Students’ Responses toward Their Comprehension of Narrative

Ika Sartika, 2014 The use of story grammar in teaching reading narative text Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | Questions number 6 and 7 are related to students’ understanding of resolution and events of the story. The result of the questionnaire show that 27 90 students gave positive responses. They said that story grammar helps them in understanding resolution and events of the story, while the others, three students 10 gave negative response. Questions number 8 and 9 deal with the students’ understanding of ending of the story and moral value. Most of the students gave positive response. 96.7 of 30 students said that story grammar helps them in understanding ending of the story and 86.7 of 30 students gave positive response too in understanding moral value or the lesson can get from the story. The findings above indicated that students succeeded in the maintenance phase in the areas of character, setting place and time, but had trouble in theme, outcome, and reaction in the first phase, at last it showed positive effects of story grammarstory map training in accordance with Boulineau et al 2004 researchfindings. Based on the data above, it can be explained that most of the students believed that before they were involved in the study they found difficulties in understanding narrative text but after their involvement in the study they realized that story grammar strategy can help them to understand parts of the story. As what some writers argue that explicit instruction of story structure or story grammar can help students with or without learning disabilities make gains in their comprehension Dimino, Taylor, Gersten, 1995; Duke Pearson, 2002; Williams, 2002; Arthaud and Goracke, 2006 Furthermore, this explicit steps help students organize their thinking and generalized their understanding to new situations Pressley, 2002a. Ika Sartika, 2014 The use of story grammar in teaching reading narative text Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia |

5.2.2 Studen ts’ Responses toward Retelling the Story

The table below is the data from the questionnaire that is related to the students’ responses towards retelling the story. Table 5.2 Students’ Responses toward retelling the story NO. Aspect asked Description of students responses F 10 By knowing story parts in story grammar does it help to retell the story. Yes, it helps us to retell the story by using the story map of story grammar. 20 66,7 No, not always 10 33,3 In the data given, it can be seen that 66,7 of 30 students consider using story grammar to retell the story, by using their own language to tell the story, the most important thing is they could remember the parts of the story. The other 33,3 of 30 students say even they can retell the story they still have difficulties in retelling it using English. As the previous research has shown the structure of narrative text can facilitate first and second or EFL readers recall of events Carrel 1984 and found that after teaching a story grammar model the students not only increased their recall of events , but also their oral fluency Falencia, 1997; Gonzales, 1997.

5.2.3 Students’ Responses toward the Use of Story Grammar

The table below is the data from questionnaire that is related to the students’ responses towards the implementation of story grammar. Table. 5.3 The Students’ Responses toward the Use of Story Grammar No. Aspect asked Description of students’ Responses F Ika Sartika, 2014 The use of story grammar in teaching reading narative text Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | 11. Students ’ opinion of the implementation of story grammar. Yes, using story grammar in teaching narrative text make students feel more interesting and excited 30 100 No - - 12. Applying story grammar for future time. Yes, to make the students understand the parts of the story it is important to apply this strategy in future time. 28 93,3 No 2 6,7 Having the data above, it can be seen that all students 100 viewed the implementation of story grammar was good and interesting. They said story grammar strategy was more interesting and exciting. While 93,3 of 30 students gave positive responses to the question by saying yes toward the applying of story grammar for future time, they said that it could help them to understand the parts of the story easily.

5.2.4 Summary of Discussion of Data from Questionnaire

Data from questionnaire showed that generally students gave positive responses towards the implementation of story grammar. They said that story grammar helped them in understanding narrative text. This could be seen from the students’ answer to the questions related to their understanding of narrative text, retelling the story and the implementation of the teaching program. By comparing the result of questionnaire some indications are observed. Ika Sartika, 2014 The use of story grammar in teaching reading narative text Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | First, in relation to the understanding of narrative text most of the students responded “yes” that story grammar using story map increased their comprehension. This finding in line with what the previous researchers said that for students with LD who read below grade level, even older students can benefit from explicit, effective instruction in story grammar and how to use it Boulineau, et al, 2004; Dickson, Simmons, et al., 1998; Dimino, et al., 1990; Gardill Jitendra, 1999. Research also supports the use of story mapping, the graphic counterpart of story grammar, as a tool for improving comprehension of narrative text by students with LD or reading problems.Boulineau, et al., 2004; Gardill Jitendra, 1999; Idol Croll, 1987; Vallecorsa deBettencourt, 1997. Second, the students responses towards retelling the story after using story grammar also gave positive response, it’s about 66,7 of 30 students. It is indicated that the students could retell the story because they understood the story after identifying the parts of the story. According to other research, the different between student with and without LD in oral retelling is demonstrating knowledge of story structure Griffith et al, 1985. Third, 100 of students gave positive respons toward the implementation of story grammar. They said that in teaching reading of narrative text by using story grammar was more interesting and exciting. They said that the teacher should apply this strategy in teaching reading of narrative text for future time. This findings support the findings from the interview it will be discussed in section 5.4.3 that the implementation of story grammar tend to increase the students’ understanding of narrative text and the process of teaching learning was more interesting Reutzel, 1986; Taylor, Alber Walker, 2002. Ika Sartika, 2014 The use of story grammar in teaching reading narative text Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia |

5.3 Data from Interview

As outlined in Chapter 3 that the interview was conducted after the teaching program and the questionnaire. It was intended to find out their responses towards the teaching programs and to verify the finding from observation and questionnaire Creswell, 2008; McMillan and Schumacher, 2001. The data from the interview were transcribed, categorized and interpreted to answer the research questions. All the interview data were analyzed in steps. First, the interview questions were put into categories. Next, the thematic analysis was developed referring to each research question. After that the data from interview were presented in condensed body of information Kvale, 1996; cited in Emilia, 2005.

5.3.1 Students’ Responses toward Comprehension of Narrative Text

Most students said that before using story grammar strategy, it was difficult to understand narrative text but then they found it was easier to understand the story after using story grammar. First the parts of the story were introduced to the students then they identified parts of the story together with their friends. All the interviewees said that their understanding of narrative text increased. As what R1 and R4 explained: It’s helpful in understanding narrative texts. It is also help me in identifying the parts of the story R1. The lesson is easier to understand although sometimes I open the dictionary to make sure about the meaning of the words. But at least it is more interesting and I felt my understanding progress. R4.