Background of the Study



This chapter consists of five sections, namely background of the study, problem formulation, objectives of the study, research benefits, and definition of terms. The background of the study is meant to give a preceeding description of the study. The problem formulation contains a description of the problems that will be discussed. The objective of the study concerns the aims of conducting the study. The research benefits section states some benefits of the study. Finally, the definition of terms is aimed to avoid misinterpretation of some terms that are used in the study.

A. Background of the Study

In real life, we have someone to take care of, to share something or to go with. That is friend or we can say it as friendship. in one side of our life, friendship can bring us so many life experiences. It means that friendship is a relationship which involves mutual knowledge, esteem, affection and respect. For many people friendship is nothing more than the trust that someone or something will not harm them. Friendship is considered to be closer association, although there is a range of degrees of intimacy in both friendship and association. The most important thing to maintain a good and healthy friendship is trust and honesty. Some of the characteristics of friendship are openness to our close friends, sharing what we want to share and giving support whenever it is needed Kutcher:2000 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 2 Building friendship is not as easy as what we have imagined. It needs much time and strong effort. It also requires loyalty, equality, care, and understanding. Loyalty and trust are crucial and sensitive things in building a good friendship. Besides, care and understanding are very important parts in building a good friendship. According to Kutcher 2000 caring means showing or feel affection and concern for other people, whereas understanding means able to tolerate or show sympathy towards others feeling and view. The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas which was written by John Boyne is one of the novels that take friendship as its main issue. The setting is between 1930- 1940, when the Nazi regime was in power in that country Germany. As we know it is a very cruel regime. The story is about friendship between Bruno and Shmuel as the main character. At that time, Germany is hit by the war. The people who live in the city evacuate from their homes. Likewise with the Bruno family and by chance his father who works as a soldier who is appointed as military commander and is assigned to an area named Auschwitz. Bruno does not like it. He does not want to leave their home in Berlin. He thinks if he left his home, he will also leave his friends Karl, Daniel, and Martin, his three best friends for life. Bruno is a boy that comes from a city named Berlin. Shmuel is a Polish and he lives in the hut near Brunos house. The story begins when Bruno and Shmuel meet each other when Bruno is curious with something behind his house. He feels there is something strange about the camp he sees when he is in his sisters room Gretels room. All the people in that camp use the same shirt, Striped Pyjamas. Because of his curiosity, he went out from his house and tried to PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 3 find the answer of it. Accidentally he met Shmuel, a Polish Boy who lived in the camp. From that meeting then he knows everything. He knows about the camp he saw from Gretel’s room where the Jews are gather. He knows the fact that not all of them People in the Striped Pyjamas are wicked and weird like his father and mother have said to him. then finally he finds a boy who has the same birthday as himself and become someone who can replace his forever friend in Berlin Karl, Daniel and Martin. Having lots of friends is good. Having a real best friend is even better. However, it is difficult to find the best one. When we are down or in a trouble, our friends are not always around. Only best friend stay and support us with gentle touch. Best friends guide each other in facing troubles. Best friends stayed together with us in our ups and downs. That was what Bruno did to Shmuel. He always stay to listen, he keeps his commitment to help Shmuel to find Shmuels father even though he has to sacrifice his life. The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas is interesting to discuss because Bruno, as one of the main characters in the novel who has developed friendship, faithfulness, touches me deeply and gives me special meaning especially to become a loyal friend like he does. Bruno and Shmuel’s friendship is not an ordinary friendship. They have special friendship indeed. It is not like other friendship. As stated before Bruno and Shmuel have different backgrounds, status and races. Bruno is a German and Shmuel is a Polish Jewish. Nazi regime was very cruel. They never permit someone or some people to reject or interupt their laws. As we see in the Nazi regime, racist policies that raise the Aryans PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 4 Germany and other lower the races. Especially Jews were discriminated against and collect to be killed in concentration camps. Those explanation of Bruno and Shmuel, their differences and their special friendship bring me to discuss the motivations in building a good friendship like what Bruno and Shmuel have. What Bruno does to Shmuel makes the story of the novel more valuable.

B. Problem Formulation