The Relation Parmalim and Tunggal Panaluan The Meaning Symbol in Tunggal Panaluan

by Ph. OL Tobing which learned in the following article with some opinions response pro and contra which we underlined as needed. But, in this study, the writer only entered one history of Tunggal Panaluan encountered by Ph. OL Tobing. According to the writer research in Sagala and Hutaginjang, each clan has own Tunggal Panaluan. It means that one clan has one Tunggal Panaluan. And in each clan, Tunggal Panaluan is held by the older generation and forbid to publicated to the other. In addition, each clan has own history about their Tunggal Panaluan. The function Tunggal Panaluan each clan is same to the other clan, that is: • Keep the house from the thief, • To protection from the dark magic, • Companion in arms in war, • Antidote to the rainy season, • Caller rain in dry season, • And to protection their clan.

3.5 The Relation Parmalim and Tunggal Panaluan

Tunggal Panaluan is played only in three parts of ceremony by the Shaman, namely: 1. “Mandudu” ceremony is special to commemorate the story of Siaji Donda Hatahutan with Siboru Tapi Nausan that becomes Tunggal Panaluan, where the male dog is served and the color ‘Sunggam Balanga” his mouth is red and body is red and yellow or mottled black. Universitas Sumatera Utara 2. In the Mangalahat-Horbo ceremony: “Sitingko tanduk-siopat pusoran- sisomot imbulu” the male buffalo with circle horn-round, has four short- haired whirlpool and meeting which drawn from under the house into the Bindu Matoga arena then the head adorned with mare-mare. In Bindu Matoga ceremony has only an entrance stairs and without dragons, pins, chisels and eggs. The buffalo is paraded by the crowded people, seduced by the Shaman with melodious song-poem so sincere and submissive. After entering Bindu matoga arena, then tied up to tree stump and at mooring to Borotan wood which beringin leaves mixed with sae-sae leaves which decorated with the mare-mare young palm leaves. If buffalo against or strikes means the Shaman has not advanced to persuade and or fend off another Shaman mystique. The origin traditional ceremony Mangalahat Horbo Santi is the ceremonial custom work done by Sibagotni Pohan and her sisters to commemorate the death of their brother the youngest Siraja Hutalima in Baligeraja with the term: Mangalahat horbo Santi in the Sipahalima month, commemorate the death of Siraja Hutalima. 3. In the new year ceremony by the Bius king: Every time when the people wants to say a prayer to the Mula Jadi Nabolon so this Tunggal Panaluan is danced by playing Gondang Sabangunan.

3.6 The Meaning Symbol in Tunggal Panaluan

There are some parts pictures of face in Tunggal Panaluan, namely: 1. Siaji Donda Hatahutan 2. Siboru Tapi Na Uasan having breasts that symbolize prosperity Universitas Sumatera Utara 3. Datu Parmanuk Koling 4. Datu Guru Mangantar Porang or Marangin Bosi 5. Datu Si Sanggar Meol-meol or Datu Boru Si Baso Bolon 6. Datu Si Upar Mangalele or Datu Horbo Marpaung 7. Datu Siajir Bahir or Jolma so Begu human ghost The pictures of animal, namely: 8. The human Siaji Donda Hatautan’s tail bitten by a chameleon 9. The snake that bites lizard’s tail Meaning: The chameleon is a tool of the snake to affect the passions Si Boru Tapi Na Uasan to do love with with Si Aji Donda Hatahutan. 10. Rope with three colors: white, red and black which are tied above the Tunggal Panaluan or on the head of Si Aji Donda Hatahutan. The color also gives the special meaning: • White: description of banua ginjang → world over Mula Jadi Nabolon Sisombaon, dwelling symbol of purity • Red: description of banua tonga → middle world human survival symbol of the struggle • Black: description of banua toru, toru ni tano → underworld, underground death symbol of darkness Universitas Sumatera Utara