The Portrayed of Students' Achievement in Comprehending Reading Texts on National Examination Test in Academic Year 2010/2011 and 2011/2012 (A Descriptive Analysis)


2010/2011 AND 2011/2012

(A Descriptive Analysis)


Mohammad Syafri













Mohamad Syafri (NIM: 1110014000021). The Portrayed of Students’ Achievement in Comprehending Reading Texts on National Examination Test in Academic Year 2010/2011 and 2011/2012 (A Descriptive Analysis Study); Skripsi of English Education Department at Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers Training of State Islamic University Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta 2014.

Keywords: National Examination, Texts, Flesch’s Reading Ease Formula

This study was carried out to describe the comprehendible of texts in National Examination for senior high school academic year 2010/2011 and 2011/2012 that

become the portrayed of achievement in students’ texts comprehension. The objects of this study were English texts in National Examination academic year 2010/2011 and 2011/2012 with total 18 texts, 9 texts each.

The method of this study was Descriptive Analysis Method. It meant that this research was conducted to describe a brief portrait about the comprehendible of National

Examination’s English texts from academic year 2010/2011 and 2011/2012. This study was conducted in several steps: planning, data collecting, data analyzing by statistical calculation, and evaluating. The data is taken from UN tests are calculated by Flesch’s Reading Ease Formula.

The results of the study showed that there was a significant differences between the texts in academic years 2010/2011 and 2011/2012. Based on the data analysis, the texts from year 2010/2011 have higher score for the complexity than texts from year 2011/2012. The average score from year 2010/2011 was 60.71 and the average score from year 2011/2012 is 39.3. In conclusion, the texts from academic year 2010/2011 is more comprehended than the texts from academic year 2011/2012.




Mohamad Syafri (NIM: 1110014000021). The Portrayed of Students’ Achievement in Comprehending Reading Texts on National Examination Test in Academic Year 2010/2011 and 2011/2012 (A Descriptive Analysis Study); Skripsi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Ilmu Keguruan Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, 2014.

Kata kunci: Ujian Nasional, Teks, Flesch’s Reading Ease Formula

Penelitian ini bertujuan menjelaskan potret tingkat kepemahaman pada teks-teks bahasa Inggris pada Ujian Nasional Sekolah Menengah Atas atau yang sederajat tahun ajaran 2010/2011 dan 2011/2012 untuk menjadi gambaran prestasi pemahaman baca siswa. Dalam penelitian ini sampel yang diambil berupa 18 teks yang berasal dari kedua tahun ajaran, 9 teks pada tiap tahun ajaran.

Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Metode Analisis Deskriptif. Metoda ini digunakan untuk memberikan gambaran tentang objek uji. Dalam hal ini pengujian dilakukan untuk mengetahui tingkat keterfahaman pada teks-teks bahasa Inggris Ujian Nasional tahun ajaran 2010/2011 dan 2011/2012 yang kemudian digunakan sebagai gambaran tentang pencapaian siswa. Ada beberapa langkah yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini, antara lain: perencanaan, pengumpulan data, pengujian data secara statistik dan evaluasi. Pengujian tingkat keterbacaan dilakukan dengan menggunakan Flesch’s Reading Ease Formula.

Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan signifikan pada tingkat keterfahaman teks-teks mata pelajaran bahasa Inggris di Ujian Nasional tahun 2010/2011 dan 2011/2012. Dari perhitungan yang dilakukan, maka ditemukan bahwa rerata nilai tingkat keterfamahaman pada tahun 2010/2011 adalah 60.71 dan pada tahun 2011/2012 adalah 39.3. Simpulan yang ditemukan bahwa teks-teks pada tahun 2010/2011 lebih mudah difahami dibanding teks tahun 2011/2012.



In the name of Allah, the Beneficent and the Merciful

All praises be to Allah The One and Only God in the worlds, without His grace the writer will never achieve anything in this world and hereafter. Peace and blessing upon our prophet, the last messenger of Allah, Muhammad S.A.W., his families, his companions and his followers.

In this occasion the writer would like to express his great thanks and honor to his mother (Neneng A. Tarungku, S.Pi. ) and his father (Ir. Munir M. Saleh) also his little brother (Zunaedi Salam), who always give support, motivation, love, and unstoppable pray for the writer’s success. To my great teacher, Abi KH. Bahruddin, S.Ag., and his wife, Umi Tuti Rosmaya, and all of their family.

The thousand thanks and acknowledgment are given to the writer’s advisors Mr.

Sunardi Kartowisastro, Dipl,Ed. and Mr. Dadan Nugraha, M.Pd. for endless effort in guiding and giving advices to the writer until since the first page until the last.

His gratitude also goes to:

1. All lecturers and staffs in Department of English Education UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta.

2. Drs. Syauki, M.Pd., the Head of English Education Department.

3. Mr. Zaharil Anasy, M.Hum., the Secretary of English Education Department. 4. The staff and officers of FITK library and UIN library, Katholik Atma Jaya

University library, who have given permission in using their books. 5. Dra. Nurlaena Rifai, MA, Ph.D., the Dean of Faculty of Tarbiyah and



6. Aisyah Mulyani, Ilham Aditya Rahman, Wiwin Sutianah, Suhendra, Nur Pratiwi, and all friends from class A ’10 for good and joyful moments.

7. All friends in Daar El Hikam Islamic Boarding for the useful experience that I will not forget, Insya Allah.

8. Last but not the least, for all people who help me until this day that I cannot mention their name one by one.

Nothing writer can do to repay all their help. Just pray and hope that Allah will give the best for them too. Thank you very much for everything.

May Allah’s bless and grace always with you all.

Ciputat, 29 April 2014




TABLE OF TABLES……….……….... vii



A.Background………. 1

B. Identification of the Problem………... 5

C.Limitation of the Problem………... 5

D.Formulation of the Problem……… 5

E. Purposes of the Study………... 5

F. Significance of the Study………... 6


A.Nature of UN ………..….. 7

B. Element of Comprehension .………... 11

C.Definition of Texts………... 15

1. Letter ……….…. ... 17

2. Advertisement……… 18

3. News Item……….. 19

4. Narration ………... 20

5. Explanation………... 20

6. Exposition………. 21

7. Review………... 22

8. Discussion……… 23

9. Report……….. 24

10.Announcement………... 25




A.Method and Design……….…… 28

B. Data and Data Source...……….….. 28

C.Data Collecting Technique……….…. 30

D.Technique of Data Analysis ………... 30

E. Timetable...………. 31


A.Data Description………...……… 32

B. Data Analysis ………...…… 35


A.Conclusion………. 40

B. Implications………... 40

C.Suggestions………... 41




Table 3.2 Texts 2011/2012………. 28

Table 3.3 Research Timetable...………... 30

Table 4.1 Texts 2010/2011………. 32

Table 4.2 Texts 2011/2012……… 33

Table 4.3 The Description of Texts 2010/2011……….……… 34

Table 4.4 The Description of Texts 2011/2012………….……… 36




Appendix 1. Soal Ujian Nasional 2010/2011……… 52 Appendix 2. Soal Ujian Nasional 2011/2012………. 57





A. Background of the Problem

In this era human’s need for a good, systematic, and stable form of education is getting higher and unavoidable. Many countries in the world try to formulate the best form of education in their country. Indonesia, as one of the developing countries, is also working hard to fulfill the demand of people for a better education form. Start from the curricula that try to be elaborated by the government with the Indonesia’s condition up to the improvement of facility and quality of the teachers.

Indonesia as a country that uses modern education system has another task. The task is to create a credible, measurable, and qualified result. There are many things done by this country, one of them is doing evaluation our education system. The way to evaluate the system is varied, for example in doing test. In this country there are several tests we know with purpose to evaluate, such as mid-term test, final test, and so on.

At the peak of the evaluation system, a national-scale test called UN or National Examination is created and improved on its going. The test is done annually in order to be used as the standard measurement tool by the government. UN is given to every last grade in every level starting from elementary up to high school level. Based on its function to become a standardized tool for education in Indonesia, UN is aimed helping schools and students, especially those from outside of Java to be acknowledged. In order to take the next education level, therefore they will have less worry.

On the other hand UN also becomes the government tool to evaluate how

Indonesia’s education system works. UN results can be used to show whether the

government have managed Indonesia’s education properly or not. Simply can be said



National Examination or frequently called as UN is designed in high standard and well-prepared. In order to take care UN, such as the system, test making, and so on, the government give the authorization to BSNP( Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan/ National Standard Education Committee)1. As the function of UN is to become a tool to standardize the level of education system in Indonesia then a high standard that can be used nationally become necessary. UN, until this day, is still considered as a valid and reliable test that can be used to measure the quality of Indonesia’s students.

UN for high school level is designed with six subjects. The subjects are divided into; three special subjects and three general subjects. The special subjects are

given based on the students’ class; Science, Social, Language, Religion, or

Vocational. The general subjects are given to all students without considering their class, those three are: Bahasa Indonesia, Mathematic, and English.

The way of test distribution of UN has several changes for the several years, for example the test distribution of UN 2012 consists five types of test and in 2013 the government done some improvement by creating twenty types of test2. The condition of test-paper and LJUN(Lembar Jawaban Ujian Nasional/ National

Examination’s Answer Sheet) in 2013 is different with the years before, because in

2013 the government give addition tests’ barcode.

In order to create a credible and standardize test, BSNP chooses several teachers with their own specialize. Those teacher will formulate the UN test item first. Next the test that have been made by the teacher will be also checked by lecturer from universities3. Then the distribution will be done with high standard before it comes to the students.


Bambang Suryadi, Penyelenggaraan Ujian Nasional 2013, Buletin BSNP, Vol. III/ No. 1/ Maret 2013, p. 12.


p. 13.



English, as one of the general subjects or in other word is tested to all students without considering their class, is formed in 50 test items which are divided into 15 listening items and 35 reading items4.

For UN’s test takers, in this case students, have a good score becomes one of their main goal. English also becomes one of their top priorities, because it is one of the subjects that tested to all students. The problem is to get a good score is not an easy thing to do. There are many things that could affect the result of students achievement.

In its process, the result of this subject’s achievement level is quite dynamic. In academic year 2009/2010 the average score for English is 7.69, in 2010/2011 increased to the level 8.05, and then in 2011/2012 the score decreased sharply into 7.40.5 Data above show that the gap of score between on UN in academic years 2010/2011 and that of 2011/2012 is bigger than other years. Those two years’ gap is 0.65.

Facing that fact, the researcher comes to some possibilities of why there was a sharp decreasing for English subject’s score in UN academic year 2012. The researcher assumes there are several factor that influence students’ achievement.

Internal factor is all factors that come from the students themselves. Students’ tension, anxiety, depression, and fear of getting bad score are believed to be the factors that directly affect their achievement6. Students who have low depression or anxiety level will probably get a good score, but on the other hand those with high level depression or anxiety will usually get low score.

The external factor also plays important roles. The external factor itself could be said as all factors that come from external condition. The environment, such as


Tim Studi Guru IPS, Persiapan Menghadapi Ujian Nasional SMA-IPS 2014, (Pustaka Setia, Bandung Juli 2013), p. 35.

5“Statistik Hasil Ujian Nasional Jenjang SMA/MA Negeri dan Swasta”, 2014



Graham B. Blaine, Jr. (ed.), Emotional Problems of the Student, (New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, Inc., 1961), p. 76.



school, facility, and even quality of the test itself also becomes parts of that could

affect students’ teaching and learning condition7

. All of the examples above could affect the achievement of students. It could be said that the better the quality of the external factors the better students’ achievement will be.

Improving the condition of internal factors and external factors is believed as one way to improve their achievement. Students’ depression and anxiety for example should be reduced into a lower level. On the other hand the improvement of facility and the test themselves for examples becomes necessary.

Facing those facts, then it would be a good movement if there are some improvements done to English subject in UN. One of the improvements could come from improving the quality of the test, as one of the factors that is believed to affect

students’ achievement.It will not become an easy task, but not impossible either. On

the other hand the job will be easier with the data that have been collected from UN’s result for the previous years. All the test items that had been used could become a good reference to improve both the listening section and reading section tests.

Based on that condition the researcher thinks that using the old test items for a comparison study will bring good effect on improving UN’s test material . The result can be used in order to become one of the references in order to improve the quality of English test in UN. To add number of references that can be used to improve the quality of English test in UN the researcher conducts this comparative study between UN English test in senior high school level academic year 2010/2011 and 2011/2012. The years are chosen based on the result of achievement on those two academic years and the consideration that both years are still representive to be used as the object in this study.

To avoid a too broad scope in this research, the researcher will limit the study only on the readability level of the texts in reading section of UN English subject. From the description above, the researcher believes that this comparative research of


Kurt Singer, Membina Hasrat Belajar di Sekolah, (Bandung: CV Remadja Karya, 1973), p. 11.


readability level of UN English subject’s texts academic year 2010/2011 and 2011/2012 is important and need to be done. As by doing this research therefore we can find the differences between those two tests’ texts readability. The data can be used to give a simple portrait about achievement on comprehending reading texts on English test in National Examination academic year 2010/2011.

B. Identification of the Problem

From the description above, there will be several problems that can be identified:

- There is a sharp decrease of English subject’s scores in UN for academic year 2010/2011 and 2011/2012.

- The decreasing of test quality will decrease students’ achievement in UN.

C. Limitation of the Problem

In order to avoid misunderstanding in the study, the researcher will limit and focus the study only on the problems related to brief portrait of students’ achievement in comprehending reading texts in UN for senior high school in two academic years 2010/2011 and 2011/2012.

The limitation of the problem based on the assumption that reading section scope is bigger, 35 items, than the listening section, 15 items. Therefore the researcher believes the score for reading contributes more in students’ achievement.

Those two years are chosen based on the gap of score between those years. Which happen within only one year.

D. Formulation of the Problem

After creating the limitation of the problem, the researcher would like to formulate the research problem into: “How was the portrait of students achievement in comprehending reading texts in the National Examination or UN academic year 2010/2011 and 2011/2012?”



E. Purpose of the Study

Based on the formulation of the problem, then this research was created in order to describe the portrait of students’ achievement in comprehending reading texts in UN test academic year 2010/2011 and 2011/2012.

F. Significance of the Study

This study is created in order to help any people interested in the study. However, it is also specially designed to:

a. Give a new data about the condition of reading test, especially in giving portrait of comprehending reading texts for English in UN academic year 2010/2011 and 2011/2012.

b. To help the government who has the authority to conduct UN in Indonesia. The researcher hopes that the government, in this case ministry of education of Indonesia, will create a better formulation of texts of English subject in UN for Senior High School.

c. To encourage the English teachers in Indonesia, especially senior high school teachers, as the one that directly related with students. By this study, the researcher hopes that teachers could have more portraits about the condition

of students’ achievement in comprehending reading texts.

d. To let English students in Indonesia, especially senior high school students. By this study, the researcher hopes that students will know what kind of categories that can be said as a good text. The researcher also hopes that the students in twelfth grade can use this study as one of their references for UN. e. For researchers or educators who have interest in doing the research about

UN, especially in case of to improve the quality of UN. This research could be used as the references. On the other hand the way of the researcher does this comparison study could be also used by those interesting in comparative study.






A. Nature of UN

In modern education system, students’ progress and achievement must be able to be measured and improved. Based on that condition, modern education always does what is known as evaluation. Literally, evaluation is the noun form of the word evaluate. In Dictionary of Language Testing evaluation is describe as

The systematic gathering of information in order to make a decision. Within a language education programme, evaluation may be carried out to provide information about the programme to stakeholders, such as sponsors, managers, teachers or parents, and to make decisions about the future of the programme. Where the effectiveness of the instruction is under investigation, language test are frequently as one component of the evaluation; typically pre- and post-testing, or achievement testing would be carried out, with or without a control group of subjects1

In educational world, experts have given some definitions about evaluation. There are several definitions stated by experts, just like what is stated by Soenardi Djiwandono that evaluation is an effort to make sure that the goals of teaching and learning process that have been planned in a period of time are accomplished.2

In line with Soenardi’s idea about evaluation is what is stated in th book Reading to Learn in the Content Area, Richardson says that evaluation in education is how the judgment about individual’s performance made.3

In simple definition, evaluation is a process done by teacher, school, or government in order to know whether the teaching and learning process has reached what has been targeted before. The result of evaluation will be used to do some


Alan Davies, et al. Dictionary of Language Testing, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002), p. 56.


Soenardi Djiwandono, Tes Bahasa Pegangan Bagi Pengajar Bahasa, (Jakarat: PT Indeks: 2008), p. 1.


Judy S. Richardson, et. al. Reading to Learn in the Content Area, (Belmont: Wandsworth Cengage Learning), p. 33.


improvements in a courses or even reconstructed of the system, depending on the result itself.

There are several things that can be done in order to evaluate a teaching and learning process, one of them is test. Posner in his book “Analyzing the Curriculum”, defines that “A test is a set of questions with an accepted set of presumably correct answers, designed to gather information about some individual characteristics like achievement. Scoring a test usually requires the assignment of a score according to the number of correct responses given, though more complex methods are used in certain circumstances.“4

On its going, people create several types of tests with various purposes. Soenardi Djiwandono, for example divided test into two main types based on the way of creating the test:

- Teacher-made test, is the type of test that created by teacher. This kind of test is used for small-scale.

- Standardized test, as the opposite of the teacher-made test this test is used for a large-scale. This kind of test is created with high standard, good planning, and has been checked by the pilot test. 5

Next, Hughes also divided tests into two main types:

- Progress Achievement Test, this kind of test is done during the teaching and learning process. Simply this kind of test is done to continually do the improvement during teaching and learning process.

- Final Achievement Test, just like its name this test is done at the end of the courses. After all of the materials have been delivered. This test evaluate the


George J. Posner, Analyzing the Curriculum, (New York: The McGraw – Hill Companies, Inc., 2004), p. 238.




whole courses and to find out whether the targets have been accomplished or not.6

In Indonesia education system itself, the use of test as one of the evaluation tools is not a rare thing in this era, whether Progress achievement test or Final achievement test. There are several kinds of tests used in Indonesia education system. From the daily test, as an example of teacher-made test, up to National Examination or frequently called as UN. UN is a standardized test with national scope created by the government. UN is used as one of the government’s tools to evaluate education system in Indonesia.

Based on the definition of Hughes, then we can simply categorized UN as Final achievement test. There are several reasons for why UN is categorized as Final achievement test, those are:

- UN is done at the end of the teaching and learning process for every level. Grade 6th in elementary level, 9th in junior high school level, and 12th in senior high school level.

- UN’s test is the whole materials that have been taught to the students in each level.

- UN is also used as one of the tools to evaluate the education condition in Indonesia for a period.

It is also strengthened by the government’s explanation about UN. The government describes that UN’s purposes is to measure the level of students’ achievement from elementary up to senior high level in national scope. This definition is explained in PP (Peraturan Pemerintah/ Government’s Decree) Republic of Indonesia No. 75 Year 2009 about National Examination.7

Explicitly the Republic of Indonesia government’s decree No. 19 Year 2005 has explained that UN is the responsibility of our government, because it is an evaluation


Arthur Hughes, Testing for Language Teachers, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003), p. 13.

7 Salinan Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan Nasional Nomor 75 Tahun 2009 Tentang Ujian


system for our nation’s education. As the impact of it, therefore the whole way of how UN is done belong to our government. UN itself is done with high standard and qualified system. It can be seen from the variety of the tests, type of packages, and the schedule of the tests. The entire high standard is a necessary thing, because the result of UN is something that will be used by an individual for the next step. On the other hand it also shows whether the government has accomplished their target or not.

For the allocation of time for UN is normally two hours or 120 minutes. In those time students are required to finish one subject. In senior high school level with the six subjects tested, students are provided with four days for UN. In each day normally there are two subjects tested, depending on their study program.

In case of the subjects, there are differences for Senior high school level compared with other level. In senior high school, the students are given six subjects.

Three subjects are given based on students’ study program, like IPA(Natural Science), IPS(Social Science), Bahasa Indonesia(Indonesia language), and others.

The three other subjects are tested to all students without seeing the students’ study

program; the subjects are Mathematics, Bahasa Indonesia, and English.

Every subject has its own characteristics. English, as one of the subjects that is given to all students, has 50 items. The 50 items are divided into two sections; listening section and reading section. Listening section contains 15 items and the other 35 items are reading section.

In listening section, students are given audio media in delivering the questions and listening items. Students are given special time to work with their listening test.

Just like other listening test in other language test, such as TOEFL, students’ time for

listening section will not be extended. Therefore, soon after the material of the audio tape has been delivered, students will have to go on their reading section.

In reading section, with total 35 items, students are given several texts with some questions related to the text. The number of test question will be various depending on the text itself. Some texts could only have three questions while the other text could have five or more number of questions.



B. Element of Comprehension

Comprehending reading text will make us connected with term readability of written materials. As comprehension has a strong correlation with texts’ content, diction, coherence, and so on. As reading is an active activity between the author and the reader. In reading activity, the reader will try to understand what is in the written material made by the writer or the author.8 We can say that in reading there are two elements, those are:

- Reader, as the one who convey meaning from a written material.

- Written material, as the media uses by the writer to express his or her idea. In this case, the readability will become an important part, because the readability level will affect the quality of written materials. Simply we could say that readability of a text is one of the factors that determine whether a text is good or not. Some experts try to define what readability is.

Nuttall explained that readability is a combination of difficulty level of structural and lexical, such as vocabulary.9

Dalle and Chall explain readability as how the elements of written material affect the level of success of the readers. In this term the level of success of the readers can be seen by the level of understanding of the material, the reading speed level, and the level of interesting. 10

From the definition above, we can say readability affects three elements in reading activity. Those elements are:

- Reading understanding - Reading speed


Deborah Daiek and Nancy Anter, Critical Reading for College and Beyond, (New York: McGraw-Hill), p.5.


Christine Nuttall, Teaching Reading Skill in a Foreign Language, (Oxford: Heinemann Educational Books Ltd.), p. 25.


William H Dubay, The Principle of Readability, (Long Beach: Impact Information, 2004), p. 3.


- The level of readers’ interest

In line with Dalle’s definition, is what explained by Ahmad Slamet in his book Evaluasi Keterbacaan Buku Teks Bahasa Sunda untuk Sekolah Dasar di Jawa Barat. He defines readability into three:

a. Hand-writing

b. The level of easiness of reading which is based on the content of the text. c. The level of easiness of reading materials which is based on the

language’s understandable level11

Summing up all definitions above, the researcher says that readability is one of the elements of a printed material that make it understandable, less confusing, and more interesting. Based on all of the definitions then we can say we cannot leave the readability in creating a reading text. As the impact of the importance of readability, experts try to create a good standard to determine the level of readability in a text.

Wallace in her book explains that the difficulty level of readability of a text can be seen from the function of the word and the sentence length, rather the content of the text.12

In line with Gillet’s description about readability level, Fairbairn and Winch say in Reading, Writing and Reasoning: A Guide for Students that there are several elements that need to be seen in order to know whether a text is good or not, those are:

- The familiarity of the word - The commonness of the word - The appropriate level of the word - Number of the word

- The similarity between words13


Ahmad Slamet Hardjasujana et al. Evaluasi Keterbacaan Buku Teks Bahasa Sunda untuk

Sekolah Dasar di Jawa Barat, (Jakarta: Pusat Pembinaan dan Pengembangan Bahasa, 1999), p. 10.


Jean Wallace Gillet et al. Understanding Reading Problems, (Boston: Pearson Education, Inc., 2012), p. 241.



With all standards that have been made by the experts then comes a question about how to give a clear and acceptable formula. In term of readability there are several formulas that can be used, but generally all the formula is created based on the calculation of the text feature and text difficulty.

Chall and Dale say in their book, “A readability formula is an equation which combines those text feature that best predict text difficulty. The equation is usually developed by studying the relationship between text features (e.g., words, sentences) and text difficulty (e.g., reading comprehension, reading rate, expert judgment of difficulty).”14

There are several formulas that can be used to calculate the readability level, such as: Fry test, Cloze Procedure, Flesch-Kinclaid, and Flesch Reading Ease. From all the formulas that have been created to count the level of readability Flesch’s Reading Ease formula becomes one of the most used formula among others and also believed as the most tested and reliable formula.15 Flesch’s Reading Ease formula can calculated manually uses the formula below:

Score= 206.853-(1.015 X ASL) – (84.6 X ASW) Description:

ASL = Average Sentence Length

ASW = Average number of Syllables per Words

It also can automatically be counted by Ms. Word 2007or above. As the formulating system has been integrated with Ms. Word 2007 and above. All of the results then need to be matched with their level, whether it is very difficult or very easy. Based on the Flesch’s calculation the level is divided into seven level from very difficult level with readability score zero to thirty until the very easy level with


Garvin J Fairbairn and Christopher Winch. Reading, Writing and Reasoning: A Guide for

Students, (Buckingham: SRHE and Open University Press, 1991), p. 84.


Jeanne S. Chall and Edgar Dale, Readability Revisited, (Massachusetts: Brookline Books, 1995), p. 79.



readability score ninety until one hundred. The level of the readability is shown in the table below.

Table 2.1

Reading Ease Score Level16

Reading Ease Score Style Description

0 to 30 Very Difficult

30 to 50 Difficult

50 to 60 Fairly Difficult

60 to 70 Standard

70 to 80 Fairly Easy

80 to 90 Easy

90 to 100 Very Easy

The Table 2.1 shows the range of score. In this case, the lower the score the harder the level of the readability of texts will be. Contrary with that, if the score of the text is high then it means the level of the readability is easier.

One thing needs to be noted from the table 2.1 is the meaning of difficult. The table 2.1 shows the level of readability based on the Flesch-Reading Ease formula, therefore the data above shows the readability from the text perspective. As Flesch-Reading Ease formula focusing on the text condition rather than the readers’ condition. Therefore what is meant as difficult is the condition of sentences in the text, that contains more words, and the words use in the text that contain more syllables.




The Flesch, as the founder of Flesch-Reading Ease formula, also provided the level of reading grade based on the reading ease score. The data shows in the Table 2.2 below.

Table 2.2

Reading Ease Score-Grade17

Reading Ease Score Estimated Reading Grade*

0 to 30 College Graduate

30 to 50 13th to 16th Grade 50 to 60 10th to 12th Grade 60 to 70 8th to 9th Grade

70 to 80 7th Grade

80 to 90 6th Grade

90 to 100 5th Grade

*United States of America people’s level in 1949

C. Definition of Texts

In reading activity, text is playing an important role. The reason of why text is important in reading activity, because text as one of the written materials is becoming the media of a writer to explain their idea. As stated by Daiek that two elements in reading activity is the reader and the written materials.18

Text, as one of the important parts in reading activity, has been defined by lot of experts. Literally based on Dictionary of Language Testing text is defined as

17 Ibid. 18


Any piece of written or spoken language, of variable length. It may be as short as a

single word (eg. „Help!’), but is more often considered to consist of two or more

utterences or sentences joined together according to rules of cohesion and rhetorical organisation, and may include an extended piece of spoken discourse or any number of pages of writing.19

Siahaan and Shinoda in their book Generic Text Structure describe text as a meaningful unit in a context.20

In line with Siahaan, Mark and Kathy Anderson describe text as a meaningful of constructed words to communicate.21

Based on all definitions above then the researcher can conclude that in simple definitions text is all written form that is constructed by systematic words order, has meaning, and able to use to communicate, from the author to the reader. By that definition there will be lots of texts appear in this world. The result of it, is the categorization of text that made by experts.

One of the categorizations of text is what has been explained by Jeremy Harmer. He explains that text in language teaching term can be divided into two types based on its function: authentic and non-authentic. Authentic is a kind of text that is created with no pedagogy purposes, such as: magazine, newspaper, advertisement, etc. Non-authentic text is, on the other hand, all texts that are created for language teaching and learning22.

In writing there are several patterns of development of texts. According to John Langman23 that traditionally writing has 4 patterns of development: Exposition, Description, Argumentation, and Narration or in abbreviation as EDAN.


Davies, op. cit., p. 210.


Sanggam Siahaan and Kisno Shinoda. Generic Text Structure, (Yogyakarta: Graha Ilmu, 2008), p. 1.


Mark Anderson and Kathy Anderson. Text Types in English 2, (London: Macmillahn Education Australia PTY Ltd, 2003), p. 1.


Jeremy Harmer. The Practice of English Language Teaching, (New York: Longman Publishing, 1991) p. 185.


John Langman. English Skills with Readings, (New York: McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2002), pg. 161.



In UN there are several patterns that use. Based on Standard Content (Kompetensi Standar Isi) of UN the texts use in UN are24:

- Letter or E-mail - Advertisement - News Item - Narration - Explanation - Exposition - Review - Discussion - Report - Announcement 1. Letter

Based on Oxford dictionary, letter is defined as

A message that is written down or printed on paper and usually put in an envelope and sent to somebody.25

In writing formal letter, such letter for requesting something, there are some elements that the writer need to put in his or her letter, those are:

- The writer’s address

- The date

- The name, title, and address of the receiver - A greeting

- The body - A closing26


Kompetisi Standar Isi 2012-2013, 2014,


A S Hornby, Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English, (New York: Oxford University Press, 2003), p. 769.


The sample of letter is written below:

17 Text Road, Texttwn NSW 2999 1 July 1999 Ms. H. Ealthy

Community Information Unit NSW Department of Health 73 Miller Street

North Sydney NSW 2060 Dear Ms. Ealthy,

I am writing to request information on infectious diseases.

Would you please send me any brochures your department has on infectious diseases and a list of the most common infectious diseases in Australia. I would also

appreciate any other factual information that can help me with my assignment on this subject.

Yours Faithfully

Katrina Faros27

2. Advertisement

Advertisement is a persuasive text that is created in order to persuade people to do something, usually to buy a product.

Here an example of advertisement:

“Life or death for them means a 10 km walk…”

“Every day kids like Evangeline walk up to 10kms to fetch water. It’s a dirty,

dangerous water, infected with disease. She must drink to live. But to drink it means

certain illness and possibly death.”


Mark, op. cit., p. 106.

27 Ibid.



Give a child a future for $1 a day28

3. News Item

News item is defined as a text which contain information about a news or an important thing, it could be a condition, event and so on. This kind of text use a clear language.29

Here an example of News Item:

(Breaking News English) – Apple has overtaken Google to become the most valuable brand in the world. This is according to the analyst Brandz,

who compile their annual Top 100 ranking of the world’s most valuable brands. Apple’s brand is estimated to be worth more than $153 billion. The

tech company knocked Google off the number one position. Google had

occupied the top spot for the previous four years. Apple’s new ranking

consolidates its position as the top-valued technology company on the stock

market. Apple’s success is due to the popularity of its pioneering and market-leading products. It released its iPad 2008 and the tablet become one of the most popular gadgets on the planet.

The Brandz ranking covers companies across the world, making everything from baby food to power plants, as well as financial services and telecommunications. It calculates its brand value by analyzing several factors,

including the value of a company’s balance sheet, the loyalty of customers,

and prospects for future growth. Apple has grown remarkably in the past decade with a series of hugely iconic and popular products. Its brand value has increased by 859 per cent since 2006. Peter Walsh, a director at Brandz,

said Apple’s success was due to the desirability of its products. He said Apple

had succeeded in becoming a luxury goods brand, making its products more desirable by increasing quality, reliability and price.30

4. Narration

Narration, is a kind of text that tells a story. The story itself has several purposes, mostly to entertain the reader, but other than that a narration text could also contain


Mark Anderson and Kathy Anderson. Text Types in English 1, (South Yarra: Macmillan Education Australia PTY Ltd., 2003), p. 153.


Bustanul Arifin, et. al. Menyimak, ( Jakarta: Universitas Terbuak, 2010), p. 516.


Tim Studi Guru SMA-IPS, Persiapan Menghadapi Ujian Nasional SMA-IPS 2014,


something that makes audience think about an issue, teach them a lesson, or excite their emotions.

The construct of narration is divided into five parts31: - Orientation

- Complication - Sequence of events - Resolution

- Coda(Optional)

The sample of Narration text is as written below:

The Bulls and the Lion

A lion had been watching three bulls feeding in an open field. He had tried to attack them several times, but they kept together and helped each other to drive him off.

The lion had little hope of eating them, for he was no match for three strong bulls with their sharp horns and hoofs. But he could not keep away from that field, for it is hard to resist watching a good meal, even when there is little chance of getting it. Then one day the bulls had a fight when the hungry lion came to lick his chops and watch them as he did each day, he found them in separate corners of the field, as far away from one another as they could get it.

It was now an easy matter for the lion to attack the bulls at a time.32

5. Explanation

The explanation text is a text that is created in order to tell about a process of something and why it happens. This text is focus to the steps rather than the description of the things.

There are three parts in explanation text: - General statement

- Body paragraph


Mark Anderson and Kathy Anderson. Text Types in English 3, (South Yarra: Macmillan Education Australia PTY Ltd., 2003), p. 3.




- Conclusion33

The sample of explanation text is written below:

What causes weather?

Weather is the physical condition of the atmosphere at a particular time. It includes temperature, air pressure and water content.

Weather is produced when air moves from place to place. This moving air is known as wind. Winds are caused by warm air rising and cooler air moving in to replace it. Warm air is usually less dense(lighter) than cool air; therefore, it creates low air pressure. Cool air is more dense(heavier) and creates high air pressure.

Usually we have fine weather when the air pressure is high and clouds, rain or snow when the air pressure drops.34

6. Exposition

Exposition is a kind of the text where the writer tries to explain and give information about something. In this kind of text the information given by the author is presented in one side, mostly supporting the idea of the author. Simply, the purpose

of exposition is to persuade the reader to support the author’s idea. The construct of exposition text is divided into three35:

- Introduction, contain author’s point of view. - Argumentation

- Conclusion

The sample of the exposition text is as written below:

Drinking Coffee has Health Benefits

Drinking coffee may not harm people. Tea, coffee and soda are few beverages which contain drug called caffeine. In its natural state, caffeine, a silky crystalline substance, is a white or yellow powder, which is bitter tasting and odorless. Why should I say that? I propose some arguments as follows:


Mark, op. cit., p. 82.

34 Ibid. 35


First, according to an old legend, ever since the third century, monks began using caffeine in order to help them stay awake during evening prayer services. Now, almost seventeen centuries later, we still use caffeine for the same purpose as well as other purposes.

Second, caffeine is absorbed through the stomach and small intestine into the bloodstream, it takes anywhere from fifteen to forty-five minutes to reach its peak levels. The blood flow through the kidney increases, which triggers urination.

Third, some more therapeutic uses for caffeine are: to help analgesics work more efficiently, to relieve depression to drug addicts, to kill skin

funguses, to improve the movement of sperm, and to keep people from having seizures during electroconvulsive therapy.

Thus if we want to say that first, we may drink coffee, without feeling

scare of bad impact of the caffeine; second, don’t drink too much; third, drink coffee for therapeutic purposes, at last we needn’t to addict to coffee.36

7. Review

Review based one Oxford Dictionary is described as:

A report in a newspaper or magazine in which somebody gives their opinion of a book, play, film/movie.37

In order to give a clear image about review here an example of review:

2012 illm

2012 is Roland Emmerich’s film which uses the Mayan calendar and

other end of-days prophecies for their doomsday scenario. It images the world coming to an end 2012.

2012 film brings off a series of wonders. The movie hits its peak early on. It starts when Cussack drives a limo through the streets of Los Angeles as fireways and skycrappers crumble all round him from the shock of a 10.5 R.S. earthquake. The preposterous flying sequence is equally thrilling. The climax occurs aboard the giant ark, when an equipment malfunction threatens almost the entire mission.

Unfortunately, the crucial sequence is not filmed or edited with the necessary clarity. In 2012 film, Emmerich leaves us confused as to exactly what is happening to whom. However, Emmerich 2012 deserves credit for casting Cussack.


Herman, op.cit., p. 213.




McCarthy has perhaps his best role ever as Peet’s cocky. Danny

Glover lends dignity to the role of the president. Chiwetel Ejiofor, as the chief scientist, brings a moving sense of anguish to a stock role. Platt has fun playing the villain of the piece, and Woody Harrelson also chews the scenery as a bugeyed radio prophet trying to warm his listeners about Armageddon.

All in one, 2012’s cinematography, production design and visual

effects are awards-worthy. Music also propels the movie. It presents American Idol runner-up. Adam Lambart, who provides a rousing anthem over the end credits.38

8. Discussion

Discussion is a type of text where the writer tries to give opinions to the audience about a topic. This kind of the text will show, the supportive idea or the contra, the bad and good.

In writing discussion text, there are several elements necessary: - Introduction

- Body paragraph, including evidences, opinions, and arguments. - Conclusion, including the explanation of where the side of the

writer is.39

The sample of the explanation text is written below:

Television: The best invention of the twentieth century?

During the twentieth century the world has witnessed the invention of many amazing things. Television is a great invention, but there are arguments for and against whether it is the best invention of the twentieth century.

Television was invented in the 1920s and first came to Australia in 1956. It has played an important role in communicating news. We can learn instantly about what is happening in the world because of television. Also, television has provided people with entertainment in their own homes. People in isolated areas can still feel part of the world because of television. For these reasons I feel that television could be considered the best invention of the twentieth century.


Tim Studi Guru SMA-IPS, Persiapan Menghadapi Ujian Nasional SMA-IPS 2014,

(Bandung: CV. Pustaka Setia, 2013), p.251.



On the other hand, there are other inventions that could be considered to be better than television. Some might argue that the computer should be awarded the distinction of being the best invention because computers have made life easier. Others might argue that medical inventions such as heart pacemakers are the best inventions because they help to save lives.

It can be seen that there are reasons for and against television being considered the best invention of the twentieth century. After looking at both sides I still believe it is the best invention.40

9. Report

An information report is a kind of text when the writer gives information about a subject. In information report there are several elements that usually be put:

- General opening

- Paragraphs about the subject - Conclusion41

In order to give a brief understanding, the sample is written below:

The lost child

Attention shoppers, we have a lost child at the information desk on level 1. She is wearing a red jumper with a picture of three pink teddy bears on the front, and blue jeans with yellow patches on the knees.

She is approximately 100 centimeters tall; has long, brown hair tied in a pony tail; and has a small scar on her left arm.

She was found outside the toy store on level 3.

Would the mother or father of this child please come to collect your daughter from the information desk on level 1, thank you.42

10. Announcement

An announcement is a short written or spoken message that commonly found in a meeting or radio or television. When an announcement purpose is to persuade someone to


Ibid, p. 119. 41

Mark, op.cit., p. 86.




do something, therefore the announcement will be become an exposition. There are some features in an announcement:

- Introduction - Message - Conclusion43

Here short example of announcement text: Shoppers!

On the fourth floor today we have a lovely selection of umbrellas. These umbrellas are the latest designs and come fashionable lime green, orange and purple. Prices have been slashed by a whopping 30 percent so don’t delay. With winter just around the corner, come up to the fourth floor now and get yourself a bargain on a great umbrella!44

D. The Relevant Previous Study

There are three studies found by the writer which have similarities to this study. 1. An Analysis of the Readability of the Essays of First Year Students of

Ghanaian Universities

This research was conducted by William Kodom Gyasi. The

researcher’s purpose is to find out the readability of text of first year students

of Ghanaian Universities. In collecting the data, the samples were asked to make an essay. Then the texts were analyzed by using Flesch-Kincaid Reading Ease in Microsoft Word 2007 version and SPSS 1.6. The statistical instruments used were One-way analysis ANOVA and t-test.The research found that 55 % of the essays got 30-49 and 36% of the essays got 60-69.


Ibid, p. 141.

44 Ibid.


From the result the researcher concluded that most of the students could create an essay on the fairly difficult level of readability.45

2. An Analysis of the Readability of Educational Material on the Consumer Webpage of a Health Professional Organization: Considerations for Practice

This research was conducted by Nadia Falconer and friends. In doing the research the researcher used 14 educational brochures on the APTA. All brochures’ readability level was checked by Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level, Flesch Reading Ease, Fry Readability Formula, SMOG, and Checklist for

patient and consumer. The result found that most of the brochures’ readability

were still inappropriate for the consumer and need to be improved.46

3. Readability of Language Textbooks Prescribed for Junior Secondary Schools and Students Performance in Reading Comprehension in Bayelsa State, Nigeria.

The researcher of this research is Bertola Perekeme. The total population of this research was 1500 students and the sample was 620 students from ten secondary schools. In analyzing the data the researcher used Fry Readability Formula and Cloze-Reading Test. The result from the research found that from both instruments that the readability level of the texts from the textbook was in the frustration level.47

Therefore, from the three previous studies the writer found that in order to find out the readability level most of the writers above were using Flesch’s Reading Ease


William Kodom Gyasi., An Analysis of the Readability of the Essays of First Year Students

of Ghanaian Universities. Journal Language in India Volume 11 : 8 August 2011.


Nadia Falconer, et al., An Analysis of the Readability of Educational Material on the

Consumer Webpage of a Health Professional Organization: Considerations for Practice. Journal

IJAHSP Vol. 9 No. 3 ISSN 1540-580X.


Bertola Perekeme., Readability of Language Textbooks Prescribed for Junior Secondary

Schools and Students Performance in Reading Comprehension in Bayelsa State, Nigeria. British



Formula. Their research also contributes to this research, such as the process of analyzing the data.

Kodom Gyasi’s research has a big contribution in this research. His research has

given an explanation about how to analyze readability level of texts. In his research he also gives an image about Flesch-Kinclaid Reading Ease, the formula used by the writer.

Not different with Gyasi’s, Falconer’s research about readability of educational

brochures of APTA has contributes to the writer, especially in the understanding of

techniques in analyzing readability. Falconer’s also gives a good example about more

techniques that can be used.

Perekeme’s research about readability has a good contribution to the writer. Even

though the techniques used by Perekeme is Fry Readability and Cloze-Reading test,

but his research has given an inspiration to the writer in how to improve the writer’s



A. Method and Design

Based on the purpose of the research this research use Descriptive Analysis Method where the researcher tries to describe comparative data of readability level of English text in UN academic year 2010/2011 and 2011/2012. On the other hand, based on how the researcher collects the data, this research uses Document Analysis. In order to get the data needed the researcher uses The Flesch’s Reading Ease Formula where the researcher uses reading tests from UN as the objects. Besides, the researcher also does library research from books, articles, journals, and some internet-based data.

B. Data and Data Source

The researcher takes the data, in this case English texts, from UN test academic years 2010/2011 and 2011/2012. Based on the test, the researcher found that in year 2010/2011 there are nine texts in its reading section and in year 2011/2012 there are fourteen texts. It is concluded that there are twenty-three texts from both years.

After checking all the texts, the researcher found that the last text in year 2011/2012 cannot be used as the comparison data. The reason of why the 14th text is unable to be used is that the format of the text is filled in the blank text. Therefore, the Flesch’s Reading Ease formula cannot be used on the text as the Flesch’s Reading Ease formula only works to a complete text. As the conclusion, the population data from those years are reduced to twenty-two texts.



Table 3.1 Texts 2010/2011

From the Table 3.1, there are several data known: - The fewest words is from text 1 with 38 words - The longest text is text 6 with 330 words

- Text 1 is text with the least sentences consist of 3 sentences - Text 9 is text with the most sentences consist of 23 sentences

Texts Words Sentences

1 38 3

2 67 5

3 87 5

4 222 13

5 198 13

6 330 15

7 165 5

8 187 11


Table 3.2 Texts 2011/2012

From the Table 3.2, there are several data known: - The fewest words is from text 3 with 61 words - The longest text is text 4 with 277 words

- Text 1 is text with the least sentences consist of 4 sentences - Text 4 is text with the most sentences consist of 14 sentences

C. Data Collecting Technique

In order to collect all the data needed, the researcher types all the data into Microsoft Office Word 2007. The data were taken from book Persiapan Menghadapi Ujian Nasional SMA-IPS 2014. The book is provided with four years test. Those tests are from academic years: 2009/2010, 2010/2011, 2011/2012, and 2012/2013.

Based on the text in English test 2010/2011 and 2011/2012, the researcher found that the fourteenth text from academic year 2011/2012 is unable to be used


Words Sentences 1

65 4


104 6


61 5


277 14


158 6


183 8


169 8


250 13




D. Technique of Data Analysis

In analyzing the data there are several steps that the researcher has to do, those are:

1. Choosing texts from UN academic year 2010/2011 and 2011/2012 2. Testing the texts use Flesch’s Reading Ease formula1 :

Score= 206.853-(1.015 X ASL) – (84.6 X ASW) Description:

ASL = Average Sentence Length

ASW = Average number of Syllables per Words

Because the Flesch’s Reading Ease formula has been integrated with Microsoft Office Word 2010, therefore the researcher uses the Microsoft Office Word 2010 to test the level of text in term of the variety and condition of text.

E. Timetable

The researcher formulates the timetable in order to make a better time organization. Based from researcher calculation, the research will take time as follow:

Table 3.3 Research Timetable

Progress Time

Collecting UN texts from UN’s test academic year 2010/2011

and 2011/2012

1 day

Testing texts’ comprehendible level 4 days

Comparing the data result 2 Days




A. Data Description

In this chapter, the writer will explain about the process of getting the data up to the way to get the result from data. This research, as written in the title of the chapter, is a comparative research. Therefore, there will be two data compared by the researcher in order to find out the differences between those data.

This research is created in order to find out the comparison of the level of readability of English texts in National Examination or UN in academic year 2010/2011 and 2011/2012. The reasons of why the writer chooses those years have been explained in chapter one. In analyzing the data the writer takes 18 examples from both years, 9 texts per each.

Generally in this chapter the writer will explain:

a. The first part is the description of the data, the writer will explain about the data taken from UN academic years 2010/2011 and 2011/2012, the condition of the 18 texts that are used as the objects of the research.

b. The second part is the way of the data processing. In processing the data, the writer uses the Flesch Reading Ease formula. This part will show the readability of the data.



Table 4.1 Texts 2010/2011

From Table 4.1 there are several information the writer wants to explain. In total 9 texts, the writer have chosen from English test in UN 2010/2011, the writer found :

- Text number 1 has the fewest word with 38 words - Text number 6 has the most words with 330 words - Text number 1 has the fewest sentences only 3 sentences - Text number 9 has the most sentences, 23 sentences - The average of the words from all texts is 174.1 - The average of the sentences is 10.3

Texts Words Sentences

1 38 3

2 67 5

3 87 5

4 222 13

5 198 13

6 330 15

7 165 5

8 187 11

9 273 23


Table 4.2 Texts 2011/2012

Table 4.2 provides several information. In total 9 texts, the writer have chosen from English test in UN 2011/2012, the writer found :

- Text number 3 has the fewest word with 61 words - Text number 4 has the most words with 277 words - Text number 1 has the fewest sentences only 4 sentences - Text number 9 has the most sentences, 14 sentences - The average of the words from all texts is 165.4 - The average of the sentences is 8.56

Texts Words Sentences 1

65 4


104 6

3 61 5


277 14


158 6

6 183 8


169 8


250 13


222 13




B. Data Analysis

After getting all the data about the texts, the writer uses the Flesch’s Reading Ease formula to analyze the data. The formula is used in order to find out the style level of the texts and the description of the text. The Flesch’s Reading Ease formula is written below:

Score= 206.853-(1.015 X ASL) – (84.6 X ASW) Description:

ASL = Average Sentence Length

ASW = Average number of Syllables per Words

Because the formula has been integrated with Microsoft Office Word 2010, then the writer analyze the text uses the help of Microsoft Office Word 2010. The formula is applied to each texts from both years, which is meant by that formula the researcher get 18 data about texts difficulty level. After analyzing the data the writer found the result as written in the table below.

Table 4.3

The Description of Text 2010/2011

Texts Words Sentences

Text Difficulties


1 38 3 66.8

2 67 5 64.6

3 87 5 68.4

4 222 13 66.7

5 198 13 52


From Table above the writer found that:

- The table words is filled with the data of number of words in each texts. In academic year 2010/2011, text number 6 has the most number of words, 330, and text number 1 with the least number of words, 38.

- The table sentences is filled with the data of number of sentences in each texts. Text number 9 has the most number of sentences, 23, and text number 1 has the least number of sentences, 3.

- Text with highest level of difficulty is text number 7. The score is 37.9 or in difficult level.

- Text with lowest level of difficulty is text number 9. The score is 77.3 or in fairly easy level.

- The average score of the for texts from academic year 2010/2011 is 60.71.

7 165 5 37.9

8 187 11 57.9

9 273 23 77.3



Table 4.4

The Description of Text 2011/2012

From the Table 4.4 the writer found that:

- The table words is filled with the data of number of words in each texts. In academic year 2011/2012, text number 4 has the most number of words, 277, and text number 1 with the least number of words, 65.

- The table sentences is filled with the data of number of sentences in each texts. Text number 4 has the most number of sentences, 14, and text number 1 has the least number of sentences, 4.

- Text with highest level of difficulty is text number 3. The score is 27.1 or in very difficult level.


Words Sentences

Text Difficulties

Level 1

65 4 64.6


104 6 46.6


61 5 27.1


277 14 35.2


158 6 32.4


183 8 27.8


169 8 41.7


250 13 43.1


222 13 35.2



- Text with lowest level of difficulty is text number 1. The score is 64.6 or in standard level.

- The average score for texts from academic year 2011/2012 is 39.3

Table 4.5

The Description of Texts 2010/2011 and 2011/2012

Texts Words Sentence Text Difficulties Level 2010/2011 2011/2012 2010/2011 2011/2012 2010/2011 2011/2012

1 38 65 3 4 66.8 64.6

2 67 104 5 6 64.6 46.6

3 87 61 5 5 68.4 27.1

4 222 277 13 14 66.7 35.2

5 198 158 13 6 52 32.4

6 330 183 15 8 54.8 27.8

7 165 169 5 8 37.9 41.7

8 187 250 11 13 57.9 43.1

9 273 222 23 13 77.3 35.2

Average 174.1 165.4 10.3 8.56 60.71 39.3

Table 4.5 above shows the comparison of readability level from National Examination academic year 2010/2011 and 2011/2012. The table was served with the comparison of words and sentences for each text. From Table 4.5 there are several data about readability level from both academic years:

- Number of words for texts academic year 2010/2011 is higher than texts from year 2011/2012. The difference is 8.7.



- Number of sentences for texts academic year 2010/2011 is higher than texts from year 2011/2012. The difference is 1.74.

- The average of difficulty level from texts 2010/2011 is bigger, 60.71, than the average of difficulty level from texts 2011/2012, 39.3. The difference is 21.41.



A. Conclusion

Based on the data found that texts in academic year 2011/2012 has lower readability score, 39.3, than the texts in academic year 2010/2011, 60.71.The researcher also finds that between those two years, the texts in year 2011/2012 has a harder level than texts in academic year 2010/2011 based on the Flesch Reading Ease formula.

B. Implication

There are some effects could cause by the low level difficulties in a texts, especially for texts use in National Examination. As explained in the first chapter that this research takes English National Examination texts for senior high school level as the object of the research. There are some implications from the research about the condition of texts condition and difficulties level in National Examination between academic year 2010/2011 and 2011/2012, those are:

1. The quality of the texts in English subject is getting lower, because the level of the texts has been changed into harder level.

2. For the government the result of the research can be used to evaluate the quality of National Examination.

3. For the teacher this research can make them know more about National Examination, especially texts quality in English subject. Researcher hopes by realizing the fact that the level of the test getting higher teacher will do more improvement in their teaching method and materials. In addition the teacher also will have more portraits about several thing that contribute on students’



achievement in comprehending reading text on English National Examination, especially for academic year 2010/2011 and 2011/2012.

4. Students, as the one who have big role in National Examination, know that the texts quality is getting higher every year by that students must improve their quality as well.

C. Suggestions

As explains before that this research could implicates several things. As the implications happen, the researcher will serve some things to do in facing the result from the research. Those are:

1. For government, the selections of the texts in National Examination must be better. As what the researcher found in several texts academic year 2011/2012 that the level of the texts is not suitable to be used for senior high school level. Government must create texts with proper level with senior high school. 2. For teacher, the researcher suggest that they need to be more aware with the

changes of texts quality in National Examination, therefore they will have more improvement in their teaching method.

3. For students, the quality of their learning also need to be improved. As can be seen from the data serve that in academic year 2011/ 2012, where the readability level of the texts is harder than the year before, the score of students getting lower.

4. For people who interest in this kind of research, this research hope can be used as one of their data.



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“Kompetisi Standar Isi 2012-2013” 09/05/14 21:58 WIB

























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