



By :










This thesis is submitted to meet one of the requirements to achieve

Sarjana Degree in English Education

By :











Sesungguhnya beserta kesukaran itu ada kemudahan. Maka apa bila kamu telah selesai (dari kesulitan) kerjakanlah dengan sungguh- sungguh (urusan) yang lain. Dan hanya

kepada Allah hendakna kamu berharap. (Qs. Alam Nasyah)

Give the best you have for your family, teacher, friends and your society because the best feedback to your self.

ني َلاو ْمكْنم اونماء ني َلا هَّلا عفْ ي

تاج د مّْعْلا اوتوأ

"Surely Allah will exalt those who believe among you and those who were given knowledge (religion) a few degrees."

(Al-Mujaadilah: 11)

Dedication: I dedicated this thesis to :

My beloved father Gaos (alm) and my beloved mother Suhaerah (alm).

My beloved family, uncle, causin, Mr. Arif has supported me, my lovely Sisilia Florida and my friends.



The Problems in Implementing of Communicative Language Teaching

(CLT) in Teaching Learning Process at Al-Qalam Islamic Boarding

School Programs of MAN 3 Malang.


This study is conducted to describe the teacher's teaching, the problems in teaching learning process, and solution of the problems in implementing of Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) approach in teaching speaking.

In this study, the descriptive qualitative research was used to obtain the information related to the research problems. The subjects of this study were teachers and students at boarding school of MAN 3 Malang. The instruments used to collect the data were observation and interview.

The result of this study showed that the teacher used a variety of methods in teaching and learning English speaking using CLT such as discussion, role play, and game. The result of this study also showed the teacher faced some problems in implementing teaching speaking. First, the teacher found some students who had less attention and less participation to the training activity especially in the early morning session. Second, the teacher found out that some students felt embarrassed in

expressing their ideas orally. Third, the teacher’s problem in implementing CLT was

some students’ were not discipline to follow the rules of Ma’had Al-Qalam. One of the rules said that students have to speak bilingual language but in the reality, some

students did not speak in bilingual languages. The last, the teacher’s problem in implementation CLT was passive students.

In coping with the problems of students who had less attention and less participation, the teachers chose the alternative solutions by making group discussion or game suitable to the material. So, students would participate actively. The teacher

gave stimulus to get students’ participation, and keep motivating them to be active

because motivation is one of power in their study in order to develop their skills. In

solving the problem of students’ embarrassed feeling, the teacher asked the students to share with their friends who had more confidence. The teacher asked them to drill themselves to speak English. In order to solve the problems of discipline, the teacher became more active to check the students in their daily activities. The teacher had to be stricter when he or she found out the students who did not speak bilingual language by giving education punishment like memorized the vocabularies or gave the English task. The last, solution for passive students, the teachers approach to the



students and gave more attention to them. In this way, the students tended to be more active and they would be able to express their ideas more actively.

The 1st Advisor, The writer

Dra. Erly Wahyuni, M.Si Khutaemi ACKNOWLEDGEMENT

Alhamdulillah, all praise is to Allah, the merciful and charitable. Because of his guidance, blessing and affection, writer can finish this thesis.

The writer would like to express his deepest gratitude to Dra. Erly Wahuni, M.Si, his first advisor and Ahmad Thohir Yoga, S.Pd,. M.Pd,. M.Ed,. his second advisor, for their suggestion, invaluable guidance and advice during the consultation period and their comment and corrections during the completion of this thesis.

Her sincere graduate and appreciation are extended to their bteacher and headmaster of MAN 3 Malang, headmaster Ma’had Al-Qalam Boarding school of MAN 3 Malang who had given her opportunity to conduct this research.

The writer is deeply grateful to M. Muchlis, S.Pd.I,Abdullah Zubair, and A. Mahfudzi M.S.Th.i. as teacher at ma’had Islamic boarding school of MAN 3 Malang for the permission and cooperative in conducting this research.

His deepest graduate is also addressed to his beloved family, my uncle, and Dr. Arif Budi Wurianto,M.Si whom always give his great motivation and both spiritual and financial sports and prayer to the writer. he thanks to his lovely Sisilia Florida who has give me support to finished this study.



Finally, , to my friends Rhea, Rosita, and Ahmad Kahfi (Ka2) whom always have time for me to share in writing this thesis and close friends. And to those cannot be mentioned one by one. May Allah bless them forever…..

Table of Content

Approval……… i

Legalization………... ii

Motto and dedication………. iii

Abstract……….…. iv

Acknowledge……….… v

Table of Content……….... vi

CHAPTHER I. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the Study……… 1

1.2 Statement of Problems………... 4

1.3 Purpose of Study………. 4

1.4 Significance of Study……….. 4

1.5 Scope and Limitation……….. 5

1.6 Definition of Key Term……….….. 5

CHAPTER II. REVIEW AND RELATED LITERATURE 2.1 The Nature of Teaching Speaking……….. 7

2.2 Approach, Methods, Procedure, and Techniques of Language Teaching……….……..…… 8

2.2.1 Approach………... 8

2.2.2 Method……… 9



2.2.4 Technique………. 9

2.3 Method in Teaching Speaking………... 10

2.3.1 Acting from scrip………... 12

2.3.2 Communication games……….. 12

2.3.3 Discussion………... 12

2.3.4 simulation and role play………... 13

2.4 Communicative Language Teaching (CLT)……… 13

2.4.1 The Principle of CLT……… 14

2.4.2 Features of CLT……….. 15

2.4.3 The Characteristic of CLT………. 15

2.4.4 Procedures of teaching a language through CLT………… 16

2.4.5 2.5 The Implementation of Communication Language Teaching (CLT) Approach………. 17

2.5.1 Learner roles……… 18

2.5.2 Teacher roler……… 18


3.2 The Research Subject……… 21

3.3 Data Collection……….. 21

3.4 Data Analysis……… 22

3.5 Research Instrument………... 22

3.5.1 Observation………. 23

3.5.2 Interviews………... 24


4.2 The Teacher’s way in Implementing CLT……….... 25

4.2.1 The Discussion method………. 26

4.2.2 The Role play method………... 27



4.3 The Problems in Implementing of CLT in Teaching

Learning process……… 29

4.4 The Problems’ solution in Implementing of CLT in Teaching Learning process ……….……… 31

4.5 Discussion………... 33


5.2 Suggestions……….. 37

5.2.1Suggestion for English teacher……….. 37

5.2.2Suggestion for students………. 38

5.2.3Suggestion for further researcher………. 38



This thesis written by Khutaemi was approved on February 5




Advisor II

Advisor I



This thesis was defended in front of the examiners of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education of University of Muhammadiyah Malang

and accepted as one of requirements to achieve Sarjana Degree in English Education

on February 5th, 2011

Approved by:

Faculty of Teacher Training and Education University of Muhammadiyah Malang


Drs. Fauzan, M.Pd


1. Riza Elfana, S.Pd, MA 1………..

2. Drs. Jarum, M.Pd 2………..

3. Dra. Erly Wahyuni, M.Si. 3……… 4. Ahmad Thohir Yoga, S.Pd, M. Pd, M.Ed 4………




Sesungguhnya beserta kesukaran itu ada kemudahan. Maka apa bila kamu telah selesai (dari kesulitan) kerjakanlah dengan sungguh- sungguh (urusan) yang lain. Dan hanya

kepada Allah hendakna kamu berharap. (Qs. Alam Nasyah)

Give the best you have for your family, teacher, friends and your society because the best feedback to your self.

ني َلاو ْمكْنم اونماء ني َلا هَّلا عفْ ي

تاج د مّْعْلا اوتوأ

"Surely Allah will exalt those who believe among you and those who were given knowledge (religion) a few degrees."

(Al-Mujaadilah: 11)

Dedication: I dedicated this thesis to :

My beloved father Gaos (alm) and my beloved mother Suhaerah (alm).

My beloved family, uncle, causin, Mr. Arif has supported me, my lovely Sisilia Florida and my friends.



The Problems in Implementing of Communicative Language Teaching

(CLT) in Teaching Learning Process at Al-Qalam Islamic Boarding

School Programs of MAN 3 Malang.


This study is conducted to describe the teacher's teaching, the problems in teaching learning process, and solution of the problems in implementing of Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) approach in teaching speaking.

In this study, the descriptive qualitative research was used to obtain the information related to the research problems. The subjects of this study were teachers and students at boarding school of MAN 3 Malang. The instruments used to collect the data were observation and interview.

The result of this study showed that the teacher used a variety of methods in teaching and learning English speaking using CLT such as discussion, role play, and game. The result of this study also showed the teacher faced some problems in implementing teaching speaking. First, the teacher found some students who had less attention and less participation to the training activity especially in the early morning session. Second, the teacher found out that some students felt embarrassed in

expressing their ideas orally. Third, the teacher’s problem in implementing CLT was

some students’ were not discipline to follow the rules of Ma’had Al-Qalam. One of the rules said that students have to speak bilingual language but in the reality, some

students did not speak in bilingual languages. The last, the teacher’s problem in implementation CLT was passive students.

In coping with the problems of students who had less attention and less participation, the teachers chose the alternative solutions by making group discussion or game suitable to the material. So, students would participate actively. The teacher

gave stimulus to get students’ participation, and keep motivating them to be active

because motivation is one of power in their study in order to develop their skills. In

solving the problem of students’ embarrassed feeling, the teacher asked the students to share with their friends who had more confidence. The teacher asked them to drill themselves to speak English. In order to solve the problems of discipline, the teacher became more active to check the students in their daily activities. The teacher had to be stricter when he or she found out the students who did not speak bilingual language by giving education punishment like memorized the vocabularies or gave the English task. The last, solution for passive students, the teachers approach to the students and gave more attention to them. In this way, the students tended to be more active and they would be able to express their ideas more actively.

The 1st Advisor, The writer




Alhamdulillah, all praise is to Allah, the merciful and charitable. Because of his guidance, blessing and affection, writer can finish this thesis.

The writer would like to express his deepest gratitude to Dra. Erly Wahuni, M.Si, his first advisor and Ahmad Thohir Yoga, S.Pd,. M.Pd,. M.Ed,. his second advisor, for their suggestion, invaluable guidance and advice during the consultation period and their comment and corrections during the completion of this thesis.

Her sincere graduate and appreciation are extended to their bteacher and headmaster of MAN 3 Malang, headmaster Ma’had Al-Qalam Boarding school of MAN 3 Malang who had given her opportunity to conduct this research.

The writer is deeply grateful to M. Muchlis, S.Pd.I,Abdullah Zubair, and A. Mahfudzi M.S.Th.i. as teacher at ma’had Islamic boarding school of MAN 3 Malang for the permission and cooperative in conducting this research.

His deepest graduate is also addressed to his beloved family, my uncle, and Dr. Arif Budi Wurianto,M.Si whom always give his great motivation and both spiritual and financial sports and prayer to the writer. he thanks to his lovely Sisilia Florida who has give me support to finished this study.

Finally, , to my friends Rhea, Rosita, and Ahmad Kahfi (Ka2) whom always have time for me to share in writing this thesis and close friends. And to those cannot be mentioned one by one. May Allah bless them forever…..



Table of Content

Approval……… i

Legalization………... ii

Motto and dedication………. iii

Abstract……….…. iv

Acknowledge……….… v

Table of Content……….... vi

CHAPTHER I. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the Study……… 1

1.2 Statement of Problems………... 4

1.3 Purpose of Study………. 4

1.4 Significance of Study……….. 4

1.5 Scope and Limitation……….. 5

1.6 Definition of Key Term……….….. 5

CHAPTER II. REVIEW AND RELATED LITERATURE 2.1 The Nature of Teaching Speaking……….. 7

2.2 Approach, Methods, Procedure, and Techniques of Language Teaching……….……..…… 8

2.2.1 Approach………... 8

2.2.2 Method……… 9

2.2.3 Procedure ………... 9

2.2.4 Technique………. 9

2.3 Method in Teaching Speaking………... 10

2.3.1 Acting from scrip………... 12

2.3.2 Communication games……….. 12

2.3.3 Discussion………... 12

2.3.4 simulation and role play………... 13

2.4 Communicative Language Teaching (CLT)……… 13



2.4.2 Features of CLT……….. 15

2.4.3 The Characteristic of CLT………. 15

2.4.4 Procedures of teaching a language through CLT………… 16

2.4.5 2.5 The Implementation of Communication Language Teaching (CLT) Approach………. 17

2.5.1 Learner roles……… 18

2.5.2 Teacher roler……… 18


3.2 The Research Subject……… 21

3.3 Data Collection……….. 21

3.4 Data Analysis……… 22

3.5 Research Instrument………... 22

3.5.1 Observation………. 23

3.5.2 Interviews………... 24


4.2 The Teacher’s way in Implementing CLT……….... 25

4.2.1 The Discussion method………. 26

4.2.2 The Role play method………... 27

4.2.3 The game method……….. 28

4.3 The Problems in Implementing of CLT in Teaching Learning process……… 29

4.4 The Problems’ solution in Implementing of CLT in Teaching Learning process ……….……… 31




5.1 Conclusion………..……. 36

5.2 Suggestions……….. 37

5.2.1Suggestion for English teacher……….. 37

5.2.2Suggestion for students………. 38

5.2.3Suggestion for further researcher………. 38



Arikunto, suharsimi 2002. Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktek. 5th ed. Jakarta: PT Rineka Putra Publisher

Zuria, Nurul. 2002. Penelitian dan Penulisan Karya Ilmiah Bidang Pendidikan. Edisi pertama. Malang: UMM Press.

Weinstein, Carol Simon. 1996. Middle and Second Classroom Management: Lessons from Research and Practice. 3th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill published.

Sanjaya, Wina.2006. Strategi Pembelajaran Berorientasi Standar Proses Pendidikan. Edisi pertama. Jakarta: Kencana Prenada Media Group.

Barry M. Franklin. 1998. When Children Don’t Learn: Student Failure and The Culture of Teaching. United States of Amerika: Teacher College Press.

Louis Cohen, Lawrence Manion and Keith Morrison. 2004. A Guide To Teaching Practice. 5th ed. London: RoutledgeFalmer Publisher.

Setiadi, Bambang. 2006. Teaching English as a Foreign Language. The first ed. Yogakarta: Graha Ilmu Published

Karen, Medaker Krisna & Holdsworth. 2001. Model and Strategies for Training Design. USA: International Society for Performance Improvement

Richards, jack Charles and Renandya. 2002. Methodology in Language Teaching: An Anthology of Current Practice. The first ed. New York: Cambridge University Press.

Harmer ,Jeremy. 2007. The practice of English Language Teaching. 4th ed. England: Person Longman.

Richard, Jack Charles and Rodger. T.S. 1986. Approach and Method in Language Teaching. New York: Cambridge University Press.

Johnson, Burke and Christensen, Larry. 2004. Education Research. Boston: Pearson Education, inc

Jalal, Fasli (2003-20015).National Plan of Action: Indonesia’s Education for all. Nation coordination forum education for all.



This chapter presents of background of study, statement of problems, purpose of study, significance of study, scope and limitation, and definition of key term.

1.1Background of study

English is an international language; it means that it is used for communication among people in this world. Learning and understanding English are not easy as learning and understanding our own language because English is purely a foreign language for us. Learning English has four language skills such as listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Each of those language skills must be mastered by the learner as well as possible.

Students’ ability to speak English is one of the main objectives of English

teaching and learning English because speaking becomes an important part of the teaching learning process. In order the students built their English competence in speaking, the teacher should be able to use technique to improve students in their communicative competence.

The writer believes that there are many approaches in teaching English to make students interested in studying English language especially in speaking. Here, the writer wants to research the Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) approach in teaching speaking at Islamic boarding school of MAN 3 Malang. Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) has been known as an approach which is emphasized on


language errors are tolerated and seen as a natural outcome of the development of communication skills. This approach is not suggested to correct students’ error when they speak or communicate a bilingual language. As long as the expression in the target language can be understood by the others and a little errors may be ignored because correction are done when the errors may hinder the understanding of the communication.

Madrasah Aliyah Negeri (MAN) 3 Malang is one of the five boarding school models in East Java, Indonesia. MAN 3 Malang is a boarding school which has non-formal program called Ma’had Al-Qalam. Ma’had Al-Qalam offers an educative

program to boost students’ communicative ability, which demands the students using

English and Arabic language in their daily communication. As the learning material,

Ma’had Al-Qalam MAN 3 Malang uses “Welcome to English “(Issue 1 and 2), “Test

your Vocabulary “(Issue 1 and 2), and “Daily Vocabulary” as the primary handbooks

during their language learning activity.

The researcher has mini observed that Al-Qalam Islamic boarding school of MAN 3 Malang used Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) approach because students are to be active in speaking using bilingual language in their daily communication. The main concern of teaching is communication with ease in the target language without being occupied with error correction. A according to Morrow (1986), one of the characteristic features of communicative approach to language teaching is that it enables us to make assumption about the types of communication we will equip learners to handle. CLT approach applied Al-Qalam Islamic boarding school of MAN 3 Malang employs several rules to its students. In this case, they


have to speak English in daily communication such as the students should use English for 24 hours in their daily communication as the reflection of CLT approach. In Islamic boarding school has motto in implementing the rules of boarding school as

follow: “Arabic and English is our crown, by Arabic we can master Islamic world

and by English we can master the world”. So this motto support to students will be more struggles in learning bilingual language.

Rivi (2009) in his study stated that Al-Hikam boarding school had good circumstance to make English environment alone. The students live together in a dormitory all the time. It is the same as in Al-Qalam Islamic boarding school of MAN 3 Malang where the students also live together in a dormitory. In Rivi’s study, it is only focused on speaking context but in this study the researcher focused on a

whole management on English instruction at Ma’had Al-Qalam MAN 3 Malang. Based on this explanation, the writer is interested in this research because the writer wants to know if this language teaching method can improve students speaking ability or not ,to see the problems faced by teacher in the implementation of CLT and to give solution of the problems. Thus, the writer does this research with the title

“The Problems in Implementing of CLT in Teaching Learning Process at Al-Qalam Islamic Boarding School Programs of MAN 3 Malang.

1.2the statements of problems

The state problems of this study are formulated as follows:

1. What are the teacher’s methods in implementing of CLT in teaching learning process at Al-Qalam Islamic boarding school programs of MAN 3 Malang?


2. What are the problems in implementing of CLT in teaching learning process at Al-Qalam Islamic boarding school programs of MAN 3 Malang?

3. What are the problems’ solution in implementing of CLT in teaching learning process at Al-Qalam Islamic boarding school programs of MAN 3 Malang

1.3Purpose of Study

Based on the state problem above, the purposes of the study are defined as follows:

1. To know the teachers’ method in implementing of CLT in teaching learning process at Al-Qalam Islamic boarding school program of MAN 3 Malang. 2. To know the problems in implementing of CLT in teaching learning process

at Al-Qalam Islamic boarding school programs of MAN 3 Malang.

3. To give solution to the problems in implementing of CLT in teaching learning process at Al-Qalam Islamic boarding school of MAN 3 Malang.

1.4 Significances of the Study

The Significances of the study are described as follows: 1. For Teacher

The result of this study will help teachers to improve and develop their ways in teaching strategy especially in teaching speaking used CLT approach and improving their knowledge in teaching strategy.


2. For Students

The students explore their knowledge in English ability and use their English not only in the school but also in outside the school with their friends.

3. For next Researchers

The writer hopes that other researchers continue the research by doing deeper into the problems.

1.5Scope and Limitation

The scope of this study tries to describe the implementation CLT in teaching learning activities for MAN 3 Malang students. While the limitation of this research is the spoken English used by students living in boarding school of MAN 3 Malang as their daily communication tool which has used the CLT. The writer wants to investigate on the CLT, problems, and the solution of the teacher in teaching learning activities.

1.6Definition of Key Terms 1. Implementation

Implementation is the operational material in the boarding school program which is under control the teacher in learning process in boarding school. Setiadi (2006)

2. Communicative language Teaching (CLT)

Communicative language Teaching (CLT) is an approach to foreign language education which focuses on meaning to the exclusion of any attention to language forms. Setiadi (2006)


3. Speaking

Speaking is used for many different purposes, and each purpose involves different skills. Richard &Renandya (2002)

4. Approach

Approach is a set of assumptions dealing with the nature of language, learning, and teaching. Anthony (1969)

5. Method

An overall plan for systematic presentation of language based on a selected approach. Anthony (1969)

6. Teaching

Teaching is a conscious stream of decisions, made before, during, and after instruction, the implementation of which, will increase the probability that learning will take place.Kauffman (1996)

7. Boarding School

Boarding school is out of school system provides both the general and religious education. Jalal (2003-2015)



This chapter presents of background of study, statement of problems, purpose of study, significance of study, scope and limitation, and definition of key term.

1.1Background of study

English is an international language; it means that it is used for communication among people in this world. Learning and understanding English are not easy as learning and understanding our own language because English is purely a foreign language for us. Learning English has four language skills such as listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Each of those language skills must be mastered by the learner as well as possible.

Students’ ability to speak English is one of the main objectives of English teaching and learning English because speaking becomes an important part of the teaching learning process. In order the students built their English competence in speaking, the teacher should be able to use technique to improve students in their communicative competence.

The writer believes that there are many approaches in teaching English to make students interested in studying English language especially in speaking. Here, the writer wants to research the Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) approach in teaching speaking at Islamic boarding school of MAN 3 Malang. Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) has been known as an approach which is emphasized on students’ communicative competence. According to Larsen-Freeman (1986),


language errors are tolerated and seen as a natural outcome of the development of communication skills. This approach is not suggested to correct students’ error when they speak or communicate a bilingual language. As long as the expression in the target language can be understood by the others and a little errors may be ignored because correction are done when the errors may hinder the understanding of the communication.

Madrasah Aliyah Negeri (MAN) 3 Malang is one of the five boarding school models in East Java, Indonesia. MAN 3 Malang is a boarding school which has non-formal program called Ma’had Al-Qalam. Ma’had Al-Qalam offers an educative program to boost students’ communicative ability, which demands the students using English and Arabic language in their daily communication. As the learning material, Ma’had Al-Qalam MAN 3 Malang uses “Welcome to English “(Issue 1 and 2), “Test your Vocabulary “(Issue 1 and 2), and “Daily Vocabulary” as the primary handbooks during their language learning activity.

The researcher has mini observed that Al-Qalam Islamic boarding school of MAN 3 Malang used Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) approach because students are to be active in speaking using bilingual language in their daily communication. The main concern of teaching is communication with ease in the target language without being occupied with error correction. A according to Morrow (1986), one of the characteristic features of communicative approach to language teaching is that it enables us to make assumption about the types of communication we will equip learners to handle. CLT approach applied Al-Qalam Islamic boarding school of MAN 3 Malang employs several rules to its students. In this case, they


have to speak English in daily communication such as the students should use English for 24 hours in their daily communication as the reflection of CLT approach. In Islamic boarding school has motto in implementing the rules of boarding school as follow: “Arabic and English is our crown, by Arabic we can master Islamic world and by English we can master the world”. So this motto support to students will be more struggles in learning bilingual language.

Rivi (2009) in his study stated that Al-Hikam boarding school had good circumstance to make English environment alone. The students live together in a dormitory all the time. It is the same as in Al-Qalam Islamic boarding school of MAN 3 Malang where the students also live together in a dormitory. In Rivi’s study, it is only focused on speaking context but in this study the researcher focused on a whole management on English instruction at Ma’had Al-Qalam MAN 3 Malang.

Based on this explanation, the writer is interested in this research because the writer wants to know if this language teaching method can improve students speaking ability or not ,to see the problems faced by teacher in the implementation of CLT and to give solution of the problems. Thus, the writer does this research with the title “The Problems in Implementing of CLT in Teaching Learning Process at Al-Qalam Islamic Boarding School Programs of MAN 3 Malang.

1.2the statements of problems

The state problems of this study are formulated as follows:

1. What are the teacher’s methods in implementing of CLT in teaching learning process at Al-Qalam Islamic boarding school programs of MAN 3 Malang?


2. What are the problems in implementing of CLT in teaching learning process at Al-Qalam Islamic boarding school programs of MAN 3 Malang?

3. What are the problems’ solution in implementing of CLT in teaching learning process at Al-Qalam Islamic boarding school programs of MAN 3 Malang

1.3Purpose of Study

Based on the state problem above, the purposes of the study are defined as follows:

1. To know the teachers’ method in implementing of CLT in teaching learning process at Al-Qalam Islamic boarding school program of MAN 3 Malang. 2. To know the problems in implementing of CLT in teaching learning process

at Al-Qalam Islamic boarding school programs of MAN 3 Malang.

3. To give solution to the problems in implementing of CLT in teaching learning process at Al-Qalam Islamic boarding school of MAN 3 Malang.

1.4 Significances of the Study

The Significances of the study are described as follows: 1. For Teacher

The result of this study will help teachers to improve and develop their ways in teaching strategy especially in teaching speaking used CLT approach and improving their knowledge in teaching strategy.


2. For Students

The students explore their knowledge in English ability and use their English not only in the school but also in outside the school with their friends.

3. For next Researchers

The writer hopes that other researchers continue the research by doing deeper into the problems.

1.5Scope and Limitation

The scope of this study tries to describe the implementation CLT in teaching learning activities for MAN 3 Malang students. While the limitation of this research is the spoken English used by students living in boarding school of MAN 3 Malang as their daily communication tool which has used the CLT. The writer wants to investigate on the CLT, problems, and the solution of the teacher in teaching learning activities.

1.6Definition of Key Terms 1. Implementation

Implementation is the operational material in the boarding school program which is under control the teacher in learning process in boarding school. Setiadi (2006)

2. Communicative language Teaching (CLT)

Communicative language Teaching (CLT) is an approach to foreign language education which focuses on meaning to the exclusion of any attention to language forms. Setiadi (2006)


3. Speaking

Speaking is used for many different purposes, and each purpose involves different skills. Richard &Renandya (2002)

4. Approach

Approach is a set of assumptions dealing with the nature of language, learning, and teaching. Anthony (1969)

5. Method

An overall plan for systematic presentation of language based on a selected approach. Anthony (1969)

6. Teaching

Teaching is a conscious stream of decisions, made before, during, and after instruction, the implementation of which, will increase the probability that learning will take place.Kauffman (1996)

7. Boarding School

Boarding school is out of school system provides both the general and religious education. Jalal (2003-2015)

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