Her Dreams Causes of Clare’s Struggle

b. Her Dreams

In living her miserable life, Clare keeps struggling and surviving. It is somehow caused by her dreams. As an idealist, Clare has so many dreams to achieve in her life. She also has ideals of a happy life. She once dreams of having a magic wand that can make all unhappy children in the world happy. Clare really wants to feel happy in her life. She wishes to have someone who cares about her. She also hopes that children will have presents twice a year and new clothes once a month. At last, it is a must that children have a dry bed and have no parents who abuse them Briscoe 301. Clare’s dreams are the things that she cannot get in her troubled life. All her dreams are the reflections of what she wants to achieve in life. She wishes to have a happy life like what others also wish. Clares statement about getting presents, new clothes, and dry bed shows that she has the desire to fulfill her physiological needs as the most basic needs in Maslows hierarchy of needs. It is stated that the most powerful and important of all basic needs are the needs for physical survival, which include the needs for food, liquid, sex, shelter, sleep, and oxygen Maslow in Goble 38. While her statement on having someone who cares about her indicates that she wants to fulfill her needs of love and belongingness. As it is stated by Maslow in Goble 40-41 in fulfilling the needs of love, people will try to establish a caring relationship which includes mutual trust. Although she realizes that her real life is far from happiness, still Clare has a strong desire to reach happiness. It shows that Clare really wants to have a better life. She has the willingness to change her life into better. Moreover, as a confident girl, Clare is certain about her own ability that she can gain a happy life. Her goal of having a happy and better life becomes her motivation to move on in life. It is also obvious that Clare wants to satisfy her basic needs. According to Bootzin, Loftus, Zajonc, Blake, Lo Picollo, Holahan, and Scarr 367 human behavior is organized and guided by some purposes and that it leads to some end state, which may be a goal or the satisfaction of some needs. Her goal of having a happy life guides and directs Clare to behave in certain actions to achieve the goal. It also keeps Clare struggling and surviving in difficult situations happening throughout her life. Clare also has a dream of becoming a barrister when she is grown up. She is inspired by a courtroom drama she watches at noon while she is away from school for a serious face infection. It is Crown Court at One which shapes Clare’s dream to be a barrister. In that one-hour courtroom drama, Clare gets impressed by the actors who are dressed up in black gowns and wigs. Clare finds it is so exciting with a new incident, a new defendant to represent, and a new trial every day. Then she decides that she wants to be a barrister like the characters. Since Clare is idealistic, she then intends to find more about it when she goes back to school later Briscoe 239. She always seeks ways to make what she wants come true. Referring to Maslow’s theory, by becoming a barrister Clare wants to fulfill her esteem needs, both her self-esteem and esteem from others. When she is qualified as a barrister later on, Clare intends to show his mastery and competence on law. Besides, she also wants to gain respect from others including reputation and status as a barrister. Those are the reasons why Clare keeps struggling in her awful life.

2. Clare’s Struggle