28 conclusions are drawn and the original plan revised based upon the conclusions so that a new cycle can begin see Figure 3.1. Figure 3.1 Classroom Action Research Design of Kemmis Mc Taggart Model The action research in this study was a collaborative classroom action research, means that the writer was assisted by one of the English teachers as her collaborator in conducting this study. Together with her, the writer did at all of the research activities starting from the planning of the action, the implementation of the action, the observation of the implementation and the reflection of the implemented action. The writer acted as a teacher who taught writing using Jigsaw technique, while the collaborator acted as the observer who observed the implementation of action and the whole process of teaching and learning. According to Brown, this kind of the action research design is called a systematic process of collaboration that in which one teacher observes and gives feedback with some form of reciprocity to another 29 teacher. 5 The use of this design was targeted to develop the teaching strategy in order to solve the classroom’s problem in the teaching of writing. The writer employed the activities in Jigsaw technique as one of cooperative learning technique in this study.

B. Subject and Setting of the Research

The subject of this study is students at grade VIII English 2 class of State Islamic Junior High School Tangerang II Pamulang, academic year 20102011. The number of students consists of 35 thirty five. This class is chosen based on observation and interview with the English teacher, it had the lowest achievement on writing test compared with other second grade classes. Therefore, their writing ability needs to be developed by using effective strategy. The setting of this study is jigsaw technique to improve students’ writing ability in terms of narrative text.

C. The Classroom Action Research CAR Procedures

In conducting the research, the researcher followed a number of steps. The steps included preliminary study to analyze and identify the problems as the preparation, followed by planning the action, implementing the action, observing, analyzing, and reflecting. 5 H. Douglas Brown, Teaching by Principles: An Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy, New York: Addison Wesley Longman, 2001, p. 441 30 Figure 3.2 The Classroom Action Research Procedure A preliminary study was conducted to get data about the factual conditions of the problems faced by the teacher and students in the teaching and learning process of writing. The result of the preliminary study was used to set up a plan of action at the first cycle. An action plan was established in order to solve the problems. Then, it was followed by Implementing Carrying out the planned activities of Jigsaw technique Preliminary Study Interviewing the English teacher, giving questionnaire to the students, and the students’ writing narrative text at the VIII year classes of MTs Negeri Tangerang II Pamulang Analysis and findings Analysis : Analyzing the result of preliminary study Finding : Result of students’ writing narrative text is not satisfactory. Causes : 1. The students have difficulty to start their writing and to organize and translate the ideas into readable texts. 2. The teaching–learning writing strategy is ineffective. 3. The students have low motivation to write. Planning 1. Designing lesson plan. 2. Preparing the model of Jigsaw technique 3. Preparing the materials and media. 4. Setting the criteria of success. Observing Observing and ensuring the achievement of the targeted success criteria Reflecting 1. analyzing the collected data 2. determining whether or not the action is successful Succeed Fail Conclusion and report Revise the plan and continue the next cycle 31 implementing the action, observing and reflecting what has been done during the action.

1. Planning Phase

In this phase, the writer and the collaborator made a plan based on the findings. The step of planning was done on the basis of the Jigsaw technique, the 2006 Standard of Content, and the students’ problems. The planning were focused on designing lesson plan, preparing the activities of Jigsaw technique, preparing materials and media, and determining criteria of success.

2. Acting Phase

The implementation of the action was focused on what has been proposed in the lesson plan. The researcher acted as a practitioner who carried out the Jigsaw technique in teaching of writing, while the collaborator acted as an observer who observed the students’ activities and participation during the teaching and learning process of writing using Jigsaw technique. The implementation of the action recovered three meetings in each cycle. The steps of the implementation of this strategy in every cycle were described as follows. Pre-activity; the teacher explained the activities that the students were supposed to do in the classroom. The students were asked to read and discuss the story in order to build and enrich their knowledge and language input such as vocabulary and sentence structure or the language feature of narrative texts. The students were arranged in groups of four for ―home group”. Then, they were reorganized into ―expert group”. Whilst-Activity; the main activities of this stage were 1 discussing and describing the events on the picture in the ―expert group”, the students were asked to use words showing actions or activities in the past 2 the students shared their part of story which they had learned to others in the ―home group” in order to get the complete story, and 3 writing the story individually; a composing a rough draft, b identifying topic sentence,