Research Participants Research Instruments

14 Step 2: After identifying a question, the researcher looked for information related to the research from the literature. Step 3: From the literature review, the researcher planned a research strategy, everything that would be conducted in the research. Step 4: After a fixed plan was constructed, the researcher conducted the plan and started collecting the data based on the plan. Step 5: The next step after collecting data was analyzing data. In this step, the researcher analyzed the data to know the result. Step 6: After analyzing the data and finding the result, the researcher took action based on the result. If the result showed that the solution improved the teaching learning process, the researcher would do the same solution for the second cycle. If the result showed that the solution did not improve the teaching learning process, the researcher would improve the solution by analyzing more what to improve. Step 7: The last cycle was sharing the findings in the form of thesis. Those were the steps which were conducted by the researcher to improve students’ listening skill in class X5 of SMAN 2 Yogyakarta.

B. Research Participants

The participants in this research were students of class X5 in SMAN 2 Yogyakarta. The number of the students was 32 students. Seventeen of them were girls and fifteen of them were boys. They were in the odd semester academic year 20102011. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 15 The students in class X5 were actually active. Nevertheless, they still found difficulty when they did listening exercises. Therefore, the researcher chose this class to improve students’ listening skill.

C. Research Instruments

The research instruments would be divided into two parts, the research instruments before the implementation and the research instruments during the implementation. 1. The Research Instruments before the Implementation The instruments used before the implementation are field notes, informal interview, and word-focus assessment. a. Field Notes Field notes aimed to see the students’ condition while they were learning English before the research was going on. It helped the researcher analyze students’ problem. b. Informal Interview Informal interview aimed to know more students’ problems from their own opinion. It ensured the researcher about the problems faced by the students. Informal interview was conducted to all students in class X5 of SMAN 2 Yogyakarta. c. Word-Focus Assessment Word-focus assessment was the base-line of the research. It was taken because the teacher of class X5 did not have students’ scores in their listening PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 16 class. Therefore, the researcher constructed word-focus assessment to obtain the base-line from the students. 2. The Research Instruments during the Implementation The research instruments used during the implementation are content- focus assessment, observation sheet, questionnaire, field notes, and semi- structured interview. a. Content-Focus Assessment Content- focus assessment aimed to improve students’ listening skill. It helped and guided students to grasp the information in the recording. b. Observation Sheet The observation sheet aimed to have feedback from the teaching learning process in the classroom. The English teacher of class X5 was the observer in this research. Besides, the researcher was also the observer of this research. c. Questionnaires The researcher gave two questionnaires to 32 students of class X5 in SMAN 2 Yogyakarta. Questionnaire One was given in the first cycle. It was an open questionnaire. Questionnaire Two was given in the second cycle. These questionnaires aimed to obtain the information from the students and to deepen the result of the research. Hence, the proof of the research success was not only based on the scores of the assessments, but also based on students’ opinions. The questionnaires guided students to realize the type of assessment that helped them in improving their listening skill. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 17 d. Field Notes Field notes aimed to know everything happening in the classroom during the teaching learning process. The field notes were based on what the researcher saw in the classroom. e. Semi-Structured Interview The semi-structured interview aimed to check whether students realized the improvement in their listening skill. There were six open-ended questions in the interview. The researcher interviewed eleven participants to know deeper about what they felt and realized during the research. The researcher chose the participants randomly. There was no certain reason in choosing the participants to interview.

D. Data Gathering Technique