






A Script

Submitted in a Partial Fulfillment of The Requirements for S-1 Degree


The Language and Arts Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty






By Ilham Sanjaya

Students still think that writing is difficult to master. Writing makes so many difficulties not only for students but also to the teacher. It happens because their lack of writing skill. In addition, it is difficult lesson because in writing we not only share our ideas from our mind but also we have to choose and combine the vocabulary well to make a writing that is meaningful. And one of writing text that has to be learnt in SMA is narrative text. Therefore, the objective of the research was to find out whether there is an improvement students’ narrative writing ability after being taught through animation film.

This research was quantitative research. The design of the research was one group pre test-post test design. This research was conducted at class XI IPA 3 SMA N 1 Way Jepara consisting 30 students. In collecting the data the researcher administered narrative writing test. The test was given to the students to find out how far students’ improvent their narrative writing ability.

The reseacher found out that there was an improvement students’ narrative writing ability. It could be seen from the mean score of students’ narrative writing in pre test was 48.33 and in the post test was 68.33. From the result it was found that there was an improvement and the difference of the mean score was 20.0. With significant level of 0.05, it obtained that p=0.00. It means that there was an improvent or significanly different (p<0.05, p=0.00) students’narrative writing ability after given the treatment (using animation film in teaching narrative text).

Therefore the hypothesis (H) was accepted in ths research. In other words, teaching narrative text using animation film is considered effective in improving students’ narrative writing ability. It can be recommended that animation can be used as effective media in teaching writing.
















I. INTRODUCTION 1.1. Background ... 1

1.3. Research Question ... 4

1.4. Objective ... 4

1.5. Uses ... 4

1.6. Scope ... 5

1.7. Definition of Terms ... 6

II. LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1. Writing ... 7

2.2. Aspect of Writing ... 8

2.3. Teaching Writing ... 11

2.4. Narrative Text ... 12

2.5 Generic Structure of Narrative Text ... 14

2.6 Language Feature of Narrative Text ... 15

2.7 The Use of Audio Visual Media in the Classroom ... 16

2.8 Film ... 17

2.9 Types of Film ... 18

2.10 Animation Film... ... 19

2.10 The Types of Animation Film... ... 20

2.11 Animation Film in Teaching Narrative Text... ... 21

2.12 Procedures of Teaching Narrative Text Writing Using Animation Film... ... 22

2.13 Criteria of Selecting Animation Film as Media in Teaching Writing... ... 24

2.14 Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Animation Film in Teachinng Narrative Text Writing ... 25



3.1. Research Design ... 28

3.2. Population and Sample ... 29

3.3. Data Collecting Tecnique ... 30

3.4 Procedures of Collecting Data ... 30

3.5. Instrument of the Research ... 32

3.6. Scoring Criteria ... 32

3.7. Validty and Reliability ... 35

3.7.1 Validity of Test ... 35

3.7.2 Reliability of Test. ... 36

3.8 Data Analysis ... 38

3.9 Data Treatment ... 39

3.9.1 Normality Test. ... 39

3.9 Hyphothesis Testing...39

IV. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 4.1. Result of the Research ... 40

4.1.1 Reporting of the Treatment Implementation ... 40

4.1.2 Results of Pretest. ... 44

4.1.3 Results of Posttest ... 51

4.2. Hypothesis Testing ... 67

4.4. Discussion ... 71

V. CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS 5.1. Conclusions ... 79

5.2. Suggestions ... 80




This chapter provides the background, research question, objective of the research, uses of the research, scope, and definition of term.


It has been generally accepted that English is an international language. In Indonesia English is taught in school from elementary school up to university. There are four basic language skills (listening, speaking, reading, and writing) that should be learnt by students in school. One of the important basic language skill is writing. Writing tends to be considered as the most important skill to master. According to Byren (1983) writing is important and paradoxically, we can improve our spoken language by writing. For that reason, writing can be used as a media for people to express their feeling, ideas, thinking or opinion.


Actually, in English there are active skills (speaking and writing) and passive skills (listening and reading). Writing is one of the active skills because the students have to be able to produce or make a written form. The students are demanded to master writing skill based on curriculum in Indonesia. Based on curriculum there are many types of written form that has to be learnt by students such as recount, descriptive, report, news item, and narrative. Therefore, the students are expected to know or master writing skill.

One of the texts that should be learnt by students of senior high school is narrative text. The students are required to be able to understand and make a narrative text cohesively based on the social function and generic structure of the text. In reallity, the students are still confused if they are asked to write narrative text but the students only know about the generic structure and language features of those kind of text.

In accordance to the writer‟s experience in the three-month-teaching training program in SMA, generrally the students still think that writing is the most difficult language skill to master. In reality, writing lesson has been seen as boring, tiring, and difficult subject for students. In other words, students think that writing is not interesting lesson. Actually writing makes so many difficulties not only for students but also to the teacher. It happens because their lack of writing skill. In addition, it is difficult lesson because in writing we not only share our ideas from our mind but also we have to choose and combine the vocabulary well to make a writing that is meaningful.


To make a good writing the students need several processes such as pre writing, planning, and revising draft, and go to final writing. It needs times to arrange piece of writing. And then according to Hedge (2000) writing is a gradual activity involving stages like setting goals, generating the ideas, organizing information, selecting appropriate language, making a draft, reading, reviewing it, and then revising editing. Besides that the students have to make writing in English certainly. Therefore, writing is a still nightmare for students and becomes a complex task because the students need processes, more practices, and some steps to be able to make a good writing.

Based on the facts stated above, teacher needs to vary the activity in teaching writing. The teacher has to find the media to make students‟ interested to build their self confidence in writing. According Lynne (2001) the students‟ interest is one of the main factors to achieve the goal of teaching learning English. For that reason, animation film is a medium that can be used to increase students‟ motivation in learning writing. There are three kinds of media in teaching learning process. They are audio, visual, and audio- visual. Actually film or animation film is a media namely audio visual media. Audio-visual media can be used to teach writing especially narrative writing.

Animation film is expected to be effective media for teaching narrative writing because students can hear the voice but they will see the situations that happen in the story, and then they will be more interested and motivated using animation film in the class. Lavery (2008) argues that film and video are effective ways in motivating and helping students to


understand language. Therefore, with teaching using animation film, students will get interest and try to re- write the story from the film.

Therefore, from the explanation above this research tries to find out whether the use of animation film can improve students‟ narrative writing ability. After that, this research is expected to have some contribution for English teaching especially in teaching narrative text.

1.2Research Question

In reference to the background above the research question was formulated as follows: “Can teaching using animation film improve students‟ narrative writing ability?”

1.3 Objective

The objective of the research is to find out whether teaching using animation film can improve students‟ narrative writing ability.


The result of this research may serve the following use: 1. Practically:

To give the information for the teachers to improve their teaching in teaching narrative text writing


To develop students‟ ability in creating narrative text

2. Theoretically

To be a reference for the researcher who wants to conduct further research on students‟ writing skill teaching learning process.

To confirm previous theories.


The researcher focused the research on using animation film for teaching narrative text. Therefore, the focus of the research was to find out the improvement of the students in narrative writing text after the students were taught using animation film. Learning material in this research was focused on writing narrative text and the narrative text material are fable and indonesian folktale. The researcher used three films that have been selected for the treatment. In this research the researcher used the sample of animation film that is the types of computer animation as media in teaching narrative text in the classroom. This research was conducted at SMA Negeri 1 Way Jepara, Lampung Timur. The class was chosen randomly. The class of research was at XI IPA 3 of SMA N 1 Way Jepara. The scope of writing skills consists of content, grammar, vocabulary, organization and mehanic (Harris, 1979: 68-79).


1.6Definition of Term

Animation Film

Animation film is a motion picture or television film consisting of a photographed series of drawings, objects, or computer graphics, which stimulate motion by recording very slight, continous change in the images, frame by frame. In this research, the researcher use animation film that is suitable in teaching narrative text such as folktale animation films and some sort animation films.

Narrative Text

Narative text is a text which is used to amuse, entertain, and deal with actual or vicarious experience in difference ways. Narrative text deal with problematic events which lead to a crisis or turning points of some kind, which in turn finds a resolution (Wardiman, 2008).

Teaching Writing

It refers to teach the students how to express the idea and imagination in writing form, which is relevant to their needs, interest, capacity, and ages, until they are able to make composition with few or even no errors (Finnochiaro, 1964: 129).


Writing is one of language skill where the writer expresses their ideas, feelings, thoughts, and expression in written form using knowledge of content, vocabulary, organization, language use, and mechanic for communicating in verbal way.



In relation to this study, there are several points of theories and previous studies which should be reviewed. Thus, this chapter discusses writing, aspects of writing, teaching of writing, narrative text, generic structure of narrative text, language feature of narrative text, the use of audio-visual media in the classroom, animation film, animation film in teaching narrative text, procedures of teaching narrative text by using animation film, advantages and disadvantages of using animation film in teaching narrative text writing, theoretical assumption, and hypothesis.

2.1. Writing

Generally, writing can be meant as the act of making or tracing a character on a paper with a pen or pencil. According to Meyers (2005:2) writing is a way to produce language when you do naturally and when you speak. Writing is communicating in a verbal way. Writing is also an action or a process of discovering and organizing your ideas, putting them on a paper and reshaping and revising them. Therefore, writing can be said as one of the ways to produce language in particular situation. Meanwhile, Holme (2004:16) states that writing is an ability to make a


form of words that in general it may have a higher truth value than the fact that it has set down.

Another definition, Linderman (1982: 11) states that writing is a process of communication uses a conventional graphic system to convey a message to reader. In this process, in order to have writing skill, the students should know the step of arranging letters, words, sentences, paragraphs by using knowledge of structure, vocabulary, organization etc. Linderman (1982: 27) also defines that writing is process of communication which convey the meaning to the reader.

Based on definitions above it can be inferred that writing is one of the way to produce language that comes from our mind. We can allocate our ideas, feeling or anything that is in our mind on a paper or computer screen by using writing. Writing can be read by people whenever the writer is not present. And then writing is also a skill to make a form of word that have a higher value.

2.2. Aspects of Writing

In writing, there are several aspects which should be considered by students in order to write well. Brown (2001) proposes six major aspects of writing that have to be required by a writer in producing a written text namely content, organization, discourse, syntax, vocabulary, and mechanics. Content deals with thesis statement, related ideas, development ideas, and the use of description. Organization covers the effectiveness of introduction, logical sequences of ideas, conclusion, and appropriate


length. Discourses include topic sentence, paragraph unity, transition, discourse maker, cohesion, rhetorical convention, reference, fluency, economy, and variation. Mechanics include the use of spelling, punctuation, citation of reference, and appearance.

Furthermore, Harris (2000) proposes five aspects of writing namely content (the substance of writing), form (the organization of content), grammar (the employment of grammatical form and syntatic pattern), and style (the choices of structure and lexical items to give a particular tone or flavour to the writing).

Similarly, Jacobs (1981: 90) specifically mentions that in order to be effective: a piece of composition should meet the following qualities:

1. Content

Content refer to the substance of writing, the experience of main idea. i.e., group of related statements that a writer presents as unit in developing a subject. Content the paragraph do the work of conveying ideas rather that fulfilling special function of transition, restatement, and emphasis.

2. Organization

Organization refers to the logical organization of content. It is scarely more than attempt to piece together all collection of fact and jumble ideas. Even in early drafts it may still be searching for order, trying to make out patterns


in its materials and working to bring particulars of its subject inline with what is still only a half-formed notion of purpose.

3. Vocabulary

Vocabulary refers to the selection of words those are suitable with the content. It begins with the assumption that writer wants to express the ideas as clearly and directly as he/she can. As a general rule, claruty shold be his/her prime objective. Choosing words that express his/her meaning is precisely rather than skews it or blurs it.

4. Language use

Language use refers to the use of correct grammatical form and synthetic pattern of separating, combining, and grouping ideas in words , phrases, clauses, and sentences to bring out logical relationship in paragraph writing.

5. Mechanic

Mechanic refers to the use graphic convetional of the language, i.e., the step of arranging letters, words, paragraphs by using knowledge of structure and some others related to one another.

Based on the categories of writing aspects above, it can be concluded that generally the aspects of the writing are classified into five aspects namely content,


organization, vocabulary, language use, and mechanic. Students can make a well-organized text by comprehending those aspects.

2.3 Teaching Writing

Teaching writing is not easy activity even more difficult than teaching other language skills. In teaching writing, the teacher needs some process in order to make the students master the skill. The teacher should teach the aspects of writing and make sure that the students understand the aspects of writing. Concerning to this, Ju (2006) states that teaching writing is an ongoing process. It means that teaching writing is continuous process to teach students in expressing their ideas and producing language in written form.

Harmer (1983: 48) points out that there is certain particular needs to be taken into account when teaching writing, e.g. sentence organization, paragraph arrangement, and coherence in the writing itself. More generally, it is said that teaching writing requires the elements of writing skill including grammar, sentence organization, vocabulary, and mechanic (Madsen, 1983:120). Teaching writing guides students not only to write sentences in a paragraph but also to organize their idea. It can be said that teaching writing covers not only the use of grammar such as sentence sense, word order and mechanic, i,e., the use of graphic symbols, but also teaching writing covers the organization of ideas expressed into the correct of writing (Madsen, 1983:120)


According to Douglas (1980) teaching is showing or helping someone to learn how to do something providing with knowldege, causing to know or to understand. Writing is one way to communicate with other people besides speaking. When the students write a paragraph, they should write not only semantically correct but also she/he should use a correct grammar.

From the definitions above, it can be inferred that teaching writing is a process for teaching students how to communicate their ideas and produce language in written form. In teaching writing, covers not only the use of grammar such as sentence sense, word order and mechanic, i,e., the use of graphic symbols, but also teaching writing covers the organization of ideas expressed into the correct of writing.

2.4 Narrative Text

One usually uses narrative writing when he/she tells a friend about something interesting that happened to you in your work place or your school, or you tell joke to someone. Actually narrative text is sequence of events, which is based on life experience and is person oriented using dialogue and familiar language.

In fact, narrative text is one of the genres of written form that is studied in senior high school in Indonesia. Narrative text are used to amuse , entertain, and deal with actual or vicarious experience in difference ways. Narrative text deal with problematic events which lead to a crisis or turning points of some kind, which in


turn finds a resolution (Wardiman, 2008). Some examples of narrative texts are fiction, fables, folk tales, fantasies, legends, etc.

Here is example of narrative text:

THE STORY OF MALIN KUNDANG ( a Story from West Sumatra )

A long time ago, there's old widow with her son, named Malin Kundang. They lived in a hut in the vilage near the sea. They were very poor.

Malin Kundang thought, "if I stay here, I won't have a better life. I have to leave this vilage and look for a job". His mother was sad to hear it. But she knew that Malin Kundang was right. So she let him go.

After her son had left, Malin Kundang's mother went to the beach every day. She hoped her son would return soon. At night she would pray for her son's safety. She would ask the captain of the ship whether he saw her son or not. But she got no news about Malin Kundang.

After years, when she was very old, a captain of a ship told her, "Malin Kundang? I met him some month ago. He is now married to a beautiful girl. She is the daughter of a wealthy man." Malin Kundang's mother was very happy to hear it. "Thank you, God!" she prayed. She was sure that Malin Kundang would return home one day.

One morning, a big beautiful ship docked. A young couple stood at the dock. They wore beautiful clothes. Malin Kundang's mother cried joyfully. "Malin Kundang! My son! You are home!" she hugged the young man.

Malin Kundang did not believe her. He thought,"This can't be my mother! She was a strong woman when I left”. But his wife said angrily,"Why didn't you tell me that your mother is poor and old?" Then she spitted on the old woman.

The old woman cried. She could not believe what she heard. "Malin, I am your mother”. But Malin Kundang did not listen. He was embarrassed to have an old mother. So he kicked the old woman yelled at her, "Go away, ugly woman. My mother does not look like you at all". The woman fell on the ground. She cried. Then she prayed,"My dear God, if he really is my son, punish him".

Suddenly, there was a thunderstorm. Big waves hit the shore with a loud noise. They hit everything from big ships to coconut trees along the shore. The thunderstorm was a fierce


one. The storm stopped in the morning. But the villagers could see what the storm had done. Not far from the shore, there were rocks that looked like wreckage and the passenger of a ship. People believed that it was Malin Kundang's ship, and Malin Kundang changed into a coral reef. God had punished him.

(adopted: www. Sekolah )

2.5 Generic Structure of Narrative Text

There are three elements of generic structure of narrative text. The first is orientation that is about the opening paragraph where the sets, the scenes and the characters of the story are introduced. It usually answers the question who, when, where, And the second is the complication where the write tells how the problem arises, sometimes something are unexpected events will happen. The last is resolution which is an optional closure of event. In narrative, the complication may be resolved for better or for worse. The writers are able to conclude that resolution is in the end of the story.

In addition, Emilia (2011) states that narrative text consists of five main parts namely orientation, complication, evaluation, resolution, and coda. The first is orientation which tells about the opening paragraph where the characters of the story are introduced. The second is complication that explains some problems or something happen in the story. The third is evaluation that highlights the significance of the events for characters. The fourth is resolution that shows sort out problem for


better or worse, and the last coda as the optional elements. Coda concludes lesson from the story.

Based on the theories of generic structure of narrative text above, it can be concluded that generally the generic structure of narrative text are classified into three elements namely orientation, complication, and resolution. Students can make a well-structured text by comprehending those generic sturcture of narrative text.

2.6 Language Features of Narrative Text

Every text has language feature to develop the story. According to Gerot and Wignell (1994: 204) language features involved in narrative are:

a. Focus on specific usually individualized participants with defined identities. b. Use of material process (action verbs). Material processes are defined into

process of doing or saying what happen and what someone does or what is done.

c. Use of behavioral and verbal process, which deal with human pshycological behaviour, such as walking, laughing, and dreaming, etc.

d. Use of relational process and mental process. Relational process is a process of being and having that can be classified whether to identify something and to quality the action. Meanwhile, mental process is a process of sensing . the


sense can be used to describe and develop the experiences, seting and characters. It can focus on thinking, feeling, and perceiving.

e. Use of past tense.

f. Use of temporal conjunction and temporal circumstances that described time and place. The use conjunction is connected with time where the action takes place.

Based on the theories above, it can be summarized that language features of narrative text are: 1) focus on specific and usually individualized participants, 2) use the past tense, and 3) use of material verbs.

2.7 The Use of Audio Visual Media in the Classroom

Actually, there are three media in teaching. They are audio, visual, and audio-visual. One of the media is audio-visual. Audio-visual media is the complete one because both audio and visual are used in the class. So, with audio-visual media the students not only hear but they also can see. The sample of audio-visual media that are usually used are: television, video, film etc. Students can learn faster and easier by audio visual processes than by verbal explanation only because according to Harmer (2001) the use of audio visual media in writing can motivate students because they will get information on what they should write or tell in relation to the video then they will get an interest to develop their ideas. Furthermore, Harmer (2001) claims that a film or video is one of the visual aids that can be used in a writing class. It will


make lesson fun and the students get big enthuasiasm in teaching learning process in the writing class.

2.8 Film

A film is a part of our lives that it is hard to imagine without them. We enjoy them in movie theaters or cinemas, at home, in school or in offices. Ussually we bring or watch film in our laptop or DVD player.

Film is a series of pictures that are developed into a screen to create or make the ilussion of motion. Furthermore, motion pictures are also called movies , film or cinema, are one of the most popular forms of enterteinment that have people to immerse themselves in a imaginary world for a sort period of time. Another definitions, Kirkpatrick (1993) defines that film is a series of connected cinematographic images projected on a screen. And then Coulson (1978) defines that film is story, incident, etc. Recorded on film in, moving pictures. Another definition by Summer that film is a roll of material which is sensitive to light and which is used in camera for taking photographs or moving pictures for the cinema.

Bordwell (2006:2) states that film communicate information and ideas and they show us the places and ways of life we might not otherwise know. A film takes us on a journey, offering a patterned experience that engages our mind and emotions.


Based on the definitions above I conclude that film is motion picture combining a story, incident, and history and film communicate information an ideas and film can engages our mind and emotions too.

2.9 Types of Film

Bordwell and Thompson (1997:50) defined the types of movie or film as follow; 1. Documentary film

A documentary film supports to present factual information about the world outside the film. As a type of film, documentaries present themselves as factually trustworthy.

2. Fictional film

A fictional film presents imaginary beings, place or events. Yet, if film is fictional, thatdoes not mean that is completely unrelated actually

For one thing, not everything shown or implied by the fictional film needs to be imaginnary, a typical fictional film stages its events; they are designed, planned, rehearsed, filmed and refilmed. In a fictional film the agents portrayed or depicted by an intermediate, not photographed directly in documentary.

3. Animation film

Animation films are distinguished from live-action ones by the unusual kinds of work that are done at production stage. Animation films do not continously


filming outdoor action in the real time, but they create a series of images by shooting one frame at a time.

4. Experimental film

Some film makers set out to create films that challenge orthodox notion of what movies can show and how it can show it.

Experimental fims are made for many reasons, they are;

a) The filmmakers want to expreess personal experience or view point b) The filmmakers may also want to explore some possibilities of the

medium it self

c) The filmmakers may tell no story but they may create a fictional story that will usually challenge the viewer.

The explanation above explains the types of film and animation film is one of type of film based on Bordwell and Thompson theories.

2.10 Animation Film

According to Rick (2010:6) animation means “give life to” and live-action puppetry such as that found on sesame street and the use of electromecanical devices to move puppet. Another statement from Ann-Wright (2005:1) the word of animation come from latin verb animare meaning “ to make alive or to fill with the breathe.” And Shaw (2004:1) state that animation is animation, whatever the medium. Whether you are drawing on paper, modelling in plasticine, shoving a couple of matchboxes


around in front of a bolex camera or animating with a computer, to become an animator you will need to understand movement and how to create emotion. Meanwhile Maltin (1980) defines that animation is a graphic representation of drawings to show movement within those drawings. A series of drawings are linked together and usually photograped by a camera. Example of animations are Micky Mouse, Donald duck, Doraemon, etc.

Bordwell (2006:33) states that the animation film is created frame by frame. Images may be drawn directly on the film strip, or the camera may photograph drawings or three-dimensional models. Today most animation films are created directly on computer with imaging software.

Based on the definitions of animation film the researcher conclude that animation film is a kind or type of motion picture or film consisting of a photographed series of drawings, objects, or computer graphics, which stimulate motion by recording very slight, continous change in the images, frame by frame.

2.11 The Types of Animation

Actually there are many types of animation that can be used in the classes. The researcher just mention the three main types of animation.

1. Traditional animation

Thomas and Lisa (2003) state that Traditional animation is called cell animation because it is the individual frames of a traditionally animated film


are photographs of drawings, which are the first dawn on paper. It is the main process which can be used for the most animated film of the 20th century.

2. Full animation

It refers to the process of producing high quality traditionally animated film which has reguler use, detalied drawing and visible movement.

3. Computer animation

It focuses on manipulation of images which characters and object move and interact. Bancroft and Keane (2007:87) define computer animation as program which use animations‟ software to create and copy individual.

In this research the researcher used the sample of animation film that is the types of computer animation as media in teaching narrative text in the classroom.

2.12 Animation Film in Teaching Narrative Text

Animation film as teaching media can be used in writing class. It will give the advantage of writing process in prewriting stages. Prewriting became an important stage because most of students still get difficulties in begining writing process, which is in the generation of ideas. Moss (2010) states that the animation film in writing process can organize brainstorming session well. For that reason, animation film help students to improve their ability in English especially writing.


From animation film the students learn some elements of narrative text such as characters, dialogues, plots, conflict and climax. By using animation film, it make students understand the generic structure of narrative text because it shows real images and plot or simple story and they provide contextual clues to the meaning of written narrative. Vukoja ( 2005) states that through the use of animation video or film in prewriting activity, students can explore the structural device of the story (plotlines, character development, setting, and theme). So, the students will be easier to learn about narrative text and they will try to write their story.

2.13. Procedures of Teaching Narrative Text Writing Using Animation Film

Based on Edelstein and Pival (1998), there are three steps of writing. They are: 1. Pre-writing is concerning to select the general subject, restrict the subject,

generate the idea and organize the ideas.

2. Writing is to setting on the paper the ideas in her or his mind into words, sentences, paragraph and so on.

3. Re-writing concerns with evaluating her/his writing, deals mainly with: a) Concerning the content and form

b) Correccting the vocabulary, punctuation, and grammar c) Correcting writing errors, word duplications and omission

Based on the statement above, the researcher used the steps containing pre-writing, writing and re-writing. The procedures teaching narrative text writing using


animation film were used to modify the lesson plan. Here were lesson plan implementation.

1. Pre-writing

a) The teacher stimulates students background knowledge by giving questions and explanations about narratives.

b) Teacher asks to students about their favourite stories in narrative.

c) Teacher shows an animation film and asks the students to answer questions.

d) Teacher asks to students to write the main idea/plot of the story from animation film that is played.

e) Teacher will explains the generic structure, and how to organize narrative from the story of animation film that is played.

2. Writing

a) Teacher asks the students to write the character, setting of place and time based on the animation film that is played.

b) Teacher asks the students to write or arrange the main idea and make conclusion of the story.

c) Teacher asks the students to write the narrative text agree with the story of animation film.

3. Re-writing

a) Teacher checks their writing and asks them to re-write if the students make errors in grammar, vocabulary, content and form.


b) Teacher reflects the lesson that they learnt.

This procedures or steps of writing is used to modify lesson plan implementation that is expexted to make students produce their own text confidently.

2.13 The Criteria of Selecting Animation Film as Media in Teaching Writing

Actually in this research the researcher use three titles of animation films as media in teaching writing in the classroom. They are The Greedy Forester, The Brave Pig ( by the jakatale), and The Golden Goose (by speakabos). The researcher got or downloaded the films from the internet ( The reason the researcher used or selected that films are:

1. The films can be used to explain the aspects of writing because the films that selected by the researcher have voice narration and text narration. So, the students would be easy to understand the content of the story and some vocabularies from the films. Using that films, the researcher can be easier to explain the organization, grammar and mechanic because the films have text narration or english subtitle.

2. In the content of the film, there is no sex, kissing, racism and violence part.The reseacher should be careful to select the film for students. The film have to be edited first to avoid sex, kissing, racism, and violence part.


3. The duration of film is 7-10 minutes.

4. The topics of the film are about tale story and fable because it is suitable to second grade students‟ material.

5. The films that the researcher selected have moral message in the story that can be model for students of SMA.

2.12 Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Animation Film in Teaching Narrative Text Writing

The advantages and disadvantages of using animation film in teaching narrative text writing are as follows:

A. The advantages are

1. The main advantages of using animation film is the students do not just hear, but they see it too. It will make students easy to understant the step of the story. 2. According Vukoja (2005) the use animation videos or films in pre writing activity, students can explore the structural devices of the story (plotlines, character development, setting, and theme). Therefore, it will be easier for students to learn about narrative texts and to write their own story.

3. By viewing animation film, the students can understand the generic structure of narrative text because it shows real images and simple story or plot. Based on Wright (1976) animation video or film contain some elements of narrative such as, characters, dialogues, plots, and climax.


5. Harmer (2001) claims that a film is one of visual aids that can be used in a writing class. It makes lesson more fun. It can also be used to create situation for writing classes more clearly, that students have big enthusiasm in teaching learning process in writinng class.

B. The disadvantages are:

1. The teacher need much time to prepare the media like LCD, sound that will be used in the class

2. The teacher need a lot of energy to organize the condition of class . 3. If there is problem with electricity in the class, we can not use the media.

Based on the disadavantages of the using animation film the researcher conclude that to anticipate that the teacher should prepare the media that will be used in the class first and the teacher should consider the using of time allocation effectively and efficiently.

2.13 Theoretical Assumption

In teaching writing, there are many media that can be used by teachers to reach the goal of teaching learning process. Based on the literature review above, animation film can be used to improve students‟ narrative text. Based on the previous description, the students still think writing as the most difficult skill. Students need to consider five aspects of writing; they are content, organization, vocabulary, language use, and mechanic. By using animation film, the students are facilitated to plan their


ideas in systematical way. Therefore, animation film as media can help the students to focus the idea that they intend to write in relation to the topic and to link sentences into coherent ideas in the target language Finally, it is assumed that animation film can improve student‟s narrative text writing to be better.

2.14 Hypothesis

Concerning to the theories and the assumption above, the hypothesis can be stated as follows:

“There is an improvement of the students‟ narrative writing ability after being taught by using animation film”.



In order to answer the research question and achieve the objective of the research, research method should be constructed thoroughly. The research method consists of research design, population and sample of the research, data collecting technique, procedures of collecting data, the instrument of research, validity and reliability of the test, data analysis, and then hypothesis testing.

3.1. Research Design

This research employed a quantitative design which was aimed to find out whether teaching using animation film can improve students’ narrative writing ability. This research was conducted based on the pre-experimental method. It applied one group pre test-post test design modified from the idea suggested by Setiyadi (2006: 131). This experimental method deals with one experimental class. The experimental class was the class which got the treatment by animation film. The experimental class was given the pre-test and post-test in order to measure the improvement of students’ narrative writing. The pretest was used to find out the students’ performance about narrative writing and the post-test was used to look how far the improvement of students’ writing ability after the treatments.


The research design can be symbolized as follow:

K :

X T2 T1

K : Experimental class

T1 : Pre-test

X : Treatment (teaching narrative text using animation film) T2 : Post-test

(Setiyadi, 2006: 131)

3.2. Population and Sample

According to Sugiyono (2010), population are group of people or things involving their characteristics and qualities that becomes research subject. In this research, the population was second grade students of SMA Negeri 1 Way Jepara and the sample was XI IPA 3 class. The researcher selected sample randomly.

3.3. Data Collecting Technique 1. Pre-test


The pre test was administered before the treatments. It was to see the basic quality of students’ writing performance before receiving treatment. The students was given the narrative writing test. The students was given the direction to make narrative text. In the direction, the students was given two topic stories. The topics were fable and indonesian tale stories. The time allocation of pre test was 90 minutes.

2. Post-test

The post-test was administered to the students after they got the treatments. It was done to find out the improvement of students’ narrative writing after being taught using animation film. The students was given the direction to make narrative text. In the direction, the students was given two topic stories. The topics were fable and indonesian tale stories. The time allocation of pre test was 90 minutes.

3.4. Procedure of Data Collecting Technique

The collecting the data the researcher made some steps: 1. Selecting matrials for treatment

The researcher selected some samples of narrative texts from some English books, and magazines, or internet. The researcher used the animation film as a teaching media. The animation film was taken from the internet or Dvd. 2. Determining the population and selecting the sample


The population of this research was one of the classes at SMA negeri 1 Way Jepara, Lampung Timur. The class was XI IPA 3 which researcher chose. 3. Administering the pre-test

The researcher conducted the pre-test before giving the treatments and it was in 90 minutes. The pre-test was conducted to know the students’ ability about narrative writing text. The students would be asked to make narrative writing freely.

4. Conducting the treatments.

After giving the pre-test to the students, the experimental class will be given treatment in 3 meetings. The time of the treatment were 90 minutes , based on the time allocation in the syllabus of the second grade of SMA. The experimental class was given the treatment by using animation film as a media and would be explained about the narrative text materials .

5. Administering the post-test

The post-test was conducted to measure the students’ narrative writing improvement. The test was in form of writing. The students were going to be asked to develop their narrative text writing based on the animation film that was played.

6. Analyzing the data

After scoring pretest and posttest, the data were analyzed by using SPSS software program. It was used to find out the means of pre-test and post-test and how the improvement wass.


3.5. Instrument of The Research

To gain the data, the researcher applied one kinds of instrument: writing test.

Writing test

The instrument of this research was narrative text writing test. The researcher administered writing test to find out whether students’ narrative writing could improve or not by using animation film. The students were asked to write a narrative text. The students would be given a chance to make writing for about 90 minutes.

3.6. Scoring Criteria

The students can succeed in writing if their writing includes five aspects of writing. Therefore, five aspects of writing are evaluated in the students’ paragraph writing in the form of narrative text. They are content, organization, grammar, vocabulary, and mechanic.

In scoring the student’s draft, the researcher used the scoring criteria (adopted from Harris, 1979: 68-89).

1. Content : the substance of the writing, the idea expressed (unity). 2. Grammar : the employment of grammatical forms and syntactic patterns. 3. Organization: the organization of content (coherence).


5. Mechanic : the conventional devices used to clarify the meaning.

Table 3.1 Scoring Criteria (adopted from Harris, 1979: 68-89)

Aspect Criteria Score

Content - Excellent. All developing sentences support main idea.and relevant to assign topic.

- Good. Rather relevant to the topic and eassy to understand

- Fair. Relevant to the topic but is not quite easy to understand.

- Poor. Quite relevan to the topic but is not quite easy to understand

- Very poor. There is no developing sentence support the main idea.


15 10

5 0 Grammar - Excellent. All sentences written in the

correct grammar/ few errors in past tense - Good. Some errors in past tense

- Fair. Numerous errors in past tense - Poor. Frequent errors in past tense - Very poor. No sentence written in the

correct grammar 20 15 10 5 0 Organization - Excellent. Most of sentences are related

to the main idea

- Good.some sentences are related to the main idea

- Fair. Few sentence related to the main idea

- Poor. The sentences are unrelated to each other.

- Very poor. No supporting sentences written in chronological order

20 15 10 5

0 Vocabulary - Excellent. All vocabulary used correctly/

few errors in word choice - Good.some errors in word choice - Fair. Occasional errors in word choice - Poor. Frequent errors in word choice - Very poor. No vocabulary used correctly

20 15 10 5 0 Mechanic - Excellent. Few errors of punctuation,

spelling, and capitalization/ used correctly 20


- Good. Occasional errors of punctuation, spelling, and capitalization.

- Fair. Numerous errors of punctuation, spelling, and capitalization

- Poor. No mastery of convention, dominated by errors of punctuation, spelling, and capitalization

- Very poor. No punctuation, spelling, and capitalization used correctly

15 10. 5 0

To simplify the idea above, here are the scoring criteria used in writing skill: Table 3.2 Table of Proportion in Writing Tests’ Score:

Writing Aspects Criteria in writing test Score

Content Make an effective narrative by seeing the topic sentence and controlling the idea

20% Organization Use the transitional words in chronological order 20% Grammar Use past tense, correct grammatical and syntactic pattern 20%

Vocabulary Use the suitable word choice 20%

Mechanics Use correct graphic conventional of the language, including, spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and paragraphs


Based on the explanation above, the researcher evaluate the aspects of narrative text writing based on content, grammar, organization, vocabulary, and mechanics. The lower score is 0 and the highest score is 100.

3.7. Validity and Reliability

A test can be said whether it is usable or not if it has fulfilled the criteria of validity and reliability. The writing test was the decisive instrument of this research. Therefore, it


was important to measure validity and reliability of the test in order to get valid and reliable data.

3.7.1. Validity of The Test

A test could be considered valid if the test measured the objectives to be measured and suitable with the criteria (Hatch and Farhady, 1982: 250). According to the Hatch and Farhady (1982: 281) there are two basic types of validity; content validity and construct validity. In order to measure whether the test has a good validity, those two types of validity would be analyzed.

Content validity is concerned with whether the test is sufficiently representative and comprehensive for the test. In the content validity, the material was given suitable with the curriculum. Content validity is the extent to which a test measures a representative sample of the subject meter content, the focus of content validity is adequacy of the sample and simply on the appearance of the test (Hatch and Farhady, 1982: 251). This research used narrative writing test that was supposed to be comprehended by the second year of senior high school students. The test was considered as valid in content validity since the test of writing constitutes a representatives sample of the language skill and structure and also the material used were chosen based on 2006 English Curriculum of KTSP for second year senior high school.


Construct Validity is concerned with whether the test is actually in line with the theory of what it means to know the language that is being measured, it would be examined whether the test given actually reflect what it meant to know a language. In this research, scoring criteria was based on the five aspects of writing; content, organization, vocabulary, grammar, and mechanic that were suggested by the notion suggested Harris et al (1979: 68-69).

3.7.2 Reliability of The Test

Hatch and Farhady (1982:243) states that the reliability of a test can be defined as the extent to which a test produces consistent result when it administered under similar conditions. In order to ensure the reliability of scores and to avoid the subjectivity of the research, there were inter-rater reliability. Inter-rater reliability was used when score on the test was independently estimated by two or more judges or raters.

To measure how reliable the scoring is, this study uses Spearman Rank Correlation with the formula:

r= 1 -

) 1 (

. . 6

2 2




r : Coefficient of rank correlation

d : Difference of rank correlation N: Number of students

(Sugiyono, 2006: 228)

In this case, the coefficient of rank correlation will be analyzed with the standard of reliability as follows:

1. 0.80 - 1.0 : very high reliability 2. 0.60 - 0.79 : high reliability 3. 0.40 - 0.59 : medium reliability 4. 0.20 - 0.39 : low reliability

5. 0.0 – 0.19 : very low reliability (Arikunto, 1998: 260)

Table 3.3 The Realibility of Raters


Pre test Post test Criteria

0.7434372 0.8498331


Based on the table above, it was found that the reliability coefficients of pre test were 0.7434372. And the reliability coefficients of post test were 0.8498331. And according to the standar criteria, both of test were high reliability. Therefore it could be used in this research. (See Appendix 8and Appendix 9).

The writing tests were considered reliable if the tests reached the range of 0.60-0.79 (high reliability). The result of the calculation showed that the reliability coefficient of the pre-test and post-test was acceptable.

3.8. Data Analysis

After collecting data, the researcher analyzed using a number of procedures. The result of students’ performance in pre-test were compared with the result of their pos-test to the impact of the instruction in their writing performance. The data were analyzed using SPSS software program.

The next step was presenting data. After the data have been collected and classified, the data were presented. Finally, the last step was taking conclusion of the whole presented information.


3.9. Data Treatment

1.9.1 Normality Test

The researcher use normal test to treatment the data. This test is used to Measure whether the data are normally distributed or not. The criteria of normal distributions are: Ho: The distribution of the data is normal

Ha: The distribution of the data is not normal

The Hypothesis is accepted if the result of the normality test is higher than 0.05

(sig> α). In this case the researcher used the One Sample – Kolmogorov – Smirnov Test (SPSS) to test the normality test.

3.10. Hypothesis Testing

The hypothesis testing was used to prove whether the hypothesis proposed in this research was accepted or not. SPSS was used to know the improvement of treatment effect. The hypothesis is analyzed at significance level of 0.05 in which the hypothesis is approved if Sig < α. It means that probability of error in hypothesis is only about 5%. After collecting the data, the researcher recorded and analyzed them in order to find out whether there was an increasing in students’ ability in writing or not after the treatment. The researcher used Paired Sample T-test to know the level of


The formulation is:


∑x2d = ∑d2

Md = mean from the differences pretest and posttest (posttest-pretest) Xd = deviation of each subject (d – md)


d = total of quadratic deviation N = subjects on sample

(Arikunto, 2010: 349-350) The criteria are:

H0: There is no improvement of the students’ narrative writing ability after being

taught by using animation film.

The criteria is Ho (null hypothesis) is accepted if alpha level is higher than 0.05 (α> 0.05)

H1 : There is an improvement of the students’ narrative writing ability after

being taught by using animation film.



This final chapter attends the conclusion of the research findings and suggestions for English teacher who want to try to use animation film as the alternative media in teaching writing and for those who want to conduct similar research.

5.1 Conclusions

The objective of the research was to find out whether there is an improvement student’ narrative writing ability using animation film or not. Based on the research, the researcher got the conclusion that can be drwan as follows:

1. There is an improvement students’ narrative writing ability using animation film. It can be seen based on the data that the researcher have got. In the data, we knew that there was improvement from the mean score of the pretest and posttest. It could be seen that the mean of score pretest was 43.33 and the mean score of posttest was 68.33. It means that the gain score from pretest and posttest was 25.0, where the significance was determined by P>0.05. T- test proved that the result was significant (P=0.00). Therefore, the hypothesis was accepted.


2. Teaching using animation film can improve students’ narrative writing ability in all aspects of writing ability. Therefore teaching narrative writing using animation film could be said that is a suitable technique or media in improving students’ narrative writing ability.

5.2 Suggestions

Based on the conclusion above, the researcher’s suggestion can be listed like the followings:

1. Suggestions for English Teachers

a. Teaching writing through animation film is difficult at first. The teacher must consider about time allocation in applying this media and the teacher must use animation film that does not take long duration. Since it take long time, so the teacher should use time as efficient as possible.

b. The English teachers who want to apply animation film are suggested to select interesting animation film to make students enthuasiastic in the class. It is done to avoid the students’ boredom.


2. Suggestion for further researcher

a. In this research, the researcher used animation film as teaching media to help students improve their narrative wriiting ability. Further researchers can use this media on different level of students.

b. Further research can try to investigate whether animation film can be used to improve other kinds of text.

c. Further research can try to investigate whether animation film can be made into on different language skills of English.



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Appendix 1



Subject : ENGLISH

Class/Semester : XI/Second Aspect/Skill : WRITING Time Allocation : 2 x 45 minutes

1. Standard Competence

Expressing the meaning in short functional texts and simple monolog text in form of report, narrative, and analytical exposition in daily life and access popular knowledge.

2. Basic Competence

Expressing meaning in rhetoric steps in essay using various written language accurately and acceptably in daily life context in the form of narrative.

3. Indicators:

At the end of the class, the students are expected to be able to: 1. Identify plot/main idea of narrative text.

2. Know the process of identifying ways in constructing the narrative text. 3. Produce in writing narrative text.

Characters 1. Critical 2. Logic 3. Dilligence 4. Objectives:

These activities are intended to teach the students how to: 1. Identify plot/main idea of narrative text.

2. Identify ways in constructing the narrative text. 3. Make a narrative text.



1. The students are expected to be critical 2. The students are expected to be logic 3. The students are expected to be diligent.

5. Teaching material

Narrative text is an imaginative story to entertain people

Social Fungtion is narrative text: to tell stories or past events and entertain the readers or listeners.

Generic Structure dari Narrative Text

Orientation: It is about the opening paragraph where the characters of the story are introduced.

Complication: Where the problems in the story developed. Resolution: Where the problems in the story is solved. Example to narrative text :

THE STORY OF MALIN KUNDANG ( a Story from West Sumatra )

A long time ago, there's old widow with her son, named Malin Kundang. They lived in a hut in the vilage near the sea. They were very poor.

Malin Kundang thought, "if I stay here, I won't have a better life. I have to leave this vilage and look for a job". His mother was sad to hear it. But she knew that Malin Kundang was right. So she let him go.

After her son had left, Malin Kundang's mother went to the beach every day. She hoped her son would return soon. At night she would pray for her son's safety. She would ask the captain of the ship whether he saw her son or not. But she got no news about Malin Kundang.

After years, when she was very old, a captain of a ship told her, "Malin Kundang? I met him some month ago. He is now married to a beautiful girl. She is the daughter of a wealthy man."


Malin Kundang's mother was very happy to hear it. "Thank you, God!" she prayed. She was sure that Malin Kundang would return home one day.

One morning, a big beautiful ship docked. A young couple stood at the dock. They wore beautiful clothes. Malin Kundang's mother cried joyfully. "Malin Kundang! My son! You are home!" she hugged the young man.

Malin Kundang did not believe her. He thought,"This can't be my mother! She was a strong woman when I left”. But his wife said angrily,"Why didn't you tell me that your mother is poor and old?" Then she spitted on the old woman.

The old woman cried. She could not believe what she heard. "Malin, I am your mother”. But Malin Kundang did not listen. He was embarrassed to have an old mother. So he kicked the old woman yelled at her, "Go away, ugly woman. My mother does not look like you at all". The woman fell on the ground. She cried. Then she prayed,"My dear God, if he really is my son, punish him".

Suddenly, there was a thunderstorm. Big waves hit the shore with a loud noise. They hit everything from big ships to coconut trees along the shore. The thunderstorm was a fierce one. The storm stopped in the morning. But the villagers could see what the storm had done. Not far from the shore, there were rocks that looked like wreckage and the passenger of a ship. People believed that it was Malin Kundang's ship, and Malin Kundang changed into a coral reef. God had punished him.

Moral message:

As a child, never forget all parents services especially a mother who already raise you, Don't become a rebel. Insubordinate to the parents is a big sin that will be borne by your self.

Animation film:

Some animation films: folktale animation films (selfish giant, golden goose, greedy forester, the brave pig) and etc.


Pre activities

1. The teacher greets the students

2. The teacher checks the students‟ attendance list

3. The teacher gives apperception by giving some questions such as: Do you have favorite stories?

What are your favorite stories?

Do you all have the same favorite stories? What do you know about narrative text? 4. The teacher explains about narrative text.

While activities

1. The students are shown an animation film.

2. The teacher ask the students some questions based on the film such as: From the animation film, can you identify the main idea of the film? Who are the characters of the film?

What are the main characters of the film? And who are the protagonist and antagonist of the story based on the film?

Where is the setting/place of the film?

What are the conflicts that happen in the story? What are the problems of main characters? How did the main characters solve the problems? What is the end of the story based on the film?

3. The teacher asks the students to find the generic structure, grammatical features, and social function based on the animation film that is shown.

4. The teacher writes the coordinate conjunction words and each function of them in front of the class.

5. Teacher explains to students about the steps of writing (sentence organization, paragraph arrangement, coherence).

6. Teacher asks to students to discuss and write the main idea/plot of the story in the text. 7. The teacher gives several questions to test result of the teaching learning process.

Post activities

1. The students are asked to discuss whether they have some difficulties on the lesson or not

2. One of two students are asked to give conclusion about the material have been learnt 3. The teacher gives conclusion about the material have been taught

4. the teacher close the meeting

7. Media:

1. Animation film 2. Some text stories


8. Sources:

1. www.

2. www. Disneyanimation film. com 3. English books material

9. Evaluation:

Cognitive : students‟ respond

Psycomotoric : writing the main idea/plot and the narrative text Affective : students livelines


Appendix 2



Subject : English Class/Semester : XI/Second

Aspect/Skill : Writing

Kind of Text : Narrative

Time Allocation : 2 x 45 minutes

1. Standard Competence:

Expressing the meaning in short functional texts and simple monolog text in form of report, narrative, and analytical exposition in daily life and access popular knowledge.

2. Basic Competence :

Expressing meaning in rhetoric steps in essay using various written language accurately and acceptably in daily life context in the form of narrative.

3. Indicators:

At the end of the class, the students are expected to be able to: 1. Identify plot/main idea of narrative text.

2. Know the process of identifying ways in constructing the narrative text. 4. Produce in writing narrative text.

Characters 1. Critical 2. Logic 3. Dilligence

4. Objectives:

In the end of the session the students are able to: 1. Identify plot/main idea of narrative text. 2. Identify ways in constructing the narrative text.


3. Make a narrative text.


1. The students are expected to be critical 2. The students are expected to be logic 3. The students are expected to be dilligent.

5 Teaching Material

1. Narrative text

The Smartest Parrot

Once upon time, a man had a wonderful parrot. There was no other parrot like it. The parrot could say every word, except one word. The parrot would not say the name of the place where it was born. The name of the place was Catano.

The man felt excited having the smartest parrot but he could not understand why the parrot would not say Catano. The man tried to teach the bird to say Catano however the bird kept not saying the word.

At the first, the man was very nice to the bird but then he got very angry. “You stupid bird!” pointed the man to the parrot. “Why can‟t you say the word? Say Catano! Or I will kill you” the man said angrily. Although he tried hard to teach, the parrot would not say it. Then the man got so angry and shouted to the bird over and over; “Say Catano or I‟ll kill you”. The bird kept not to say the word of Catano.

One day, after he had been trying so many times to make the bird say Catano, the man really got very angry. He could not bear it. He picked the parrot and threw it into the chicken house. There were four old chickens for next dinner “You are as stupid as the chickens. Just stay with them” Said the man angrily. Then he continued to humble; “You know, I will cut the chicken for my meal. Next it will be your turn, I will eat you too, stupid parrot”. After that he left the chicken house.

The next day, the man came back to the chicken house. He opened the door and was very surprised. He could not believe what he saw at the chicken house. There were three death chickens on the floor. At the moment, the parrot was standing proudly and screaming at the last old chicken; “Say Catano or I‟ll kill you”.


5. Learning Activities:

Pre activities

1. The teacher greets the students

2. The teacher checks the students‟ attendance list

3. The teacher gives apperception by giving some questions such as: Do you have favorite stories?

What are your favorite stories?

Do you all have the same favorite stories? What do you know about narrative text? 4. The teacher explains about narrative text.

While activities

1. The teacher gives another example of animation film and asks the students to observe it.

2. The teacher asks the students to make some groups.

3. The students are asked to discuss, find the generic structure and write the main idea/plot of the text.

4. Teacher plays a film to students to stimulate their mind about narrative.

5. The teacher explains to students about language features of narrative text (focus on grammar andadverb of time) and using of conective in arranging the paragraph.

6. The students are asked to formulate some questions that they thought based on animation tha is played, for example, what questions do you have that you think the story might answer? (it can be main idea, supporting details, refference, vocabulary and inferential questions)

7. The teacher gives several questions to check their comprehension Post activities

8. The students are asked to discuss whether they have some difficulties on the lesson or not

9. Teacher asks them about what they have learned today 10. The teacher closes the meeting

11. Media

1. narrative text

2. Some animation films: invention of love, or folktale animation films (selfish giant, golden goose, greedy forester, the brave pig, snow white, and malin kundang) and etc.

12. Sources


Disney animation film and Jakatatale animation films


Cognitive : students‟ respond

Psycomotoric : finding the plot/main ide text Affective : students liveliness

Task 1 Direction!

Find the main idea / plot and generic structure of the story that is suitable with the story on the animation played to all of you.


Appendix 3



Subject : English Class/Semester : XI/Second

Aspect/Skill : Writing

Time Allocation : 2 x 45 minutes

1. Standard Competence :

Expressing the meaning in short functional texts and simple monolog text in form of report, narrative, and analytical exposition in daily life and access popular knowledge 2. Basic Competence :

Expressing meaning in rhetoric steps in essay using various written language accurately and acceptably in daily life context in the form of narrative narrative.

3. Indicators:

At the end of the class, the students are expected to be able to: 1. Identify plot/main idea of narrative text.

2. Know the process of identifying ways in constructing the narrative text. 3. Produce in writing narrative text.

Characters 1. Critical 2. Logic 3. Dilligence 4. Objectives:

In the end of the session the students are able to: 1. Identify plot/main idea of narrative text.

2. Identify ways in constructing the narrative text. 3. Make a narrative text.


1. The students are expected to be critical 2. The students are expected to be logic 3. The students are expected to be dilligent.

4. Teaching Material:

Some animation films:

Some animation films: folktale animation films (selfish giant, greedy forester, the brave pig) and etc.

5. Learning Activities: Pre activities

1. The teacher greets the students

2. The teacher checks the students‟ attendance list

3. The teacher gives apperception by giving some questions such as: Do you have favorite stories?

What are your favorite stories?

Do you all have the same favorite stories? What do you know about narrative text? 4. The teacher explains about narrative text.

While activities

1. The teacher gives another example of animation film and asks the students to observe it.

2. The teacher asks the students to make some groups.

3. The students are asked to discuss, find the generic structure and write the main idea/plot of the text.

4. Teacher plays a film to students to stimulate their mind about narrative.

5. The teacher explains to students about language features of narrative text (focus on grammar andadverb of time) and using of conective in arranging the paragraph.

6. The students are asked to formulate some questions that they thought based on animation tha is played, for example, what questions do you have that you think the story might answer? (it can be main idea, supporting details, refference, vocabulary and inferential questions)

7. The teacher gives several questions to check their comprehension


8. The students are asked to discuss whether they have some difficulties on the lesson or not

9. Teacher asks them about what they have learned today 10. The teacher closes the meeting


An animation film



Cognitive : students‟ respond

Psycomotoric : Writing the Narrative text Affective : students‟ liveliness Scoring system:

Scoring system is based on aspects of writing: 1. Content : 20 points

2. Organization : 20 points 3. Vocabulary : 20 points 4. Language use : 20 points 5. Mechanics : 20 points


Appendix 4



Make a narrative text based on the animation film shown.

1. Write a narrative text (orientation, complication, and resolution) based on the topics provided!

a. Fable b. folktale

2. You may use these words in your text, e.g. first, second, then, next, before, after, finally, etc.

3. You may also use these key words, e.g. One day, a long time ago, last year, once upon day, etc.

4. To make your writing well, pay attention in usin of punctuation for examples period (.), coma (,), colon (:), semi colon (;), exclamation point (!), question mark (?), apostrophe („), qotation mark (“ “) etc.

5. And then give your attention to your grammatical structure. Check them carefully before you submit it.


Appendix 5



Make a narrative text

1. Write a narrative text (orientation, complication, and resolution) based on the topics provided!

a. Fable b. Folktale

2. You may use these words in your text, e.g. first, second, then, next, before, after, finally, etc.

3. You may also use these key words, e.g. One day, a long time ago, last year, once upon day, etc.

4. To make your writing well, pay attention in usin of punctuation for examples period (.), coma (,), colon (:), semi colon (;), exclamation point (!), question mark (?), apostrophe („), qotation mark (“ “) etc.

5. And then give your attention to your grammatical structure. Check them carefully before you submit it.


Appendix 6

Students’ Score of Pre Test in Each Aspect of Writing RATER 1

No N ame Content Grammar Vocabulary Organization Mechanics Total

1 AD 10 15 15 10 10 60

2 VW 15 5 5 15 15 55

3 TS 10 10 10 15 10 55

4 ZD 15 5 5 15 15 55

5 AM 15 5 5 10 15 50

6 DL 10 10 10 10 10 50

7 TN 10 10 10 10 10 50

8 AA 10 5 10 10 10 45

9 DR 10 5 10 10 10 45

10 EE 15 5 10 10 10 45

11 IH 10 5 5 15 10 45

12 NH 10 5 10 10 10 45

13 RY 10 10 5 10 10 45

14 YR 10 5 5 10 10 45

15 BK 10 5 5 10 10 40

16 DM 10 5 5 10 10 40

17 DK 10 5 5 10 10 40

18 EK 10 5 5 10 10 40

19 FW 10 5 5 10 10 40

20 GR 10 5 10 10 5 40

21 KK 10 5 10 10 5 40

22 MJ 5 5 5 10 15 40

23 RD 10 5 5 10 10 40

24 YW 10 5 5 10 10 40

25 EP 10 5 5 10 5 35

26 KP 10 5 5 10 5 35

27 MM 5 5 5 10 10 35

28 NL 10 5 5 10 5 35

29 NS 10 10 5 5 5 35

30 YS 5 5 5 10 10 35

Total 305 185 205 315 290 1300


Students’ Score of Pre Test in Each Aspect of Writing


No Name Content Grammar Vocabulary Organization Mechanics Total

1 AD 15 10 15 15 15 70

2 TS 15 10 10 15 10 60

3 ZD 15 10 10 10 10 60

4 IH 10 10 10 15 10 55

5 VW 15 5 10 15 10 55

6 AA 10 10 10 10 10 50

7 AM 15 5 5 10 15 50

8 DM 10 10 10 10 10 50

9 DL 10 10 10 10 10 50

10 DR 10 10 10 10 10 50

11 FW 10 10 10 10 10 50

12 KK 10 10 10 10 10 50

13 RY 15 10 5 10 10 50

14 RD 15 5 10 10 10 50

15 TN 10 10 10 10 10 50

16 YW 15 5 5 10 10 50

17 YR 10 5 5 15 10 50

18 GR 10 5 10 10 10 45

19 KP 10 5 10 10 10 45

20 NH 10 5 10 10 10 45

21 BK 10 5 5 10 10 40

22 DK 10 5 5 10 10 40

23 EE 10 5 15 10 10 40

24 EP 10 5 5 10 10 40

25 EK 10 5 5 10 10 40

26 MJ 5 5 5 10 15 40

27 MM 10 5 5 10 10 40

28 NL 10 5 5 10 10 40

29 NS 10 10 5 10 5 40

30 YS 10 5 5 10 10 40

Total 335 215 245 325 310 1435


Appendix 7

Students’ Score of Post Test in Each Aspect of Writing RATER 1

No Name Content Grammar Vocabulary Organization Mechanics Total

1 AA 20 15 15 15 15 80

2 DR 20 15 15 15 15 80

3 NH 15 15 15 15 20 80

4 TN 20 15 15 15 15 80

5 AM 15 20 15 10 15 75

6 DL 20 15 15 15 10 75

7 EE 15 15 15 15 15 75

8 GR 15 15 15 15 15 75

9 IH 15 10 15 15 20 75

10 NS 15 15 15 15 15 75

11 RY 15 15 15 15 15 75

12 AD 15 15 10 15 15 70

13 EP 15 15 10 15 15 70

14 TS 15 10 15 15 15 70

15 ZD 15 15 10 15 15 70

16 KP 15 10 10 15 15 65

17 MJ 15 10 10 15 15 65

18 RD 15 10 10 15 15 65

19 YR 15 10 10 15 15 65

20 YW 15 10 10 15 15 65

21 BK 15 10 10 15 10 60

22 DM 15 10 10 15 10 60

23 DK 15 10 10 15 10 60

24 EK 15 10 10 15 10 60

25 FW 15 10 10 15 10 60

26 KK 15 10 10 15 10 60

27 MM 15 10 10 10 15 60

28 NL 15 10 10 15 10 60

29 VW 15 10 10 15 10 60

30 YS 15 10 10 10 15 60

Total 470 370 360 435 415 2050







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