An Error Analysis on Using Simple Past Tense by Eleventh Years Students of the Ark Scholl Sidikalang














Drs. ChairulHusni, M.Ed. TESOL. RahmadsyahRangkuti, MA, Ph.D NIP. 19570803 198404 1 004 NIP. 19750209 200812 002

Submitted to Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara in partial fulfillment of requirements for degree of SarjanaHumaniora from English Department.





Head, Secretary,

Dr. H. MuhijarMuchtar, MS RahmadsyahRangkuti, MA, Ph.D NIP. 19541117 1980031 002 NIP. 19750209 200812 002


Accepted by the Board of Examiners in partial fulfillment of requiremnets for the degree of SarjanaHumaniora from the English Department, Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara.

The examination is held in the Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara on Saturday 13, 2014.

The Dean of Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara

Dr. H. SyahronLubis, MA NIP. 19511013 197603 1 001

Board of Examiners:

Dr. H. MuhijarMuchtar, MS ...



RahmadsyahRangkuti, MA, Ph.D ... Drs. ChairulHusni, M.Ed. TESOL. ...



To God be the glory. The writer would like to testify that God has given him his abundant blessing in accomplisinghis studies at FIB USU. God has blessed him to finish his thesis well.

The writer really thanks his beloved wife, SherlySimbolon for supporting the writer anytime and in any situation. The writer confesses that the presence of his son, Van Theo TupadoTambunan and his daughter, Valerina Lois Tambunan always inspire and encourage him to do the best in his studies and life. The writer also thanks his mother and his mother in law for praying for him in facing any problem in his life.

Then, The writer would like to express his gratitude appreciation to his supervisor RahmadsyahRangkuti, MA, Ph.D and Drs. ChairulHusni, M.Ed. TESOL., for their valuable time to share their guidance, to encourage, to give suggestion and criticism in completing this thesis.

The writer is very grateful to the Dean of Faculty of Cultural Studies of University of Sumatera Utara, Dr. SyahronLubis, M.A., and his thank to the Head and secretary of English Department, Dr. H. MuhijarMuchtar, MS., and RahmadsyahRangkuti, MA, Ph.D.

Special thanks is given to anyone who has prayed and supported him. They are all great friends, sisters and brothers.

God bless them all.

Medan, July 22, 2014 WandiTambunan



I, WandiTambunan declare that I am the sole author of this thesis. Except where reference is made in the text of this thesis. This thesis contains no material published elsewhere or extracted in whole or in part from a thesis by which i have qualified for awarded another degree.

No other person’s work has been used without due acknowledgments in the main text of this theis. This thesis has not been submitted for the award of another degree in any tertiary education.




Name : WandiTambunan

Title of Thesis : An Error Analysis of Using Simple Past Tense By The

Eleventh Year Students Of The Ark School Sidikalang

Qualification : S-1/SarjanaSastra

Department : English

I am willing that my thesis should be available for reproduction at the discretion of the librarian of the English Department, Faculty of Cultural Studies, University of Sumatera Utara on Understanding that users are made aware of their obligation under law of the Republic Indonesia.

Signed. :



This thesis entitled “An Error Analysis of Using Simple Past Tense By The Eleventh Year Students Of The Ark School Sidikalang”. The thesis describes the errors made by the eleventh year students in using past tense in writing recount text. The purposes of writing this thesis is to know the types of error and the causes of them. This research uses qualitative method. The population is the eleventh year students of The Ark School Sidikalang which consists of four classes, and totalling the population are 60 students. The researcher applies randomly technique are taken to get a representative sample, there are 15 students as the sample. The sample is randomly taken from the writing test papers. The test is writing a recount text using simple past tense. The students are given choices about three topics of story. The topics are: Holiday, Family Togetherness, and Visiting a friend. The students have to write the story in about 100 words. The finding of analysis shows that the total of students’ errors are 90 errors. There are 4 types of errors, namely: addition, omission, misformation and misordering. It is found that number of error omission is 23 or 25%, addition is 17 or 19%, misformation is 50 or 56%. No student makes error in misordering. Therefore, the dominant types of error ismisformation. There are 4 causes of errors, namely: over-generalization, ignorance of rule restriction, incomplete application of rules and false concepts hypothesized. It is found that for over generalization there is 23 or 25%, ignore of rule restriction is 23 or 25%, incomplete application of rules is 32 or 36%, and false concepts hypothesized is 12 or 14%. So, the dominant cause of errors is incomplete application of rules.








CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Background of the study...1

1.2 Problem of the study...3

1.3 Objectives of the study...3

1.4 Scope of the study...4

1.5 Signifcance of the study...4

CHAPTER II: REVIEW OF LITERATURE 5 2.1 Theoritical Concepts...5

2.2 The difference between error and mistake...5

2.3 The previous studies...6

2.4 Description of error analysis...9

2.4.1 Types of error...10

2.4.2 The causes of error...11

2.5 English tense...13



3.1 Research method...19

3.2 Data and data source...19

3.3 Data collecting procedure...20

3.3.1 Writing test...20

3.3.2 Interview...20

3.4 Data analysis technique...21

3.4.1 Writing test...21

3.4.2 Interview...21


4.2 Findings...30


5.2 Suggestions... 56 REFERENCES



1. Error Constructions ... 23

2. Omission of ed, Verb Past Tense, Past Auxiliary Verb... 30

3. Addition –ed, To be... 33

4. Misformation... 35

5. Total Types of Error... 39

6. Types of Errors, Frequency and Percentage... 40

7. Cause of Errors: Over – Generalization... 41

8. Cause of Errors: Ignore of Rules Restriction... 44

9. Cause of Errors: Incomplete Application of Rules... 46

10. Cause of Errors: False Concepts Hypothesized... 49

11. Total Causes of Error... 52

12. Cause of Errors, Frequency and Percentage... 53



This thesis entitled “An Error Analysis of Using Simple Past Tense By The Eleventh Year Students Of The Ark School Sidikalang”. The thesis describes the errors made by the eleventh year students in using past tense in writing recount text. The purposes of writing this thesis is to know the types of error and the causes of them. This research uses qualitative method. The population is the eleventh year students of The Ark School Sidikalang which consists of four classes, and totalling the population are 60 students. The researcher applies randomly technique are taken to get a representative sample, there are 15 students as the sample. The sample is randomly taken from the writing test papers. The test is writing a recount text using simple past tense. The students are given choices about three topics of story. The topics are: Holiday, Family Togetherness, and Visiting a friend. The students have to write the story in about 100 words. The finding of analysis shows that the total of students’ errors are 90 errors. There are 4 types of errors, namely: addition, omission, misformation and misordering. It is found that number of error omission is 23 or 25%, addition is 17 or 19%, misformation is 50 or 56%. No student makes error in misordering. Therefore, the dominant types of error ismisformation. There are 4 causes of errors, namely: over-generalization, ignorance of rule restriction, incomplete application of rules and false concepts hypothesized. It is found that for over generalization there is 23 or 25%, ignore of rule restriction is 23 or 25%, incomplete application of rules is 32 or 36%, and false concepts hypothesized is 12 or 14%. So, the dominant cause of errors is incomplete application of rules.




1.1. Background of the study

In our society few people fail to realize the importance of using good English especially in written English.

This mostly happens at school. We observe most students understand grammar when they learn it. Students find it easy to understand what simple past tense is. Students do not find difficulty when they learn about recount writing. But when taking composition test on using simple past tense in recount writing most of the students make errors in using simple past tense.

Studying English does not only focus on speaking skill. Every learner should be able to master the four language skills, namely: Speaking, listening, reading, and writing. As Haycraft (1978:8) states that there are various skills in mastering a language; receptive skill, listening (understanding the spoken language), reading (understanding the written language), and productive skills-speaking and writing.

The most difficult skill among those four skills is writing because it requires demonstrating the control of a number of variables simultaneously; they are control of content, format, sentence structure, vocabulary, punctuation, spelling, and derivation as well.

Remembering the difficulties found in using those complicated rules, the writer observes that most students find it difficult to write a recount composition without making errors. Dealing with those, the writer would like to analyze one of those problems namely students’ errors in writing especially on how they use grammar. Grammar deals with the organization or morphemic units into meaningful


combination. It cannot be denied that the use of language is governed by rules. Manser (1991:182) defines grammar as the rules for forming word and making sentences.

There are many kinds of English grammar that is taught and learnt by the students. Simple Past Tense is one of the lessons in English grammar which has been learnt by the 10th year students, but anyhow we still often find many errors made by the learners. Hendrickson (1980:55) states that many language educators have proposed that foreign language teachers should accept many errors from their students and should accept those errors as a natural phenomenon integral to the processes of learning a second language eventhough their teachers have given the pattern clearly and also examples that related to the material.

Error could even be an important feedback for the learners themselves. By knowing their errors, they will know the problems that they face and try to analyze their weaknesses. On the other hand, by analyzing students’ errors, the teachers cannot only detect the students’ difficulty in learning the target language, but can also determine the effectiveness of certain method in teaching the language. Likewise, Lim (1975:100) states that learners’ errors could give contribution in creating appropriate materials for teaching.

Studies of errors can be applied only in speaking and writing (Dulay, 1982: 144). It cannot be applied in reading and listening. Errors in recount writing are chosen in this study. Recount is one of the genre texts, which is taught at the tenth year students of senior high school. The significant lexicogrammatical features of recount text use past tense so it matches with this study.

Corder (1981:218) says that errors analysis is the study analysis of the errors made by the second of foreign language learners to predict the errors or the


difficulties in learning foreign language. Error analysis may be carried out in order to find out how well someone learns a language, find out how well someone knows language, and obtain information on common difficulties in language learning.

Based on the reason above the writer chooses “An Error Analysis on Using Simple Past Tense Made by the Eleventh Year Students of The Ark School Sidikalang” as the title of this thesis.

This study tries to describe and analyze the areas of difficulties in written English in sentences made by senior high school students. This includes errors on tenses in student’s writing assignment. Errors on tenses viewed from morphology and syntax will be analyzed. Then classified the errors into type based on surface strategy taxonomy; omission, addition, misformation, and misordering.

1.2.Problem of the Study

Based on the background of the study above, the writer finds some problems that are going to be answered as:

a. What type of errors on the use of simple past tense in recount writing are made by the eleventh year students at The Ark School Sidikalang?

b. What are the causes of errors on the use of simple past tense in recount writing made by the eleventh year students at The Ark School Sidikalang?

1.3. Objectives of the Study

Based on the statement of the problems above the writer has some purposes:

a. To identify and classify the errors on the use of simple past tense in recount writing made by the eleventh year students at The Ark School Sidikalang.


b. To find out the causes of errors in applying simple past tense in sentences.

1.4. Scope of the Study

In this research, the writer will focus the analysis on the types of errors and their causes on the use of simple past tense in recount writing made by the eleventh year students at The Ark School Sidikalang.

1.5. Significance of the Study

This study will be useful both for the teachers and students. a. To the Teachers

The result of this study is intended to become an input for them for the importance of giving more exercises about simple past tense and also can improve their teaching technique when teaching grammar.

b. To the Students

The writer believes that the students will be able to apply simple past tense correctly especially when writing recount text.




2.1 Theoritical Concepts

Making mistakes when studying a language is a part of process to master it. Making errors is understandable as long as we as learners try hard to improve our ability and learn from any mistakes we make. Error may occur in all components of language especially in applying grammar. The learners often do not realize that they make mistake because of ignorance and lack of mastery in using grammar.

2.2 The Difference between Error and Mistake

According to Corder (1967) cited by Ellis (2008), a ‘mistake’ is a deviation in learner language that occurs when learners fail to perform their competence. It is a lapse that reflects processing problems. An error, on the other hand, is a deviation in learner language which results from lack of knowledge of the correct rule (pp. 971, 961).

Error and mistake are two different words that are actually synonyms of each other. They also mean the same thing, something that is done incorrectly or is wrong. This could be due to bad judgment, inattention or may due to lack of focus. The main difference between the two is the context that they are used in.

Examples of error:

- I made an error when measuring the dimensions.

- The computer produced an error when the data was incorrect. - His speech contained several factual errors.


- I made an error in my calculations.

- The paper contains numerous spelling errors.

- I saw a documentary of horrifying cases of hospital error - The shortstop was charged with an error.

Example of mistake:

- I mistook him for his brother.

- Don't mistake me, I mean exactly what I said.

- The auctioneer mistook my nod for a bid, and I ended up buying a painting I don't even like.

- I was so mistaken about him.

- I made a mistake when I married him.

2.3 The Previous Studies

As the additional guidances and references for the writer in writing this thesis, he has consulted some theses related to past tense.

Indah Lestari Sembiring, (2012) describes and analizes the errors made by the twelfth graders of SMA N 1 TanjongMorawa in using past tense. The finding of analysis shows that the total students’ correct answers the test are 807 numbers or for omission is 93 or 25.62%, for addition is 40 or 11.02%, for misformation is 133 or 36.64%, and for misordering is 97 or 26.72%. so the dominant type of error is misformation. And there are 4 causes of errors that for over generalization application of rules is 93 or 25.62% and for cause of error false concepts hyothesized is 121 or 33.33%. So, the dominant causes of errors is ignorance of rules restrictions.


Mansur, (2008) describes and analizes the errors made by the Tenth Year Students at SMK PGRI 2 Tuban. The result of the analysis shows that: (1) the errors in recount writing made by the tenth year students of SMK PGRI 2 Tuban are 57 occurrences of all errors. In term of each type errors, the errors of misformation 27 times, errors of addition 18 times, errors of omission 6 times, and errors of misorder 6 times, (2) the writer attempts to find out the causes of errors. The causes of errors are over-generalization, ignorance of rules restrictions, and false concepts hyphothesized, (3) the students’ problems in recount writing are structure problem (88,9 %), vocabulary problem (77,8 %), composing sentences (95,6 %), recount text comprehension (37,7 %). Besides those problems, psychological factors also influence the students, such as motivation and interest.

Ahmad TaufikHidayah, (2013) describes and analizes the errors made by TESL College Students in Faculty of Languages and Linguistics Universiti Sultan ZainalAbidin.

Types of errors committed by the students with regard to Error Analysis Method are due to omission, addition, misinformation and misordering. Some factors have been identified to contribute to the problem such as : lack of knowledge and competence of the English grammar, influence of the mother tongue, loan words and lack of exposure of the English language. Some suggestions and recommendations have been made to address this problem. They include giving ample exercises and practices to students, giving some teaching techniques to the teachers to be implemented in class. All these efforts are meant for remedies to solve the problem in writing English essays with respect to the use of correct simple present tense and simple past tense.


Errors Committed in the Simple Past Tense: Number of students committed errors (Total : 53 students). Percentage: Omission: 24 %, Addition: Double marking 45 %, Regularizations 0 %, Simple Addition 9.4 %, Misinformation: Regularizations 81 %, Archi-forms 1.8 %, Alternating Forms 40%,Misordering: 3.7 %.

Citra, (2012) describes and analizes the errors made by the ninth year students of SMP Negeri 3 Pare, which consisted of three classes. However, samples were used as the researcher could not cope with the whole population. The samples consisted of 50 students.

Students errors identified in this study were categories into three types, namely, errors of omission errors addition and errors misformation. The result of the analysis shows that there were in all, 1234 errors among 50 students. The types of errors among the students in constructing and using English simple past tense consisted of 68 (5%) errors of omission, 95 (8%) errors of addition and 1071 (87%) errors of miss formation. From the highest to the lowest, the errors were: miss formation, addition, and omission. The result of farther analysis shows that the students seemingly have problems in each category omission, addition and miss formation. Thus, the students were often found to make errors in using those patterns high. The average number of errors made of all the students was 46%. From the percentage, it can be concluded that the students’ mastery in using English simple past tense was poor.

Dealing with the information after reading the theses, the objectives of the analysis are different with this thesis, in this thesis, the objectives are to find out and classify errors made by the students of an English course where most students study because they have high motivation to study English. Finally the writer makes the percentage of the errors.


2.4 Description of Error Analysis

Everyone who learns a new language will make errors. It is natural. It takes time to speak a language without making errors.

Richards (1985:96) says that errors result from incomplete learning and knowledge of learners about target language system.

Norrish (1983:7) says that error is systematic deviation from the accepted system of the target language. Mistake is non-systematic deviation from the accepted system of a language being learned and it usually due to human limitation such tiredness, nervousness, and fatique. It means that errors may occur because of human factor in mastering the target language such as the limitation of memory, psychological problem and do not understand about the material of subject. In another side, the learners never recognize their errors or they never know that they have made errors.

Learning a language always needs a process. As long as the language learner learns from mistakes they make the process will give better ability in using a language. Based on that opinion, we may conclude that error is a deviation that is made by the learners because they do not understand the rules of the second language and cannot be corrected by themselves while learning the language.

While the diminishing of errors is an important criterion for increasing language proficiency, the ultimate goals of second language learning is the attainment of communicative fluency in a language. Error analysis is used to analyze and classify the learner’s error from which the learners learning problem can be inferred.


Brown (2000:218) says that the errors can be observed, analyzed, and classified to reveal something of the system operating within the learner, led to a surge of study of learners’ errors, called error analysis.

Corder (1981:23) says that error analysis is the study analysis of the errors made by the second of foreign language learners to predict the errors or the difficulties in learning foreign language. Error analysis may be carried out in order to:

a. Find out how well someone learns a language. b. Find out how well someone knows language, and

c. Obtain information on common difficulties in language learning.

Thus, error analysis is the study and the analysis of the errors made by language learners which function as to give the information on how they learn a language, how well they know the language and what difficulties faced by them in achieving the objective.

2.4.1 Types of Error

According to Dulay, Burt, and Krashen in James’ book (1998:106) errors can be classified into four types, such as:

a. Errors of Omision

It is a sentence where an element is omitted, actually it should be presented. Example : I not go to school by bus everyday.


b. Errors of Addition

It is a phenomenon in which a certain aspect of language rules is added into a correct order (correct sentence), in order words some elements are presented which should not be presented.

Example : We are

It should be : We study English three times in a week. study English three times in a week

c. Misformation

Misformation is the error of using one grammatical form in the place of another grammatical form.

Example : I doesn’t

It should be : I

know him. don’t know him.

d. Misordering

It is a sentence which its order is incorrect. The sentence can be right in presented elements, but wrongly sequenced.

Example : She not does

It should be : She

come early to school. doesn’t come early to school.

2.4.2 The Causes of Error

Brown (2000:224) says that the cause of errors can be devided into 2 categories, such as:

a. InterlingualErrors, that is error caused by interference of the learner’s mother tongue. A different class of error is presented by sentences.


b. Intralingualerrors, that is cause of errors resulting from complicated system of the target language itself.

Richards (1985:47) says that the intralingual errors are devided into 4 terms,they are:

A. Over-generalization

Over-generalization happens when a learner uses a certain structure that is over-generalized in the target language. It is caused the learners’ basic experience of certain structure. Generally, overgeneralization is the creation of one deviant structure in place of two regular structure, for example: “Shecansings”. In this case, there’s an over form of a structure verb “sing” becomes “sings”. It should be “shecansing”. Because “she” usually use verb + s. For example: Shesings.

B. Ignore of Rule Restriction

Ignore of rule restriction is failure to observe the restriction of existing structures. That is the application of rules to context where they do not apply.

Example : the boy It should be : the boy

sleepingwas wassleeping

C. Incomplete Application of Rules

Incomplete application of rules means errors are due to the occurence of structures whose deviancy represents the degree of development of rules required to produce acceptable utterance. The learners fail to produce a correct sentence according to the standard rules.


It should be : You are

D. False Concepts Hypothesized student

False concept hypothesized means basically errors are the result from faulty comprehension of distinction in the target language.

Example : He is not It should be : He

visit us last holiday. did not visit us last holiday.

2.5English Tense

Tense has an important role in communicating both in spoken and written English. It helps people understand what they truly mean when saying a message.

Edward (2001:520) says that tense is a form of a verb that shows the time of an action on condition. If someone wants to talk about tense, he or she may not escape from grammar because tense is a part of structure. Grammar may be roughly defined as the way a language manipulates and combines words in order to form longer units of meaning.

English language has sixteen different tenses. These sixteen tenses are different one to another. The differences happen in the forms of the used verbs and the time of verbs action take place. In other words, we may say that an English verb will be very important to its usages.

Simple Past Tense

Thompson (1986:162) says that simple past tense is used for an action whose time is not given but which occupied a period of time now interminated, or occured at a moment in a period of time now interminated.


Azar (1989:24) describes that the simple past tense indicates that an activity or situation began and ended at a particular time in the past.


S + [VERB +ed] or


irregular verb

 Shevisitedyou 


Didshevisityou? Shedidnotvisityou.

Uses of Simple Past Tense:

Use 1: Completed Action in the Past

Use the simple past tense to express the idea that an action started and finished at a specific time in the past. Sometimes, the speaker may not actually mention the specific time, but they do have one specific time in mind.

Examples:  



Lastweek,wetraveledtoTaiwan. Lastweek,wedidn’ttraveltoBali.


 


Hewatchedtelevision. Hedidn’tdohishomework.

Use 2: A Series of Completed Actions

We use the simple past tense to list a series of completed actions in the past. These actions happen 1st, 2nd, trd, 4th, and so on.


 IleftforJakarta, arrivedattheairport, 

andmetmyfriend. Shefinishedherhomework,wenttobed,andhadanicedream 

. Didyouwritetheletter, gotopostoffice, andmailit?

Use 3: Duration in Past

The simple past tense can be used with duration which starts and stops in the past. A duration is a longer action often indicated by expressions such as: for two years, for five minutes, all years, etc.

Examples:  



 


Theydidnotstayatthepartytheentiretime. Wetalkedonthephoneforthirtyminutes.

Use 4: Habits in the Past

The simple past can also be used to describe a habit which stopped in the past. It can have the same meaning as “used to”. To make it clear that we are talking about a habit, we often add expressions such as: always, often, usually, never, when I was a child, when I was younger, etc.

Examples:  






Theyneverwenttoschool, theyalwaysskippedclass.


The simple past tense can also be used to describe past facts or generalizations which are no longer true. As in Use 4 above, this use of the simple past tense is quite similar to the expression “used to”.


 Hedidn’tlikewatchingwesternmoviebefore 

. Shewasshyasachild,




2. 5 Recount Text

We use a recount to tell about a story or an event. Recounts are usually given in the order that the event occurred. Recounts can be:

a. Factual, such as a news story.

b. Procedural, such as telling someone how you built something. c. Personal, such as a family holiday or your opinion on a subject.

Recount Text uses the following Generic Structure:

a. Orientation tells who was involved, what happened, where the events took place, and when it happened.

b. Events tell what happened and in what sequence.



Last morning, Dinar, my roommate woke up late and she had to go to campus.When she wanted to take her motorcycle, in fact she couldn’t move it because there were some motorcycles that blocked up her motorcycle.

She tried to move all of the motorcycles, so that her motorcycle could move from the garage. But she couldn’t do it.

Then, she called Adel who had that motorcycle which blocked it up. After that, her friend who had that motorcycle helped her. Finally, she could move her motorcycle and rode it to go to campus.




3.1 Research Method

In order to carry out this research dealing with the topic, the writer needs to collect both the library and field data. He reads some books related to the topic.

This research is designed as a descriptive qualitative study. Descriptive research is designed to obtain information concerning the current status of phenomena. They are directed toward determining the nature of situation, as it exists at the time of the study (Ary, 1979: 259). One of the characteristics of the descriptive research is that there is no control of treatment as in an experimental one. Since this study purely describes what errors on the use of simple past tense in recount writing the students make, what the causes of errors are, and what problems the students face in writing recount text do, the writer concludes that descriptive research is appropriate in this study. The results of this study are interpreted in chapter IV.

The research is held in The Ark School Sidikalang at Jl. Dr. F.L. Tobing no. 41 Sidikalang after he gets permission from the principal of the school.

3.2 Data and Data Source

Data of this study consits of two sources. First source is students’ writing using simple past tense. The writer analyzes 15 writing tests out of 60 writing tests done by the students at The Ark School Sidikalang.

And the second source is the response given by the students when interviewed by the writer.


3.3 Data Collecting Procedure

In collecting the data, the writer chooses two instruments: Writing test and interview.

3.3.1 Writing Test

By using the instrument, the writer will be able to get the data of the students’ errors in using simple past tense. The instrument used is in the form of recount writing. In this writing task, the students choose the topic (Appendix I), and then write down their work on the paper which consists of minimal 100 words.

3.3.2 Interview

By interviewing the students doing the writing test the writer will get some causes why students make errors in using simple past tense. The writer asks questions (Appendix III) to find out the causes.

The collection of the data will be held in May 2014 at the eleventh year students of The Ark School Sidikalang with the time allocated 60 minutes for the writing test and 15 minutes for the questionnaire.

The procedures of collecting the data are as follows:

a. The writer prepares the writing test instruments. b. The writer explains how to write in recount writing. c. The writer interviews the students.

d. The writer collects the data.

e. The writer analyzes the errors one by one. f. The writer concludes the result of the interview.


3.4 Data Analysis Technique

The technique of data analysis is an important part in research because by using the method, the writer can conclude the result of research. In this study, there are some procedures of the data analysis done by the writer.

3.4.1 Writing Test

a. Identification of Errors

The writer identifies the errors made by the students in their writing viewed from morphology and syntax.

b. Classification of Errors

The writer classifies the errors into type based on surface strategy taxonomy, such as:

 Errors of Omission  Errors of Addition  Errors of Misformation  Errors of Misordering

c. Evaluation

The writer tries to make conclusion about possible factors causing the errors. The factors can be categorized into overgeneralization, ignorance of rules restriction, incomplete application of rules, and false concept hypothesis. From the result of data analysis and the interpretation is made.

3.4.2 Interview

To answer the second statement of the problems, the writer interviews the 15 students. It presents by making conclusion about possible factors causing the errors.


The factors can be categorized into overgeneralization, ignorance of rules restriction, incomplete application of rules, and false concept hypothesis. From the result of data analysis and the interpretation is made.




Data of this study consists of two sources. First source is student’s writing using simple past tense. And the second source is the responses given by the students when interviewed by the writer. The writer analyzes 15 writing tests done by the students at The Ark School Sidikalang.

4.1 Data Analysis

Table 1

Error Constructions

No Students’ Original Sentenes

Constructions Sex Class Total

Sentences 1. JT:

- It’s not a great holiday.

- I bored in everything I did.

- I wake up. - I breakfast. - I could played. - It is not fun


- It was nota great holiday.

- I was bored in everything I did. - I woke up. - I had breakfast. - I could play. - It was not fun

Female Grade 11th



- We managed to held a simple barbeque party.

- We didn’t know how to grilled.

- He teached us. - How to made. - We looking for.

- We managed to hold a simple barbeque party.

- We didn’t know how to grill.

- He taught us. - How to make. - We looked for.


3. EMS:

- We planned to played.

- We would played. - I join.

- Chandra shooted. - He want to attack. - To made.

- We couldn’t made. - We lose.

- We happy. - To filled.


- We planned to play.

- We would play. - I joined.

- Chandra shot. - He wanted to attack. - To make.

- We couldn’t make. - We lost.

- We were happy. - To fill.

Male Grade 11th


4. LS:

- We walked and


- We walked and

Female Grade 11th



- She say goodbye.


- She said goodbye.

5. KAS:

- I step on it.

- The blood was stop.


- I stepped on it. - The blood stopped.

Female Grade 11th


6. FS:

- This is a big chance

-- This is the place. - I wanted visit. - Someone push me. - I was dreamed.


- This was a big chance

- This was the place. - I wanted to visit. - Someone pushed me. - I dreamed.

Female Grade 11th


7. HS:

- I went to visited my friend.

- I very happy. - I will meet my old

friend. - I don’t know.

- I try to ask someone.


- I went to visit my friend.

- I was very happy. - I would meet my old


- I didn’t know. - I tried to ask


Male Grade

11th 8


- But nobody know it. - I try to ask an office


- Then he tell me.

- But nobody knew it. - I tried to ask an office


- Then he told me.

8. CS:

- I decided went to her house.

- How surprised I am.


- I decided to go to her house.

- How surprised I was.

Female Grade 11th


9. YS:

- We would visited my grandmother.

- I asked her when will we doing it.

- We would went. - When i seeked my


- I can’t found it.


- We would visit my grandmother. - I asked her when we

would doit. - We would go. - When i sought my


- I couldn’t find it.

Female Grade 11th


10. DS:

- My big family come to my house.


- My big family came to my house.

Female Grade 11th


11. DM: - I go.

- To visited my friend. - I don’t know.

- I ask to Herman. - I was visited my


- We have promise. - I decide to cancel. - I accompany him. - Herman was came. - I can’t forget. - My friend was die.

DM: - I went.

- To visit my friend. - I didn’t know. - I asked to Herman. - I visited my friend.

- We had promise. - I decided to cancel. - I accompanied him. - Herman came. - I couldn’t forget. - My friend died.

Male Grade

11th 11

12. NV:

- There an accident.

- We must flew. - The accident are

caused by bad weather. - I amazed. - To saw.

- People so busy.


- There was an accident. - We had to fly. - The accident was

caused by bad weather. - I was amazed. - To see.

- People were so busy.

Female Grade 11th


- People so lazy. - It is caused many


- People were so lazy. - It caused many


13. NAS:

- My classmate went to visited our friend. - We were heard it. - We were visited her. - We want went. - We are so sad. - We know it. - There an event. - The teacher

accompany us. - We given some



- My classmate went to visit our friend. - We heard it. - We visited her. - We wanted to go. - We were so sad. - We knew it.

- There was an event. - The teacher

accompanied us. - We gave some


Female Grade 11th


14. NF:

- We payed. - It is so dark. - We walk. - We surprised by


NF: - We paid. - It was so dark. - We walked.

- We were surprised by NenekGayung.

Female Grade 11th


- We run so far. - She invite us. - We tired. - They invite us. - We find an exit door.

- We thankful to God.

- This is amazing.

- We ran so far. - She invited us. - We were tired. - They invited us. - We found an exit


- We were thankful to God.

- This was amazing.

15. OS:

- I and my friends gather.

- We were spent our time.

- To took a holiday. - And also to visited. - We were start our



- My friends and I gathered.

- We spent our time.

- To take a holiday. - And also to visit. - We started our trip.

Male Grade

11th 5

Based on the table above, the writer finds 90 errors which are going to be analyzed.The writer will analyze the data to find out the types of errors and the


causes of errors made by the students in using simple past tense when writing a recount text.

4.2 Findings

4.2.1 Types of Errors in using Simple Past Tense

In this section, the writer wants to analyze the error made by the eleventh year students at The Ark School Sidikalang based on Dulay, Burt, and Krashen. Those four types of errors are:

a. Errors of Omision b. Errors of Addition c. Misformation d. Misordering

Table 2

Omission of ed, Verb Past Tense, Past Auxiliary Verb.

No Students’ Original Sentences Reconstruction

1 JT:

- I bored in everything I did. - I breakfast.

- I was bored in everything I did. - I had breakfast.

2 RP:

- -

3 EMS:


- He want to attack. - We happy.

- He wanted to attack. - We were happy. 4 LS:

- -

5 KAS:

- I step on it. - I stepped on it.

6 FS:

- I wanted visit. - Someone push me.

- I wanted to visit. - Someone pushed me.

7 HS:

- I very happy. - I was very happy. 8 CS:

- -

9 YS:

- -

10 DS:

- I ask to Herman. - I decide to cancel.

- I asked Herman. - I decided to cancel.

11 DM:

- -

12 NV:

- There an accident. - I amazed.

- There was an accident. - I was amazed.


- People so busy. - People so lazy.

- People were so busy. - People were so lazy. 13 NAS:

- There an event. - There was an event.

14 NF:

- We walk.

- We surprised by Nenek Gayung.

- She invite us. - We tired. - They invite us. - We thankful to God.

- We walked.

- We were surprised by Nenek Gayung.

- She invited us. - We were tired. - They invited us.

- We were thankful to God.

15 OS:

- I and my friends gather. - My friends and I gathered.

From the original sentences, we can see that the students often omitted – edinconstructing past tense verb. Grammatically, we should consider to subject and agreement. The students also often omitted was/were in past nominal sentence.


Table 3

Addition –ed, To be.

No Students’ Original Sentences Reconstruction

1 JT:

- I could played. - I could play.

2 RP:

- We didn’t know how to grilled. - We didn’t know how to grill. 3 EMS:

- We planned to played. - We would played. - To filled.

- We planned to play. - We would play. - To fill.

4 LS:

- -

5 KAS:

- -

6 FS:

- I was dreamed. - I dreamed.

7 HS:

- I went to visited my friend. - I went to visit my friend.

8 CS:


9 YS:

- We would visited my grandmother.

- We would visit my grandmother.

10 DS:

- To visited my friend. - I was visited my friend. - Herman was came.

- To visit my friend. - I visited my friend. - Herman came. 11 DM:

- -

12 NV:

- It is caused many unemployments. - It caused many unemployments.

13 NAS:

- My classmate went to visited our friend.

- We were heard it. - We were visited her.

- My classmate went to visit our friend.

- We heard it. - We visited her. 14 NF:

- -

15 OS:

- We were spent our time. - And also to visited.

- We spent our time. - And also to visit.


We can see that the students often added –ed to to-infinitive verbs. Grammatically, we should consider to subject and agreement. The students also often added was/were in past verbal sentence.

Table 4


No Original Reconstruction

1 JT:

- It’s not a great holiday. - I wake up.

- It is not fun.

- It was not a great holiday. - I woke up.

- It was not fun.

2 RP:

- We managed to held a simple barbeque party.

- He teached us. - How to made. - We looking for.

- We managed to hold a simple barbeque party.

- He taught us. - How to make. - We looked for. 3 EMS:

- Chandra shooted. - To made.

- We couldn’t made. - We lose.

- Chandra shot. - To make.

- We couldn’t make. - We lost.


4 LS:

- We walked and talking. - She say goodbye.

- We walked and talked. - She said goodbye. 5 KAS:

- The blood was stop. - The blood stopped.

6 FS:

- This is a big chance. - This is the place.

- This was a big chance. - This was the place.

7 HS:

- I will meet my old friend. - I don’t know.

- I try to ask someone. - But nobody know it. - I try to ask an office boy. - Then he tell me

- I would meet my old friend. - I didn’t know.

- I tried to ask someone. - But nobody knew it.

- I tried to ask an office boy. - Then he told me

8 CS:

- I decided went to her house. - How surprised I am.

- I decided to go to her house. - How surprised I was.

9 YS:

- I asked her when will we doing it.

- We would went.

- When I seeked my phone. - I can’t found it.

- I asked her when we would do it.

- We would go.

- When I sought my phone. - I couldn’t find it.


10 DS:

- My big family come to my house. - My big family came to my house.

11 DM:

- I go.

- I don’t know. - We have promise. - I accompany him. - I can’t forget. - My friend was die.

- I went.

- I didn’t know. - We had promise. - I accompanied him. - I couldn’t forget. - My friend died.

12 NV:

- We must flew.

- The accident are caused by bad weather.

- To saw.

- We had to fly.

- The accident was caused by bad weather.

- To see. 13 NAS:

- We want went. - We are so sad. - We know it.

- The teacher accompany us. - We given some advices.

- We wanted to go. - We were so sad. - We knew it.

- The teacher accompanied us. - We gave some advices.


14 NF:

- We payed. - It is so dark. - We run so far. - We find an exit door. - This is amazing.

- We paid. - It was so dark. - We ran so far.

- We found an exit door. - This was amazing.

15 OH:

- To took a holiday. - We were start our trip.

- To take a holiday. - We started our trip.

Misformation is the error of using one ungrammatical form in the place of another grammatical form. After analyzing students’ errors in using simple past tense, the writer finds 50 errors made by the students. All students made errors in misformation. Such as JT in her original sentences: JT:It’s not a great holiday., I wake up., It is not fun.JT should have written: It was not a great holiday., I woke up., Itwas not fun.

The only error which students do not make is misordering. It indicates that students comprehend word order well.

In table 5 and table 6 we can see the total and the percentage of errors that students make.


Table 5

Types of Error

No Students’ Initial

Type of Error Total

of Error Omission Addition Misformation Misorder

1. JT 2 1 3 - 6

2. RP - 1 4 - 5

3. EMS 3 3 4 - 10

4. LS - - 2 - 2

5. KAS 1 - 1 - 2

6. FS 2 1 2 - 5

7. HS 1 1 6 - 8

8. CS - - 2 - 2

9. YS - 1 4 - 5

10. DS - - 1 - 1

11. DM 2 3 6 - 11

12 NV 4 1 3 - 8

13 NAS 1 3 5 - 9

14 NF 6 - 5 - 11

15 OS 1 2 2 - 5


Table 6

Types of Errors, Frequency and Percentage

No Types of Error Frequency Percentage

1 Omission 23 25%

2 Addition 17 19%

3 Misformation 50 56%

4 Misordering - -

Total 90 100%

Based on the table above, we know that the the most errors made by the the eleventh year students of The Ark School Sidikalang is Misformation. The amount of error is 50errors or 56% of the total errors made. In brief, the students tend to use one ungrammatical form in place of another grammatical form.


4.2.2Causes of Errors

A. Over – Generalization

The learner has tendency to sampling the formations or the rules of the target language. It seems that the learners tend to use simple rules to generalize the other uses. In the past tense, for instance, we should add –ed to the regular verb.

E.g. I did not visited Bali.

The learners add –ed after did. The learner generlized that the end –ed is used for past activities in regular verb as a pattern of simple past “did” followed by V1.

Table 7

Cause of Errors: Over - Generalization

No Students’ Original Sentences Reconstruction

1 JT:

- I could played. - I could play.

2 RP:

- We managed to held a simple barbecue party.

- We didn’t know how to grilled. - He teached us.

- How to made. - We looking for.

- We managed to hold a simple barbecue party.

- We didn’t know how to grill. - He taught us.

- How to make. - We looked for. 3 EMS:


- We planned to played. - We would played. - To filled.

- Chandra shooted. - To made.

- We couldn’t made. - We lose.

- We planned to play. - We would play. - To fill.

- Chandra shot. - To make.

- We couldn’t make. - We lost.

4 LS:

- -

5 KAS:

- -

6 FS:

- -

7 HS:

- I went to visited my friend. - I went to visit my friend.

8 CS:

- I decided went to her house. - I decided to go to her house.

9 YS:

- We would visited my grandmother. - We would went.

- We would visit my grandmother. - We would go. 10 DS:


11 DM:

- To visited my friend. - To visit my friend. 12 NV:

- To saw. - To see.

13 NAS:

- My classmate went to visited our friend.

- My classmate went to visit our friend.

14 NF:

- We payed. - We paid.

15 OS:

- And also to visited. - To took a holiday.

- And also to visit. - To take a holiday.

B. Ignore of Rules Restriction

In this case, the learnes ignore the restriction of existing structure that is the application of rules to contexts where they do not apply.

Such as:

In there, many people to invited family and friends.

The addition of te first to because of the ignorance of the rule restriction. The students already got lesson about to infinitive, those are before verb, we have to use to. Because of this phenomenon, the applied to in the new condition sentence “in there many people to invited...”

In addition, the addition of to, derive from the students’ knowledge about the dictionary stated that all the verb begin with to.


Table 8

Cause of Errors: Ignore of Rules Restriction

No Students’ Original Sentences Reconstruction

1 JT:

- I bored in everything I did. - I breakfast.

- I was bored in everything I did. - I had breakfast.

2 RP:

- -

3 EMS: - I join.

- He want to attack. - We happy.

- I joined.

- He wanted to attack. - We were happy. 4 LS:

- -

5 KAS:

- I step on it. - I stepped on it.

6 FS:

- I wanted visit. - Someone push me.

- I wanted to visit. - Someone pushed me.

7 HS:

- I very happy. - I was very happy. 8 CS:


9 YS:

- -

10 DS:

- -

11 DM:

- I ask to Herman. - I decide to cancel.

- I asked to Herman. - I decided to cancel. 12 NV:

- There an accident. - I amazed.

- People so busy. - People so lazy.

- There was an accident. - I was amazed.

- People were so busy. - People were so lazy. 13 NAS:

- There an event. - There was an event. 14 NF:

- We walk.

- We surprised by Nenek Gayung.

- She invite us. - We tired. - They invite us. - We thankful to God.

- We walked.

- We were surprised by Nenek Gayung.

- She invited us. - We were tired. - They invited us.

- We were thankful to God.

15 OH:


C. Incomplete Application of Rules

As defined by Richards (1970: 15), second language learners' incomplete application of rules means "The occurrence of structures whose deviancy represents the degree of development of the rules required to produce acceptableutterances."For instance,although student has been excessively taught the form of a proper question, he still uses the statement form instead of the question form or he just add the question words at the beginning of the sentence, assuming that he has transferred the statement into a question. In fact, he has not. For example, such questions as below may be produced by second language learners:

"What you often do in the evening?" "You speak English?"

Table 9

Cause of Errors: Incomplete Application of Rules

No Students’ Original Sentences Reconstruction

1 JT:

- It’s not a great holiday. - I wake up.

- It is not fun.

- It was not a great holiday. - I woke up.

- It was not fun. 2 RP:

- -

3 EMS:


4 LS:

- We walked and talking. - She say goodbye.

- We walked and talked. - She said goodbye. 5 KAS:

- -

6 FS:

- This is a big chance. - This is the place.

- This was a big chance. - This was the place.

7 HS:

- I will meet my old friend. - I don’t know.

- I try to ask someone. - But nobody know it. - I try to ask an office boy. - Then he tell me.

- I would meet my old friend. - I didn’t know.

- I tried to ask someone. - But nobody knew it.

- I tried to ask an office boy. - Then he told me.

8 CS:

- How surprised I am. - How surprised I was.

9 YS:

- I asked her when will we doing it.

- I can’t found it.

- I asked her when we would do it.

- I couldn’t find it. 10 DS:

- My big family come to my house. - My big family came to my house.


11 DM: - I go.

- I don’t know. - We have promise. - I can’t forget.

- I went.

- I didn’t know. - We had promise. - I couldn’t forget. 12 NV:

- We must flew.

- The accident are caused by bad weather.

- We had to fly.

- The accident was caused by bad weather.

13 NAS:

- We want went. - We are so sad. - We know it.

- The teacher accompany us.

- We wanted to go. - We were so sad. - We knew it.

- The teacher accompanied us. 14 NF:

- It is so dark. - We run so far. - We find an exit door. - This is amazing.

- It was so dark. - We ran so far.

- We found an exit door. - This was amazing. 15 OS:


D. False Concepts Hypothesized

It happened due to misconception of the difference in the target language. False concept hypothesized is a class of developmental errors, which derive from faulty comprehension of distractions in the target langauge. The poor teaching techniques sometimes create the false comprehension.

Such as:

a. I was dreamed.

b. I was visited my friend.

In this case the learners use false concepts to be the learners misunderstand it. For example, when the teacher teaches present tense, the teacher usually starts with the teaching of to be: am, is, are, then teaching the verb. It is also often found in the teaching of past tense. When the teacher presents the items poorly, the learner may have a false assumption, such as am, is, are the sign of present activities and was, were are the sign of past activities.

Table 10

Cause of Errors: False Concepts Hypothesized

No Students’ Original Sentences Reconstruction 1 JT:

- -

2 RP:


3 EMS:

- -

4 LS:

- -

5 KAS:

- -

6 FS:

- I was dreamed. - I dreamed.

7 HS:

- -

8 CS:

- -

9 YS:

- When I seeked my phone. - When I sought my phone. 10 DS:

- -

11 DM:

- I was visited my friend. - Herman was came. - My friend was die.

- I visited my friend. - Herman came. - My friend died. 12 NV:

- It is caused many unemployments.

- It caused many unemployments.


13 NAS:

- We were heard it. - We were visited her. - We given some advices.

- We heard it. - We visited her.

- We gave some advices. 14 NF:

- -

15 OH:

- We were spent our time. - We were start our trip.

- We spent our time. - We started our trip.


Table 11

Total Causes of Error


Students’ Initial

Causes of Error

Total of Error Over- Generalizat ion Ignore of Rule Restriction Incomplete Application of Rules False Concepts Hypothesi zed

1. JT 1 2 3 - 6

2. RP 5 - - - 5

3. EMS 7 3 1 - 11

4. LS - - 2 - 2

5. KAS - 1 - 1 2

6. FS - 2 2 1 5

7. HS 1 1 6 - 8

8. CS 1 - 1 - 2

9. YS 2 - 2 1 5

10. DS - - 1 - 1

11. DM 1 2 4 3 10

12 NV 1 4 2 1 8

13 NAS 1 1 4 3 9

14 NF 1 6 4 - 11

15 OS 2 1 - 2 5


Table 12

Cause of Errors, Frequency and Percentage

No Causes of Error Frequency Percentage

1 Over – Generalization 23 25%

2 Ignore of Rule Restriction 23 25%

3 Incomplete Application of Rules

32 36%

4 False Concepts Hypothesized 12 14%

Total 90 100%

The table above, shows that incomplete application of rules is themost dominant cause of error done by the students.


Table 13

Causes of Error based on Interview

To find out why some students still make some errors on using simple past tense when writing a recount text, the writer interviews the 15 students tested.

No. Pertanyaan Interview

Jawaban Interview

Ya Sedang Tidak


Do you understand “Simple Past Tense” well?

5 7 3

2 Do you understand “Recount writing”well? 7 6 2


Can you differentiate between nominal sentence and verbal sentence?

8 4 3

The table above, shows that 5 students cope well with simple past tense, 7 students do not really understand it well, While 3 students admit that they do not cope well with simple past tense. Seven students say that they comprehend recount writing well, 6 students admit that they sometimes find difficulty in writing recount text, while 2 students admit that they do not understand recount writing. Eight students are really sure that they can differentiate between nominal sentence and verbal sentence, 4 students still sometimes doubt how to differentiate them, while 3 students say that they can’t differentiate them at all.




5.1 Conclusions

After analyzing the data, conclusions are drawn as follow:

1. There are 4 types of errors, namely: addition, omission, misformation and misordering. It is found that number of error omission is 23 or 25%, addition is 17 or 19%, misformation is 50or 56%. No student makes error in misordering. Therefore, the dominant types of error is misformation.

2. There are 4 causes of errors, namely: over-generalization, ignorance of rule restriction, incomplete application of rules and false concepts hypothesized. It is found that for over generalization there is 23 or 25%, ignore of rule restriction is 23 or 25%, incomplete application of rules is 32 or 36%, and false concepts hypothesized is 12 or 14%. So, the dominant cause of errors is incomplete application of rules.


5.2 Suggestions

Having known the types and causes of errors, I would like to give some suggestions both to students and teachers in order to make students write better recount writing.

1. Students should often review how to use simple past tense correctly, memorize more verbs including past forms.

2. Students should have diary to write their past activities in order to practise using simple past tense.

3. Teachers should teach more verbs including in past forms

4. Teachers should often make students practise using past tense both in speaking and writing.



Arikunto, Suharsimi. 2006. ProsedurPenelitian: SuatuPendekatanPraktik. Jakarta: AsdiMahasatya.

Ary, Donald. 1979. Introduction to Research in Education, Second Edition. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston.

Azar, Betty Scrampter. 1989. Understanding and Using English Grammar, Second Edition. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc.

Brown, H. Douglas. 1980. Principles of Language Learning and Teaching. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall, Inc.

Corder, S. P. 1973.Introducing Applied Linguistics. Baltimore: Pinguin Publisher. Depdiknas. 2003. Kurikulum 2004 Mata PelajaranBahasaInggris SMA. Jakarta. Dulay, Heidi et al. 1982. Language Two. New York: Oxford University Press. Ellis, Rod. 1989. The Study of Second Language Acquisition. New York: Oxford

University Press.

Francis, W. Nelson. 1958. The Structure of American English. New York: The Ronald Press Company.

Haycraft, J. 1978. An Introduction to English language Teaching. London: Longman. Heaton, J. B. 1975. Writing English Language Test. London: Longman Group, Ltd. Hendrickson, James M. 1980. Error Correction in Foreign Language Teaching:

Recent Theory, Research and Practice. In Reading on English as second languaged(2nd ed.),K Croft (Ed.). Cambridge, MA: Withrop Publisher. Kenney, William. 1966. How to Analyze Fiction. New York: Monarch Press Lim, KiatBoey. 1973. An Introduction to Linguistic for the Language Teacher. Navigation. Search. Wikipedia/ the Free Encyclopedia/ Survey.


Richard, Jack C. 1974. Error Analysis: Perspective on Second Language Acquisition. England: Longman Group Limited.

Sharma, S. K. 1991. Error Analysis. How and Why?. English Language Program Division.Washington D. C.

Thornbury, Scott. How to Teach Grammar. England: Longman Group Limited. Ellis., R. (20 0 8 ). The Study of Second Language Acquisition. 2nd ed. Oxford: OUP.





Subject : Writing

Day : Friday/April , 2014

Class : 11th year

Time Allocation : 60 Minutes

Read the instruction below!

1. Write your name, number, and class on the answer sheet.

2. Read the topics carefully and circle one that is the best for you, the topics are: a. Holiday

b. Family togetherness c. Visiting a friend

3. Write the outline of your paragraph. 4. Write a recount in about 100 words.

5. Check your composition carefully. Use correct spelling, capitalization, and punctuation.



1. ApakahAndamemahami simple past tense denganbaik? 2. ApakahAndamengerti recount writing dantahumembuatnya?




No Nama

Type of Error Total

of Error Omission Addition Misformation Misorder

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12 13 14 15


5.2 Suggestions

Having known the types and causes of errors, I would like to give some suggestions both to students and teachers in order to make students write better recount writing.

1. Students should often review how to use simple past tense correctly, memorize more verbs including past forms.

2. Students should have diary to write their past activities in order to practise using simple past tense.

3. Teachers should teach more verbs including in past forms

4. Teachers should often make students practise using past tense both in speaking and writing.


68 References

Arikunto, Suharsimi. 2006. ProsedurPenelitian: SuatuPendekatanPraktik. Jakarta: AsdiMahasatya.

Ary, Donald. 1979. Introduction to Research in Education, Second Edition. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston.

Azar, Betty Scrampter. 1989. Understanding and Using English Grammar, Second Edition. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc.

Brown, H. Douglas. 1980. Principles of Language Learning and Teaching. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall, Inc.

Corder, S. P. 1973.Introducing Applied Linguistics. Baltimore: Pinguin Publisher. Depdiknas. 2003. Kurikulum 2004 Mata PelajaranBahasaInggris SMA. Jakarta. Dulay, Heidi et al. 1982. Language Two. New York: Oxford University Press. Ellis, Rod. 1989. The Study of Second Language Acquisition. New York: Oxford

University Press.

Francis, W. Nelson. 1958. The Structure of American English. New York: The Ronald Press Company.

Haycraft, J. 1978. An Introduction to English language Teaching. London: Longman. Heaton, J. B. 1975. Writing English Language Test. London: Longman Group, Ltd. Hendrickson, James M. 1980. Error Correction in Foreign Language Teaching:

Recent Theory, Research and Practice. In Reading on English as second languaged(2nd ed.),K Croft (Ed.). Cambridge, MA: Withrop Publisher. Kenney, William. 1966. How to Analyze Fiction. New York: Monarch Press Lim, KiatBoey. 1973. An Introduction to Linguistic for the Language Teacher. Navigation. Search. Wikipedia/ the Free Encyclopedia/ Survey.


Richard, Jack C. 1974. Error Analysis: Perspective on Second Language Acquisition. England: Longman Group Limited.

Sharma, S. K. 1991. Error Analysis. How and Why?. English Language Program Division.Washington D. C.

Thornbury, Scott. How to Teach Grammar. England: Longman Group Limited. Ellis., R. (20 0 8 ). The Study of Second Language Acquisition. 2nd ed. Oxford: OUP.





Subject : Writing

Day : Friday/April , 2014

Class : 11th year

Time Allocation : 60 Minutes

Read the instruction below!

1. Write your name, number, and class on the answer sheet.

2. Read the topics carefully and circle one that is the best for you, the topics are: a. Holiday

b. Family togetherness c. Visiting a friend

3. Write the outline of your paragraph. 4. Write a recount in about 100 words.

5. Check your composition carefully. Use correct spelling, capitalization, and punctuation.

6. Write a complete paragraph of your outline above on the answer sheet.



1. ApakahAndamemahami simple past tense denganbaik? 2. ApakahAndamengerti recount writing dantahumembuatnya?




No Nama

Type of Error Total

of Error Omission Addition Misformation Misorder

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12 13 14 15