A Thesis

Submitted to the English Applied Linguistics Study Program
In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of
Magister Humaniora


Registration Number: 8136111050



Fajri, Rahmat. Lexical Cohesion and Field in News Stories Text of The
Jakarta Post. A Thesis. English Applied Linguistics Study Program,
Postgraduate School, State University of Medan, 2015.

This study investigates lexical cohesion and field in news stories text of the
Jakarta Post. The objectives of the study are (1) to determine the patterns of
lexical cohesion used in news stories text of the Jakarta Post in fields of politics,
economics, and culture, (2) to describe the realizations of lexical cohesion in news
stories text of the Jakarta Post, and (3) to explain the reasons the use of lexical
cohesion in news stories text of the Jakarta Post. The study is based on
descriptive qualitative design through documentary technique. The sources of data
were taken from twelve news stories text in fields of politics, economics, and
culture of the Jakarta Post newspaper which published on April in 2015. The data
were analyzed by using interactive technique Miles and Huberman (1994). This
research has drawn the following results. Firstly, the patterns of lexical cohesion
were used in news stories text in fields of politics, economics, and culture; In
politics text, the existence of lexical cohesion were repetition, synonymy,
antonymy, and hyponymy. In economics text, the existence of lexical cohesion
were repetition, hyphonymy, and meronymy. In culture text, the existence of

lexical cohesion were repetition, synonymy, antonymy, hyponymy, and
meronymy. Secondly, the realizations of lexical cohesion in news stories text of
the Jakarta Post were (1) repetition, (2) synonymy, (3) antonymy, (4) hyponymy,
and (5) of meronymy. Thirdly, the reasons of lexical cohesion used in news
stories text of the Jakarta Post, (1) repetition because to keep one or more lexical
string relative simple, while complex lexical relations are constructed around them
(2) synonymy because to avoid the repetition, and it may also differ in attitude
their express (3) antonymy to construct classifying taxonomies in which one class
of phenomenom is distinguished from another (4) hyponymy because to develop
elaboration with each other, and (5) meronymy because to extend domain with
each other. The implication of this research is the ideational function of lexical
relation in building a field at discourse level such as repetition is limiting the case,
while synonymy draws on common class membership to identify items with each
other. Contrast or antonymy function to distinguish categories.



Fajri, Rahmat. Lexical Cohesion and Field pada News Stories Text di

Jakarta Post. Sebuah Tesis. Program Studi Linguistik Terapan Bahasa
Inggris. Universitas Negeri Medan, 2014.

Penelitian ini menyelidiki penggunaan kohesi leksikal dan bidang pada teks berita
di Jakarta Post. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah (1) untuk menentukan pola
kohesi leksikal yang digunakan dalam berita teks di Jakarta Post bidang politik,
ekonomi, dan budaya, (2) untuk menjelaskan realisasi kohesi leksikal dalam berita
teks di Jakarta Post, dan (3) untuk menjelaskan alasan penggunaan kohesi
leksikal dalam berita teks di Jakarta Post. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain
deskriptif kualitatif melalui teknik dokumentasi. Sumber data yang diambil dari
dua belas berita teks dalam bidang politik, ekonomi, dan budaya di surat kabar
Jakarta Post yang diterbitkan pada bulan April tahun 2015. Data dianalisis
dengan menggunakan teknik interaktif Miles dan Huberman (1994). Hasil
penelitian ini dijelaskan sebagai berikut. Pertama, pola-pola kohesi leksikal yang
digunakan dalam berita teks dalam bidang politik, ekonomi, dan budaya adalah
Dibidang politik, adanya pengunaan kohesi lexical pengulangan, sinonim,
antonimi, dan hiponimi. Dibidang ekonomi, adanya pengunaan kohesi lexical
pengulangan, sinonim, antonimi, dan hiponimi. Dibidang budaya, adanya
pengunaan kohesi lexical pengulangan, sinonim, antonimi, dan hiponimi
meronymy. Kedua, realisasi kohesi leksikal dalam berita teks Jakarta Post adalah

(1) realisasi pengulangan, (2) realisasi sinonim, (3) realisasi antonimi, (4) realisasi
hyponymy, dan ( 5) realisasi meronymy. Ketiga, alasan kohesi leksikal yang
digunakan dalam berita teks Jakarta Post adalah (1) pengulangan untuk menjaga
satu atau lebih hubungan leksikal yang sederhana, dan hubungan leksikal
kompleks di sekitarnya (2) sinonim untuk menghindari pengulangan, dan
perbedaan dalam mengungkapkan kata (3) antonimi untuk mengklasifikasikan
taksonomi yang satu fenomena dibedakan dari yang lain (4) hyponymy untuk
mengembangkan elaborasi satu sama lain, dan (5) meronymy untuk memperluas
domain satu dengan yang lain. Implikasi dari penelitian ini adalah fungsi
ideasional hubungan leksikal di tingkat wacana seperti pengulangan membatasi
kasus, sementara sinonim mengacu pada keanggotaan umum dan untuk
mengidentifikasi item dengan satu sama lain. Kontras atau fungsi antonimi untuk
membedakan kategori.


First of all, I would like to extend writer’s endless gratitude to Allah SWT
who has given me strength to finish this thesis as one of the requirements to
gather the degree of Magister Humaniora.

The writer would like to express his sincere gratitude to Prof. Amrin
Saragih, M.A, Ph.D his first adviser for the valuable time spent in giving
suggestions, comments and criticism to qualify the content of this thesis. He also
would like to express his deep and sincere gratitude for Dr. Rahmad Husen M. Ed
as his second adviser who has spent his time for giving support, advise and idea to
complete this thesis.
He also extends most sincere gratitude to the board examiners Prof. Dr.
Sumarsih, M.Pd., Prof. Dr. Sri Minda Murni, M.S., Dr. Syahron Lubis M. A for
their constructive comments, suggestions and valuable time for the improvement
of this thesis.
The writer also would like to express his sincere gratitude to the Head of
Applied Linguistics Study Program Dr. Rahmad Husein, M.Ed.. and Prof. Dr. Sri
Minda Murni, M.S as the secretary of English Applied Linguistics Study Program,
for her assistance regarding the administrative procedures and all lectures who
have taught her valuable knowledge and attitude.
He would like also to extend most sincere gratitude to his beloved parents
Drs. Ismail Yahya and Ramlah S. Pd for giving support, care, prayers, love and
advice. Their patience, support, care, love, prayers and advice have been spirit to
complete this thesis. His appreciation is also dedicated to her beloved sister Ira


Mursyida and all my friends at LTBI Reguler XXIII, who had given her supports
and suggestions for completing this thesis.
Medan, January 2016

Reg. Number 8136111050



ABSTRACT .......................................................................................................i
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ................................................................................iii
TABLE OF CONTENTS ..................................................................................v
LIST OF GRAPHS ...........................................................................................viii
LIST OF FIGURES ..........................................................................................ix
LIST OF APPENDICES ..................................................................................x

1.1 Background of the Study .......................................................................1
1.2 Problems of the Study ............................................................................6
1.3 Objectives of the Study ..........................................................................6
1.4 Scope of the Study .................................................................................7
1.5 Significance of the Study .......................................................................7
2.1 Systemic Functional Linguistics ................................................................8
2.2 Metafucntion of Language .......................................................................9

2.2.1 Ideational Metafunction .................................................................11
2.3 Cohesion and Coherence ............................................................................ 12
2.4 Types of Lexical cohesion ........................................................................... 16

2.4.1 Repetition........................................................................................16
2.4.2 Synonymy........................................................................................17
2.4.3 Antonymy ........................................................................................17
2.4.4 Hyponymy .......................................................................................18

2.4.5 Meronymy .......................................................................................18
2.5 Field ............................................................................................................. 18

2.6 Jakarta Post Newspaper ............................................................................... 19
2.6.1 Langugae Style .................................................................................. 20
2.6.2 News Story ........................................................................................ 20
2.7 Relevant Studies .......................................................................................... 20
2.8 Conceptual Framework................................................................................ 23

3.1 Research Design ......................................................................................25
3.2 Object of the Research ............................................................................26
3.3 Data and Data Source ...............................................................................26
3.4 Technique of Data Collection ..................................................................27
3.5 Technique of Data Analysis .....................................................................27
3.6 Trustworthiness of the Study ...................................................................29
4.1. Result ......................................................................................................31
4.1.1 The Pattern of Lexical Cohesion in News Stories of Politics,
Economic, Culture Text ..................................................................32 The Pattern of Lexical Cohesion in News Stories
of Politics Text ....................................................................33 The Pattern of Lexical Cohesion in News Stories of

Economics Text....................................................................35 The Pattern of Lexical Cohesion in News Stories of
Culture Text ..........................................................................38

4.1.2 The Realization of Lexical Cohesion in News Stories
Text ..................................................................................................40 Repetition .............................................................................40 Direct form .............................................................40 Indirect form ..........................................................41 Synonymy ............................................................................42 Antonymy..............................................................................43 Hyphonymy ...........................................................................44 Meronymy .............................................................................45
4.1.3 The Reason for the Use of Lexical Cohesion in News
StoriesText .......................................................................................47 Repetition .............................................................................48 Synonymy ............................................................................48 Antonymy ............................................................................49 Hyhponymy .........................................................................49 Meronymy ............................................................................50

4.2 Findings .................................................................................................50
4.3 Discussions ............................................................................................53
5.1 CONCLUSIONS ...................................................................................57
5.2 SUGGESTIONS ....................................................................................58
REFERENCES ..................................................................................................59
APPENDICES ...................................................................................................61



4.1 The Patterns of Lexical Cohesion in News Text..........................................32
4.2 The Pattern of Lexical Cohesion in Politics Tex ..........................................33
4.3 The Pattern of Lexical Cohesion in EconomicsText.....................................35
4.4 The Pattern of Lexical Cohesion in CultureText ..........................................38



2.1 Conceptual Framework .................................................................................23
3.1 Research Design ............................................................................................26
3.2 Technique of Data Analysis...........................................................................27

APPENDIX A. The Distribution Of Lexical Cohesion In News Stories
of Politics, Economics, And Culture .............................................60
B. News Story, clauses, and analysis of Lexical cohesion
Politics Text 1 ................................................................................. 62
C. News Story, clauses, and analysis of Lexical cohesion
Politics Text 2 ................................................................................. 77
D. News Story, clauses, and analysis of Lexical cohesion
Politics Text 3 ................................................................................. 90
E. News Story, clauses, and analysis of Lexical cohesion
Politics Text 4 ...............................................................................102
F. News Story, clauses, and analysis of Lexical cohesion
Economics Text 1 .........................................................................113
G. News Story, clauses, and analysis of Lexical cohesion
Economics Text 2 .........................................................................124
H. News Story, clauses, and analysis of Lexical cohesion
Economics Text 3 ..........................................................................137
I. News Story, clauses, and analysis of Lexical cohesion
Economics Text 4 ..........................................................................148
J. News Story, clauses, and analysis of Lexical cohesion
Culture Text 1 ................................................................................160

K. News Story, clauses, and analysis of Lexical cohesion
Culture Text 2 ...............................................................................174
L. News Story, clauses, and analysis of Lexical cohesion
Culture Text 3 ................................................................................187
M. News Story, clauses, and Analysis of Lexical cohesion
Culture Text 4 ...............................................................................201




Background of the Study
In the era of globalization, informantion become very important for people

because it plays a great role in modern society. Newspaper is one of the media of
information which reader can get the information in everyday life. Halliday
(1985) states that newspaper language can be seen very much as a ‘social

which, in its generic range, draws particular social groups into

particular styles of presentation. It means that the informational function of the
newspaper have always been ideological implications in the transmission of
information for particular audiences. Similarly, Crystal and Davy (1969:173)
claim that everything that happens to be printed in a newspaper or written by a
journalist is not going to be linguistically homogenous. In other words, the
function language of newspaper are to inform about events and conditions in
society and the world.
Text is a complete linguistic interaction of spoken or written. Halliday and
Hasan (1976:1) point out a definition of text that is any passage of language,
spoken or writen, of whatever length, that does form a unified whole. In systemic
functional linguistic (SFL),

a text has texture which holds the clauses of a text

together to give them unity. Two dimensions of paragraph to make text hang
together coherence as contextual properties and cohesion as internal properties.
Cohesion is thinking process as syntactical process of drawing conclusion.
According to Halliday and Matthiessen (2004:532) cohesion refers to the



resources within language that provide continuity in a text, above and over that is
provided by clause structures and clause complexes. Furthemore, cohesive
relations are nonstructural relations, which help the text hang together. These
kinds of relationship refer to reference, conjunction, and lexical cohesion.
Lexical cohesion refers to the relationships between or among words in a
text. According to Halliday and Hasan (1976:297) lexical cohesion is as the name
implies, it involves a kind of choice that is open ended, the selection of a lexical
item that is in some way related to one occurring previously. Lexical cohesion is
concerned with content words and primarily related to field. Field is discovered
through the content words within a text. It tends to have specialized vocabularies
and tends to engage in specialized activities. Moreover, the field is concerned with
the content, topic or subject matter of text. The field is specifically constituated
by three elements of arena or social activity, participants’ characteristic and
semantic domain (Saragih, 2014). Additionally , Saragih (2014: 25) points out the
field of text affects language variety in the sense that the use of language is
affected by what is being talked. From that statement, it can be inffered that
different topics of text are differently realized in language use. Then, every field
of knowledge has its own way of coding experience to indicates authonomy of the
discipline. For example, the field of politics discipline has different of language
use from economics discipline because they have different criteria for indentifying
and categorizing the of object of study. As a result, the different field of text has
different language use in to identify and categorize the object of study.
Furthermore, Halliday and Hasan (1976:288) point out five categories of
lexical cohesion.


1. Repetition (including inflection and derivation)
example: leave – leaving - left
2. Synonymy (similarity of meaning)
example: leave - depart
3. Antonymy (opposite or contrastive meaning)
example: leave - arrive
4. Hyponymy (classes / super ordination and subclasses)
example: flower - rose
5. Meronymy (whole-part relations)
example: flower – petal, stem
The Jakarta post is one of a daily national newspaper in Indonesia, which
is printed in English language. It is firstly published on 25 April 1983 in Jakarta,
which involved in a publishing industry. News story is a factual, prose story for
print or broadcast media about a person, place or event answering these five
questions: who, what, when, where, why and how. Some example of lexical
cohesion are exist in news stories text of politics, economics, and culture in the
Jakarta Post.
1. Lexical cohesion in politics text
a. repetition
clause 1
The President said despite his promise lastweek to issuse a comprehensive
solution to the critical problem


clause 2
He had abundant urgent problems
(Thursday February 12, 2015)
b. synonymy
clause 1
President Joko”Jokowi” Widodo is likely to again delay his final decision
on the conflict between the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK)
and the National Police (Polri)
clause 2
As if to find another excuse to again postpone the decision on who should
become the new Polri chief and how to meet monitoring public pressure
(Thursday February 12, 2015)
2. Lexical cohesion in economics text
a. repetition
clause 1
Indonesia banks plan to generate ate least Rp 49.3 trillion (US$3.85
billion) from the capital market to finance credit expansion this year,
according to the Financial Services Authority (OJK)
clause 2
Some banks have outlined their plans
(Thursday February 13, 2015)


b. hyponymy
clause 1
Some banks have outlined their plans
clause 2
Bank International Indonesia (BII) comes second with Rp 8.4 trillion in
the targeted bond issunces, while CIMB Niaga is next with Rp 6.9 trillion.
(Thursday February 13, 2015)
3. Lexical cohesion in culture field
a. repetition
clause 1
The island’s Greek and Turkish communities are trying to overcome
their differences and find an unusual common cause: halloumi cheese
clause 2
The cheese has been made in Cyprus for centuries by both its Greeke and
Turkish communities
(Thursday February 12, 2015)
b. meronymy
clause 1
Effort to have the increasingly popular “squeaky” cheese granted a
protected Europea Union (EU) status have raised fears


clause 2
That Turkish Cypriot producers will be excluded
(Thursday February 12, 2015)
Additionally, the writer found research of lexical cohesion in newspaper.
For example, Yoan (2010) in An Analysis of Lexical Cohesion in the Cover Story
of Tempo found that there are some of lexical cohesion occur in the cover story of
tempo. From this research, repetition is the most dominat lexical cohesion in the
cover story of tempo. However, the reseach does not explain the reason the use of
lexical cohesion in the cover story of Tempo. This research are used as a reference
for the writer to find more the use of lexical cohesion in media.
In brief, based on the explanation above the writer interests to do the
research in lexical cohesion and filed in news stories text of the Jakarta Post.

Problems of the Study
1. What patterns of lexical cohesion are used in news stories text in fields of
politics, economics, and culture?
2. How is the lexical cohesion employed in news stories text?
3. Why is it used the way it is?


Objectives of the study
In line with the problems, the objectives of study are
1. to determine the pattern of lexical cohesion are used in news stories text
in fields politics, economics, and culture.
2. to describe realizations of lexical cohesion in news stories text.
3. To explain the reason of lexical cohesion used in news stories text.



Scope of the study
In this thesis, the writer would like to focus only on the lexical cohesion

namely repetition, synonym, antonym, hyponymy, and meronymy

based on

Halliday and Hasan’s theory (1976:288) in news stories text in field of politics,
culture, and economics in the Jakarta Post newspaper. Lexical items are limited to
cover four kinds of words or parts of speech namely noun, verb, adjective, and

Signifinace of the study
The findings of the research are expected to offer both theoritically and

practically in some respects.
1. Theoritically, the findings can be useful for enriching the theories on
lexical cohesion particularly for understanding the processes, and the
reason of lexical cohesion are used in news stories text of Jakarta post
2. Practically, the finding can be useful for those who have focus on
linguistics study especially the lexical cohesion in news stories text of
newspaper. Moreover, the ideas and the point of views of the the findings
can significantlydy be useful to beused as
a. review of literature for the next researcher,
b. reference for teacher in teaching English particularly related lexical
cohesion, and
c. material for helping student particularly in comprehending and
understanding reading material.



With reference to research problem, some conclusions are specified as the

1) It was found that the patern of lexical cohesion in news stoeies text of the
Jakarta Post. In politics, the major patern of lexical cohesion is repetition,
while in economics, the major patern of lexical cohesion are repetition
and hyphonymy. On the other hand, in culture the major patern of lexical
cohesion are are repetition, hyphonymy, meronymy, and meronymy.
2) The realization of lexical cohesion in news stories text of the Jakarta Post
newspaper namely; repetition, synonymy, antonymy, hyphonymy, and
meronymy. Repetition, in which lexical items is repeated, sometimes in
diferrent grammatical form. Synonymy, in which a similar experiental
meaning is shared by a different lexical items. Antonymy, in which two
lexical items have opposing meaning. Hyponymy and meronymy often
work together in the development of text, as when some entity is being
subclassified into subclasses by reference to properties of their parts.
3) The reason for the use of lexical cohesion in news stories text are initiates
or expands on the field of the text, and this field expects a predictable
range of related lexical items to follow. Lexical cohesion between lexical
items are interpreted in terms of the field, as the reader or listener
understandant it such as repetition is particularly useful resources where
the text is very complex. It enable the writer to keep one or more lexical


string relative simple, while complex lexical relations are constructed
around them. Synonymy used by the writer to avoid the repetition, and it
may also differ in attitude their express. Antonymy an important resource
in many genres for construing classifying taxonomies in which one class
of phenomenom is distinguished from another. Antonymy are also
important resource for construing arguments and interpretations, in which
one position or set behaviours and qualities is preferred over another.
Hyphonymy used by the writer to develop by means of elobaration.
Meronymy used by the writer to develop by means of extending domain.

In relation to the conclusions, suggestions are staged as the following;
1) It is suggested to the other researcher to use all types of cohesion in doing
the research in textual analysis such as newspaper.
2) In newspaper where lexical cohesion is used, it suggested for language
teacher to use the types of lexical cohesion in teaching english especially
in reading in order to expand students vocabulary.
3) It is suggested to the newspaper editor to distinguish the types of lexical
cohesion in writing the news stories text.


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