processing identification and analysis. The form of the data sheet is presented in the table 1. Table 1. The Form of Data Sheet No Code Data Context of Situation Maxim flouting Forms of Humor Functions of Humor Explanation Jo SCH UH SM De c Me De MQ t MQ l MR MM I St Sc OU SD T RR CR DE TF P 1. S1 E7 Sc5 1 Alex: Did you know that fencing goes back to the 12th century? Haley: You know what’s even nerdier than fencing? Knowing when it began. Alex and Haley is watching a fencing game. Haley is busy with her phone when Alex asks her that question. √ √ √ Haley should answer the question by saying yes or no , but instead of saying that, she flouts the maxim of relation by answering the question with an irrelevant answer. Note: S1 E7 Sc5 1 MQt MQl MR MM Jo SCH I St Sr : : : : : : : : : : : : : Season 1 Episode 7 Scene 5 Number of Datum Maxim of Quantity Maxim of Quality Maxim of Relation Maxim of Manner Jokes Spontaneous Conversation Humor Irony Satire Sarcasm OU SD T RR CR DE TF P UH SM Dec Me De : : : : : : : : : : : : : Overstatement and understatement Self-deprecation Teasing Replies to rhetorical question Clever replies to serious statements Double entendres Transformations of frozen expressions Puns Unintentional Humor Social Management Decommitment Mediation Defunctionalization

3. Techniques of Data Collection

In collecting the data, the researcher applied simak and catat read and write technique or attentive observation Sudaryanto, 1993: 133-135. This technique is aimed at recording relevant data which were suitable with the research questions in the research objectives. These techniques were appropriate to be applied since the data of the research were in the forms of utterances. Sudaryanto 1993, 133 states that simak method is done by saying careful attention to the use of language. Thus, when observing humor, the researcher listened to all utterances spoken by the characters. The taking notes techniques began when the transcription was written down in the form of notes by listening and paying much attention to the language use. In applying this technique, the researcher observed the television sitcom by focusing on the employment of flouting of maxims of Cooperative Principle to create humor, the forms of humor, and the functions of humor. In collecting the data, the researcher did the following steps: 1 watching the TV sitcom as the primary source of the data from; 2 retrieving the script as the secondary source of the data from http:www.hypnoweb.net; 3 checking the suitability between the TV sitcom and the script to make it easier to analyze;