Type Research

1. Type Research

Type of research can be broadly classified into two kinds of type of research, the first type of research applied research which has the objective to solve specific problems that occur at the time of the study. While the second type is referred to as fundamental research or basic research that aims to participate in the development of science (Uma Sekaran, 1992). This study was done to improve pemikiaran how to resolve the problem that in general a lot happening in the organization. Therefore, research will be done this type of research include both that fundamental research. The research process begins with the type of activities undertaken preliminary research in the study of literature to seek justification from research problems. Justification research problems can be done by studying literature at the Library or conducted an analysis of secondary data. The activity merupkan exploratory research process which is preliminary research activities conducted by a researcher to limit the problems of research in order to be applicable and researchable (Zigmund, 1994). Type the research process of this type is a literature study with looking for new issue of the journal as well as the old ones that are still relevant to the design of the research topic. From this study will produce information about the development of the research that has been done and some of the research gaps that open to the researcher. So this kind of research process is used as a handle research interest in order to obtain a better development theory (Uma Sekaran, 1992). The development of the research results will be summarized in state of the art research. State of the art of literature study results will be classified into three categories. The first category relates to the study of partnership marketing orientation, the second relates to the quality of service and the third related to the collaboration. In initial studies will be done also review of the field (Pilot Study) to obtain empirical support so that this study can obtain aplikabel findings. First field

2016 International Conference on Business, Economics, Socio-culture and Tourism

visit will be made, a visit to the offices of Bank Indonesia Semarang. The visit was conducted to determine any industry to be studied and to identify the actual problem in the target population. In this pilot study will

be obtained secondary data that can be used as reference research support. Secondary data will be obtained for example census ever conducted by Bank Indonesia or the activities of other research data collection. By analyzing secondary data and literature study is expected there will be no reinventing the wheel in the collection of primary data. Type the second study is a descriptive study to describe the profile, characteristics or profile companies live time partnership that has built companies in the industry that made the object of research. Descriptive research is important to determine a case study on some companies to explore the various findings relating to aspects of behavior and development of the live time of the partnership within the company sampled. Thus the type of descriptive research conducted to answer the question of who, where, when and how a phenomenon occurs (Zigmund, 1994). The research process is expected to help in the development of thinking characteristic of an object of interest or research which will then be decided how the implementation of policies related to the object. In addition, descriptive study was conducted to analyze the policies that can be applied in industry after testing the hypothesis. Type the next study to be performed is a research tiered model of causality. This type of research will test the hypothesis that has been proposed which has been summarized in the research model. Data research is research data that is polling data that is a combination of time series and cross section data (time slice). Stages levels of this analysis will be described in Path diagram to analyze the logic of linkages between research variables. Another goal of the path analysis to determine which variables that serve as antecedent and which acts as a consequent. The main objective of causality research is to identify the causal relationship of partnership. The relationship will be obtained from

a development of the theory in the domain of research partnerships. The analysis used in this causal models using hierarchical regression analysis because many variables are mediating. Goodness of fit test performed before the model is held hypothesis testing. Goodness of fit test models are most instrumental in tiered model of 2, but because this study used a causality is tested by khai squared 2 index large enough number of cases, the test must be accompanied by goodness of fit test to another. This type of research that will be used is survey by the case of some companies to obtain data that is both behavioral and longitudinal (diagnostic analysis). Confirmatory analysis is used to explain the validity of the indicators or research instruments each construct. Before the questionnaire handed down on the field content validity test is required so that the instrument is not biased. While testing the significance of the influence of exogenous variables indogen to variable regression analysis using the tiered model of structural equation modeling. Moderator variable environment will be applied by setting the intensity of competition is high and the intensity of competition is low.