Related Studies Method of the Study

4. Robby Tarigan 28 years old Fruit seller 5. Erikson Sembiring 34 years old Fruit seller 6. Juriah Br. Tarigan 40 years old fruit seller 7. Ismet Tarigan 24 years old Fruit seller 8. Rosmalem Br.Simalem 43 years old Vegetable seller 9. Kesia Br. Sembiring 48 years old Vegetable seller 10. Andre Parangin Angin 32 years old Vegetable seller 11. Rindu Tarigan 28 years old Vegetable seller 12. Rini Br. Karo Karo 48 years old Vegetable seller

2.8 Related Studies

There are some scholars who ever did the research about language choice that relates to the topic. They are: Tanner 1976 did his research about the Speech and Society among the Indonesians Elite: a Case Study of a Multilingual Community. There is a small community of twenty-six members made up of Indonesian graduate students, their wives, and their children in American University town. They used to local language, Bahasa Indonesia, and foreign language with language with different poropses. They use local language for the same ethnic group, Bahasa Indonesia for different ethnic group, while foreign languge used to communicate with foreigner. Ridwan 1996 in Yusriadi’s thesis 2006: 7 did his research about ‘Language Use by Acehnese in Medan’. In formal meeting, Acehnese more dominant use Bahasa Indonesia than Aceh language. Contrary to the formal meeting, in non-formal meeting, they the Acehnese mix their language either Aceh language or Bahasa Indonesia. The Acehnese Universitas Sumatera Utara usually use Aceh language to communicate each other especially among the old one. Yusriadi 2006 has done an analysis of language choice in his thesis entitled ‘The Use of Vernacular Language Among The Gayo Students at North Sumatera University’. In his thesis, he finds that the most Gayonese students use mixing language Gayo-Indonesia in formal meeting but different from formal occasion, in non-formal meeting, they use different language for different circumstances. Universitas Sumatera Utara CHAPTER III METHODE OF RESEARCH

3.1 Method of the Study

The method of this thesis is qualitative research. As quoted from Dr. Mahsun, M.S. that entitled Metode Penelitian Bahasa 2005: 232: “Pada penelitian kualitatif, paradigma metodologis yang digunakan induktif. Kegiatan penyediaan datanya merupakan kegiatan yang berlangsung secara simultan dengan kegiatan analisis data, prosesnya berbentuk siklus bukan linear. Hal ini tentu tidak lepas pula dari hakikat penelititan kualitatif yang bertujuan untuk memahami fenomena sosial termasuk fenomena kebahasaan yang tengah diteliti”. In qualitative research, the method that used is inductive. The activity in supplying the data is an activity that takes place in stimulant with an activity in data analysis; the process is organized in cycles not linear. Of course, it is not release from the basic of qualitative research that the propose is to understand the phenomenon of social belonging to phenomenon of language which is being do. Therefore, in this method by seeing the participants’ culture, what participants see as important in behavior, physical or social environment, or other factors are done for doing this thesis. The activities of Karonese fruit and Karonese vegetable sellers at Pajak Sore at Jl. Jamin Ginting Medan are written and are identified in textual narrative forms, and non- numeric by explaining their cultures, behaviors in their daily activities. Universitas Sumatera Utara Therefore, that is why it is suitable by using the qualitative method for analyzing the data.

3.2 Research Design