Soil wa Figure 8 sho Evapor

Figure 7. C volume Co

4.3 Soil wa Figure 8 sho

P n . The time with a decre Time depend In Eq. 11, t Comparison o mparaison d ater storage ows the tem e gradient of ease in | P n |. dency of  m f the co-efficie of observed des valeurs o du volu poral variatio  m , d  m dt , i for each P n c ents, s and u s . 4   u and calculat observées et ume de sol m ons in the vo s very small can be expre m u   are given in 08 .   n P s 1 . 35 . 2  n P ted temporal calculées de mouillé olumetric wa for t  72 ho essed by for s ut terms of P n 09 . 07 . 1  n P variations in es variations ater content, ours but tend r 24 ≤ t ≤ 72 h as follows: n wetted soil s temporelles  m , for every ds to increase hours: 11 12 13 s y e Figure 8. Temporal variations in volumetric water content Les variations temporelles de la teneur en eau volumétrique Finally, M soil is calculated by the following equation: wet m w soil V M    14 where  w is the density of water. Figure 9 shows the observed M soil obtained from the electric balance reading and M soil calculated by substistuting Eqs. 4 and 11 into Eq. 14. Initially, M soil increased remarkably with t and then the time increment of M soil gradually became small. Both the observed and calculated M soil are in good agreement with each other.

0.02 0.04

0.06 0.08

0.1 0.12 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Elapsed time, t hour Volum etric w ater conte nt for w ett ed soil volum e, Ѳ m P n m -0.02 -0.07 -0.10 Symbol Figure 9. C storage Co

4.4 Evapor

Figure 10 sh porous pipe variation in A hours: where c 1 = 1 Figure 11 sh linear relatio dM heva dA we small with th When the s following eq Comparison omparaison d ration hows the rel and t. A wet i A wet is descri 10 -6 and hows the re on to A wet a et means the he increase in oil surface i uation: of observed des valeurs o de stock lation betwee ncreased wit bed by the fo 0003 . d  lation betwe approximatel e evaporation n | P n | and is m s wet, the e M and calcula observées et kage de leau en the wette th a decreas ollowing linea t c A wet  1 0005 . 3 n P  en evaporat y, regardles n mass flux, given by the 58 . 4  heva P m evaporation r hev heva m M  ted tempora t calculées le u du sol ed soil surfac se in | P n | at t ar equation f d  0167 . n n P  tion rate, M h ss of P n . Th , m heva . The e following eq 58 .  n P rate, M heva , c wet va A l variations in es variations ce area, A we the same t . T for every P n f 2 heva and A wet . he gradient value of m h quation: can be calcu n soil water temporelles et , around th The tempora for 24 ≤ t ≤ 72 15 16 . M heva has a of M heva , i.e heva becomes 17 ulated by the 18 e al 2 5 6 a e. s e 8 In order t made in t 1. a 2. T c The values o respectively Figure 10. T Figure 12 illu wetted soil s Figure 12 c respectively these three the calculati the critical S Figure 11. to calculate t this study. Evaporation appearance The appear commencem of t i observed . Temporal var ustrates the surface, i.e. correspond t . Since the d values [= M on of M eva w SWS in this p Relation betw entre le t the temporal from the of the wetted ance time o ment time of e d were 4, 8 riations in we dans le decision pro M c according to M c at ob deviations be M c1 + M c2 + M c3 was started a paper. ween evapo aux d’évapo variation in soil surfac d soil surface of the wette evaporation, and 16 hour etted soil sur e sol mouillé s ocedure of M g to the abo served t i fo etween M c1 , 3] was ado at time t = t ic ration rate a ration et la s M eva , the foll e begins s e. ed soil surfa t i . rs for P n = - 0 rface area L surface M soil required f ove assumpt r P n = - 0.0 M c2 and M c3 opted as M c c when M soil nd wetted so surface de so lowing assum simultaneous ace is the s 0.02, - 0.07a es variations for the appea ions. M c1 , M 02, - 0.07 a 3 were small, = 0.014 kg l reached M c oil surface ar ol humide mptions were sly with the same as the and - 0.10 m s temporelles arance of the M c2 and M c3 in and - 0.1 m the mean o . As a result c . M c is called rea Relation e e e m, s e n m, of t, d Figure 12. Decision procedure of critical soil water storage Procédure de décision de stockage en eau du sol critiques Figure 13 shows the comparision of the observed M eva and calculated one. After substituting Eqs. 15 and 17 into Eq. 18, M eva was calculated by the following equation:   t t heva eva ic dt M M 19 It is seen that there is little discrepancy between the calculated M eva and the observed one for every P n even though the maximum difference between t i and t ic was about 5 hours see Figure 12. Figure 13. Comparison of observed and calculated temporal variations in evaporation Comparaison des valeurs observées et calculées les variations temporelles de lévaporation

4.5 Supplie