The Intrinsic Elements “ Kiss me while i sleep” Novel By Linda Howard





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Dra. Swesana Mardia Lubis, M,Hum.

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I am MAHESA ZULFANI, declare that I am the sole author of this paper. Except where reference is made in the text of this paper, this paper contains no material published elsewhere or extracted in whole or in part from a paper a paper by which I have qualified for or awarded another degree.

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NOVEL BY LINDA HOWARD Qualification : D-III / Ahli Madya

Study Program : English

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Novel adalah karya fiksi manusia yang berisi cerita menarik yang sengaja dikreasikan oleh pengarang agar dapat memberikan kesan dan pesan tertentu bagi pembaca. Novel juga merupakan salah satu bentuk kesusastraan yang mengandung nilai seni dan budaya. Dengan demikian, novel bisa disebut sebagai sebuah totalitas dari suatu keseluruhan yang lebih bersifat artistik yang mempunyai unsur intrinsik. Diantara banyaknya novel yang telah kita baca adalah merupakan hasil karya para novelis terkenal, dan salah satu novelis terkenal adalah Linda Howard. Salah satu karyanya “ Kiss Me While I Sleep” menarik minat penulis untuk lebih mendalami unsur-unsur intrinsik novel ini dan menuangkannya dalam kertas karya. Unsur intrinsik yang dibahas dalam kertas karya ini mencakup: tema, alur, cerita, penokohan, latar dan sudut pandang.. Dalam penulisan kertas karya ini penulis menggunakan metode penelitian perpustakaan (library research) yaitu membaca novel “ Kiss Me While I Sleep” dan mempelajarinya berdasarkan buku-buku teori kesusastraan. Dari hasil pembahasan tersebut penulis membuat kesimpulan bahwa tema novel adalah pembalasan dendam seorang wanita agen CIA kepada seorang kepala mafia karena telah membunuh teman-temannya . Pembalasan dendam tersebut berujung kepada usaha menyelamatkan dunia karena ternyata grup mafia tersebut sedang membuat virus flu yang dapat memusnahkan umat manusia.



Time has been passing so fast that it seems like yesterday when I for the first time came to this faculty as new student at English Study Program. Now in my last grade in English Study Program, I have a responsibility to write a paper as one the requirements for Diploma III.

I would like to thank the Almighty God ALLAH SWT, who has given me health and capability to finish this paper as my last assignment to finish my study at English Diploma Program University of Faculty of North Sumatra.

Further, I also would like to thank to the Dean of Faculty of Letters, University of North Sumatra, Drs. Syaifuddin, M.A,Phd and the Head of English Diploma Program, Dra. Syahyar Hanum,DPFE.

I would like to thank to my supervisor, Dra. Swesana Mardia Lubis, M,Hum, who is so generous and patience for their valuable advise, guidance, suggestion, and time in correcting this paper. I would like to thank to my reader Drs. Muhizar Muchtar, M.S., for his time and attention to read my paper. My gratitude is also dedicated to all of my lecturers who have taught me in my study for their knowledge and guidance.

To my beloved father, Zulfan and my beloved mother, Riswati. I would like to express my gratitude for their love and support during my entire life. To my sisters Wina and Airin, thank you for supporting me to finish this paper.


To my cousin Budi and Taufik, thank you so much for supporting me during my study at English Diploma Program University of North Sumatra.

To my best friend, Sulis, Rina, Tri, Julia, and Erni, thank you for being nice best friend and supporting me to finish this paper. Keep on our friendship forever!. To my friends at class A and B of the 2007 academic year who can’t I mention one by one, thank for our friendship while we are in this faculty.


Reg. No. 072202015 MAHESA ZULFANI





ABSTRACT ... iii



1. Introduction ... 1-5 1.1. Background of Study ... 1

1.2. Scope of Study ... 4

1.3. Purpose of Study ... 4

1.4. Significance of Study ... 4

2. Intrinsic Elements ... 6-14 2.1. Theme ... 6

2.2. Plot ... 6

2.3. Character ... 10

2.3.1. Main Character... 11

2.3.2. Minor Character ... 12

2.4. Setting ... 12

2.5. Point of view ... 13

3.The Intrinsic Elements of “Kiss Me While I Sleep” ...15-21 3.1 Theme ... 15

3.2 Plot ... 15


3.3.1 Main Character ... 15

3.3.2 Minor Character ... 18

3.4 Setting ... 20

3.5 Point of View ... 20

4. Summary of Kiss Me While I Sleep ...21-26 5. Conclusion and Suggestion ... 27

5.1. Conclusions ... 27

5.2. Suggestions ... 27 BIOGRAPHY...28-31 REFERENCES ...



Novel adalah karya fiksi manusia yang berisi cerita menarik yang sengaja dikreasikan oleh pengarang agar dapat memberikan kesan dan pesan tertentu bagi pembaca. Novel juga merupakan salah satu bentuk kesusastraan yang mengandung nilai seni dan budaya. Dengan demikian, novel bisa disebut sebagai sebuah totalitas dari suatu keseluruhan yang lebih bersifat artistik yang mempunyai unsur intrinsik. Diantara banyaknya novel yang telah kita baca adalah merupakan hasil karya para novelis terkenal, dan salah satu novelis terkenal adalah Linda Howard. Salah satu karyanya “ Kiss Me While I Sleep” menarik minat penulis untuk lebih mendalami unsur-unsur intrinsik novel ini dan menuangkannya dalam kertas karya. Unsur intrinsik yang dibahas dalam kertas karya ini mencakup: tema, alur, cerita, penokohan, latar dan sudut pandang.. Dalam penulisan kertas karya ini penulis menggunakan metode penelitian perpustakaan (library research) yaitu membaca novel “ Kiss Me While I Sleep” dan mempelajarinya berdasarkan buku-buku teori kesusastraan. Dari hasil pembahasan tersebut penulis membuat kesimpulan bahwa tema novel adalah pembalasan dendam seorang wanita agen CIA kepada seorang kepala mafia karena telah membunuh teman-temannya . Pembalasan dendam tersebut berujung kepada usaha menyelamatkan dunia karena ternyata grup mafia tersebut sedang membuat virus flu yang dapat memusnahkan umat manusia.



1.1 Background of Study

The terms of novel can be defined as a literary composition. It tells a story which usually shows the human conflict through writing a dialogue ( Webster’s New World Dictionary : 1988 ). Holderness ( 1985 : 52 ) says that novel is attempting to give the reader the impression that is “ imitating life” in every direct way. That the events we are reading about are very close to the common flow of everyday experience. It means that novel is a literary work that was written to tell about the human conflict, struggle, life, etc. Further, Scott (1980 : 196 ) states that a novel is fictitious prose narrative dealing with human beings and their actions over a period of time, and displaying varieties of human character in relation to life. In other word, a novel must talk about character of the role play. The novel is a picture of real life and manners of the time which was written. Some of them are fiction ( unreal) and some are nonfiction ( real), in nonfiction novel, the authors present actual people and events. Good novels bring a message to the reader who read it.

Chock-full of the intrigue, breathless action, and sensuality that have made Linda Howard the master of romantic suspense, Kiss Me While I Sleep is a daring thriller of passion, sudden twists, and richly imagined characters who live and breathe in readers’ hearts. It is the most gripping and complex novel of Linda Howard’s career.


Kiss me while I sleep tells the story of a job that makes a killing. Efficient, professional, and without apology, Lily Mansfield is a hired assassin, working as a contract agent for the CIA. Her targets are the powerful and corrupt, those who can be touched by the law.

Now after nineteen years of service, Lily has been drawn into a dangerous game that hasn’t been sanctioned, seeking vengeance for her own reasons. Each move bolder than the next, she is compromising her superiors, drawing unwanted attention, and endangering her very life. Though stress and shock that made her feel somewhat invincible and a little cocky, Lily knows that she too can be taken out in an instant. And if it’s her time, so be it. She intends to go down fighting.

A CIA agent himself, Lucas Swain recognizes the signs of trauma in the line of fire. His orders: either bring her in or bring her down. Yet he too is drawn into the game with Lily Mansfield, dancing on a tightrope as he tries to avoid a major international incident while still battling a tenacious foe who is dogging their every step. Keeping laser focus on the task at hand while vigilantly watching her back, Mansfield never sees the lethal peril that lies direcly in her path…and how loyalty has a price.

This novel is very famous and an enjoyable easy-to-read novel, one that will keep you guessing until the very last page. The writer liked this book for its varying narrations, its intricate plot, the extensiveness of plot (how the plot had several sections to it) and its epilogue. (Epilogues can be cheesy, but this one was very necessary!) Okay, sometimes the details given were too much (like what how


they discarded papers they didn't need), and this was so good and timely that it was scarey because it dealt with a flu-virus that would go worldwide and kill millions, very thought provoking.

Kiss Me While I Sleep mainly focused in on what Lily was planning to do. First she was going to kill Salvatore. Once that was done, she had other things she wanted to do that because clear a little later into the book. Lucas ended up helping Lily with what she was going to do. They were attracted to each, and developed feelings for each other. Lily was very wary about getting involved since her last relationship ended very badly. The man had been sent to kill her. I didn’t think that the growing relationship between Lucas and Lily took away from the other aspects of the book. The few things that I thought were predictable about the book were related to their relationship. That didn’t keep me from enjoying the book though. There were some sex scenes between them.

There weren’t that many of those scenes, but they were very descriptive. Linda Howard does tend to write explicit sex scenes. People who have read her other books and haven’t had a problem with those scenes should be fine with this book too.

So, the writer believes this novel is very interesting to be discussed. In this case, the writer would like to discuss about intrinsic elements in Linda Howard novel which is entitled “ Kiss Me While I Sleep”.

People that are offended by those scenes should probably look for a different book.


1.2 Scope of Study

There are many aspects that can be analyzed about this novel, those are interesting to be studied but I am more interested in the intrinsic elements which consist of : Theme, Plot, Characterizations, Setting, and Point of View, Morality, and Style. But to avoid the readers getting confused, in this study the writer would like to describe only five intrinsic elements of Linda Howard’s novel “ Kiss Me While I Sleep” : Theme, Plot, Characterizations, Setting and Point of View.

1.3 Purpose of Study

The purpose of this study are as in the following:

1. The writer wants to know more in detail about the intrinsic elements of Linda Howard’s novel Kiss Me While I Sleep.

2. The writer wants to introduce the elements which support this novel to the people who have not read this novel yet.

3. The writer wants to prove the intrinsic elements of Linda Howard’s novel Kiss Me While I Sleep as one of her great novel.

4. To fulfill one of the requirements in order to complete my education in D-III English Department.

1.4 Significance of Study

The findings of this study are expected to be significant to the readers of literature, because they can show their inspiration, opinion, and idea through their


reading. It also may help the readers to know and understand about the intrinsic elements in a novel.

The writer expects that the readers will get knowledge, wisdom, and moral teaching from this novel, so that he / she can take a better life in his / her future.



2.1 Theme

A novel’s theme is the main idea that the writer expresses. Theme can also be defined as the action of the characters do. Rarely can a novel’s theme be interpreted in only one way. Because of the length of novels and the various characters, conflicts and scene found within them, readers can look at different aspect of the work to uncover different interpretations of the meaning of the tale.

Throughout the history of the novels, a major theme has been whether people can change their situations in life or whether they are in the grips of forces beyond their control.

A common theme in novels is the conflict between appearance and reality, the search for personal identity. The other common themes in novels include how act and life are reflected in one another, the meaning of the religion, and whether technology helps people or whether it is a harmful aspect of society. However, themes are the “keys” to understanding the novel.

2.2 Plot

The plot of the novel is the narrative and thematic development of the story, that is, what happens and what these events mean. By the statement ” the plot as a narrative of events, the emphasis falling on causality”, it means that plot is a series of events that depend on one another, not a sequence of unrelated episodes.


The existence of the plot itself is decided by three essential elements: events, conflict, and climax. An event is a attempt at solving the problem in the story. In a story are usually a number of attempts to solve. The problem and these events make up most of the story.

While, Wellek and Warren stated that “conflict is a dramatic thing, direct to competition between two balanced powers and shows action and reaction”.

Climax is the third element in a plot. This is a swift nemesis, the problem becomes violent or almost solved. The climax is far from the most important element of the story, but it most be there. In some cases the climax is near the beginning of the book or in another unusual place but it is most commonly at the end, sometimes at the very end. Often there is very little left after the climax and all that is needed is some resolution.

According to Nurgiantoro, there are five steps in plot:

First is introduction step. Introduction step contains with opening step of a story, etc. Introduction step really useable as the base of the next step.

The second step is step of generating circumstances, is when conflict happened for the first time and it will developed or being developed as conflict in the next step.

Next is the third step or the step of rising option action, is complete that had happened in previous step will become more developing and being developed its intensity. The external and internal conflict, contrast among the interest problem and character that tends to climax cannot be avoided anymore.


Fourth, the step of climax that is when conflict and contrast that had been happened to the characters reached culminating point. The main character who has subject and object of conflict will realize the climax. Not every story has one climax. A long fiction maybe has more than one climax.

Finally, the fifth step or the denouement’s step. In this step conflict and contrast that had reached climax are being solved and made clear. However, actually the author did not arrange these five step chronologically.

There are several kinds of plot based on different criteria in literary work as follow:

1. Kinds of plot based on the criterion of the time’s order:

Time’s order means that time when the events happened in a story or there is an order in telling the story exactly. There are three kinds of plot based on time’s order.

First, the plot in which the events are told chronologically. This plot called the progressive plot. In this plot first event is followed by the next event or first event cause the next events. In other word, this story is started from the earlier step; situation, introduction, and conflict. Then the middle step; rising conflict, climax, and finally the last step; solution.

Second, flashback plot is the plot in which the events are not told chronologically. The story is not started from the earlier, but maybe from the middle or even from the last step, and then the first step will be told. The serves


conflicts directly, even the conflict that almost reach climax while the readers have not known situation and problem yet.

The third plot is mixed plot. The mixed plot means that the plot is mixture between progressive plot and flashback plot.

2. Kinds of plot based on the criterion of number.

A story sometime has one plot, it is called a single plot. But sometime it has more than one plot and it is called as sub-plot. A novel which has single plot usually just tells a story by telling a main character who is protagonist and acts as a hero. In biographic novel usually used plot that the story only follows the life of protagonist character, problem and conflict that he got. Of course there are also another characters, but they are being told if they are related to the main character.

Meanwhile, the sub-plot develops a story by telling mote than one plot. Its structure contains a main plot, some additional plots or sub-plot based on order of importance, and the role of characters in the story. Sub-plot are parts of main plots which telling the second story in order to clear up and extend the reader perception about the main plot and support the whole story.

3. Kinds of plot based on the criterion of content

These plot divided into three majorities. Plot of fortune, plot of character, and plot of thought.


First, plot of fortune. This plot connects with the story that telling the luck and fortune of the main character in a story. This plot divided into six kinds: action plot, pathetic plot, punitive plot, and admiration plot.

The second plot is plot of character. Plot of character is more attentive to character’s condition then the events that related to the plot. This plot is divided into maturing plot, reform plot, testing plot and generation plot.

Finally the plot of thought tells something that becomes thinking material, willingness, feelings, obsessions, etc, that become the problem of life and human lives. This plot divided into education plot, revelation plot, affection plot, and disillusionment plot.

2.3. Character

The characters of a novel are the fictional figures who move through the plot. They are invented by the author and are made of words rather than of flesh and blood. Therefore they cannot be expected to have all the attributes of real human beings. The nevertheless, novelist do try to create fictional people whose situations affect the readers as the situations of real people would.

Authors describe the more simple characters in novels with no more than a few phrases that identify the character’s most important traits. These characters have little capacity for personal growth, and they appear in the novel as limited but necessary elements of the plot. Despite their small parts, such characters are often vivid.

In this case, Kennedy and Koesnosoebroto states that character as an imagined person who inhabits a story, Webster’s New Dictionary writes that


character is the total quality of person’s behavior. In addition, Janet says that character also reveal themselves in the way the: speak, act and think and the revelation is more propound when they are shown in one or more of these ways.

Abraham (1981 : 20) states that character is people who appeared in a narrative drama, and the readers interpret it as the person who has a moral quality and certain tendency such as being expressed in what they did.

According to Abraham statement, literary readers can say that novel is an epic story dealing with the human characters. Actually the characters in the novel are very important matters for the movement of the story. Beside that, they are also the creation of the author to his or her story that are interesting to read.

Gray (1988 :71) says: Characters are the invented, imagery persons in a dramatic or narrative work, which are given human qualities and behavior that we learn about them through dialogue, action, and description.

When author create charaters, they select some aspects of ordinary people, develop some of this whilst playing down others, and put them together they please. They result is not an ordinary people, but a fictional character that only exist in the world.

On the basis of importance, we can distinguish two types of character, main and minor character.

2.3.1. Main Character

Main character is character that is emphasized in a novel. According to Koesnosoebroto states that main character is the most important character in a story. This character appears in most of the story, either as subject or as object.


In certain novel, main character always appears in almost each event and can be found in each page of the novel. When we read any other literary work, we will usually deal with some character. There is character the classified as an important character and showed in the story continuosly. In this case, main character has always related with other character.

2.3.2. Minor Character

Minor characters are characters of less important than those of the main. It means that a story is about this character, but he can not stand on his own, he needs other character to make the story more convincing and lifelike (needless to say that we need other elements of a story such as setting).

2.4. Setting

The setting is the location where the story takes place. A story may take place in a home, countryside, town, school, or wherever the author chooses to have the action occur. The setting is usually revealed very early in a story.

The setting of a novel encompasses a number of different, but linked, elements:

a. Time : day or night, summer or rain, the historical period ( an actual date)

b. Place : inside or outside, country or city, specific town and country, real or fictional.


c. Social : the minor characters who take little part in advancing the plot, but whose presence contributes to the realism of the novel. d. Mood and atmosphere : eerie, dangerous, menacing, tense,

threatening, relaxing, happy, light-hearted, etc.

2.5. Point of View

Point of view is idea which an author presents a story. Many novels feature multiple points of view. There are three points of view:

1. First person point of view

In first person point of view the narrator is talking to the reader using phrases such as the reader may notice or reader, you may think. Often the writer will not talk to reader but will use pronouns I, me, or we. In this point of view the reader only gets the viewpoint f one character and does not know what the other character are thinking.

A story told in the first point of view is told by a character within the story. The firs person can be a major character or a minor character. The narrator may or may not be reliable.

2. Third point of view

Third person point of view can be recognized by the author’s use of the pronouns he, she, it or they. The narrator is not a part of he action, and can be in the mind of one or more characters at once but it still limited.


The third person point of view narrator allows the reader access to the thought of he main character. However, the third person point of view narrator can only relay one character’s perspective to the reader. In this way, the third person point of view narrator is like the first person narrator. The viewpoint recreates how an individual experiences the world.

3. Omniscient point of view

Omniscient literary means all knowing. Very few characters have this god-like knowledge of what everyone is thinking at all time. Limited omniscient may seem like a contradiction in terms. This occurs when point of view switches from character or is not assigned to one character. Thus while no character knows everything is happening the reader knows than any one character.

In a novel written from the point of view of an omniscient narrator want the reader knows what each character does and think. The reader maintains this knowledge as the plot from place to place or time to time.

An omniscient narrator can also provide the reader with direct assessment of action, character, and environment.



3.1 Theme

The theme of Kiss Me While I Sleep ( Saat Kuterlelap) is about revenge a CIA agent to a boss of mafia.

Kiss Me While I Sleep ( Saat Kuterlelap) uses the mixed plot in general. It starts the story by telling the middle step, then it tells the first step, and then the last step.

3.2 Plot

3.3 Character

3.3.1 Main Character

This novel has five main characters, they are :

1. Lily Mansfield - She had been a hired assassin working as a contract agent for the CIA for nineteen years. She was good at her job, but it was taking a toll on her. She had cut off relations with her family. She was close to two other contract agents and devastated when they were killed. She wanted revenge for her friends, and set out to get it. She planned carefully for the first thing she did, but after that, her planning wasn’t as extensive. She took risks and did underestimate a few people. She was a very determined woman. Even though she was a hired killer, she was kind and loving. Lily was in almost every scene of


the book. She was a complex character. Some people may think it would be hard to find a hired assassin likable, but I thought Lily was very likable. She did believe that she was doing good for her government and country. It can be seen from the quotation below:

“Lily terdiam sesaat. ”Aku tidak menganggap diriku sebagai pembunuh,” ujarnya pelan. “ Aku tak pernah mencelakai orang tak bersalah”. Aku menjalankan perintah membunuh saat ditugaskan negaraku, dan kurasa keputusan itu tidak dibuat sembarangan. Aku tak pernah berfikir seperti itu saat masih muda, tapi sekarang ku tau ada orang-orang jahat luar biasa hingga tak pantas hidup”.

2. Lucas Swain - He was the CIA agent sent after Lily. He had been in South America for ten years. He really only knew one man at headquarters. Lucas had gotten married right out of high school and he had two children that he didn’t see that often. He took responsibility for his marriage ending since he wasn’t home much. He felt bad that he didn’t see his kids more often, but was reluctant to try to change their relationship. He was a good agent, though he was very laid back. He acted a bit goofy at times, but he could also be serious. He became very protective of Lily as his feelings for her grew. He did some things that left him feeling very conflicted. It can be seen from the quotation below:


“Kehilangan Lily akan membuat Swain terpukul, dan ia malah membiarkan segala sesuatunya berkembang hingga ke titik dimana ia akan kehilangan wanita itu tak peduli apa yang ia lakukan, karena jika Swain mengakui jati dirinya yang sebenarnya kepada Lily, bahwa ia telah mencari tahu soal Lily selama ini, wanita itu hanya akan melihat pengkhianatan”.

3. Frank Vinay - He was the director of the CIA. He sent Lucas after Lily. Frank had noticed that the job was taking a toll on Lily, but he didn’t pull her before she went after Salvatore. Frank was feeling like it was getting time for him to retire, but he was waiting, hoping that John Medina would want to leave undercover work and take over his position. Frank Vinay had a definite idea for how Lucas should bring Lily in. He did take a personal interest in some of the agents. It can be seen from the quotation below:


Itu seleksi yang terjadi secara kebetulan mengingat petugas lapangan ku yang lain, John Medina tidak bisa ditarik begitu saja dari tempatnya sekarang, selain itu petugas lapangan lain mungkin takkan bisa menangani situasi tersebut seandal Swain saat keadaan berubah-ubah”.

Salvatore Nervi - He was a rich, powerful man who was also a criminal. He had been married, but dated a variety of women after his wife died. He was use to women falling over him and to people doing


whatever he wanted. It can be seen from the quotation below:

“Satu hal yang pasti, Salvatore mirip lebah madu, tak pernah bertahan cukup lama dengan satu pasangan hingga bisa terbentuk hubungan serius. Sejak kematian istrinya, kurang-lebih dua puluh tahun silam, Salvatore luar biasa aktif dalam bidang asmara. Lily melihat api amarah di mata pria itu. Pria itu Salvatore Nervi, dan ia tak terbiasa menerima kata tidak, terutama dari wanita yang telah ia beri kehormatan berupa perhatiannya”

5. Rodrigo Nervi – One ‘s of Salvatore son’s. Rodrigo was taking over after his father’s death. He was determined to find who killed his father and make them pay. Rodrigo has been involve his father’s business before he take over. It can be seen from the quotation below:

“Rodrigo harus mencari tau siapa yang telah melakukan ini, dan menghabisi pria-wanita itu . Organisasi Nervi tidak akan membiarkan hal ini berlaku tanpa perhitungan, atau reputasi Rodrigo akan hancur. Ia baru saja menempati kedudukan Salvatore, ia tak bisa sedikit pun membiarkan keraguan muncul atas kemampuannya atau keputusannya”.

This novel has some minor characters, they are : 3.3.2 Minor Character


destroyed the Nervi Laboratorium. It can be seen from the quotation below:

“Akulah yang memperkerjakan teman temanmu untuk menghancurkan laboratorium Nervi. Aku tak pernah mengira kejadiannya akan seperti itu. Seharusnya tidak ada yang mati.”

2. Georges Blanc – The CIA agent who spy on Lily Mansfield and he work for Rodrigo Nervi. It can be seen from the quotation below:

“Dengan Blanc melaksanakan tugasnya, Rodrigo bisa terus mengikuti perkembangan terakhir upaya pencarian CIA, dan saat mereka masuk ia akan mengambil kehormatan itu untuk membunuh Lily.”

3. Averil and Tina Joubran – Lily’s friends who has been kill by Nervi Organisation . It can be seen from the quotation below:

“Fakta yang lebih mengejutkan adalah, beberapa bulan lalu, dua sahabat terdekat Lily terbunuh di tangan Nervi.”


go worldwide and kill millions. Beside that he also made the vaksin which can made Nervi Organisation become rich. It can be seen from the quotation below:

“Ada sebuah virus, virus flu avian. Dokter Giordano telah mengubahnya, memungkinkan flu tersebut untuk bisa ditularkan antar manusia. Tujuannya untuk menimbulkan pandemic, dan pada akhirnya memunculkan permintaan tinggi terhadap vaksin yang juga telah ia kembangkan dan semua itu akan meraup kentungan yang luar biasa.”

5. Zia – Lily’s adopted daughter. It can be seen from the quotation below:

“Dalam dua hari Lily sudah mencintai bayi itu seakan akan ia sendiri yang melahirkannya. Lily menamai bayi itu Zia , karena menyukai nama itu.”

3.4 Setting

The author chooses Paris, from the luxurious Bristol Hotel to the seemingly peaceful Ile de France countryside, also England, and Greece.

3.5 Point of View

The author uses omniscient point of view as his technique to tell about the story of the novel.



At eighteen, Lily Mansfield was a marksman of note. So much so the CIA recruited her for her skill. She became a world-class contract assassin. Years prior while in Eastern Europe, Lily found an abandoned baby as she was escaping the country. Rather than consign the baby to a certain death, she took her, loved her, and treated her as a daughter.

Because of the constraints of her employment, Lily permitted her closest and only friends, retired contract agents Tina and Averill Joubran, to adopt Zia early on in order to provide a stable home. All three of them loved Zia and thirteen years later when Lily returned from a mission, she found them all had been murdered by Salvatore Nervi, a very dangerous and powerful man that was involved in criminal activities. This left Lily bereft, her last human contacts with the world gone. She has made revenge her life’s work.

She changed her appearance and set herself up in Paris as Denise Morel. Salvatore took interest in her when they met.

Salvatore Nervi was suspicious by nature, a fact that had saved his life so many times he probably didn’t remember all of the occasions. To Salvatore Nervi she was Denise Morel, which was a common enough surname for there to be plenty of Morels in France, but not so common that the name set off subconscious alarms.

Salvatore pursued her and they had a few dates. Lily knew that she had to get close to him to kill him. She’d have shot him if she could, but his protection was


excellent. She was routinely searched before being allowed anywhere near him; even their first two meetings had been at social occasions where all the guests were searched beforehand. Salvatore never got into a car in the open; his driver always pulled under a protected portico for him to enter, and he never went anywhere that required him to make an unprotected exit from the vehicle. If such an exit wasn’t possible, then he didn’t go.

Lily thought he must have a secure, secret exit from his house here in Paris, so that he could move about without anyone knowing, but if he did, she hadn’t spotted it yet. She decided on poison.

Lily has spent most of her assets buying a designer poison that can be injected into a bottle cork that will kill so quickly an antidote is impossible.

Poison wasn’t the weapon she would normally have chosen, it was the one she had been reduced to by Salvatore’s own obsession with security. Her preferred method was a pistol, and she would have used that even knowing she herself would be shot down on the spot, but she hadn’t been able to devise any method of getting a weapon anywhere near him. If she hadn’t been working alone, perhaps . . . but perhaps not. Salvatore had survived several assassination attempts, and had learned from each of them. Not even a sniper could get a clear shot at him.

Salvatore loved wine, especially hard to find wines. Salvatore was a wine connoisseur and was willing to pay any price to acquire a rare wine. More than that, he loved wine. He didn’t acquire bottles just to have them, he drank the wine, enjoyed it, waxed poetic about the different flavors and aromas.


This was her third date with Salvatore; from the beginning she had played it cooler than he wanted, refusing him the first two times he’d asked her out. That had been a calculated risk, one designed to allay his caution. Salvatore was accustomed to people seeking his attention, his favor; he wasn’t accustomed at all to being turned down. Her seeming lack of interest in him had piqued his own interest, because that was the thing about powerful people: they expected others to pay attention to them. She also refused to cater to his tastes, as in the wine. On their two previous dates he had tried to cajole her into tasting his wine, and she had adamantly refused. He had never before been with a woman who didn’t automatically try to please him, and he was intrigued by her aloofness.

Lily, in one of her many disguises, has maneuvered Salvatore to a dinner table with the poisoned wine being served. Her persona is that of a wine hater, but the vintage is so rare Salvatore forces her to take a sip. Knowing it could kill her, Lily found a rare bottle, doctored it with the poison, and made it available so Salvatore could get it. During the limited time she had spent with Salvatore, Lily established that Denise hated wine. She was with him when Salvatore got the doctored wine, and he insisted that she taste it.

By the time Salvatore knew anything was wrong, it would be too late, the poison would already have done most of its damage, shutting down his kidneys, his liver, affecting his heart. He would go into massive, multisystem failure. He she only pretended to take a sip, but the wine touched her lips, which was enough to make her very sick. She did recover, but one of her heart valves was damaged.


might live a few hours after that, perhaps even a full day, until his body finally shut down.

Killing Salvatore Nervi meant using either poison, or a massive weapon that would also kill any others nearby. Lily wouldn’t have minded killing Rodrigo or anyone else in Salvatore’s organization, but Salvatore was smart enough to always ensure there were innocents nearby. She couldn’t kill so casually and indiscriminately; in that, she was different from Salvatore. Perhaps that was the only difference, but for her own sanity, it was one she had to preserve.

Salvatore dies that night.

Rodrigo, Salvatore’s son, was furious about his father’s death. He was determined to find out who was responsible and make them pay,

The first place Rodrigo looks is to his father’s dining partner. His thugs find Lily near death and Salvatore has his staff nurse her back to health just in case she knows something. She recovers with a defective heart valve and, satisfied she is not culpable, Salvatore returns her to her home.

and heir to the very large and powerful syndicate, vows to find the killer.

But Lily has only just started her revenge. She moves to step two; to find the reason her friends apparently came out of retirement to accept a job that resulted in their death. Because Salvatore Nervi was also a CIA asset, she knows that her bosses will now consider her a rogue agent and send someone to kill her. Lily had more plans that put her in danger. She was thirty-seven years old. She’d been doing this since she was eighteen, so for over half her life she’d been an


assassin, and a damn good one at that, hence her longevity in the business. At first her age had been an asset: she had been so obviously young and fresh-faced that almost no one had seen her as a threat. She no longer had that asset, but experience had given her other advantages. That same experience, though, had also worn on her until she sometimes felt as fragile as a cracked eggshell.

Among the more lawful holding of the Nervi huge financial empire is a pharmaceutical company. It is engaged in a project to find a vaccine for the very lethal avian virus. This is indeed a topical issue, as one of today’s concerns is that this virus will mutate so that it will be spread from human to human. In this story, the Nervi lab is not only engineering the successful vaccine, but also is genetically altering the virus so it can spread rapidly from human to human, thus creating a market for the vaccine.

Once news of Salvatore’s death was released, the CIA figured out that Lily had been Denise, and involved in his death. Frank Vinay, the director, wanted Lily brought in. He send the best hunter in CIA, a handsome agent named Luke Swain with a singular Texas charm, who had been in South America for ten years, to bring Lily back. She has disappeared, which awakens Rodrigo’s suspicion so he throws his entire network into the same project.

Lucas finds Lily first. Knowing how deadly she is and in order to lull her suspicions, he offers to work with her.

Lucas was one step behind Lily for a while, but he was able to find her.

He ended up helping her out of a dangerous situation. By then, Lily realized that she would need help for what she


wanted to do and she decided to trust Lucas. He developed feelings for her. Lily started to trust him. Lily has held herself aloof too long from human contact. Swain’s funny human touch begins the process of recivilizing her and an incredibly strong and sensuous love evolves between them.

He too is drawn into the game with Lily Mansfield, dancing on a tightrope as he tries to avoid a major international incident while still battling a tenacious foe who is dogging their every step. Keeping laser focus on the task at hand while vigilantly watching her back, Mansfield never sees the lethal peril that lies directly in her path . . . and how loyalty has a price.

She did share why she went after Salvatore, and he understood her justification.



5.1. Conclusions

From the discussions in the previous chapters, the following conclusions are drawn:

The theme of Kiss Me While I Sleep ( Saat Kuterlelap) is about revenge a CIA agent to a boss of mafia. The story uses the mixed plot in general. This novel has five main characters, but just only three main characters that has a hole character, and the less just take a part of characters. This novel has some minor characters too which complete the story. The author chooses Paris, from the luxurious Bristol Hotel to the seemingly peaceful Ile de France countryside, also England, and Greece for the setting in this novel, and the author also uses omniscient point of view as his technique to tell about the story of the novel.

5.2. Suggestions

After describing Kiss Me While I Sleep ( Saat Kuterlelap), the writer wants all of the readers to understand the intrinsic elements in novels, especially in this novel. The writer realizes that this paper has not complete yet and there are still another intrinsic elements of novel such as style and moral. So she would like to give suggestion for the next research. The writer hopes there is a writer who will complete this describing because the story of Kiss Me While I Sleep ( Saat Kuterlelap) is very interesting.



Linda S. Howington was born August 3, 1950 in Gadsden, Alabama, U.S.A. is an American best-selling romance/suspense author under her pseudonym Linda Howard. She cut her teeth on Margaret Mitchell, Robert Ruark, "and anything else that fell into my hands," she says. Whether she is reading them or writing them, books have long played a profound role in Linda's life. Linda wrote her first book when she was 10 years old. "Needless to say, it was unpublishable," she says. "It didn't even have a title. I didn't name them back then."

In the ensuing 21 years of writing for her own pleasure, following junior college Linda worked in the transportation industry, where she met Gary F. Howington, her husband. "In the company I worked for, my title was secretary to the terminal manager, but I actually did very little secretarial work," she says. "I worked in every phase of the transportation business, but my main duties were payroll, insurance, and the efficiency and production reports." Writing production reports, however, soon grew tiresome for Linda.

As she continued to write fiction, concentrating on romantic stories. "I get bored with politics and murder and mayhem," she says. She eventually worked up the courage to submit a manuscript for publication. "It made me sick literally, physically ill. It was like putting your naked baby into the mailbox. And I lost 20 pounds waiting to hear from them. I couldn't eat." Linda needn't have worried


Silhouette Books bought her manuscript, beginning a career that has (so far) lasted over 10 years and earned her many awards and letters of praise from adoring fans. She has over 10 million books in print around the world, and has written more than 25 titles. Linda has written for Silhouette Special Edition and continues to write for Silhouette Sensation, and is a New York Times bestselling author for Pocket Books writing historicals.

Linda Howard is a charter member of RWA, joining in 1981 shortly after it was formed. She is one of the original members of her local RWA chapter, has served as treasurer, vice president, and president of that chapter, and has twice been a RITA finalist. In addition to her wide public acclaim, Linda has also been honored by both the critics and her peers many times. She has won the B. Dalton Bestseller Award and the Romantic Times Magazine Reviewers' Choice Award for Series and the W.I.S.H. Award for hero Joe Mackenzie from her Silhouette Intimate Moments title, Mackenzie's Mission. A tie-in book, Mackenzie's Pleasure, reached number 61 on the USA Today bestseller list. A Romance Writers of America RITA and Golden Choice finalist, she is a frequent Waldenbooks bestselling author, often claiming the number-one position.

Linda Howard is the award-winning author of many New York Times bestsellers, including Up Close and Dangerous, Drop Dead Gorgeous, Cover of Night, Killing Time, To Die For, Kiss Me While I Sleep, Cry No More, and Dying to Please.


Kiss Me While I Sleep, an earlier effort by writer Linda Howard, whose Paris. The reader meets the book's protagonist, Lily Mansfield, a "for-hire" assassin and frequent contract agent for the CIA. In this plot, however, she's working on her own, in a dangerous game spawned from her need to avenge her close friends' murder.

Lily cleverly seduces and poisons her friends' murderer, a sauve but ruthless international criminal, even putting herself at risk by tasting the poison. She escapes his family's initial dragnet, but how long will she be able to hide?

When the CIA learns that she's "off the reservations," they send their best hunter, a handsome agent named Luke Swain with a singular Texas charm, to find her. Inevitably Lily and Swain find themselves drawn towards one another, but will that keep Swain from completing his mission? Of course, Swain's not the only one hunting Lily. As clever as she is, how can she possibly escape both searches?

The fast-moving plot takes the reader throughout Paris, from the luxurious Bristol Hotel to the seemingly peaceful Ile de France countryside.

Kiss Me While I Sleep is an enjoyable easy-to-read novel, one that will keep you guessing until the very last page.


Now, Linda has three grown step-children and three grandchildren. She lives in her native Alabama with her husband Gary and two golden retrievers, named Bit O'Honey and Sugar Baby. They live in a big house that's very much a home and not a showplace. "It's a house where the kids romp, the dogs romp, and you can sit on any piece of furniture. Her husband fishes BassMaster tournament trail for a living, and she travels with him.



Howard, Linda. 2009. Kiss Me While I Sleep. Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka Utama

Holderness, G. 1985. Wuthering Heights. New York : Open University Press.

Koesnosoebroto, S. 1988. The Anatomy of Prose Fiction. Jakarta : Depdikbud

Nurgiantoro. DR. Burhan, Mpd. 1988. Teori Pengkajian Fiksi. Yogyakarta : Gajah Mada University Press.

Sanger, Keith. 1993. The Language of Fiction. New York : Routledge.

Wellek, Rene, and Warren, Austin. 1982. Theory of Literary. Harmondsworth, Middlesex, England: Penguin book Ltd.



5.1. Conclusions

From the discussions in the previous chapters, the following conclusions are drawn:

The theme of Kiss Me While I Sleep ( Saat Kuterlelap) is about revenge a CIA agent to a boss of mafia. The story uses the mixed plot in general. This novel has five main characters, but just only three main characters that has a hole character, and the less just take a part of characters. This novel has some minor characters too which complete the story. The author chooses Paris, from the luxurious Bristol Hotel to the seemingly peaceful Ile de France countryside,also England, and Greece for the setting in this novel, and the author also uses omniscient point of view as his technique to tell about the story of the novel.

5.2. Suggestions

After describing Kiss Me While I Sleep ( Saat Kuterlelap), the writer wants all of the readers to understand the intrinsic elements in novels, especially in this novel. The writer realizes that this paper has not complete yet and there are still another intrinsic elements of novel such as style and moral. So she would like to give suggestion for the next research. The writer hopes there is a writer who will complete this describing because the story of Kiss Me While I Sleep ( Saat Kuterlelap) is very interesting.



Linda S. Howington was born August 3, 1950 in Gadsden, Alabama, U.S.A. is an American best-selling romance/suspense author under her pseudonym Linda Howard. She cut her teeth on Margaret Mitchell, Robert Ruark, "and anything else that fell into my hands," she says. Whether she is reading them or writing them, books have long played a profound role in Linda's life. Linda wrote her first book when she was 10 years old. "Needless to say, it was unpublishable," she says. "It didn't even have a title. I didn't name them back then."

In the ensuing 21 years of writing for her own pleasure, following junior college Linda worked in the transportation industry, where she met Gary F. Howington, her husband. "In the company I worked for, my title was secretary to the terminal manager, but I actually did very little secretarial work," she says. "I worked in every phase of the transportation business, but my main duties were payroll, insurance, and the efficiency and production reports." Writing production reports, however, soon grew tiresome for Linda.

As she continued to write fiction, concentrating on romantic stories. "I get bored with politics and murder and mayhem," she says. She eventually worked up the courage to submit a manuscript for publication. "It made me sick literally, physically ill. It was like putting your naked baby into the mailbox. And I lost 20


Silhouette Books bought her manuscript, beginning a career that has (so far) lasted over 10 years and earned her many awards and letters of praise from adoring fans. She has over 10 million books in print around the world, and has written more than 25 titles. Linda has written for Silhouette Special Edition and continues to write for Silhouette Sensation, and is a New York Times bestselling author for Pocket Books writing historicals.

Linda Howard is a charter member of RWA, joining in 1981 shortly after it was formed. She is one of the original members of her local RWA chapter, has served as treasurer, vice president, and president of that chapter, and has twice been a RITA finalist. In addition to her wide public acclaim, Linda has also been honored by both the critics and her peers many times. She has won the B. Dalton Bestseller Award and the Romantic Times Magazine Reviewers' Choice Award for Series and the W.I.S.H. Award for hero Joe Mackenzie from her Silhouette Intimate Moments title, Mackenzie's Mission. A tie-in book, Mackenzie's Pleasure, reached number 61 on the USA Today bestseller list. A Romance Writers of America RITA and Golden Choice finalist, she is a frequent Waldenbooks bestselling author, often claiming the number-one position.

Linda Howard is the award-winning author of many New York Times bestsellers, including Up Close and Dangerous, Drop Dead Gorgeous, Cover of Night, Killing Time, To Die For, Kiss Me While I Sleep, Cry No More, and Dying to Please.


Kiss Me While I Sleep, an earlier effort by writer Linda Howard, whose

Paris. The reader meets the book's protagonist, Lily Mansfield, a "for-hire" assassin and frequent contract agent for the CIA. In this plot, however, she's working on her own, in a dangerous game spawned from her need to avenge her close friends' murder.

Lily cleverly seduces and poisons her friends' murderer, a sauve but ruthless international criminal, even putting herself at risk by tasting the poison. She escapes his family's initial dragnet, but how long will she be able to hide?

When the CIA learns that she's "off the reservations," they send their best hunter, a handsome agent named Luke Swain with a singular Texas charm, to find her. Inevitably Lily and Swain find themselves drawn towards one another, but will that keep Swain from completing his mission? Of course, Swain's not the only one hunting Lily. As clever as she is, how can she possibly escape both searches?

The fast-moving plot takes the reader throughout Paris, from the luxurious Bristol Hotel to the seemingly peaceful Ile de France countryside.

Kiss Me While I Sleep is an enjoyable easy-to-read novel, one that will keep you


Now, Linda has three grown step-children and three grandchildren. She lives in her native Alabama with her husband Gary and two golden retrievers, named Bit O'Honey and Sugar Baby. They live in a big house that's very much a home and not a showplace. "It's a house where the kids romp, the dogs romp, and you can sit on any piece of furniture. Her husband fishes BassMaster tournament trail for a living, and she travels with him.



Howard, Linda. 2009. Kiss Me While I Sleep. Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka Utama

Holderness, G. 1985. Wuthering Heights. New York : Open University Press.

Koesnosoebroto, S. 1988. The Anatomy of Prose Fiction. Jakarta : Depdikbud

Nurgiantoro. DR. Burhan, Mpd. 1988. Teori Pengkajian Fiksi. Yogyakarta : Gajah Mada University Press.

Sanger, Keith. 1993. The Language of Fiction. New York : Routledge.

Wellek, Rene, and Warren, Austin. 1982. Theory of Literary. Harmondsworth, Middlesex, England: Penguin book Ltd.