Kinds of Plot Based on Criterion of Times Order Kinds of Plot Based on the Criterion of Number

Fadly Ramadansyah : The Intrinsic Elements In Syafrina Siregar’s Novel, Psychology Love, 2010. generating circumstances, is when conflict happened for the first time and it will develop or being developing as conflicts in the next step. Third, the step of rising option action is conflict that had happened in previous step will become more developing and being developing its intensity. The external and internal conflict, contrast among the interest problem and character that tends to climax cannot be avoid anymore. Fourth, the step of climax is when conflicts and contrast that had been happened to the characters reached culminating point. The main character who has subject and object of conflict will realize the climax. A long fiction may be has more than one climax. Finally, the denouement’s step, in which conflict and contrast that had reached climax are being solved and made clear. However, actually, the author did not arrange these five step chronologically. In literary work, there are several kinds of plots based on different criteria.

2.2.1 Kinds of Plot Based on Criterion of Times Order

According to Nurgiyantoro, “Urutan waktu yang dimaksud adalah waktu terjadinya peristiwa-peristiwa yang diceritakan dalam karya fiksi yang bersangkutan” Nurgiyantoro, 1998: 152, which means that times order means that time when the events happened in a story or there is an order in telling the story exactly translated by the writer. Times order has relations to the steps of plot, and the author has freedom of creativity to manipulate the times order. There are three kinds of plots based on times order. First, the progressive plot that is the plot in which the events are told chronologically, first event is followed by the next events first event causes next Fadly Ramadansyah : The Intrinsic Elements In Syafrina Siregar’s Novel, Psychology Love, 2010. events. In other word, the story is started from the earlier step situation, introduction and conflict. Then the middle step rising conflict, climax and finally the last step solution. Second, flashback plot is the plot in which the events are not told chronologically. The story is not started from the earlier, but may be from the middle or even from the last step, and then the first step will be told. This plot serves conflict directly, even the conflict that almost reach climax while the readers have not known situation and problem yet. This plot can be called as the plot in medias res as well. Third, the mixed plot is the mixture between progressive plot and flashback plot. Because in fact, almost none of the novels use progressive or flashback plot absolutely.

2.2.2 Kinds of Plot Based on the Criterion of Number

A novel maybe has one plot; it is called a single plot. But it may have more than one plot as well and it is called as sub-plot. A fiction which has single plot usually just develops a story by telling a main character who is protagonist and acts as a hero. Generally, the story only follows the life of this character, problem and conflict that he got. This plot is usually used in biographic novel. Of course, there are also other characters in this work, but they are only being told if they are related of the main characters. The sub-plot develops a story by telling more than one plot. Its structure contains a main plot, some additional plots sub-plots based on order of Fadly Ramadansyah : The Intrinsic Elements In Syafrina Siregar’s Novel, Psychology Love, 2010. importance, and the role of characters in the story. According to Abrams 1981:138, sub-plots are parts are parts of main plots which telling the second story in order to clear up and extended the readers perception about the main plot, and support the whole story.

2.2.3 Kinds of Plot Based on the Criterion of Content