students at SMPN 87 Jakarta have content validity or not?”



Scope and Limitation of the Study

The discussion of the study will be focused on the validity of the English summative test for the first year students of SMP N 87 Jakarta, and the validity that will be studied is content validity. As Marien H. Henerson‟ opinion in his book “ How To Measure Altitudes” he said content validity refers to representative ness of the sample of questions included in the instrument contains a set of items that sample the construct‟s various areas that give each its proportionate emphasis”.5

Basically, then, content validity is concerned with whether or not the content of the test is sufficiently representative and comprehensive for the test to be a valid measure of what it is supposed to measure.


The Purpose of the Study

The purpose of this study is to describe whether or not the summative test for the first year students of SMPN 87 Jakarta has content validity. And the result of this study is expected to give a description for the readers about an analysis of content validity toward the summative test. it also can be used as an input for the readers; especially for the English teachers, the headmasters, and all people who are involved and responsible in developing good quality of test. In other word, it is useful for all people to know the characteristics of a good test and for the researchers as the basis for conducting further research.


Method of Study

There are two method applied namely quantitative and qualitative method. Quantitative methods are those which focus on numbers and frequencies rather than on meaning and experience. Quantitative methods (e.g. experiments, questionnaires and psychometric tests) provide information


Marien H. Henerson, How To Measure Altitudes (USA: Regent of University of California, 1981), p.59



which is easy to analyse statistically and fairly reliable. Qualitative methods are ways of collecting data which are concerned with describing meaning, rather than with drawing statistical inferences. What qualitative methods (e.g. case studies and interviews) lose on reliability they gain in terms of validity. They provide a more in depth and rich description.6

Based on the data and the type of information needed of this research, the writer is focusing on collecting the data about the statistical inferences in this research so the writer will use the qualitative method. To analyze the qualitative data of this research the formula that is going to be used to analyze the content validity of English summative test for the first year students of SMP N 87 Jakarta is:

P = F × 100% N

P = Percentage

F = Frequcency of unconformity N = Number of sample

It is used to see how many precent the test covers the instructions of the curriculum. The test items are studied in terms of their conformity to

curriculum. Therefore, the writer also compares the percentage with the criteria adopted from Arikunto‟s opinion:

76  100 % = Good 56  75 % = Sufficient 40  5 5% = Less good  40 % = Bad7

6 7



The Organization of Writing

This “skripsi” is divided into five chapters. In chapter one, the writer will discuss about introduction which includes the background of the study, statement of the problem, scope and limitation of the study, the purpose of the study, method of study and the organization of writing.

In chapter two, the writer will discuss about the theoretical framework. This chapter is divided into two subchapters. The first of sub chapter is talking about language test, which describes about definition of test, the kind of the test and the characteristic of a good test. The second of sub chapter is talking about validity, which includes content validity, face validity, construct validity, and empirical validity.

In chapter three, the writer will discus about the profile of SMP N 87 Jakarta.

In chapter four, the writer will talk about research methodology and findings. The first is research methodology that is including in chapter three. The second is a research finding includes description of data, analysis of data and interpretation of data.

In chapter five, the writer tries to give conclusion and suggestion related to the problem.






Language Test

1. Definition of Test

In order to know how well the result of teaching and learning process, a teacher should evaluate it. By evaluating, the teacher can collect information or have concept whether the teaching and learning activity has successed or not.

Actually, there are many ways that use to evaluate the teaching learning process. One of the ways is test. Generally, the test serves to motivate the learner and to give the unity to the portions of the material being studied at different times. It can be device to prove the skills and abilities inlearning.

There are some definitions about test. Penny Ur (1996) said that “Tests are used as a means to motivate students to learn or review specific material”.1

It means test is one motivation of students to learn or review material in their school.


Penny Ur, a Course in Language Teaching: Practice and Theory, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996), P.34


Furthemore Fernandes (1984) states that a test as a systematic procedure for surveying a person‟s behavior and explaining it with the aid of a numerical scale or a category system.”2

While Airisian and Russel sais that “test is a formal, systematic procedure used to gather information about students‟ achievement or other cognitive skill.”3

In addition, according to Linn & Gronlund (1995), “a test is a particular type of assessment that typically consists of a set of questions administered during a fixed period of time under reasonably comparable conditions for all students”.4

Based on the definitions above, the writer conclude that the test is the particular types of assessment to reinforce learning and to motivate students by giving a task or a set of tasks. Through the test, the teacher do not only measure and motivate the students‟ ability but also improve the lesson in teaching learning process. In order to make a proper decision, the teacher needs accurate data and to gain data, so a good instrument is needed.

2. The Kind of Test

There are many types of test used to measure student‟s achievement. According to Tinambunan, there are four types of achievement test which are commonly used by teachers in the classroom:

1) Placement test

A placement test is designed to determine the pupils. Performance at the beginning of instruction.


H, J, X, Fernandes, Testing and Measurement, (Jakarta: Nasional Education Planning, 1984), p.1


Peter W. Airisian, and Michael K. Russel, Classroom Assessment, (New York: Beth Mejia, 2008), p. 9


Robert L. Linn & Norman E. Gronlund, Measurement and Assessment in Teaching,



2) Formative test

It is used at the end of a unit in the course book or after a lesson designed. The result of this test will also give the students immediate feed back.

3) Diagnostic test

Diagnostic test is intended to diagnose learning difficulties during instruction. Thus, the main aim of diagnostic test is to determine the causes of learning difficulties and then to formulate a plan for a remedial action.

4) Summative test

The summative test is intended to show the standard that the students have now reached in relation to other students at the same stage. Therefore it typically comes at the end of a course or unit of instruction.5

Other linguists divided the tests into four categories. There are achievement tests, aptitude test, proficiency tests, and placement test. Here, the writer like to explain more about kind of tests.

a. Achievement Test

An achievement test is usually a formal examination given at the end of the school year or at the end of the course.6 The achievement test may be written and administered by ministries of education, officially examining boards, or by members of teaching institution.


Drs. Wilmar Tinambunan, Evaluation of students achievement, (Jakarta: Depdikbud.,1998), p.7-9



While, Valette in his book Modern Language Testing, the achievement test is similar to the progress test in that it measures how much the student has learned in the course of second-language instruction.7

According to Hughes, achievement test are directly related to language course, their purpose being to establish how successful individual students, group of students, or the courses themselves have been in achieving objectives. They are two kind of tests: final achievement tests and progress achievement tests.

1) Final achievement tests are those administered at the end of a course of study.

2) Progress achievement tests, as their name suggests, are intended to measure the progress that students are making.8

Brown, he said that an achievement test is related directly to classroom lessons, units, or even a total curriculum. Achievements tests are limited to particular material covered in a curriculum within a particular time frame, and are offered after a course has covered the objectives in question.9

In addition, another expert, Tinambunan says that an achievement test is designed to indicate degree of student‟s success in some past learning activities.10 This purpose of achievement test is obviously different from the purpose of aptitude test, where the aptitude test is designed to predict success in some future learning activities.


Valette Rebecca M, Modern Language Testing, (New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc), p5


Arthur Hughes, Testing for Language Teachers, (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2003), second edition. p.13


Brown, H. Douglas, Teaching by Principles An Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy, (San Francisco: Addison Wesley Longman, Inc, 2001) second edition, p.391


Wilmar Tinambunan, Evaluation of Student Achievement, (Jakarta: Department Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, 1998),p. 9



In order to have a good achievement test form, a test maker should consider that achievement test mush be constructed well by paying attention to some following basic principles: 11

a. Achievement tests should measure clearly defined learning outcomes that are in harmony with the instructional objectives. b. Achievement tests should measure an adequate sample of the

learning outcomes and subjects matter content included in instruction.

c. Achievement test should include the types of tests items, which are most appropriate for measuring the desired learning outcomes d. Achievement tests should be designed to fit the particular uses to

be made of the results.

e. Achievement test should be made as reliable as possible and should then be interpreted with caution.

f. Achievement tests should be used to improve student learning. The content of tests based on the course objectives gives a number of advantages. The first, it compels course designers to be explicit about objectives. The second, it makes possible for performance on the test to show just how far students have achieved the instuctional objectives. Consequently, the course designer or teacher should construct a syllabus based on the instructional objectives and should select books and materials which are consistent with the course objectives.

b. Aptitude Test

The second type of test is the aptitude tests. Aptitude tests – sometime termed prognostic or predictive tests – are designed to predict, before beginning language study, a subject‟s probable capability of acquiring the language.12By looking at, “predict” term, it can be recognized that these tests give some clue as to whether, how well and how quickly a person is likely to success in learning.


Norman E, Gronlund, Constructing Achievement Tests, London: Prentice Hall, Inc., 1968, p.4


Merry Finnachiaro and Sydney Salo, Foreign Language Testing, (New York: Regents Publishing Co. 1993), p.7


Fundamentally, aptitude tests have different features in nature from achievement test, which has been discussed previously. Aptitude tests are primarily designed to predict success in some future learning activity, whereas achievement test are designed to indicate degree of success in some past learning activity.13 From a comparison above, it can be comprehended that a distinction founded between these two tests is made in term of the use of the results rather than of the qualities of the tests themselves.

According to Valete, The aptitude test is conceived a prognostic measure that indicated whether a student is likely to learn a second language readily.14

Beside that Brown states, a language aptitude test is designed to measure a person‟s capacity or general ability to learn a foreign language and to be successful in that undertaking. Aptitude tests are considered to be independent of a particular language.15

c. Proficiency Test

The third type of test is proficiency tests. This test is used to know the proficiency of test-takers. It is hoped, after giving this test, the test-taker will know their ability in language especially in English language.

According to Arthur Proficiency tests are designed to measure people‟s ability in a language, regardless of any training they may have in that language. The content of proficiency test is based on a specification of what candidates have to be able to do in the language in order to be considered proficienct.16


Wilmar Tinambunan, Evaluation of Student Achievement, (Jakarta: Department Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, 1998), p7


Valette Rebecca M, , Modern Language Testing, (New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc), p5


Brown, H. Douglas, Teaching by Principles An Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy, (San Francisco: Addison Wesley Longman, Inc, 2001) second edition, p.391


Arthur Hughes, Testing for Language Teachers, (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2003), second edition. p.11



While Harrison sates “the aim of a proficiency test is to assess the student‟s ability to apply in actual situations what he has learnt. It seeks to answer the question: „having learnt this much, what can the student do with it?‟ this type of test is not usually related to any particular course because it is concerned with the student‟s current standing in relation to his future needs. In view of this future orientation, a proficiency test is the most suitable vehicle for assessing English for Specific Purposes (ESP), such as language for business, for engineers, or for postgraduate study. ”17

This test usually consists of the standardized multiple choice items on structure, reading comprehension, listening comprehension, and sometimes on writing.

d. Placement Test

Placement test are intended to provide information which will help to short or place students into groups according to their language ability at the beginning of a course.18 Thus, they can start a course at approximately the same level as the other students in the class.

Such a test should be as general as possible and should concentrate on testing a wide and representative range of ability in English.19 It should thus avoid concentrating on narrow areas of language and specific skills. Consequently, questions measuring general language ability can form a useful part of a placement test.

Such question, however, should make up only on part of a placement test. The most important part of the test should consist of questions directly concerned with the specific language skills which students will require on their course. Consequently, It is important to write questions which concentrate on those skills and areas of language on which the early part of the future course concentrates.


Andrew Harrison, A Language Testing Handbook, (London: Macmillan Press, 1983),p. 7-8


J.B. Heaton, Classroom Testing, (New York: Longman Inc., 1990),p.15 19


For example, it scarcely matter how well a student performs on a test of reading stories in English if the course concentrates solely on the listening and speaking skills.

3. The Characteristic of a Good Test

While a teacher considers making a test, she or he needs to recognize the various test of each case that related to the purpose, time and subject. But, the most important consideration to characterize a test being a good test needs some qualifications, they are: validity, reliability and practicality.

Yet, in this case the writer would like to explain more about validity.



Based on the previous explanation, the writer mentions that one of characteristics a good test is validity. Test validity is the most critical factor to be judged in the total of foreign language testing. Validity is the extent to which a test measures what it is intended to measure.20 It means validity refers to extent to which the results of an evaluation procedure serve the particular uses for which they are intended. For example, if a test is designed to measure oral comprehension, it should not attend to measure another skill such as reading comprehension. If a test is intended to measure a person‟s ability to speak the language, it is valid only if speaking skills and not writing ability are the specific measurable skill emphasize.

Traditionally, validity has been defined as “the degree to which a test measures what it claims, or purports, to be measuring” According to Gronlund, the meaning of validity has typically been defined for the testing profession by a set of standards (1985) prepared by Joint committee made up of members selected from three leading professional organizations concerned with testing (American Educational Research Association, American


William Wiersma & Stephen G. Jurs, Educational Measurement and Testing, second edition, (Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1990),p. 183



Psychological Association, and National Council on Measurement in Education). In the most recent edition of the standards, validity has been described as follows:

Validity is the most important consideration in test evaluation. The concept refers to the appropriateness, meaningfulness, and usefulness of the specific inferences made from the scores. Test validation is the process of accumulating evidence to support such inferences. A variety of inferences may be made from scores produced by a given test, and there are many ways of accumulating evidence to support any particular inference. Validity, however, is a unitary concept. Although evidence may be accumulated in many ways, validity always refers to the degree to which that evidence supports the inferences that are made from the scores. The inferences regarding specific uses of a test are validated, not the test itself.21

The other hand Adams said: the term “validity” is used to apply to a test‟s value as a basis for making judgments about examinees.22

Palmer and Groot said that validity is a frequently misunderstood concept. It is often erroneously believed that a test is valid or not valid, as if validity were a property of the test itself.23

According to Upshur, validity is the extent to which the information you collect actually reflects the characteristic or attribute you want to know about.24

In everyday language, we say that something is valid if it is sound, meaningful, or well grounded on principles or evidence. For example, we speak of a valid theory, a valid argument, or valid reason. In legal terminology, lawyers say that something is valid if it is “executed with the


Nor,man E. Gronlund, How To Make Achievement Tests and Assessment, (London: A Division of Simon & Schuster, 1993), Fifth Edition, p.159


Georgia Sacbs Adams, Measurement and Evaluation in Education, Psychology, and Guidance, (Los Angeles: Hold, Rinehart and Windston, Inc, 1964), p.103


Adrian S. Palmer and Peter J. M. Groot, The Construct Validation of Tests of Communicative Competence, (Washington: TESOL 202 D. C. Transit Building Georgetown University, 1981), p. 1


Fred Genesee and John A. Upshur, Classroom-based Evaluation in Second Language Education, (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1996), p. 62


proper formalities” (Black, 1979), such as a valid contract and a valid will. In each of these instances, people make judgments based on evidence of the meaningfulness or the veracity of something. Similarly, in the language of psychological assessment, validity is a term used in conjunction with the meaningfulness of a test score- what the test score truly means.

Validity is the process of gathering and evaluating validity evidence. Both the test developer and the test user may play a role in the validation of a test for a specific purpose.25

Woolfolk said that, the most important single characteristic of any test is validity. (Lyman, 1978). Validity has to do with interpretations based on test results. A test has validity if it measures what it is supposed to measure or predicts. To be a valid test of intelligence, the question must measure intelligent and not reading speed or lucky guessing.26

Henning 1987 defines validity as follows: 27

Validity in general refers to the appropriateness of a given test or any of its component parts as a measure of what it is purported to measure. A test is said to be valid to the extent that it measures what it is supposed to measure. It follows that the term valid when used to describe a test should usually be a companied by the preposition for. Any test then may be valid for some purposes, but not for other.

In other opinion came to Fernandes, an important characteristic of a test is its validity. The validity can be viewed as the accuracy of specified in references made from the scores.28

From the definition above, the writer can conclude that these are no differences in the essence of validity, there are only different in the


Ronald Jay Cohen and Mark E. Swerdlik, Psychological Testing and Assessment An Introduction to Tests and Measurement, (London: Mountain View, California, 1988), Fourth Edition, p. 175


Anita E. Woolfolk and Lorraine McCune-Nicolich, Educational Psychology for Teachers, (London: Prentice-Hall, Inc, 1984), p. 520


J. Charles Alderson, Caroline Clapham and Dianne Wall, Language Test Construction and Evaluation, (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1995), p. 170


H, J, X, Fernandes, Testing and Measurement, (Jakarta: Nasional Education Planning, 1984), p. 6



terminology, such as extent and degree and worth while all of them intend to measure the purpose to measure.

There are four types of validity namely content validity, face validity, construct validity and empirical validity.

1. Content Validity

The principal validity for achievement tests is content validity, sometimes called content relevance. Content validity talks about content of test. Wiersma said, “Content validity is concerned with the extent to which the test is representative of a defined body of content consisting of topics and processes.”29

Therefore, the test should reflect instructional objectives or subject matters. But it is not expected that every knowledge or skills will always appear in the test; there may simply be too many things for all of them to appear in a single test.

According to Hughes a test is said to have content validity if its content constitudes a representative sample of the language skills, structure, etc.30 Other statement came from Palmer “content validity is the process of investigating whether the selection of tasks one observes in a test-taking situation is representative of the large set (universe) of tasks of which the test is assumed to be a sample.31

Harrison said that content validity is concerned with what goes into the test. The content of a test should be decided by considering the purposes of the assessment, and then draw up a list known as a content specification. The content specification is important because it ensure as far as possible that the


William Wiersma & Stephen G. Jurs, Educational Measurement and Testing...,

p. 184 30

Arthur Hughes, Testing for Language Teachers, (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2003), second edition. p.11


Adrian S. Palmer, Peter J. M. & George A. Trosper, The Construct Validation of Test of Communicative Competence (Washington, D.C, 1981), P.2


test reflects all the areas to be assessed in suitable proportions and also because it represents a balanced sample, without bias towards the kinds of items which are easiest to write or towards the test material which happens to be available.32

Basically, then, Content validity is considered with how well the sample of test tasks represent the domain of task to be measured. Content validity is also called curricular validity, because materials that will be tasted are based on curriculum. So, the way to know the content validity is by looking the objective of curriculum and the material of the test. To measurement of content validity is important in employment setting, where tests used to hire and promote people are carefully scrutinized for their relevance to the job.33 So the test makers must be carefully in make a test to be good test based on the syllabus.

The content validity is concerned with how the test measures the subject matter and behaviour under consideration. The definition of content validity states that the test items mush be a representative sample of the domain of possible content or behaviour. Content validity is the most appropriate method for evaluating the validity of achievement tests.34 The explanation above is the requirements of content validity that should be included in making the test in order to get a high quality test.

Thus the content validity that I‟d like to take in this research in the Henerson‟s opinion that content validity refers to representative ness of the sample of questions included in the instrument contains a set of items that sample the construct‟s various areas that give each its proportionate emphasis”.35

Basically, then, content validity is concerned with whether or


Andrew Harrison, A Language Testing Handbook, (London: Macmillan Press, 1983),p. 11


Cohen Ronald Jay, Psychological Testing and Assement, (California: Mountain View, 1988), p. 178


H, J, X, Fernandes, Testing and Measurement, (Jakarta: Nasional Education Planning, 1984), p. 43-44


Marlene E. Henerson, How To Measure Attitudes (New York: Regent of University of California, 1981), p.59



not the content of the test is sufficiently representative and comprehensive for the test to be a valid measure of what it is supposed to measure.

2. Face Validity

A test is said to have face validity if it looks as if it measures what it is supposed to measure. Face validity is a surface or appearance of test. Anderson, Clapham and Dianne said that face validity refers to the tests „surface credibility or public acceptability, and is frequently dismissed by testers as being unscientific and irrelevant.36

John states that face validity refers to how the tested view the test in relation to what it aims to measure; it is purely judgment.37 According to Fernandes a test has face validity when the items look like they measure what the test is supposed to measure. Face validity may influence motivation otherwise it is not an important characteristic of a test.38

If a test looks and acts like to measure the behavior, attitudes, skills or knowledge it is supposed to assess, then we say the test has face validity or a test is said to have face validity if it looks as if measures what it is suppose to measure. For example a test pretended to measure pronunciation ability but which did not require the candidate to speak (and there have been some) it can be thought that is lack of face validity.

In other hand, the writer is in the opinion that face validity is the construction or the feature of the tests, they are: spelling is how the word is printed. Correctly; marker punctuation mark is the symbol used in punctuation sentences; letters is a mark expressing speech sound; printing,


J. Charles Anderson, Caroline Clapham and Dianne Wall, Language Test Construction & Evaluation (New York: Cambridge University, 1995), p.172


John A.S. Read, Paper on Language Testing, (Singapore: Seameo Regional Langage Centre, 1983),p. 1


H, J, X, Fernandes, Testing and Measurement, (Jakarta: Nasional Education Planning, 1984), p. 44


how the printing of the test, clear or no; and composition is the arrangement of the test.

3. Construct Validity

In construct validity, we have to measure the difficulties of the students and also the test has to be qualified. Gearheart states that construct validity indicated the extent to which a test may be said to measure a particular theoretical construct and trait. Intelligence, anxiety, logical reasoning, and the like represent theoretical constructs.39

Contruct vlidity is probably the most difficult to understand and the least usefu for classroom-based evaluation although it can play an important role in judging the quality of standardized tets.40

Woolfolk said that conctruct validity is more difficult to establish. A test has construct validity if it measures the attribute or “construct” it is intended to measure.41

According to Bachman and Palmer construct validity is the on-going process of demonstrating that a particular interpretation of test scores is justified, and involves, essentially, building a logical case in support of a particular interpretation and providing evidence justifying interpretation.42

Beside that Hughes and Porter in his book Current Developments in Language Testing, construct validity has focused attention on the desirability of basing test construction on an explicitly recogniced theorical foundation ...


Bill R. Gearheart and Ernest P. Willenberg, Aplicationof Pupil Assessment Information: for the Special Education Teacher, (Colorado: Love PublishingCompany, 1974),p. 19


Genesee Fred and Upshur John A, Classroom-based Evaluation in Second Language Education, (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1996), p. 66-67


Anita E. Woolfolk and Lorraine McCune-Nicolich, Educational Psychology for Teachers, (London: Prentice-Hall, Inc, 1984), p. 520


Lyle F. Bachman and Adrian S. Palmer, Language Testing in Practice, (New York: Oxford University Press, 1996), p. 22



a posible danger in the application of construct validity is that it may open the way for subjective, univerified assertions about test validity.43

Construct validity deals with construct and underlying theory of the language learning and testing. Heaton sates, “if the test has construct validity it is capable of measuring certain specific characteristics in accordance with a theory of language and behavior and learning.”44

Fernandes in his book Testing and Measurement construct validity is usually established by examining the pattern of relationships of the test in question with tests measuring other constructs. Construct validity can be tested in the following different ways:

a. The correlation between different tests which are assumed to measure the same variable.

b. The correlation between single items or different parts of the test. The parts of the test mush have a high intercorrelation if the test is to be regarded as measuring a unitary variable.

c. The study of how the test results are influenced by changes in individuals or environment which, according to the theory, should respectively influence or fail to influence the individuals‟ postions on the continuum.

d. The study of different between groups which should differ according to the theory for the variable.45


Arthut Hughes and Don Porter, Current Developments in Language Testing, (New York: London, 1983), p. 143


J.B. Heaton, Classroom Testing, (New York: Longman Inc., 1990),p.15 45

H, J, X, Fernandes, Testing and Measurement, (Jakarta: Nasional Education Planning, 1984), p. 46


4. Empirical Validity

Empirical validity depends on empirical and statistical evidence as to whether student‟s marks on the test are similar to their marks on other appropriate measures of their ability, such as their scores on other tests, their self assessments or their teacher‟s rating of their ability.46

In order to know whether a test has empirical validity or not, it can be traced from ways, first is concurrent validity and second is predictive validity. Concurrent validity applies if data on the two measures – test and criterion – are collected at or about the same time. Predictive validity applies if there is an intervening period (e.g., three or six months) between the time of testing and the collection of data on criterion. Operationally, this time of criterion data collection is the distinction between the two types of criterion validity. Specifically, the question of concurrent validity is whether or not the test scores estimate a specified present performance; that of predictive validity is whether or not the test scores predict a specified future performance.

In the writer‟s opinion validity of a test is important to know whether a test has a good quality in testing someone‟s capability or not.


J. Charles Anderson, Caroline Clapham, and Dianne Wall, Language Test Construction and Evaluation, (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1995), p.171





This chapter consist of teaching English learning process at SMP N 87 Jakarta, the profile of English teachers of SMP N 87 Jakarta, the profile of the student of SMP N 87 Jakarta 7 grade, teaching material and AVA used.

A. Teaching English learning process at SMP N 87 Jakarta

a. Structure of the Program

The development and changes in living society and nation to be follow up and consider in form of arranging new curriculum in every level and unit of education. There for the English teachers in SMP N 87 Jakarta try to develop their on curriculum based on their need. In this school the teacher use the standard of curriculum from the goverment but they develop it into KTSP for the details of their learning target.

b. English program in one year (in appendix)


c. English program in one semester (even semester) (in appendix)

B. The profile of English teacher

In SMP N 87 Jakarta there are four English teachers. First is Dra Siti Anisah who is teaching English in grade 7 and 8. She was graduated from IKIP Muhammadiyah Jakarta in 1993. She was majoring in English Department. She has been teaching English for 29 years 10 months. Then, Siti Asmonah who is teaching English in grade 7. She graduated from PGSLP Jakarta for D1 of English Department in 1974. And graduated from UT Jakarta for D3 of English Department in 2000. She has been teaching English for 33 years 7 months. Next, Ida Amalia who is teaching in grade 7 and 9. She has been teaching English for 9 years 1 month. she was graduated from IKIP Muhammad Jakarta in 1994. Her background study is in English Department. The last, Hefnimar M, S Pd who is teaching English in grade 8 and 9. She has been teaching English for 30 years 10 months. She was graduate from UNJ Jakarta for S1 is in 2007. Her background study is English literature.

From the data of the teachers‟ profile above we can conclude that English teachers in SMPN 87 Jakarta is having the real background of the subjects they taught because they were majoring in English education. So, the writer can say that they were competence enough in teaching English.

C. The profile of the student of SMP N 87 Jakarta 7 grade

There are 233 students in seven grade in SMP N 87 Jakarta at 2009/2010. Consist of 107 man students and 126 woman students. Many of them come from usual family and some of them come from medium family and there are some of them come from high family.

During the English summative test in SMPN 87 Jakarta, the students are divided into six rooms. But the writer take not all of the students, just



some class take as an example to analyz. These are the data of the students whose English scores are used as the source of the research based on their rooms

No. Name Soal Score_PG

100,00 True False

1 7605001 40 10 80,00

2 7605002 46 4 92,00

3 7605003 40 10 80,00

4 7605004 39 11 78,00

5 7605005 36 14 72,00

6 7605006 32 18 64,00

7 7605007 40 10 80,00

8 7605008 35 15 70,00

9 7605009 31 19 62,00

10 7605010 40 10 80,00

11 7605011 37 13 74,00

12 7605012 31 19 62,00

13 7605013 20 30 40,00

14 7605014 36 14 72,00

15 7605015 34 16 68,00

16 7605016 41 9 82,00

17 7605017 41 9 82,00

18 7605018 36 14 72,00

19 7605019 36 14 72,00

20 7605020 44 6 88,00

21 7605021 26 24 52,00

22 7605022 45 5 90,00

23 7605023 41 9 82,00

24 7605024 33 17 66,00

25 7605025 35 15 70,00

26 7605026 31 19 62,00

27 7605027 33 17 66,00

28 7605028 27 23 54,00

29 7605029 36 14 72,00

30 7605030 36 13 72,00

31 7605031 36 14 72,00

32 7605032 46 4 92,00

33 7605033 41 9 82,00

34 7605034 29 21 58,00

35 7605035 41 9 82,00

36 7605036 29 21 58,00

37 7605037 40 10 80,00

38 7605038 36 14 72,00

39 7605039 42 8 84,00


41 7605041 41 9 82,00

42 7605042 40 10 80,00

43 7605043 28 22 56,00

44 7605044 34 16 68,00

45 7605045 39 11 78,00

46 7605046 37 13 74,00

47 7605047 34 16 68,00

48 7605048 35 15 70,00

49 7605049 34 16 68,00

50 7605050 26 24 52,00

51 7605051 35 15 70,00

52 7605052 33 17 66,00

53 7605053 42 7 84,00

54 7605054 41 9 82,00

55 7605055 42 8 84,00

56 7605056 26 24 52,00

57 7605057 31 19 62,00

58 7605058 30 20 60,00

59 7605059 37 13 74,00

60 7605060 38 12 76,00

The table above is the example from students score from the tests. And from the table above can see that many item test can answer by the students.

D. Teaching material and AVA used.

The material used by the English teacher in SMP N 87 Jakarta based on KTSP. Sutardi in his book Curriculum and Materials Development said that School-Based Curriculum/ KTSP “in practice, School-Based Curriculum Development can range from individual teachers interpreting and adapting existing curricula to whole staff working together to create curricula, sometimes with input from students, or people from outside the school” (Rachel Bolstad, 2004).1

The materials used like: shopping list, announcement, instruction, greeting cards, descriptive and procedure.


Drs. Ambari Sutardi, Dipl. ELT., MA, Curriculum and Materials Development, (Jakarta: Indraprasasta University, 2010), p.9



The AVA used by the English teacher in SMP N 87 Jakarta like a proyector, on vocus, VCD, DVD, tipe recorder, casset.





A. Research Methodology

1. Purpose of the Research

a. The Objective of the Research

The objective of the research is to information about the level of content validity of the English summative test of the first year students in SMP N 87 Jakarta.

b. The Object of the Research

The object of the research is the test items of English summative test first year students of SMP N 87 Jakarta, which consist of 50 items of multiple choices.

c. The Method of the Research

The writer employs comparative analytic method, in the sense, the writer compare the contents of the test to the syllabus in use to find out whether or not English summative test in the first grade of even semester SMP N 87 Jakarta has good content validity.



2. Place and Time

The research was held at SMP N 87 Jakarta which is located at Jl. Ciputat Raya Pondok Pinang East Jakarta. The research was started on Monday, June 21,2010 – Tuesday, June 22, 2010 . it was conducted at the first year students of SMP N 87 Jakarta academic year 2009/2010.

3. Technique of Data Collecting

To collect data the writer needed, she used the steps below: 1). Observation

In implementation of her observation, the writer had done some activities, namely, by visiting the school to ask for the test result (Summative test) of English Subject from the school in order to know the students summative test and asking for the question sheet of English Subject to be analyzed. The writer did interview with the English teacher of the first class of SMP N 87 Jakarta.

2). Documentation

Documentation means collecting the files or data of related information including the result of first grade student‟s examination of even semester. There are two instruments used in this research, they are English Summative test and English syllabus. English summative test was held on Tuesday, 21-22 June 2010. The writer come to school to ask for English summative test at the first year students of SMP N 87 Jakarta. The writer also collect the data about English sylabus, teachers and students data profile and student‟s English score.

4. Technique of Data Analysis

There are two method applied namely quantitative and qualitative. Quantitative methods are those which focus on numbers and frequencies rather than on meaning and experience. Quantitative methods (e.g. experiments, questionnaires and psychometric tests) provide information which is easy to analyse statistically and fairly reliable. Qualitative methods are ways of collecting data which are concerned with describing meaning, rather than with drawing statistical


inferences. What qualitative methods (e.g. case studies and interviews) lose on reliability they gain in terms of validity. They provide a more in depth and rich description.1

Based on the data and the type of information needed of this research, the writer is focusing on collecting the data about the statistical inferences in this research so the writer will use the qualitative method. To analyze the qualitative data of this research the formula that is going to be used to analyze the content validity of English summative test for the first year students of SMP N 87 Jakarta is:

P = F × 100% N

P = Percentage

F = Frequency of unconformity N = Number of sample

It is used to see how many percent the test covers the instructions of the

curriculum. The test items are studied in terms of their conformity to curriculum. Therefore, the writer also compares the percentage with the criteria adopted from Arikunto‟s opinion:

76  100 % = Good 56  75 % = Sufficient 40  5 5% = Less good

 40 % = Bad2

B. Research Findings 1. Description of Data

The writer analyzes the test materials whether they conform to the curriculum used, based on the KTSP (Kurikulum TingkatSatuan Pendidikan) of SMPN 87 Jakarta. To get the data, she took the questions sheet, KTSP (Kurikulum

1 2



TingkatSatuan Pendidikan) book to be analyzed and the English syllabus of even semester for the first year students of SMPN 87 Jakarta (see appendix).

The data that writer used in this study is the English Summative Test for even semester, which is called as Ulangan Akhir Semester Genap Sekolah Menengah Pertama (SMP)Tahun Ajaran 2009/2010 for the first grade of SMPN 87 Jakarta. The total number of the test items is 50 items which consist of 50 multiple choices test items (see appendix). . The test was held on Friday, 18th June 2010 with the given time 120 minutes.

Having investigated the summative test items, the writer is able to describe the data as follows:


a. The conformity between the summative test’s items and English Syllabus

No KTSP Items Number Total

Based on Indicators of Reading


 Mengidentifikasi berbagai

informasi dalam teks fungsional pendek berupa:

- Instruksi - Daftar barang

- Ucapan selamat

- Pengumuman

1, 2 3, 4, 5, 6 7, 8

9, 10, 11, 12

12 items

 Merespon berbagai informasi

dalam teks fungsional pendek


 Membaca nyaring teks fungsional pendek


 Mengidentifikasi berbagai

informasi dalam teks deskriptive dan procedure

- Mengidentifikasi langkah

13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 35, 36, 37, 38



- Mengidentifikasi fungsi


- Menyebutkan ciri kebahasaan

19, 24, 34


Based on the indicators of writing  Menulis teks fungsional pendek

berbentuk: - Instruksi - Daftar barang

- Ucapan selamat

- Pengumuman

 Menulis kalimat sederhana  Melengkapi teks Desriptif atau


46, 47, 48, 49, 50 5 items

 Menyusun teks 44, 45 2 items

 Menulis teks berbentuk Desriptif atau procedure.

Total 45 items

Based on the table above, the writer found that there are 45 item tests from the indicator, so the percentage of it as follow:

P = F × 100% N

P = Percentage

F = Frequency of unconformity N = Number of sample

P = F × 100% N

P = 45 × 100% 50




b. The unconformity between the summative test’s items and English Syllabus

No Indicator that are not found in English Syllabus (Reading and Writing)

Items Number


1. Mengidentifikasi jenis ekspresi menawarkan jasa.

39 1item

2 Mengidentifikasi jenis ekspresi suka dan tidak suka

40 1 item

3 Menyusun kata menjadi kalimat yang bermakna 41, 42, 43 2 items

Total 5 items

Based on the table above, the writer found that there are 5 item tests unconformity with the indicator, so the percentage of it as follow:

P = F × 100% N

P = Percentage

F = Frequency of unconformity N = Number of sample

P = F × 100% N

P = 5 × 100% 50


2. Analysis of Data

In this section, the writer tries to identify the collected data. First, she discusses the items that conform to curriculum viewed from indicator. Second, she discusses the items that do not conform to the curriculum seen from types of the text.


The items that conform to the curriculum

Based on previous table, there are 45 items that in line with the indicators of the suggested syllabus. Most of the items measure the reading skill. The following tables will give clearly description of the content validity of the test.

This is a kind of instruction text which tests the ability of identification skills from the students. And according to the syllabus, this kind of question is

No Item The Question


We can find such kind of instruction in the following places, EXCEPT....

a. At the restaurant c. At the cafeteria b. At the canteen d. At school

included in the term of identifying the factual information in the reading skill area. Therefore, this item is valid item to be tested.

No Item The Question


What does the notice mean?

a. We are not allowed to come in. b. No body is asked to enter c. Every body is not inside a. The door is locked

The question number 2 is a kind of notification text which tests the ability of identification skills from the students. And according to the suggested syllabus,




this kind of question is included in the term of identifyng the factual information in the reading skill area. Therefore, this item is valid item to be tested.

No Item The Question


What kind of hats does Benedictus want to buy? a. Fabric hats c. Plastic hats b. Paper hats d. Rattan hats

4 What is the purpose of the text?

a. To exchange with the things to buy b. To drive the things bought

c. To remind what to buy d. To pay to the cashier

5 To buy the things, Benedictus will visit the following stores, EXCEPT... a. The butcher c. grocery

b. Stationery d. Bakery 6 The word “big” in the text nearly means...

a. Small c. great b. Little d. Narrow

The item number 3, 4, 5 and 6 are based on the text. This text is shopping list. And it included in the suggested syllabus; therefore these questions are valid form the term of the materials. But item number 6 must be revision in option answer because not appropriate with the question.

Item number 3and 4 measure the students comprehension on reading skill in identifying supporting details, while the question number 6 tests the language vocabulary of the students.

Benedictus, please buy the following things:

 20 ballons

 A big tart

 3 bottles of syrup

 2 packs of biscuits

 5 m of ribbon

 40 paper trumpets


No Item The Question


How old is Mereto?

a. 14 years old c. 40 years old b. 15 years old d. 50 years old

8 Yosia is sending the special card to...

a. Invite someone to come to her birthday party b. Congratulate the Christmas day

c. Share problems with her friend d. Congratulate Mereto‟s birthday

The item number 7 & 8 are based on the text. This text is greeting card. And it included in the suggested syllabus; therefore these two questions area valid form the term of the materials.

Item number 7 and 8 measure the students comprehension on the reading skill in identifying supporting details.

No Item The Question


Who gives the announcement?

a. The chief of the student organization b. Art teacher

c. Mr. Kristian To: Mareto

Hopefully this special day gives you spirit to face your life. Wish you all best on your fifteenth birthday.

Love, Yosia


A singing contest will be held on May 15th, 2010. Participants must sing two songs: one Indonesian folksong and one Indonesian pop song. The winners will get some cash and trophy. Anyone interested, please register to Mr. Kristian. The registration will be closed on April 17th, 2010.

*free registration Contact person



d. The principle

10 Which of the statements is TRUE according to the text?

a. The winner will get some money b. The participants will get some cheques

c. The participants mush register after April 17th, 2010 d. The participants mush pay for the registration fee 11 The purpose of the text above is to....

a. Describe the contest b. Inform the contest c. Entertain the students d. Get the trophy

12 The word “participants” in the text nearly means... a. Students c. consultants b. Players d. Contestants

The item number 9, 10, 11 and 12 are based on the text. This text is Announcement. And it included in the suggested syllabus; therefore these questions are valid form the term of the materials.

Item number 9 measures the students comprehension on reading skill in identifying the main idea of given text, but in this item the answer there is not appropriate with the question, so this item must be revision. While the question number 10 and 11 measure in identifying of the supporting details. And question number 12 tests the language vocabulary of the students.


My Digital Camera

Yesterday Miranda got a very special present from uncle Tomy for her birthday. Uncle Tomy is her mother‟s older brother. It is a digital camera.

It looks very moderns. It is small and thin and the colour is metallic black. Miranda‟s camera has a very unique shape.

Actually, the shape is rectangle but it has an oval shape on the right corner. She uses this camera to take pictures and to record video. Miranda really likes her digital camera. It is her most favourite thing.

No Item The Question


Who got a digital camera?

a. Miranda c. Miranda‟s mother b. Uncle Tomy d. Miranda‟s older brother

14 Which of the statements is NOT CORRECT based on the text?

a. Miranda is Tomy‟s niece

b. The digital camera is modern and unique c. Miranda dislikes the digital camera

d. Miranda‟s mother is younger than uncle Tomy 15 The word “unique” in paragraph two nearly means....

a. Old c. moderate b. Ancient d. Unusual

16 The word “she ” in the text refers to....

a. Tomy c. mother b. Miranda d. Brother

Question number 13, 14, 15, and 16 are based in the descriptive text given ahead the questions. Descriptive text is one of the genres of English text that should be learnt by students. And therefore, these four questions represent the materials in the suggested syllabus.

However, the question number 13 and 14 measure the ability of identifying supporting detail from the test. and the question number 15 test the language vocabulary of the students. And number 16 covers the grammar aspect of pronoun reference.



No Item The Question


What do we do first with the cooking oil?

a. Heat it c. Break it b. Pour it d. Sprinkle it

18 How many ingredients are needed in the text?

a. Four c. Six b. Five d. Seven

19 What is the purpose of the text?

a. Informing about cheesy Fried Egg

b. Sharing experience about cheesy Fried Egg c. Telling the ways of making cheesy Fried Egg d. Describing what is cheesy Fried Egg

20 The word “sprinkle” in the text means.... a. Put c. chop b. Cut d. Spread

Cheesy Fried Egg Ingredients:

 An egg

 Five spoonfuls of cooking oil

 A pinch of salt

 Some grated cheese Steps:

1. Pour the oil into the pan 2. Heat teh oil

3. Break the egg into the pan 4. Cook the egg into the pan 5. Put some salt on the egg

6. Take out the egg and put on a plate


Identifying the factual information from the given text is measured in the question number 17 and 18. While number 19 is measures the students ability in identifying supporting details. And the last question in this sequence measures the vocabulary of the word in the text.

The text given for the question 17 to 20 is a procedure text. This text explains some steps to make a cheesy fried egg. According to the suggested syllabus, steps in making or using something in procedure text are a part of material to be learnt.

No Item The Question


What does the text tell you about?

a. New art teacher c. Art lesson b. An engineer d. Good mark

22 Where Did Mrs. Margaretha Teach Before Moving To Jakarta?

a. In West Java C. In Central Java b. In East Java D. In Yogyakarta

23 “he works for private company.” (part. 1) The word underlined nearly means....

a. Public c. general b. Individual d. Local

24 The writer writes the text to.... a. Identify a new art teacher

Mrs. Elfira is my new art teacher. She moved to Jakarta last month. Before moving to my school, she taught at SMP 3 Cilacap. Her husband is an engineer. He works for private company.

Although she a new teacher, i feel interested in her teaching. She has a good style of teaching. Many of my friends also like her. She motivates her students well therefore the students study her lesson enthusiastically. As the result we got good marks in the last test.



b. Motivate the teacher c. Share teaching experience d. Describe new art teacher

Question number 21, 22, 23, and 24 are based in the descriptive text given ahead the questions. Descriptive text is one of the genres of English text that should be learnt by students. And therefore, these four questions represent the materials in the suggested syllabus.

However, the question number 21 measures the students‟comprehension on reading skill in identifying the main idea of the given text, and the question number 22 measures in identifying factual information, but this item not appropriate between question and text. The name in the text different with question, so question number 22 must be revision. And number 23 tests the vocabulary of the word in the text. And number 24 measures the ability of identifying supporting detail from the test.

No Item The Question

25 What is the main material to make apple juice?

a. Apple c. lemon b. Water d. Lump sugar

How to Make Apple Juice Materials

 500 gram of apples without removing their peels

 100 gram of lump sugar

 500 ml of water

 2 spoonfuls of lemon Steps

 Boil the lump sugar and water until the lump sugar is dissolved in the water.

 Mix apple with its peel, add lemon, and the water of lump sugar



into the level of 76-100% which means good. And only 10% from 5 items are unconformity to the syllabus.

Based on result of the items analysis above, the writer can see that the summative test which administered in the first year students of SMPN 87 jakarta has reached a good content validity. The test makers know the way how to constracting a good test. He/she recognizes that the summative test must be based on the indicators suggested in the syllabus.

4. Discussion

Based on result of the items analysis above, the writer can see that the summative test which administered in the first year students of SMPN 87 jakarta has reached a good content validity. But the writer found there are some questions not appropriate with the texts, such as item number 22, the name in the text is Mrs. Elfira but in the question is Mrs. Margaretha and item number 32 the word in the

text is “chick” but in the option answer the word is “clicking”. So from the

example the writer says that the item must be revised, and the test maker should be careful to make a test.





A. Conclusion

Based on the data analysis and interpretation in the previous chapters, the writer conclude that the Summative test for the first year students of SMPN 87 Academic year 2009/2010 held on June 2010 has a good content validity.

In conclusion, after all careful analysis in this research, the writer has already proved that from 50 questions altogether, the test has only 5 invalid items. In other words, it has reached a good content validity.

B. Suggestion

After giving the conclusion, the writer would like to give some suggestions addressed to the test maker as a feed back of the research result. Namely:

1. The test maker should keep on their good effort in creating good items for the test and keep doing good preparation before making a test, by considering the principles of constructing good test items. Then there will be no more invalid items in the test.

2. The test maker should keep on their consistention in considering the test items conformed to the syllabus category used; and the items that do not fulfil to the curriculum should be discarded. While the items that do not



fulfil to the syllabus should be revised so that they can be used for the evaluation.

3. The test maker should be careful to make a name in the text and a name in the option answer or in the question. All of it should be appropriate.

She also would like to give some suggestions addressed to the school as follow:

1. The school keep on their good way in giving the chances to the teachers to follow the trainings of constructing a good test so the teachers only made less invalid test items.

2. The school keep on supervising the teachers‟ work in constructing the test. Whether the tests constructed have fulfilled characteristics of a good test or not so there will be no more invalid test items.



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